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The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Two years Later

Karen awoke to the tugging and whispered words of her dear little Angel tugging on her blanket. Blinking slightly and letting her eyes meet the blue and yellow pair of her daughter always brought a smile to Karen's face. "Mommy mommy can we have eggs for breakfast?" The young girls exuberance was astounding despite being only two years of age Angelique had grown fairly fast she could already speak and read with great skill. Looking outside threw a window Karen could tell that dawn was near. Grace was no where to be seen probably already up and training. It had been a long year of but finally after some reluctance on both sides both Grace and Karen had fully emotionally and physically expressed their love for each other. Streaching as she rose Karen's naked breasts fell free. She had begun sleeping naked when her and Grace finally started sleeping together as lovers. Quickly throwing a light robe on Karen grabbed Angeligue's hand and led her to the small kitchen that her cabin provided. Eyeing her daughter Karen could see the tell tale signs of her heritage starting to manifest itself and was glad that Grace had insisted on living outside of town to prevent unwanted attention. No telling what the nearby townsfolk would do or say to Angel.
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen sliwly returned to the waking world. The cool morning air caused her nipples to stiffen and if stimualted they would begin leaking, the fragrance of her pheromones wafted through the air, and her little black and white wings fluttered a little in the air. She had been through many changes since he met Grace. She was not ashamed of her physical and chemical/biological changes though. She knew Grace was.... touched by demons, and it caused her to rub off on others. But as she spent more time with her, her feelings of resoec and admiration soon turned to affection, then attraction, and finally to love. While at times she wondered if she could still be devoted to the Star God or not, she still more or less held to her tennants. She stood firm against the demons, but would give all a chance to prove worthy of trust and acceptance. She tries to help all those who needed as much as she could when she could. She would soread the teachings of all gods, and demonstrate charity, love, kindness, purity and all the things she was taught by her mother. And she made sure to teach them to Angel as well. She looked down to her gift from the Gods who tugged on her arm, and smiled brightly, "Of course, sweetie~ Would you like flat cakes too? Bacon? Biscuits and jelly? I can fix you up a big breakfast." she said sweetly to her precious little daughter. It seemed as if Grace was out training or something at the moment. She was glad that Grace had convinced to move ou of the city. After the alien invasion, she feared Angel might have been persecuted for lolin alien. She wanted to grow without prejudice, rejection, hatred or fear. As they arrived in their kitchen, she spoke to her daughter- "Angel honey, go get Mama Grace and tell Ill have breakfast ready shortly please?" and with that she began to cook her family's meal.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Angel simply nodded and ran to the door shouting for mama Grace. Karen could hear her little girl yelling for Grace all the way around the house until it suddenly stopped. Of course Karen's parental instincts soon took over and she rushed to the door only to run smack dab into Angel who was out of breath and excitingly trying to talk. After a moment of two of gentile urging to calm down Karen finally heard what little angel had to say. "Mama Grace is talking to two bad men they look mean and mama Grace looks mad."
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen's eyes widened in alarm, worried for her family. She bent over to talk to her daughter, "Angelique, go find a good safe place to hide, and don't come outside under any circumstances. Stay there till you hear me or Mama Grace tell you it's safe. Please don't argue and obey Mama okay? Now, go quickly!" she urged her daughter till she headed out of the house to where her daughter told her Grace and the men were at. She instinctual and tensely placed her hand on her fire arm as she marched over to the men and Grace, "Who are you? Why are you at my house and what do you want? We don't want any trouble or to cause you any unneeded harm. If you are here to harm my family or home, I will not hesitate to attack you. Do not do something you will soon regret." She said with a heavy, stern, uncompromising and almost threatening tone.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

The sun was just begining to rise of the distant forest as Karen made her way to where Grace and the two men where standing. Grace was wearing brown leather trousers a off white shirt with its sleeves rolled up. In her hands lay a wood axe which she was gripping tightly her knuckles turning white. Grace had let her hair grow out ever sense they had settled down to let Angel have a stable environment to grow up in but she didn't let her training slide. She had apparently been chopping wood when the two men had made their appearance.

