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The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Yes, I understand. It's just the semantics that bug me sometimes.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

All lives matter, people just need to stop with stereotyping and police need to be more accountable for their actions. No more of the segregation, rise above and make all lives equal. That's the thing though no culture or person is the same that's why this is never gonna end, I wish it did. If M.L.K and Malcolm x saw this they would be even more disappointed that their deaths were for nothing. :(
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I don't like groups in general. Groups lead to enhanced out group homogenity bias, more commonly (and simplified) known as us vs them mentality. The real way to end violence is to expand the circle.
On that end we could really use some hostile aliens to unite against. :p
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread


Okay, I get it. Somebody criticizing a black empowerment group when all the news stations say that they're doing legitimately good things for the community, and every news story covers how there's been another travesty against the black community, and how they have always been peaceful protesters and advocates of human rights. That's what it says on the news, it's what it says on the cover when you read their materials in writing, I mean, if everyone is saying so on TV it has to be true right? Except if you actually look at livestreams and video footage on youtube, and watch some of the vlogs of the people involved, and also read up on some of their, ehehe, *cough* "Academia", the true character of BLM starts to come into focus.

Believe it or not, I support black empowerment in America, their community is poverty stricken to the extreme and they're in a cultural blackhole of violence, drugtrade, and other criminal elements, and it's all down to the mean spirited upper class people and authority figures who traded their ancestors for money or trade goods. Whether it be the African Kings who sold them, or the rich politicians and white people (and others) who bought them and subsequently treated them like subhumans. They do need help to be brought out of that situation, but do you know who isn't helping?

Black Lives Matter. Do you know why? Because of the way a large amount of them conduct themselves, and not to mention their disproportionately huge focus on ideas based around class dynamics and group psychology with barely a sliver of expertise to back it up, at least, if you look at the papers they use to qualify and graduate in sociology, I mean some of the stuff that goes through is quite seriously reminiscent of things I've seen out of a special needs school. Without regard for the individual, they will put people in boxes based on their skin colour and act out if they don't fit their expectations, and that is how they perceive people. The reason why BLM are absolute garbage, because for lack of a better phrase, they explicitly allow violent racists and anti-semites to rant and rave and even act out violently, and then they will cover up for those people in order to maintain good press. Further more, I know for a fact that when other black people distance themselves or critique BLM they're subjected to incredibly cruel treatment, and get labeled as an "Uncle Ruckus" or "Uncle Tom", which to me is far more racist than simply calling somebody "the n word" because it completely fails to account for their personal experience both as a black person and just as a person in general.

As long as BLM not only allows for this behaviour to take place, but explicitly encourages it with their overtly over emotional demonstrations and speeches in which they act as if they have personally been victim in something like a war tragedy, I will denigrate them as much as I so please, thank you very much. It's fucking pathetic to see an upper-middle class cunt from college who doesn't know what actual hardship feels like stand up on stage and scream with tears streaming down their face about how a swaztika smeared on the wall with poop ruined their lives, when those same people aren't conjuring up their own false flags to complain about. FUCK. OFF.

BLM is trash.

Hahaha, I got the exact same neg-rep. I can tell you it's someone with about 160 or so rep power, no creativity what-so-ever, and an inability to distinguish your outright disapproval of BLM (which you have convinced me of, though I was toeing the line previously) and my skepticism of the reported events.

So in summation, well done Cappy! I now believe the antithesis of BLM: Black Lives Dont Matter. Somehow this seems a bit extreme but eh, your impassioned speech and that negrep pushed me over the edge!

Idiot Lives Don't Matter

This one was a much better negrep! Though... you do realize that you're saying exactly what I have for a loooooong time: That we shouldn't be trying so hard to save people from their own stupidity. Holy crap, I FOUND SOMEONE THAT AGREES WITH ME! EVERYONE LOOOOOOOOOK!!!!!!! THIS PERSON AGREES WITH ME.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I feel the urge to run like a campaign where the tentacle monsters have formed an activist group.

'Sexually advancing oneself on women is part of our culture!' 'OMG did you just say 'tentacle rape?' Do you know how offensive that is?'
'You called me a monster. I AM SO TRIGGERED RIGHT NOW!'
'This is a save-space for all kinds of bukkake'
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

I feel the urge to run like a campaign where the tentacle monsters have formed an activist group.

