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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

- Member Announcements... 4th May 2011 18:54 Hot damn!

Haven't even seen the costume yet. Just for fun till I see it, I'm imagining a skin tight green body suit with a flower head.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

- Member Announcements... 4th May 2011 18:54 Hot damn!

Haven't even seen the costume yet. Just for fun till I see it, I'm imagining a skin tight green body suit with a flower head.

And now I know what I'm drawing first with my new graphic tablet when it arrives.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

-What is your mental malfunction?-April 21st at 6:41AM-This one pissed me off majorly.

_____-April 28th at 7:04PM-Blank rep for the same post above.

+Making things even-May 2nd at 4:12PM-Pity reputation that I that almost made up for the last -rep.

+Lol-May 2nd at 5:31PM-This could be anyone. Except people without a sense of humor.

_____-May 2nd at 9:23PM-Blank rep for the same post as the very first one.

-too passive aggressive-May 3rd at 9:16AM-Thats a telling of my opinion and point of view. I am accepting my views confidently and showing it to you, I am not acting passive aggressive.

-You're a fucking numbskull. And spell it right.-May 3rd at 8:33PM-This one is too easy, ToxicShock. Hey Toxic, everyone doesn't think that it was a stupid post and are you the new sherrif of the grammer police?

_____-May 4th at 4:46PM-A blank rep for something, I don't know what.

Hey, I still care LOL-May 4th at 7:45PM-Blank rep from WithdrawnWings on the same post as the my latter rep.

(The above statments are from my heart.....and all the reps I got since I created this account)
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ink, I gave you +rep, so that hopefully the kindness would have a butterfly effect on you and you become a gazillionaire. :3
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

3rd May 2011 21:26 You are everything that is wrong with newbies and I hope you die a long, drawn out death that may or may not include all your loved ones.

Hey, any attention is good right?
What did you get that for?
For posting an apology to Demi for not having read an earlier post from what I gather.
For apologizing.... 0_o
It wasn't me. I was saying, its quite strange that you'd say that after I post that page.

If you don't know yet, I made one post with a link on it. He said something similar to the page. I say it is similar. He aplogizes for not noticing. Lastly, I describe that page.

It might of been the same guy that liked it before, using the comment "Lol". Thats what I say.

(Sorry for the double post, but it doesn't "fit in" with the post above this one)

Edit @ the negrepper who comment on this post: I don't bitch, I clear names.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

-You're a fucking numbskull. And spell it right.-May 3rd at 8:33PM-This one is too easy, ToxicShock. Hey Toxic, everyone doesn't think that it was a stupid post and are you the new sherrif of the grammer police?

*sheriff* *grammar*, and shut up, prick. You warn people about topics being locked for being off topic and go on a retard-rant. So you KNOW that the problem exists and STILL do it. I feel like no matter how I explain this to you, your anger against me or your need to defend yourself will never let you see how you were a complete hypocrite.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Rant all you want Toxic. I was done with it after that post you quoted. Actually, I was only bummed out when you stopped the conversation. Yet, it doesn't bother me. I got a friend after it was done.

Only thing left is your anger. It was two days ago, not an hour ago. Tone it down a bit. Even when I say I'm pissed, I am really just dissapointed. I havn't gotten truly mad at anyone in four years, and yet I was truely was just dissapointed with some anger.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And yet you're the one who continued with the comments in this thread. Clearly, I am the one upset. Don't expect to make a half assed defense or accusation in my direction and THEN conveniently take the high horse when I respond.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

And yet you're the one who continued with the comments in this thread. Clearly, I am the one upset. Don't expect to make a half assed defense or accusation in my direction and THEN conveniently take the high horse when I respond.
If you really think I'm mad, read on->
(The above statments are from my heart.....and all the reps I got since I created this account)
In other words, its me posting all my reps and rep comments. I thought I should put a description for people that see these posts. So I put them and you reant about the one you commented on because I called you the "the new sherrif of the grammer police." Also, if I was mad, why was this said:
Wow, shut the fuck up.
Told ya D':
It was still fun while it lasted.

That doesn't look an angry statment to me. Who else thinks this isn't an angry statement? Better yet, are we done?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Hey Toxic, everyone doesn't think that it was a stupid post and are you the new sherrif of the grammer police?

Dude, that was two days ago. Calm down man.

Ok, so my recent reps.

