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The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen Rushed around the corner almost slamming into Grace as she looked ahead. Moving to the side of her friend Karen could see what stopped the knight in her tracks. A massive slime or ooze lay at the center of the room easily the size of a small house its gelatinous body was a multitude of colors some natural but most bizarre overly bright and garish to look at. It had several massive tentacles that waved lazily in the air while once seemed to be holding no absorbing the slime girl they had encountered earlier. The slime woman struggled in vain against the much larger slime as it slowly absorbed her into itself. Already her legs had been consumed and the giant slime's tentacle was clearing her navel. Grace just looked on in shock clearly her experience had never had the benefit of giant slime monsters.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp:79/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Dear Star God.......... What in the planes is that thing.........?" Karen whispered lightly in awe and horror before taking a moment to regain her composoure, before quickly whipping around to her friend, "Grace, quickly attack while its busy with the Slimewoman! Ill support you from behind!!" While grace would leap in with her sword, Karen would quickly follow up with a blast of Holy Fire, hoping to at least seriously damage and weaken the monstrosity if not destroy it altogether.

((Have Grace jump in with Charge and Slay, while Karen launches a single target bolt of Holy Fire at the slime, X=10.))
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace attacks Massive slime: 52 vs 25 hit! 118dmg (doubled from slay) Slime will die
Karen Holy fire vs Massive slime: 34 vs 25 hit! 70 damage (spirit powers make me cry) slime dies more with fire!
Slime hurl self at Grace: 49 vs 27 hit! 16 resistance damage

In a flash Grace was off her blade gleaming as she made her swift charge at the mammoth slime. Leaping at the creature blade at the ready as Sister Karen's bolt of holy fire streaked its way past the knight. The Slime somehow detecting the presence of more food flung a piece of himself at the airborne knight hitting her square in the chest causing all sorts of goo to cover Grace's angelic face but her momentum could not be stop and she slammed blade first in to the creature just as Sister Karen's bolt of holy fire impacted creating a spark of light as bits and pieces of the slime flung off its body and caught fire. Grace landed blade in on hand panting heavily but not from effort the blush of arousal clear as day on her white skin. For a moment all was still as the slimy creature began to burn and pop as pockets of air and other gasses trapped within its body found escape.

The slime woman did her best to crawl away from the hideous mass of burning goo but only succeeded in drawing Grace's attention. Ending the suffering of the creature to no time and soon Grace was left standing covered in goo.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp:79/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine, Charge -10 dodge +4 hit and damage, Slay -20 hit -10 dodge all damage doubled.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen let out a heavy sigh of relief as she saw the gargantuan slime exlpode into hundreds of smelly,slimey firey bits before finally evaporating out of existence and Grace coup'de'tats the last remaining slime they were told to find for the professor. She slowly walked over to grace and gently laid a hand on the knights shoulder, "Are you okay, Grace? Do you need to rest?" If she answered in the negative, ahe would help the knight back to standing upright, and then begin making their way out of the sewer, following the brick markers Grace laid out for them, and head back to the academy to report of their success to Professor Greyback befofe finally heading to the designated sleeping areas they were given and turning in for the night- ending their eventful day.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Hey just a little hot and bothered sister." Grace through a half hearted smile at Karen but her words carried a little more to them than Grace probably knew. As indeed being this close to the sweaty knight Karen could feel her own arousal wake ever so briefly before the pious Battle Sister crushed it, her will power easily overcoming the pheromones Grace's body produced. "Hey look at that over there." Karens eyes followed Graces's gesture to six human sized eggs or cocoons seemingly left behind by the massive slime. "I wonder what those are?"

