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The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 53/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 3/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

More silence. The next day they set out. The only thing that was known about the elf was that she tended to come back to the abandoned village between raids. When they found the village again, nothing was to be seen. Pira looked from side to side but didn't make any motions or any other sign that she had seen anything. The house that had been set on fire was now no more than ash and a few pieces of wood that had escaped the fire. However, the fire had not spread anywhere else. The well lay in the center, as ominous as ever. There was a scattering of other builds, a couple were obviously shops, most looked like houses, and there was one big building that was probably administrative in nature.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda didn't like the look or feel of the ghost town. It was too quiet, even for being abandoned. She would motion over to Pira, "Pira. We know the bitch will visit here sometime. I don't plan on camping out here too long, but maybe it would be wise to get the wagon and wait out on the outskirts. We'll take shifts sleeping and keeping watch. I'll take the first shift, and then you can take over. We have to be sure to alert the other as soon as one as catches sight of her. Then we'll be best to keep tabs on her, and try to catch off her guard. Can I count on you for this?" she asked she stood the well waiting. Once Pira gave her her answer, they would hitch up the wagon and wait for her to arrive.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Pira glared at her but all she said was "Yes Mistress." Nothing happened during Makeda's shift but during Pira's shift, she nudged Makeda with her foot, maybe a little more forcefully than necessary. "Something is here." She heard the sounds of pigs, oinks and snorts. There were getting closer and Pira had ducked down next to a corner of what used to be an inn, probably. Down the road came a line of boars, 5 of them in total, followed by the elf, still wearing an expression in the middle of asleep and crazy.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Pigs this time hm?" Makeda mused to herself as she saw the boars come down the road followed by the elf, "You would be outnumbered by those pigs, Pira. But with my armor and defense I should be able to handle them. What I want you to do is be that bitches shadow. Or stay hidden if she doesn't run off this time. I'll try to distract enough for you to try sneak up behind her and get a free shot in. But first I need to take out those boars." she whispered to Pira, then she would wait till the elf was with her back to her and call out, "HEY! BITCH! ITS TINE FOR ROUND TWO!" If the pigs were released to attack her she would get ready rearing her mace back to swing before letting loose of flurry of punches and mace swings while Pira hopefully would manage to sneak up on the elf herself.

((Activate Flurry and Rage.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 47/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

As soon as she hit the first boar, Makeda knew she was in trouble. The beast wasn't nearly as fast as the wolves but it was much tougher. She landed all her blows but the creature kept coming. It was hurt but it didn't look like it was on the brink of collapse and it slammed into her side, cutting her with its fierce tusks. It didn't do much damage to Makeda but it shredded her armor. Makeda guessed that in two, maybe three more hits her armor would be worn away yet again. The other three surrounded her and the elf looked triumphant. Pira was nowhere to be seen but presumably she was looking for an opening.

Mace 15 HIT!
Unarmed 12 HIT!
Mace 14 HIT!
Unarmed 17 HIT!

Mace 1 1 + 4 + 25 = 30
Knuckle 1 4 + 15 = 19
Mace 2 4 + 2 + 25 = 31
Knuckle 2 8 + 15 = 23

Boar has a +50, it automatically hits
6 + 7 + 25 = 38 (-29 AV, armor takes 12)
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda was having a hard time dealing with the boars, they took a lot more damage than the wolves had, but she was not going to give up. She wasn't going down without a fight, one way or the other. Still spurred on by her blinding bloodlust and rage, she would continue swinging at the boar in front of her before moving on to the others. She would swing two more time at the one in front of her before moving onto another one. This time switching back and forth between her mace and her vicious poisonous claws, hoping to soften them up a lil bit, and make them easier to kill.

((Still Raging, and activating Flurry once again.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Makeda's next flurry of attacks finally dropped the boar, leaving three for her to handle. They acted not like boars at all, using tactics and in no time Makeda's armor had once again been shredded. The elf grinned and flicked her whip. The ground the whip had touched suddenly launched itself into the air. The boars scattered as the boulder landed on Makeda. While she endured the attack, the shock of it left her dazed. The boar that came up charging behind her knocked her on her ass and the elf comes up and press her heel on Makeda's head, forcing her into the dirt. Normally Makeda would retaliate but she is pretty sure the boars around her would kill her the moment she tried anything. Unfortunately, Pira was still nowhere to be seen. Though that might be because there really wasn't any good cover to get closer. The elf finally said a word "Mine." Vines enshrouded Makeda and she felt the ground under her move.