Righteous Anger burns hot within! Use it young padawan... may the fourth be with you! [...]

Arguing, internet, special olympics, etc.

I never understood that joke. That joke is like a race in the special olympics. Despite the fact that it's been going on so long that it's now sad instead of funny and everyone lost interest, some retard is still running it. So keep calling everyone else retarded because your usage of "copypasta" (read: plagiarism) doesn't exactly strike you as an intellectual either. It's just a way to hop on a high horse without having to actually demonstrate any intelligence or reason.

IE: I can't argue but I declare arguing is stupid, therefore I still win.

Yes, your the angry one, got it?
I am of disagreement. Of course, I can't prove anything since emotion doesn't play through text, so it seems we're both at a stalemate here.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The first one sounds like someone is just messing with you.
The second one sounds like some doesn't want any flaming from the start.
The third one is mine, I admit it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The first one was honest, I know that much.
The second one sounds like they'd negrep you too if they truly didn't want any arguing, else they're not repping for the right reasons, they're just spewing bull in their comments.
I knew the third was you. Don't worry about it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Weeeell, I got 6 negetive and one positive comment since the last report. I shall not say anything else since i got all 6 originating started with the report. So...yesterday I started with about +23 rep. Now I have -131 rep from just 7 posts in two days. Those were also the only reputation changes I had in those two days. I feel hitting myself with a slegehammer. Mostly because one of them is just a spelling error and another is because I'm controlling.:confused: Its a one way street: either I edit my posts or they are misleading posts. :confused:
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

You're getting a tablet eh? What kind?

A Wacom Cintiq 12 WX. I would link you where I got it from but apparently it doesn't have it on the website anymore. It's a touch screen one though and it cost me a little under £1000. So gonna get my drawing on with this once I get my new PC. Speaking of drawing...

In theory the only reason I have to negrep you for this post is because you wrote it in an annoying way, but I also have a general reason for negrepping you for being a lazy bastard, but in this case you actually put more effort into ma(out of space)

Looks like some dumb fuckass doesn't get the fucking reference I was making. Poor piece of shit, s/he doesn't know what the fuck s/he's missing out on. Also, me being a 'lazy bastard' is a reason for you to -rep me? Why, because I should cater to you and every other fuckwits sense of over entitlement? It is ultimately my decision whether or not I'll spend time drawing, playing video games or just plain fuck around like a 'ChIlL mOtHeRfUcKeR'. And I cannot recall ever saying that I owed it to anyone to draw with the passion I once had AND making comments like you did in your -rep only serves to hinder the progress on the doujin, which is more than likely what you were referencing to.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yeah, I don't give a shit that this is a double post not 30 minutes after my original post but I can't exactly edit it in.

Well, see, as I was saying before I run out of space, I had contradictory reasons to negrep you. Of course, now I also have additional reason to negrep you, because you're being rude and you don't even recognize you(I was going to sign that, really,

You must be one of the dumbass useless sack of shit newbies because none of the regulars or long term members would say I'm being rude and not recognising it or if they do think that then they've suddenly gone down in my estimation. Of course I know I'm being rude you stupid fucking piece of shit, have you not realised that anger is my thing? Like, it's a thing that's never stopped happening and from the way this is going will never stop happening. And you know why? Because of fuckass's like yourself, that's why. So next time, unless I'm being unnecessarily harsh (which is never you stupid cunt) think before acting.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yeah, I don't give a shit that this is a double post not 30 minutes after my original post but I can't exactly edit it in.

Well, see, as I was saying before I run out of space, I had contradictory reasons to negrep you. Of course, now I also have additional reason to negrep you, because you're being rude and you don't even recognize you(I was going to sign that, really,

You must be one of the dumbass useless sack of shit newbies because none of the regulars or long term members would say I'm being rude and not recognising it or if they do think that then they've suddenly gone down in my estimation. Of course I know I'm being rude you stupid fucking piece of shit, have you not realised that anger is my thing? Like, it's a thing that's never stopped happening and from the way this is going will never stop happening. And you know why? Because of fuckass's like yourself, that's why. So next time, unless I'm being unnecessarily harsh (which is never you stupid cunt) think before acting.

Am I the only one who finds reading this hilarious?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Am I the only one who finds reading this hilarious?

It's because my anger is hilarious and you probably enjoy seeing me suffer in any form. Not that I can blame you.
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