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp:79/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen walked over to the eggs as wide eyed as she was at seeing the slime. They looked like some sort of eggs. But nothing natural could have produced them. She was torn between smashing the things, for safetys sake or inspecting them. It could also be that the slime had managed to capture and imprison people or beings in them. After a few moments of inner debate, she simply stared at the things before speaking to Grace, "Theyre either the monsters eggs, or it possibly cocooned/imprisioned people in here. I think we should destroy them one way or the other. What do you think Grace?"
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace slowly approached the egg/cocoon things eying them with distrust. "I don't know Sister Karen.... what if they are people trapped inside destroying them would kill the creature inside." She looked at the large oval shaped objects again kneeling to get a better look. "But if we leave them be and they are hostile their is no telling what kind of calamity may occur." Reaching a hand out to touch one of the cocoons it suddenly became transparent causing them both to gasp at what lay inside. Inside the cocoon seemed to be a young woman of undetermined age resting peacefully her translucent skin clearly showing blood vessels and other just forming organs. "By the gods Sister what should we do?"

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp:79/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Sister Karen stood stock still, her eyes as wide as saucers, pupils shrunk, and mouth agape in shock. She didnt have even the smallest faintest idea what this thing might be, for all intents and purposes it seemed human. And harmless. It was a life just starting to form. Even though her mind told her it could haunt her later, her heart simply forbid her to out right prematurely terminate this womans life without giving her the choice or right to live. To be truthful, it was genuinely innocent; without conscience, personality or developed thought; like a newborn. She simply couldnt bring herself to destroy it. "............We wait, Grace........." she said softly. "I imagine these eggs all have undeveloped women like this one..... Even if it may come back to haunt us later: I personally cannot in good conscience kill them wothout letting them grow. If they prove to be a threat or evil I will do what i can to deal with them; but my soul is telling they have a right to exist. So.... We must simply wait......"
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace looked troubled but after a short while spoke. "If that is what you wish Sister Karen though who knows how long these..... woman take to mature." Grace was right about that though Sister Karen had no idea how long it would take for even one of the cocoons to discharge its cargo let alone all six. But still her heart told her this was the right thing to do even if her head seemed to think that these things may be dangerous.

After what seemed an hour Grace looked over to Karen and spoke once more. "Sister Karen we could tell the professor about them. Im sure she would love to come down here and research the cocoons. What do you think?"

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp:79/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

At Grace's suggestion, Karen slowly nodded before turning back to speak to her friend directly and carefully, "Yes.... I think that would be a good idea Grace. I will stay here to make sure no other predators or anything we may have missed can harm these...... souls, these beings........ Also while I dislike deception or dishonesty, I deplore you to keep an eye out for the Dean or any others. Make sure the Professor is alone, I am afraid anyone else might see them as a threat and decide to destroy them out of fear and bigotry. Don't worry, I think I can handle myself down here. I am just drawn to them, Grace. I cannot stop watching them or leave them. Now go, HURRY!" She ushered her friend back out the sewer and to the professor's office with urgency as she drew her weapons and took a ready stance a midst the developing beings.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace looked doubtful of this plan. "I meant we should go together neither one of us should be down here by ourselves. But you seem determined so I will do as you ask and go get the professor though I will say I don't like leaving you here one bit. One of my friends is already missing I don't want another one to disappear as well." With an unhappy look Grace slowly made her way out of the room her foot falls getting more distance each passing moment till Karen was left alone with her bizarre company.