Upon making her demands the two men looked darkly at Karen before Grace spoke. "You heard the little lady. I suggest you leave us be." Looking back to Grace and back to Karen noting her weapon the two men turned and left mutter to themselves.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

As the two men walked off muttering to themselves, Karen waited till they were long gone and a satisfactory distance from them before turning to speak to Grace, "What did those..... thugs... want, Grace? This wasnt because of Little Angel, was it? Do tou think theyll come back; with more? Wee tried so hard to live in peace..... I wont let anyone hurt our daughter!" she proclaimed. Once Grace would answer, she would remember she had left Angel hiding and would go to assure her little baby girl that it was safe to come out, "Its okay, Angel~ The bad mean men are gone. Mommy and Grace sent them away. Its safe to com out. We wont let anything happen to you sweetie~" she cooed into her daughters hair, assauging her fears and worries.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace went to Karen's side. "No worries Karen just some miserable men who had to much to drink and let their tongue speak before their head." Grace hug Karen to comfort her. "And no they did not know about Angel's gifts I doubt well see any more of them for awhile. Ill finish Chopping wood you better make sure our little girl is not to scared."

As it would turn out Angel was far from scared as Karen went back into the house her little girl jumped out of a closet yelling surprise before running to give her a hug.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Oh!" Karen cried out a little bit in shock as Angel jumped out of the closet, surpising her, "Oh Angel! You little scamp~ Dont scare your mama like that~ Anyway, the bad men are gone. Mommy Grace is going to finish chopping our firewood, and then shell be back in. Are you ready for breakfast, sweetie~ Go wash your hands, and by the time your back, Mama and Grace should be all ready with breaksfast, okay?~" she said as she patted Angel on the back sending her on he way to get ready to eat.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Okay mommy" With that Angel ran off to clean her self up. Soon after Angel left Grace came in a little bit of sweat on her brow. Leaning in she kissed Karen before wrapping her arms around her while she cooked. "So when do you think we can make it official?" Karen new what Grace was talking about and frankly she wasn't sure when would be a good time to have a marriage ceremony but still the thought had crossed her mind.

"Oh bacon!" Grace quickly lunged in grabbing a hot piece before Karen could swat her hand with the spatula. Laughing Grace began to set the table after rinsing her hands. When all was set and done the unconventional family sat down said their prayers and began to eat.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen made a beltaed and non onnecting swat at Graces hand as she went to swipe a piece of bacon, "Hey you! We have to wait for Angel, set the table and pray first!" shw chided hrave laughing lightly. Once the had all sat down and set the table and pray, they would all begin to eat.
"I don't know.... We would have to find a chapel that is not opposed to the idea, and a place where we can take Angel without raising questions or alarm. We may have to head to the Jungle or even Acheron. If there is not any places in Crolia we can go. But i feel like its time, to go somewhere and finalize it, it would be good for angel too." she said thoughtfully as she continued to eat her breakfast, cutting into her heavily syrupped flatcakes and munching on it before taking a swig of milk.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace frowned at the suggstions. "Angel honey why don't you go play me and mommy Karen have to talk a little bit." Needing no other excuse the little girl gleefully ran off to another part of the house. "The Amazon is crawling with shadow demons and worse. I wouldn't want to take our girl there. Acheron is not place for a child either not to mention that place is the reason Im the way I am." Grace was still sensitive about her mutations though Karen had helped her come to grips with her self long ago the memories of how she got them still lingered. "Maybe we can find an old cult of Venus they have always been open minded about such things?" Grace looked thoughtful for a moment before finishing up her meal talking while she stuffed her face. "Still maybe we can wait a little longer we got a nice place here and despite the two drunks from earlier relatively decent neighbors."
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen looked pensive for several moments before responding, "Yes........ You are probably right, Grace. I wouldn't even know where to start looking for a cult of Venus though. Being a dead Goddess, I imagine their shrines or cultists are likely scattered, spread out all over the planet. I fear they may be difficult to find. "You have a very good point, Grace. It is very nice here. We were most fortunate to find such an accepting and peaceful place to live with Angel. We can take our time to finalize it. And, please don't eat with your mouth full, Grace. It's poor table manners~" She said teasingly as she poked her lover in the cheek and made a playful winking and raspberry face at her.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace winked at Karen and swallowed before speaking again. "Sorry old habits when I was training I didn't have much time to eat and visit so I kinda do both at the same time." This much Karen knew but she always enjoyed hearing about it rather hearing Grace's voice. Every day together Karen counted her blessings and despite their isolated life couldn't think of another person that she would rather be with.