When she recovered, Makeda found herself inside of... well, the ground and walls and ceiling were all one piece so she assumed she was inside a tree. There was a window and a table. Everything was covered in a thin layer of filth. The elf was at the table, eating raw plant matter with her fingers. She looked up and smiled at Makeda. "Mine. Mine. Mine." Makeda was bound by ivy. She was damn near encased in the stuff. It seems the elf remembered how easily Makeda had escaped the vines last time and had taken steps. All of her equipment was piled in the side of the room. "We will be friends and you will be friends with my friends."

Makeda hits with 3 of her attacks, killing the boar
Boars hit once each, dealing 41, 46, and 37 damage (dealing 12, 17, and 15 damage to Makeda, destroying her armor)
Elf throws boulder at Makeda
Resistance Check 4 + 17 vs 34 FAILURE
Makeda is stunned
First boar hits Makeda
8 + 17 vs 50 FAILURE
Makeda is Prone
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

..... Damn it! Got careless again! She brought bigger pets to play with this tjme.... No time to steel up either.... I don't plan on becoming anyone's pet though.... Just have to wait it out and try to buy Pira enough time to cut me loose or get the drop on her..... Makeda thought cursing to herself and poor judgement as she found herself waking up covered in vines inside a tree.

"Beating the tar out of me or trying to enslave me isn't a very good way to make friends with me.... As certain individuals may or may not be able to testify" she said softly as she tried to move her head around to get a better insight to the surroundings and her situation "Obviously the town didn't like the way you tried to make friends either, otherwise there wouldn't be a handsome price on your head." She said trying to make conservation and keep the elf focused on her and distracted so Pira could hopefully scope things out, slip by the boars and have an opportunity to sneak in. "That's two sets of armor you owe me, by the way. What's your story, anyways? Everybody's got one I figure, so what's yours? Why you feel the need to drag wild animals around, attacking cities, and causing such a stink? I bet if you tried to make into civilization you wouldn't have to eat rabbit food all the time. There's better stuff out there you know." She said trying to keep the elf talking, her back turned from entry points for Pira, and distracted.

"You know your skills could come in really handy. I wouldn't have to turn you in. If you let us go, we could work up a deal. Give me some of your hair, or a swatch of your clothes, cut yourself and smear the blood around it, some kind of proof we killed you, and find some place new to set up; no one would be the wiser. That would be better for making friends with me than trying to keep me tied up here, and making me stay here. That's just gonna piss me off. And I'm a real bitch when I get pissed off. You wouldn't like it."

((Just keep her distracted till she decides to go to bed, or Long enough for Pira to scout around. Biding time.))
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

The elf woman reacted to all of these statements with a single tilt of the head. "You talk much." She picked up her whip and cracked it in the air. The vines around Makeda came alive. She found herself moving forward and be craning her head around, she found she was now submerged in the chest of a collection of vines that managed to hold a humanoid shape. The vines followed the elf, always slithering around Makeda. "Friends need new friend. Last friend died. I cannot help them." The vines stomped forward as the elf talked nonsense. Eventually they reached a small cliff that looked over a field. Several shorn weeds roamed the field.

Makeda had heard of these creatures. They were ambulatory weed-like creatures that reproduced via females of other races. One shot from their pollen often reduced a woman to a gibbering wreck, desperate for a cock of any kind. The shorn weeds would use their stamen to fuck the woman, impregnating her. The woman then gives birth to an Alraune. "I can not make babies. You can make babies. You help my friends."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda's mouth gaped open for a second then closed as the elf encased her in a body suit of living vines. She listened to the elf talk nonsense for a moment before she was transported to a clif overlooking several shorn weeds. "I see. You must have been kidnapping woman to find a suitable mate/breeder for these shorn weeds. Were they all infertile, or could they just not handle all of them?" She asked as she looking at the many shorn weeds. While she thought that the shorn weeds would help to tame Pira fairly well, she needed to repair the bridge she had already foolishly burnt. The elf was not being entirely unreasonable, but she needed the money. She was too tired and weak at the moment to try fighting out, especially if Pira had not managed to deal with the boars. However, the idea of having an Alurane to bring up and train as a stable mate for Pira was terribly tempting. She would at least try, if nothing else, the fuck session with the Shorn Weeds would at very least buy Pira more time to find an opportunity to either free her or deal with the elf. "I'll tell you what.... I'll help you. I'll let you use me to give birth with the weeds, and I'll ignore the bounty; on one condition. I want to keep the Alurane I birth. It will be MY child, after all. I may even come back for future sessions, if you can agree to this. So.... Do we have a deal?"
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