'Sexually advancing oneself on women is part of our culture!' 'OMG did you just say 'tentacle rape?' Do you know how offensive that is?'
'You called me a monster. I AM SO TRIGGERED RIGHT NOW!'
'This is a save-space for all kinds of bukkake'

Pervy, lol XD
Fight for . Maybe
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

"My house is near to that brushfire, I'll need some extra help with fireproofing."
"Wow, Tim, I can't believe you're being so divisive, don't you know that *all houses need fireproofing*?"
"Sure, but my house is really, really close to that, and it's been a dry year, and-"
"Yeah, well my house could also burn, you know"
"That's not what I'm saying, and sure, we'll look at that, but right now the brushfire is spreading and things are getting really dire."
"There you go again, ignoring all the other houses."

Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

There we are with the false dichotomy in a shifty metaphor. I already said that there's a need for the black community to be helped but that the way they're going about it is wrong. That quote, is a perfect example of the low-level sophistry they use to attract the attention of naive open-minded people.

Nobody is disputing the fact that black lives matter, aside from people that most of society collectively ignores, so it's something that doesn't bare the need to be stated. Plenty of people have already put it so much more adequately not to mention more sensibly than BLM, such as MLK, who actually stood for equality rather than a tolerance for supremacy so long as it isn't in front of a camera.

Why do you think they always harass people who try to record them publicly, even though it's perfectly legal to do that in America? Because they can't trust a considerable portion of members of their own group to act in a way that is actually respectable to the average person, and people with hidden cameras and mess-ups with scheduled livestreams prove it.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

They're a stone's throw away from being a new-age black KKK, no matter what message they say they're about, giving them any positive attention is feeding into the same racist ideas that CREATED slavery and segregation. Only this time it's Black supremacy.
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Got a negitive rep for my "all lives matter" comment, saying stupid lives don't matter. If they don't, then where am I gonna get my salty tears from? Who will I point and laugh at when I'm bored? Does that also mean your life doesn't matter as well? :O

Stupid is subjective towards the person, to one person you seem smart and to the other your stupid. People with a superiority complex call others stupid despite the fact they themselves are flawed. >.>

This is not aimed towards anyone. (Except the guy who slap a neg rep and won't stand for his/her opinion.)
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

They're a stone's throw away from being a new-age black KKK, no matter what message they say they're about, giving them any positive attention is feeding into the same racist ideas that CREATED slavery and segregation. Only this time it's Black supremacy.

Shit, that's true.... I don't get why so many of these rights' groups have vocal members who advocate the advantages of whatever the organization is supposed to fight for their own group/gender/race, and then no one seems to comment on it. Or the ones who do are shouted down and silenced.

I understand people can be passionate and fight hard against discrimination they experience, but they actually understand how it feels like, and most don't seem willing to inflict that on others. The fanatics all seem to have just read about it and jump on the bandwagon, or are in it for power in some form or other. :/

Just my five cents anyway, note opinion may be incorrect.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Reputation inpact on something ?
Like, if you get a very good reputation, you will earn the achievement of an angel in the flesh.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well, there is an impact just not for positive rep. Keep annoying people enough and your rep will drop so low you'll get banned.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Well, there is an impact just not for positive rep. Keep annoying people enough and your rep will drop so low you'll get banned.

Wow, banned you say, it is now clear that the bad reputation leads to bad consequences ... (though I suspected it from the beginning)
I try to be polite with people =)
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Wow, banned you say, it is now clear that the bad reputation leads to bad consequences ... (though I suspected it from the beginning)
I try to be polite with people =)

Don't worry he's busting your balls, rep doesn't mean a thing just don't be a bad asshole. Or a . Mind your grammar, we do have grammar Nazis. XD
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Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Don't worry he's busting your balls, rep doesn't mean a thing just don't be a bad asshole. Or a . Mind your grammar, we do have grammar Nazis. XD

So it's not so scary.
I was not going to be very cocky and rough.
About the fact that on this site loli banned I also realized.
With regard to literacy, my english is not so good so I occasionally can make mistakes, but I'll try to write correctly.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Not being a native speaker/writer is a fair excuse, the whole grammar nazi thing is more about people using l33tspeak or just being lazy.

Anyway, rep doesn't really mean anything, aside from perhaps being a vague indicator of a person's agreeableness.
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Not being a native speaker/writer is a fair excuse, the whole grammar nazi thing is more about people using l33tspeak or just being lazy.

Anyway, rep doesn't really mean anything, aside from perhaps being a vague indicator of a person's agreeableness.

Great now I want to watch pulp fiction. XD
Re: The Reputation Hilarity/Insanity thread

Seems like people are cool with me now that I'm Ryka. Who knew I only needed another mask. My lovely lovely masks. @V@ Precioooooooousssss....

The staff said they don't know how I'd be as Ryka under certain circumstances, but nothing's cropped up. Seems that Lila is not very.... good at socialness...

Also, I predict irony negs. Don't disappoint. Make them funny. :p
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