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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ok, here is some of the comments i got.


'Stop whining. They'll probably just be shitty links anyway.'

'Holy necro batman. Forgot that thread existed'


'This is bad form'

'your games are shit, bye'

I would like to ask on my User CP page, there is a small square before each of comment with different colors like red, green and blue/grey. I am wondering is it the negative or positive of the comment or it is the reputation of the one who give me the comment. Also, how does the system determine the reputation points?
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

your games are shit, bye

Well.. I mean... shit IS a frequent element of your games :p

The values to each person's rep, whether positive or negative, is determined by a factor of their own rep. Green is positive. Red is negative. Grey is neutral (meaning the person who is trying rep you either positive or negative has negative or low rep themselves, so they give you no value)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well.. I mean... shit IS a frequent element of your games :p

The values to each person's rep, whether positive or negative, is determined by a factor of their own rep. Green is positive. Red is negative. Grey is neutral (meaning the person who is trying rep you either positive or negative has negative or low rep themselves, so they give you no value)

Yea, lol! Maybe i am getting some of the negative comments because of my games which is sad... And here are the newest comments i got :

'Welcome to the forum, dumbass'

'Complaining about it in the rep thread accomplishes nothing.'

Guess i am determined to get more and more negative reputation....
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well no one said the people here are likeable, especially when they hop on that high horse. But yes, a general rule is when people complain about being negged, they usually just get negged more
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't really understand the obsession with rep...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't really understand the obsession with rep...

It is just i am new here and see most of you are with positive reputation and thats why i was worried and asked... and at the same time i can gain some post count, hehe.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

It is just i am new here and see most of you are with positive reputation and thats why i was worried and asked... and at the same time i can gain some post count, hehe.

Rep doesn't mean anything except to those that think a highly abusable system is a good measure of character.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

No he doesn't. You don't get posts for posting the the PBP section (countdown 1,000,000)

You shouldn't have been negged, but that's users here being jaded from other users who spam to get around the prevention of bots linking not liking that you mentioned your dislike of it, despite the fact that you weren't spamming, just expressing your displeasure of it.

I was talking about the attitude, not the specific requirements. Granted, the fact that he didn't immediately start spamming is a very good sign, after how the last 2-3 times someone complained in the hate thread about that specific requirement went. Now, the use of the word "should" in either context might not be fitting. Nobody "should" do anything, in the majority of situations.

I'm not going to lie though, I was probably the first one to neg rep him, because I saw it within about 5 minutes of posting and considering that the last few times it happened it was someone who just went about the forum posting 15 times to get around the rule, which in my opinion is definitely something I would neg rep for, I figured I would just get it out of the way. (Which is a separate conversation we can have, if you want to)

However, it seems Combin_Ation stopped there and wasn't going to spam, so I'll plus rep him to "take it back". I'll also say though that my neg rep was the one that said "bad form", which I stand by as a comment, as it is generally bad form to complain about that rule :p ;)

Also look at all these posts we're getting now in this thread :p
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't really understand the obsession with rep...

I can just speak for myself, I did join this forum to get help on translating a game, and I figured having red rep (red is an alarming color), would not be a good outlet, to actually be able to connect with people, that would have helped you/me more willingly without that red light bulb on your profile, and in your/my posts!

Personally, I dont give a rats ass:eek: about most of other people's opinion, on how I behave or how they think I should, but if it hinders me in my progression, it annoys me and makes me feel sad conscerning that matter.

And yes, a few people who have helped me, did just create a new account, to be able to send me private messages, meaning, they probably do not know about the rep system, all they do see is a red bar on your profile and on your posts, that states, 'this person is not very popular'. //makes you think uugh, doesn't it?
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Rep doesn't mean anything except to those that think a highly abusable system is a good measure of character.

I don't think it's so much the amount of rep as the positive and negative energy you receive from anonymous comments, and there's no real outlet to reply, so people just express their feelings here. Of course, they could vent their feelings in other ways too like frolicking joyously through a meadow, crying into your favorite plushy's arms, or setting people on fire in a video game. Most people just choose to post here though. :p

Combin: Hang in there kiddo. Turn that negative energy into a positive like learning what people find acceptable around here. Or if you don't give a fuck, more power to you. Love you for you!
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Thank you everyone, guess i am done with this reputation thread. It is good to know more! Now i just need a few more posts to post links and demo on my game's thread...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Left the thread and immediately necroed a thread from 2009 in the archive... *facepalm*

Kids these days, they grow up so fast...
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Similar to what I did when I first came here, iirc. Fun times.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Ok, it is my bad.... I was just looking for thread to reply.... But if it is old and should not be replied. Shouldn't it be locked, so it won't become a trap for new user like me? Also, is there truly a rule that you can't reply to those thread?
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

There's no rule against it, but you're essentially mismanaging space and inconveniencing the forum or people who might get excited by the thread's revival only to be disappointed that it was just somebody new posting. It's not a rule so much as "correct netiquette" around these forum-parts. And reviving a dead thread isn't a bad thing if you think it legitimately has the means to actually be revived and carry on as a live thread for awhile, but if you don't know then you probably haven't been lurking long enough.

And to answer your question, it's easy enough to check the dates and times of posts, where as locking every single thread that doesn't see action for a month or two could be crippling work for the mods/admins if it isn't automated, and automating it sounds to me like more trouble than it's honestly worth.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Besides, if thread-locking was automated after a certain period of thread inactivity, then that would just create yet another hassle for posters with legitimately new content having to post the mods/admins to open the thread, which just sounds unnecessarily bureaucratic.

(Pardon if this was the hassle that Cappy was originally referring to.)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

That, or they'd have to post a new thread

Which would put a new thread up which acts pretty much the same as an old one coming back.
Just with less posts
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Personally I've long felt that we've became far too fussy about which threads should be allowed to live or remain discussed in. It's one of the things that largely stopped me posting and mostly ended up migrating to just RPs and casually watching the shoutbox. Always feels like anything posted here has to fit exacting traditional categories and be expected to last three years on the front page, or else it gets shunned as a bad thread. If someone tries to discuss something that's been discussed before, they get told to use the search function, and if someone necros, they get told off even if their post matched the thread's topic.

We've virtually had the same 10 or so front page threads for the last five years. I'm not really going to feel inconvenienced if the games discussion thread or any other slips off the 1st page for a few days. It won't be hard to find when it's needed again.

Let the newbies necro I say. Let em post up bizarre thread topics that can be discussed for a week and then forgotten. Place could do with a bit of raising the dead.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Getting back on subject...

Positive rep: :(

It's good to know that pic is doing it's job of spreading the sadness, and that I'm not the only one who is depressed by it.
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