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The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

"She killed her and now they want me to kill her and you, mother. They are very angry at both of you.." She couldn't see where the voice came from. It was strange, too, because there weren't exactly many places to hide.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda sighed and dipped her head, "I wasn't planning on it..... Not as time went by anyways. I originally merely wanted to keep you as my own. I originally sent out to capture her for the bounty. In all honesty, I probably wouldn't have, even if those damn hogs didn't take me out. I just would have made her my slave. Like Pira here" she said motioning her head towards Pira "But alas, I did get captured. Admittedly, Pira could have simply waited till you were born- granted the elf would've been willing to let me go. I even bartered to work with her and forget the bounty. I don't want to kill my own offspring. But sadly it seems that something must be done to make amends....." She said to no one in particular as it seemed her daughter didn't want to reveal herself just yet. She bowed her head and closed her eyes in deep thought, thinking for several moments before finally responding, "I would rather avoid any needless deaths of at all possible. I am assuming you are in contact with the weeds, yes? Yo have some sort of telepathic bond? If so, see if they can be appeased with out more pointless bloodshed. See if they would be satisfied with more offspring. If I could bring more women for them to impregnate, and sores their numbers. Including myself again- and Pira, as she was the one to deliver the killing blow. But I only make one concession, that once they are satisfied, any women seeded, if they still have their wits, are released." She said hoping to broker a deal with the shorn weeds, settling this without hers, Pira's or her child's deaths.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

There is a silence for sometime before the voice comes again. "This is not acceptable. She was our keeper. She was our guardian. You must replace her. Yourself or another. Or we will take the killer and make her our guardian."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda merely bit her lip in silence for several moments before finally leveling her eyes to the allurane's and saying "Allright. I will find you a replacement. But you and they need to realize and understand that it'll not be easy or quick to pull off. I will need to wait till late at night when most people are sleeping and unaware to efficiently abduct them without bringing a whole mob angry villagers who will want to torch them. So please give until at least midnight tonight, and I will bring a substitute for you." She said hoping the allurane would buy it. She wasn't going to go along with this, she had enough problems, but if she bought into it, it would at least give her time to formulate and equip for her plan....
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

More silence. Then "They agree with that, mother. But they will leave the killer with me until you bring a new guardian. Go to the elf-tree." The vines encompassing Pira suddenly go slack. The vines covering the room wither and soon Makeda is alone in the room.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Taking a moment to breathe and think, Makeda picked up her equipment and headed over to Loa's onsen. When the Amazon would greet her Makesa would go into detail about the situation up to the present moment. "And so, I need to borrow 50 denarii, and Emmie or Azure. I'm not going to leave them there, and if you want to come with, that would actually be a big help. But my plan is to give whichever one comes with me an Infertility potion, slip an Obedience or Sealing Collar on my daughter, wait for the plants to finish and douse the plants in Magical Oil and hurl a grenade or light them on fire, after we've secured Pira and the bait first- of course. And of course if you have any suggestions or a better strategy I'm all ears. I'll pay you back for this mess in full ASAP. But we only have until midnight, and we have to act fast." She finished going over her plan and promising to pay the Amazon back for her assistance.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Loa was actually pretty busy but she finally made time to meet Makeda. When she heard what she was saying, she opened her eyes wide. "Are you joking? Just grab someone who won't be missed and dump her on the weeds! It's not like this kind of thing has never happened. I can even help you! There's a girl right now in Room 3. She's a loner, no one knows when she's coming back. It'd be easy."
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"...... I guess you're right. That would be easier. I just didn't want to get in hot with the law here. I still have a way to go before I'm ready to head to Archeron and I didn't want a bounty of my own. You're sure no one will care if she's gone? I got enough people of things out for my blood, Pira included. But if you're sure nobody is going to care, if you have an obedience collar we can go slip it on her, then come meet at my wagon. We'll take her down to the tree the elf was staying in and grab Pira. I ready for this damned elf mess to be out of my hair. I'll be sure to pay you back ASAP. Thanks" she said before headin out with Loa to abduct the guest in room No.3 that she pointed out before riding off to the ghost town to retrieve Pira.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

"Well, now that that is out of the way, I need a name, mother." The alraune looks at Makeda expectantly. She had agreed to follow Makeda but hadn't yet volunteered her support. Meanwhile, Pira looks like she wants to turn the flower-girl to mulch.