The elf swayed back and forth for several seconds. Then she head "They and she decide. Not me. I bring." She stuck out her hand and the vines uncoiled just enough for Makeda to move her arm and hand.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

As Makeda's hand was freed she held her chin for several seconds before finally replying, "I don't plan on taking up permanent residency. And I didn't come here and go through all that to walk back empty handed. If she decides to stay, than I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to go back with me and turn yourself in. Maybe if you explain everything they'll show lenience. I'm sorry, I just don't like havin nothing to show for my troubles, you understand? But as it seems that I don't have much choice in the matter now, I'll play nice." She said as she held out her hand to accep the first shorn weed that came to her.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

The elf smirked. The vines surrounding her lowered her down the cliff where the weeds stopped moving and turned towards her. One of them puffed up, then shot a cloud of pollen at Makeda. It instantly started up her sex drive. However, the second shot, no more than a second later, removed her liiter. Her cock became harder than it had ever been and she needed to have something in her. Death would have preferable to having something not stuff up her hole. The weeds were ready, their stamen long and hard and perfectly suited to satisfying her need. Again. And again. And again. By the end of the hour, Makeda's stomach was full of seed and she was covered head to feet with pollen. Even on the ground, her body occasionally arced and she came.

She saw the elf coming towards her, smiling. Then the elf stopped, shocked. She clutched her chest, which had turned red. She fell over, a knife in her back. The weeds let out a trilling sound and went after Pira. A few minutes later, Makeda felt herself being carried. Well, dragged. She left a trail of sperm and seed as they went. If someone normal was trying to track them, they had basically left a line. Fortunately, the weeds didn't seem to think that way and Pira managed to drag Makeda quite far before dropping her. The dust on her palms made her shiver but she wiped it off quickly. Makeda wasn't really in the position to do anything. She was way too tired. Pira looked at Makeda disdainfully but said nothing.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda felt the blood rush to her crotch and loins and her heart beat race as soon as the first pollen shot hit her; when the second one came her mind was gone in an utter haze of lust and desire, her dick feelin like a metal rod. She needed sex, and she needed it now; more than she even needed oxygen. She would violently and wildly thrust her hips back and fourth pistoning into the plants' stamens, stretching and rubbing her inner walls raw. She screamed in ecstatic pleasure and delight, her stomach bulging and deforming from the sheer amounts of cum pouring into her core. After it was all done, she was deep in mindless sexual bliss, covered in the maddening lust enduring pollen. She was slightly stirred out of her lust stupor, when she saw the elf stop dead in her tracks, with Pira's blade stuck in her back. She felt herself being carried by Pira out to the streets, the weeds not having enough brains to follow her trail of semen. When she would eventually come to she would turn to Pira, "Thank you, Pira. Once I'm back to my senses and able to get up on my feet, we'll deal with the weeds and go back for what we came for. I'll let you take the reward. You really did all the work. You deserve it. I know I must look real pathetic now, but those damn pigs took more pain that I counted on. I might even consider taking off the collar, at least for a day or so." She said reaching out to hold Pira's hand. Once he was back to 80% at least she and Pira would head back to the elf's tree trying to avoid the weeds and retrieve their bounty.
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Makeda and Pira manage to avoid the weeds, though Makeda does it just barely. They manage to collect the body and Makeda's equipment and are just getting to the trail when Makeda is struck by sudden pain. She doubles over in agony as her stomach begins to swell. Pira looks at her with a raised eyebrow.
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