The day went on as it normally did with lessons and prayers as well as a few breaks for tending their small garden and the few chickens they had purchased. It was a good life if a simple one but each found their joy in it. Though as the sun began to set Karen did notice a few new strangers heading into town. Normally this wouldn't bother her but each looked a little shifty and the shear number of them was enough for her to take notice. Something was going down but she couldn't be sure.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen was getting to send Angel to bath and get ready for bed when she saw the group of strangers enter the town. She sent a knowing and worried look to Grace, before tucking Angel into bed. Afterwards she would quickly fetch her weapons and go to speak to Grace. She whispered in her locer's ear, "I do not like the look of that crowd. The may just be travellers, but they seem rather sketchy. Do you think we should follow them or alert somebody? Although if we did one of us would have to stay here with Angel. What do you think grace?" she asked standing alert, on edge, and uneasy as she continued watching the suspicious looking strangers head into town. She prayed they were not here for trouble.
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace looked worried at Karen's news but soon spoke to assure her lover. "Im sure its nothing lots of refugees around because of the orcs but still I say we trust your gut on this one. I don't think we should go into the town lets stay here and keep an eye on things just in case they are up to no good. Will you help me with my armor?" Karen had helped Grace into and out of her armor several times and knew when her lover was hinting at certain activities though given the current situation it was up to Karen if she wanted to proceed.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Okay. You are right. I wouldn't want to leave either you or Angel alone by yourselves. We will be etter if we dont split up. We will stay at the house for now." When Grace requested help with her armor, Karen looked sceptically towards her, "Do you want me to help you don your armor; or are you wanting to play around?~ I don't mind pleasuring you Grace, but do you think it's a prudent idea, considering things? But I will help you if needed of course." she said she went to pick up the iron armor and fasten it and work it around her lovers chest.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Well Karen I can tell you haven't lost one skill." Karen looked at Grace in a quizzical manner. "You sure can kill the mood when you put your mind to it." Grace stuck her tongue out at Karen at which she lightly puncher Grace in the arm. "I know I know we shouldn't be fooling around when possible danger lurks around the corner." Her armor in place Grace grabbed her sword off the wall and looked at it thoughtfully. "I hope Angel will get as much use out of this blade as I have. Its never let me down." Taking a small rag and polish Grace began to tend to her weapon leaving Karen to make what ever preparations she so chose.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"I hope she doesnt have to use it often, Grace. Things have been so peaceful and serene..... I want Angel to live a happy peaceful life. But if she does wish to enter service or be a warrior, i will give her all the support and blessing I can; as long as she uses her skills fir the right reasons. I would feel better if she lives a relatively non-violent, and calm life. But if she is happier exploring or fighting; I wont intervene. I'll teach to e a warrior and champion of the people and the defensless. And bring her up in most of the tennants i was taught. And how to harness her spiritual power. But I pray that will be Quite some time from now indeed." she said as she locks and bolts fhe doors and windows, and places her weapons on the nightstand where she can reach tem easily if needed, "There. Thats all we can do now, well keep our weapon close in case of trouble. C'mon Grace, let's go to bed." she summons her lover to bed with her for the night, and wanting some comfort.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Kissing Karen on the lips Grace gave her a wink. "Lets move Angel in with you Ill take first watch tonight. That way if something dose happen she will be right next to you." Grace went over to a dresser an pulled out a quilt they had purchased not to long ago. "Ill stay in the living room in the chair to keep watch. What do you think? After all sleeping in armor is a bit rough."
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen held Grace's head close to hers for a few moments deciding to deepen the kiss, and for a brief moment slip her tongue into her mouth to dance with and tease Grace's for a few seconds before pulling out. "I'll relieve you in a few hours, maybe after Angel falls asleep. And take over for you. Be cautious and alert Grace. Angel!~ Time for bed, sweetie!~ I'll tuck you in bed and lie with you for a while, then Mama Grace will take over, okay?~"

Once their daughter came into the bedroom and joined Karen in bed, she would tuck her in nice and tight and cuddle up to her precious daughter, holding her close and kissing and nuzzling into her hair and stroking her back, singing her to sleep, before trying to catch a few winks herself before her watch shift came; at which point she slip silently out of bed and leave her to Grace before heading into the living room chair to watch out for their home....