Alright, I can't think of a way to muddle through this so we're going to skip this for now. We'll simply keep going, with you, Pira, and a meditative Alraune.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda held her hand to the back of her neck, bowed her head, closed her eyes and let out a heavy sigh, "Well... That was a mess.... At least it's all over and done with now. I'm sorry for the muss, Loa. I promise I'll pay you back for it as soon as I can. I'm sorry I got you in the spot too, Pira. There was way more to this deal than I imagined that there would be." She said before turning to her daughter in front of her, "I hadn't intended on killing her in the end my dear, but things don't always go the way you had planned. I hope the two of us can forge a relationship over time. As for a name, how does Belladonna sound to you?" She said as she cupped Belladonna's cheek in her hand tenderly. "For now, I think we should head back home. Belladonna, Pira.... Let's get back to the room. Loa, let me know if you need anything in the future, and I'll do the best I can to help you out." She said as all four climbed back into the wagon and headed back to the town.

That morning Makeda would take Pira and Belladonna (if she followed) to breakfast. While they were eating she would look over to the job board for a few moments, before to her daughter and Pira, "With an extra set of hands and some experience, do you think we may have better luck dealing with the Fallen? There aren't any other bounties or high paying jobs left it looks like?" She would ask her two cohorts.
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Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Pira, as usual, declined to respond. Belladona instead spoke. "The Turned in the area have been a thorn in the side of my family for a while. The plants, land, and animals around where they are located have been mutated into aberrations. If you seek the cause of the corruption, I would be willing to aid you."

A day later, Makeda and her party were entering the forest once more. However, as Makeda and her group proceeded, she noticed things were getting strange. Plants, instead of being green, were becoming more purple in color, covered in thorns and odd globules and cysts. Once, one of the cysts broke to reveal a fly with a human face. It flew off into the forest. Belladona held out her hand and a vine shot at the fly. The insect was flattened against a nearby tree.

Makeda finally got a glimpse of the Turned a few minutes later. She saw two Turned, sitting in the middle of a clearing. They were alive but weren't moving. Pira narrowed her eyes.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda looked around the forest warily, especially once they got deeper where the corruption of the Turned became more apparent. "If it weren't for all the cysts and thorns, the purple color is actually fairly lovely. If it weren't for them you wouldn't even know they were corrupted" she said almost to herself as they traveled along the forest path. When the freakish human faced fly came out, Makeda was slightly wigged out, but let out a small sigh of relief when Belladonna shot out a whip of vine and smashed the insectoid aberration. She eyes the Fallen fallen in the clearing warily, actually lowing to a stop, holding her hands out in front of Belladonna and Pira, before slowly and cautiously advancing along the path, but sidestepping so she could keep a close eye on the pair of Fallen; keeping her hand steady on her mace in case combat became necessary.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4
Pira HP = 51/51 EP = 40/40 Corruption 709 CL 3

Unfortunately, Makeda's hulking for was not meant for stealth. Before she got too close, she stepped on a thick twig which snapped with an unfortunately loud crunch. The Turned both turned towards her. They stalked forward. Unfortunately for them, what Pira lacked in brute force she made up for with skill and she cut one of the Turned's necks, causing red-silver blood to squirt out. Vines lashed against the other Turned, binding it to the ground. Then Pira squinted. Something was attached to the Turned... Bella yelled "Get back!" But she was too late. A tendril that had been attached the Turned had fallen off when Pira had killed it. It wrapped around Pira's ankle and she cried out. It reeled her in, her hands attempting to grab the ground in vain. The ground shuddered and Pira was dragged through a large hole that had been formed. The other tendril disconnected and attempted to grab Belladonna but the alraune managed to dodge it. Instead of sticking around, it fell back with Pira. The Turned that it had been attached to stopped moving. "It was a trap..." Curious, Belladonna touched the ground, then shuddered violently. "We should not be here. We should leave. We need to leave!" Her voice began rising into a scream.