As soon as Makeda and Pira manage to get to the edge of trail leading to the carriage, she comes to a halt as she doubles over in pain as if she was struck by large fist or club to her gut. Her stomach begins to swell like a hot air balloon, as she lays hurdled over in a near fetal position. As she sees Pira look at her with her eyebrow arch she speaks "DAMN! I was hoping this kid could wait at least until got to town, or better yet, got our bounty and back to the inn! I think I'm going into labor Pira. I'm afraid we're going to be delayed for a bit. Also, I'm going to need your help delivering this thing.... OOOOOOH...... GAAAAWWWWWDSSSS!" she cried out in pain as she felt her contractions getting worse and worse.....
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Fortunately, the birth, like the gestation, was over quickly. It didn't even take five minutes. Unfortunately, Makeda probably wished it had taken a little longer stretching because during that time, Makeda felt like she had been dipped in liquid agony. Makeda wasn't getting up after that so Pira walked over and picked up what looked like a seed slightly larger than a football. Pira knocked on it and it sounded like wood. Pira shrugged, placed it in the pack, and continued to drag them both to the inn. Fortunately, the bounty was 50 denarii so Pira could pay the extra 5 denarii to keep the inn keepers mouth quiet and reserve on the baths for the two (three?) of them. Pira unclothed the still-sore Makeda into the stone dip and dumped hot water over her. The water was a little too hot but it helped unknot her muscles.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"CHEE! HOT! " Makeda cried out as Pira dumped the hot water onto her before slipping lower into the water to relax, "AHHH! What a mess.... I hadn't anticipated on those boars to take anywhere near the beating they did..." Makeda mused on their eventful, unplanned yet still successful outing. "But still.... I was hoping to make a deal with or a new slave out of the elf... A pity.... But something tells me it would've drawn a lot of unwanted attention to come back with a new baby and not the elf... They probably wouldn'tve bought that we killed with just a bloody garment anyways.... But part of me can't help but feel bad it had to end in bloodshed..." She mused to herself as she laid there massaging her sore muscles with the hot water. "Hey Pira....." She called out to her slave, "Are you sure you don't want to come in and join? I promise I'll keep it asexual. Just a scrub and massage back and forth." She sang out, whether or not Pira decided to join her, she would "So.... About how long do you figure it will take for my daughter to gestate? I'm honestly kind of anxious of meeting her.... Part of me is afraid she'll want to go back to the weeds.... The other is nervous as I don't have a damn clue what to say if she asks about the elf... Nothing is ever simple..... That situation was a LOT more complicated than what I expected going into it....." She said before letting out a heavy sigh. Once he and Pira were finished washing and drying, she would head to bed before asking, "Pira. You can join me if you want. I won't do anything. After carrying all the weight for this one, the very least you deserve is to sleep in a bed instead of on the floor like an animal. And I was honest about keeping what's left of the bounty. You earned it." Regardless of whether or not Pira joined her, Makeda would slip off to sleep for the night, ready to start the next day and the next job...
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Pira does not join her and waits until Makeda has left the bathing area to clean herself. So for fifteen minutes or so, Makeda is left with the huge seed. Already it showed signs of cracking at the top, with a small bud of green about to push through. The oni had no idea how fast the creature would emerge. The elf probably knew. Too bad about that. Pira left the bounty on the table, not even looking at it, before flopping down in front of the bed and giving Makeda one last glare before going to sleep.

Makeda awakens to a room full of green. The seed had sprouted and covered the entire room with vines. The door and windows had been forced shut, making the room extremely dark. She heard muffled shouting. It sounded like Pira.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda awoke to muffled shouting, when she sat up and focused her eyes, she was shocked to see the room covered in vines, there wouldn't be any good way of talking out of this one. She looked around for the source of the sound, which she assumed to be Pira. She couldn't see the allurane, if she had hatched, but she could figure out it was her doing this. "Child, I must insist you please release Pira and stop whatever you might have in mind for the time being. I am afraid we have a serious problem. This room is not ours, and we are merely paying to stay until we make a living and have a place all our own. And I fear the owner will take kindly to having this room infested and overrun with vines. No offense. Either way, I feel we will want to make haste and make our escape before we have trouble." She informed the plant girl, where she might be. She hoped she would listen for now, and she Pira could head to Loa's for a while. At least just long enough to come up with a new game plan on where to go or how to proceed from here.