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The Storm War RP

Re: The Storm War RP

Sides can be changed, depending on circumstances.

The most likely cause of sides changing, however, would be if someone working for the Imperials suddenly developed wild magic abilities. Given that anyone who grew up under Imperial rule is going to have extreme prejudices against the users of wild magic, while it is accepted openly among the Exiles, and you've got a strong inclination for sides to change.

Also, the groups may end up encountering one another. It all depends on timing. Whether or not one group tries to gain the other's trust, that will depend on circumstances and how the characters RP.

Furthermore, posts from me might be somewhat delayed for a bit. I'm trying to work out how best to make the map, so people have an idea of where stuff is.
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Re: The Storm War RP

GO MAP POWERS! Anyway Ima go pester the person who hasn't posted in the imperials. So be warned phoenix!
Re: The Storm War RP

Diagasvesle, leave the pestering for non-postage up to me.
Re: The Storm War RP

Eh? Um I don't need to. Phoenix isn't on. When he's on he'll update by himself.
Re: The Storm War RP

Just for the sake of putting this somewhere here instead of the Chibi's chat, should Hope and I continue in our thread or should we wait for you to stick up a new thread?
Re: The Storm War RP

I'd say wait. Once I get the map done, I'll determine what to do from there.
Re: The Storm War RP

Would my character be able to defeat you shrike? Or will Hope knock my character out easily enough. Since the other the other 3 people on my side, are possibly going to be in the back.... I hope not...
Re: The Storm War RP

You're the unarmed specialist, right? It would be easy if you could disarm me, I don't know much about unarmed combat. I have six blades though, so I'm not sure how much you can avoid/take while your disarming me, as I usually fight with two at once and would try to keep you from getting in close if I don't see a weapon in your hand.
Re: The Storm War RP

Technially my character's skin is stronger or equal to that of stone. I haven't tested it yet. Probably wolf isn't going to allow it. But I believe if I can hit you with a paralyzing attack then victory is mine. After all, monks learn to dodge. Otherwise they die from bandits and such riff raff.

The map looks a litte good wolf. Still maybe it needs to be a bit bigger.... Or is that just a part of the map?
Re: The Storm War RP

As for the skin thing, you're right. That much resiliency falls under wild magic, which means you can't have it. That might change, depending on if you have wild magic abilities develop.

As for the map, one of the things I still need to add is scale. I'm working on that. Suffice to say, distances may be greater than they appear.
Re: The Storm War RP

Wild magic makes sense. A monk focuses on maximizing natural potential, but his main defense is his ability to avoid or deflect blows, not absorb them. If you train by having someone beat you with a stick, your skin will become tougher, but replace that stick with a sword, and chances are you are gonna bleed. As a student of all combat, Isha would probably try to learn from you, but if it came to combat and she knew you were a monk, she would try her best not to let you in her guard. She fights smart, and has trained as long and as hard as you, so it would be a fairly even match.
Re: The Storm War RP

And to expand on the whole "beating with a stick" thing, there's simply no way for someone to toughen their skin to the point of matching or exceeding the toughness of stone.

...Although apparently with the right pain medication, one can get to the point of not flinching when struck in the balls by a stick-jab.

I ate with some weird people that one semester.
Re: The Storm War RP

Lydia is a chick..... Anyway, you could lie about yourself shrike and say your with the imperials and go behind Lydia's back easily enough. Probably none of the others. But anyway, it wouldn't necessarily be a fair match, since Lydia does not know if your character can use magic.
Re: The Storm War RP

That's exactly what I'm going to do if/when the groups meet up, like I said, Isha would much rather befriend you and learb from you than try and kill you in a dickless dick-fight. From an OOC gamer's standpoint, both characters are combat focused, so if the game is balanced (which I think all RPs try to be, at least for PCs), then it should be fairly even. Isha doesn't know if Lydia can use magic either, she just logics out that someone who can summon something to fight for them usually focuses their time elsewhere.
Re: The Storm War RP

Not to derail, but what kind of currency is used in this world and can you give me an idea of the value? For example, if gold coins are used, what can you buy for a gold coin? For a hundred, etc. It's kind of important to my character ;)
Re: The Storm War RP

GOLD! SILVER! Some uknown type of metal/object wolf will perhaps introduce soon.
Re: The Storm War RP

Meh, I'll just use the money system outlined in the 3.5 D&D PHB.

Because I feel like being a lazy bastard about it.
Re: The Storm War RP

I'm not really familiar with all the dungeons and dragons rules, so I'll let you decide if Em's asking for a ridiculous amount or not.
Re: The Storm War RP

Yeah, that's a little ridiculous...That would pretty much be the entire treasury of a small kingdom.

You might still get that much, but not right now.