Makeda Stealth 16 + 18 vs 9 + 28 FAILURE
Makeda Detected
Pira Stealth 17 + 25 vs 13 + 28 SUCCESS
Pira Undetected
Stealth: Pira hits automatically
Damage: 4 + 5 + 6 + 6 + 36 = 57 (Ignores Armor)

Belladonna uses Entangling Spends 7 EP
Resistance 8 + 20 vs 56 FAILURE
Turned Bound

Pira Grapple 17 + 36 vs 11 + 52 FAILURE
Pira Grappled!
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda cursed herself as the twig snapped and the Risen came after them. As Pira eviscerated one turned and Belladonna restrained another, she was about to congratulate them, when she saw the vine wrap itself around Pira's ankle and begin to drag Pira into a large underground burrow. "PIRA!" Makeda screamed as she tried to scramble for Pira and drag her away from the vine. Unfortunately she was not fast enough to get a secure hold of Pira as she the woman vanish into the ground. She pounded at the dirt furiously for a few seconds cursing and calling Pira's name before she heard Belladonna speak then put her hands to the ground. When the Alraune turned and started insisting that they leave Pira got a determined look on her face, "I'm not leaving here without Pira. I went through too much and put too much work into getting her bonded." She said as she started backing away from the burrow. She would get several feet back from it, getting her mace ready in one hand and her claws ready in a striking stance as she eyed the burrow like a hawk, waiting for something to happen.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

Belladonna looked at Makeda with wild eyes, then shook her head. "No, I can't. I can't. I can't. Ican'tIcan'tIcan'tIcan'tIcan'tIcan'tIcan'tIcan'tIcan't." She started shuddering all over. She began crying some kind of purple-black sap. She leapt at Makeda, then suddenly ran off into the jungle. Leaving Makeda alone with the burrow. After Belladonna left, there was silence. A long silence. Nothing came out of the hole. She thought she saw a motion inside the hole, something beckoning her in. Other than that, though, she only saw darkness.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"Bella!" Makeda cried after her daughter, as she saw her run off into the woods, Curses and damnation! she cursed inwardly to herself before turning to stare at the burrow for several moments before saying softly to herself "Hold on Pira.... I'll come back for you..... I promise." She said before running after the alraune in the direction she ran into the woods in.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 5/56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

Makeda rushed through the diseased jungle. She managed to find Bella, though she almost missed her. Bella was kneeling on the ground, grabbing her legs in a kind of fetal position. The natural green of her skin and foliage was tinted purple at the edges. Makeda saw Belladonna's skin ripple and realized she was growing sharp needles all over her skin, like an obnoxious weed. She was murmuring something, though Makeda couldn't quite hear it, it was the same words over and over again. When Makeda got closer, Bella turned. Her eyes were empty and crying a purple sap. "mother i' M sORry." The needles grew thicker and barbed as Belladonna dragged herself towards Makeda.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda called upon her inner strength and her impressive thick hide and picked Belladonna up in her arms bridal style, before brushing back her now purplish hair and kissing her gently on her forehead, "No. It's me who should apologize for dragging you and Pira into this mess, Bella. Don't you worry, Im going to take you into town and try to get you cleansed. I'm not going to lose you both, if I can help it, baby." She said tenderly as held her daughter to her closely and tightly before sprinting back to the edge of the forest where they had stopped the wagon and wrapping Bella in a quilt and racing back into the town. Once they would arrive she would quickly search for a priestess,ritualist or someone who had the know-how to remove the taint from an individual.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

