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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Holy fucking shit, someone missed the goddamn point entirely. Sin wasn't saying people don't give a shit about their reps, because clearly some people do. What Sin was saying TO IGGY is to stop his fucking whining about the rep system if he doesn't care about it so much, because the more you whine about something the more it seems as if you do care.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Shoosh... Sponges aren't for heroics... There for Janitors!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Tell that to sponge BOB...

I am not the first sponge with aspirations of divine will, and I SHALL PREVAIL AND SHINE LIGHT ON THIS OTHERWIZE DANK SNARKY FORUM!..

(Sorry, I didn't want to milk it but you forced my hand)

(Hah... How's THAT for an innuendo?..)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

haha well
The Good
"Sarcasm at it's finest :p"
"All of my boners."
"totally random rep, sorry"

The Funny
"Your taste is fucking terrible."
"You're always bitching. Tit-faggot."

And the Hilarious(And a shout-out to one of my favorite forum peeps lol)
"lol, disregard SirOni. He always seems to have shit in his pants." :p <3 Oni
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Thank you Oni.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Not that these cunts are listening to a single word we're saying.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Cunts do not listen. Ears are for that.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Aww, they're having fun. At least some of them are, anyway.


I feel like an indulgent Aunt. Hey Sponge! You want some candy and an annoying noise-making toy?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well, as I predicted, I got neg-repped 3 (5 counting the 2 for this post) times worth -100 points
for that brave post chastising the snarky dill-weeds around here..

Not bad, not bad.. At least now I know to pick my battles, and wait till
I've got opinion-money (aka rep-bars) BEFORE spending it on fancy remarks
and courageous speeches about controversial issues.

*says in terminator voice*

I'll be back...

Edit: Oops, there goes another bar.. Looks like I made another one of the snobs mad..
Better get out of here and go earn some more to spend before I go broke again. ^^

Edit2: Hey, there goes another bar! 3 down in only 2 posts, that's a personal record!

Edit3: Ah, and now comes the turn-around.. Someone gave me a bar out of admiration/pity.
Thank you!

Edit4: And another bar earned back.. My hopes are truly lifted by these events.. I am grateful
for your faith in me.
Last edited:
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well... I've actually made a general self policy of not reping you in any form for posts good or bad, because it tends to set you off on self destructive spirals. So the rep didn't come from me.

But you did kinda call a lot of people stuck up snooty snobs. Even meant in humour, you have made a reputation for yourself for those previous rants where you labelled and grouped people into elitist conspirators before.

And now you're calling people snarky dill weeds, and snobs, again. Spirals man. Spirals.

People have pretty high rep power these days, so rep bars shift quickly, and a full green bar can be gotten within a month. There are total newbies around with higher rep than me, and I've only got a grand total of six neg reps since this forum launched. They seem to be getting along pretty well. So what's the difference between them and you? Are they also snarky snobs?

It is possible, that just maybe, they don't throw provocative insults out every other post.
((And I do actually understand that you don't literally throw them out every other post, but if someone was to only ever see you when you post in the reputation thread (like me for example, for the most part), you do pretty much put yourself forward as quite a dramatic ass.))
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Sorry, but when I call someone snarky.. It isn't an insult,
it's the cold hard truth.. (As proven regarding my rep from vince)

Some of them can take it with dignity, or some of them can claim
I'm some paranoid crack-pot, but the end result is the same..

They act snarky, and I call them out on it..

There's no spiraling, and no assumptions.

Like I said, saying what needs to be said costs you, there's no
"nice" way to state an opinion that controversial WITHOUT being
snarky.. And since I really hate being snarky, I'd just rather be
blunt and honest..

One thing I will take back is this.. Not ALL high-rep people are snarky..

Not all regulars, or certain kinds of people are snarky..

Only snarky people are snarky.. So if I was neg-repped for making
a bad generalization, well hey.. Lesson learned, and I apologize.

Let's drop it for now, I've got nothing left to say.. PM me if you really want to argue about it..
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Are you sure you don't want some Candy, Sponge? -waves it around-

OH! And i got a grey rep a while back about me hating research papers, and I want to know who you are! Maybe we could nerd out over creative writing together?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

"I don't want to live in a world where I never got to read somebody calling you a tit-faggot. BAHAHAHA"

Glad I made your world! :D:cool:
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

SPONGE. THIS POSITIVE REP. I can't tell if it's sarcasm or not! -flails!-

And to the person who said i need to Discipline my nephew(s), 1. I dun has any D: coz no siblings and 2. If i did, it's Auntie and Gramma's job to spoil them rotten and then hand them back to their parents :'D
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

The Reputation... 16th April 2013 14:28 They're

Witch their arr yew reefer-ing two?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

rather extreme there...

Yet failing at your job so badly that you put a baby's life at risk, and then when you get called out on it instead of going "well I'm an idiot" you instead call the police on the couple and have their child taken away isn't?

Or is it you just don't believe in capital punishment for the bullshit that was pulled here? Either way. I stand by my statement.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Wouldn't it be more of a punishment for the doctor to live with it? Have nightmares about it? Have it on his conscience every day?
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