With Grace gone and nothing else of note Karen was left to inspect each of the cocoons. Slowly starting with the other she and Grace hadn't touched she found her assumption to be correct each of the cocoons had an undeveloped woman in them with the exception of the last one she looked at. The last one in question had two woman in it. One like the others fully grown but undeveloped and the other small almost infant like the only clue to its gender being the lack of male equipment.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp:79/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace kept a pensive expression on her face as she inspected each of the other translucent eggs in the room, her suspicions being confirmed each time, every one housing a unfinished but fully grown woman, and from her perspective, she could tell they all seemed human enough. Human enough that she knew it would be wrong to take their lives from them without any sort of reason. Her heart lept up and her eyes widened at the last one she saw it contained a small infant girl, "By the Star God........ A baby........." she whispered to herself her hands still firmly on her weapons and trying to remain vigilant for any danger as she kept waiting for Grace and the Professor to arrive.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen waited eagerly her nerves ever so on edge. How long had Grace been gone 20, 30 minutes she wasn't sure and the dank surroundings that she was in did little ease her tension. What kind of creatures where these woman? For all she knew no human was ever birthed from a cocoon. Still she kept her watch ever vigilant against any would be predators when she noticed an odd occurrence. Several of the cocoons had a few thin tendrils waving in the air in a similar manner as the massive slime they had fought earlier.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp:79/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace continued looking over the eggs, mesmerized by the bizarre and truly fascinating and unbelievable nature of the creatures being born before her. She let a small gasp of shock as she heard the wriggling tentacles up at the top that had formed on several of them. Becoming apprehensive and taking a few caustic steps looking over the tendril with unease an alert hand placed on one her weapons as she eyed them, not wanting to attack or harm anything but not about to let her self be raped either. She prayed to the Star God that these were not going to become several more of the giant slimes that she had dispatched earlier, or a threat. "Grace, please hurry back." She muttered out distressed.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

As Karen stepped a wee bit closer several of the tendrils leaned towards her in an earnest but not overtly hostile manner. The tendrils them selves seemed to be the size of string and even if bundled together in a rope like fashion they would be no bigger than a boot lace. They did seem to be getting longer however and all of them where stretching towards Karen waving almost hypnotically at her. They almost looked as if they wanted her touch.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp:79/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen hesitantly released her hand from her weapon and slowly and cautiously walked, or rather, inched her way closer to one of the eggs and the dangling tendrils. She slowly brought up one of her hands and slowly cupped up one the dangling string like tendrils in her palm and slowly and softly caressed it, like she would someone's cheek; completely unable to get herself to ignore it. As if she were mesmerized by the fascinating things before her, "You wont.... hurt me, will you? Here, little one. You seem, to be wanted to be pet, or needing to contact something."
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Where ever her hand touched the tiny tendril it tingled in a pleasant way. The tendril for its part wrapped itself gently around Karen's hand wrist tugging at her in a needy manor doing its best to pull Karen a little closer so more tendrils could be touched. The other tendrils waved slowly at Karen their hypnotic motions almost getting the best of the Battle sister. However she didn't come this far without being cautious and held her ground denying any more of the tendrils her touch. Karen watched as the tendril slowly made its way up her arm the trailing sensations still pleasant it had reached her elbow and was still climbing.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp:79/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

She felt almost under a trance by the slow and rythymatic waving of the tendrils, but through her own impressive willpower she managed to keep her mind clear, focused and her own as she resisted the urge to give herself over to the other tendrils. She giggled at the pleasant tingling and the lone tendril she was seeing to's gentle tugging at her arm, and moved closer up to the egg it was coming from as it climbed to her elbow and even further up still, allowing it get access up to more of her body.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen moved closer to the egg a little warning sounding in her head. She was now in range of the other tendrils and they like their exploring brother had begun to reach out to Karen one of them even trying to wrap around her other hand. Still the first tendril slowly snaked up her arm and under her robes and had reached her shoulder before it started to do something new. The tendril in question upon reaching her should had started to vibrate slowly as it snaked under her armpit and over her shoulder aiming for the Battle Sisters glorious breasts. The tendril was getting a little fresh now but it was still gently and pleasantly tugging on Karen wanting her to get even closer. She could still extract herself though if the other tendrils found a purchase it would be difficult indeed with out harming the egg or even herself if things went any further. Still the other tendrils of the other eggs waved slowly in the air which now seemed to be filled with a soft melodic humming.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp:79/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen hummed out in contentment and pleasure at the tendrils further exlporation and gentle vibrating, however she managed to keep a clear enough mind to keep a safe distance from the other tendrils, she did not wish for herself to become entrapped, at least not without the aid of Grace. She would slowly bring her other hand that another tendril was seeking out over to the tendril that was current seeing to her, and begin to nestle it and stroke it with her free hand allowing the pleasant sensations to continue. She fought off the temptation to open her robes up some to allow the sibge tendril purchase to beautiful general breast.