Makeda HP= 56 EP = 77/77 PP = 78/78 Corruption 235 CL 4

Fortunately, there was a druid in the town who specialized in removing corruption, though he wasn't much of a fighter. He enacted a ritual as soon as Belladonna was placed in front of him. It took over an hour and throughout the ritual, Belladonna shuddered. Slowly the purple began to recede and the needles fell off. After the hour was over, Belladonna seemed to have recovered. "She'll be fine for now. If she faces corruption of that magnitude again, however, she's likely to completely relapse." The druid gathered all the sap, needles, and leaves that had fallen from Belladonna and burned them until they were nothing but ashes. Then he took the ashes and placed them in a bottle. "I know someone who has an interest in things like this. I won't charge you."

Unfortunately, when Makeda returned to the jungle, she felt something was missing. When she explored the hole, it was completely empty. Hardened sap covered the floor. In the middle of the cavern was a clean center but whatever had been there was gone. And with it, Pira.

For several days, Belladonna slept. The druid advised Makeda to place her on clean group and a few minutes after Makeda did so, roots emerged from underneath Bella's skin and sunk into the earth. When she finally woke up, her eyes were clouded. "I cannot see. I think I am blind." Belladonna spoke in a emotionless, detached voice.

Later on, Makeda heard of a abandoned temple nearby. Someone said that something there may help Belladonna. Though it was infested, Makeda managed to clear it out, though she took some damage in the process. She found a circular pool in the middle of temple which was filled with clear water. Belladonna immersed herself in it. While she was rest, Makeda looked about the temple. She found herself looking at a statue of a woman with crystal blue eyes. The woman wore a flowing robe. She heard the sound of rushing water. When she turned, the woman had formed in the pool. She was standing over Belladonna. "Child of chaos, why have you brought her to me?" She didn't look at Makeda but Makeda knew she was talking to her.
Re: The Shield Breaker (TentanariX) GM'd by dragoon93041

"It was my fault.... My own damnable pride and greed that led her to this state.... I sought out glory and paid the price for it. I already lost my first slave and friend, and I nearly lost my daughter..." Makeda said to herself bitterly as she watched the Druid cleanse Bella of her taint. As the Druid finished healing Bella Makeda held her close to her gently ,"Thank you. I'll be sure to try keep her from such poisoned areas from now on...." She said a she took the bottle and led Bella back to the wagon.

While Bella slept Makeda would return to the site of the accident but find the cavern empty with no sign of the creature or Pira anywhere, "DAMNATION!" She cursed to herself as she saw the empty pit before climbing back out, "Don't worry Pira, I'll come back for you one of these days. I just hope you don't kill me when you do...." She said to herself before returning to the town.

After returning home, Makeda would lay Bella down on the clean soil as instructed. When she woke up, Makeda would hold Bella's head close to hers and kiss her eyes and forehead gently. "I'm sorry Belle. This is all my fault. And one way or another, I swear I'll fix it...." She said. She was told stories of a temple nearby that might be able to help her and would soon after ride off to the temple, keeping Bella close by and fighting tooth and nail to keep anymore disease from infecting her.

She looked around the temple lost in thought and remorse from her foolishness when she found herself staring into the sapphire eyes of the statue. When she heard the sound of water running and turned to see the woman the statue was made in the likeness of she bowed her head and spoke in a regretful humble tone, " I took a job in our town to clear out a den of fallen, and in process lost a slave and friend and nearly lost my daughter to the corruption that had overtaken it. I was fortunate enough to find a Druid to clear out the damage that had been done, but it had left a lasting effect. Bella.... She may have been blinded from the poison and I was told that there was something here that could help her.... Please, I already lost my family and friends to the aliens and I lost one of my newest acquaintances to a monster in the woods. I don't think I'd be able to go on if I lost my offspring as well.... Please.... I don't know what to do....."