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The Tip of Rigid Whimsy (Guan Yu); GM'd by Maf

Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Fine
HP: 48/61
PP: 82
EP: 51

As Prisaya reached for his crotch, the false girl backed away with magical speed, before .

"Damn you, I thought I had you fooled. This is why I hate demons. Since you've come this far, there's no warning you anymore! Prepare for your one-way ticket to the afterlife, you stupid demon!" he declared, lifting his staff and preparing magic. Prisaya had barely enough time to act first before something bad happened.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
"Oh, how cute you are. But we'd rather not go this way now, would we really?" Pris would mostly shrug the attempt at coming to her off, in a mental manner of course as the boy mage was not quite coming onto her physically. She did not feel like fighting him or exerting herself too much to make it through this thing, so she would simply fix gazes with the boy and channel her natural charm as she kinda held her arms out to simulate a gesture to hug someone. "Gimme a hug, you good boy."

(Throw a Charm at him.)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Fine
HP: 10/61
PP: 82
EP: 45/51

[Pris throws out a charm! 59 vs 81 Prisaya Failed!]

As Pris threw out her gaze, suddenly the mage boy's eyes shined so brightly with magic that she was blinded! "That won't work on me!" he declared. "You seem ignorant as to why I'm feared! Let me teach you a lesson!" he declared with a smug smirk, his spell ready as Prisaya's instincts told her that this boy mage wasn't going to go down easy.

( )
"Eldritch Blast!" The boy shouted, firing a bolt of green energy from his staff at Prisaya!

[A powerful spell comes Prisaya's way! She couldn't dodge it!]
[Prisaya is hit for 38 damage!]

The green energy struck Prisaya with terrible force that would have killed a regular human or left them near death. And it hardly seemed like it was what the mage was fully capable of. "Are you still alive after that?" he inquired, wondering if Prisaya would topple over. "You're tougher than you look. You made it through my trap, and got hit by one of my regular spells. But I wonder if you can take much more than that?" he said, a sadistic smirk on his cute face.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
"Huh?" was most that Pris could manage before the realization that she had not quite succeeded as her charm hit home, and it was shortly followed by some magic in the form of a bolt. Somehow the idea of failure had never crossed her mind. Reeling from the offensive magics, she could hear the boy monologue like the more comical individuals in the city had so many times in her presence. "Ouchie... Trust me boy, I can take a lot of abuse~" she would tell them as she straightened herself out, realizing that she would need to get physical here. This in mind, she decided to risk it, and took a short move forward before doing a jump to deposit her glorious self onto this young man.

(Do a Leap Glomp boi)
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Fine
HP: 10/61
PP: 82
EP: 45/51

[Leap Glomp, success! Grapple, success! Mage is in submission hold]
[Spell check failed]

Prisaya held to her instincts and pounced like a horny flea. The boy looked ready to use his magic to dodge, but as he tried to duck, one of her thick breasts caught him in the face and checked him back onto his ass before she had her body weight on top of him proper. He moved a hand to blast her in the face and likely erase her, before she gripped him proper, stopping such magics as he struggled. "Ngh...! You fat woman! Get off of me! I won't be subdued! GUARDS!" he called out, but the orcs had decided to come into the estate, already routing the guards who might have come to save their mage. "Nooooo!" the mage cried out, struggling underneath Prisaya's powerful body. "I won't become a slave, I refuse!" he declared.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Rushing forward and taking the leap, Pris found success to be in the physical side of things this time around. But then again, when were they not? "Haha, got you boy~" she would tease the mage, having pinned his way smaller frame underneath her own, grabbing his arms too before he could try to point-blank her with some spell or another. The situation looked to be in control, and the appearance of the orcs was more or less confirmation that there would be no more resistance for her to deal with. But there was something to be dealt with. "FAT?!" the word managing to push a demonic vanity button pretty effectively. This slight would not go past her just like that. Holding tight on the arms, the demoness came down with the full weight of her breasts, right onto the boy's face to give him some punishment. "My form is exactly the right level of thick, the pinnacle of female form. There is nothing FAT about it, you immature brat!" she would tell him with a fair bit higher volume of voice than her usual talking voice, simultaneously subjecting him to the experience of a demonic marshmallow hell, making sure to give him a good, long time in there.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Fine
HP: 10/61
PP: 82
EP: 45/51

The boy began to thrash and cry out in muffled protest, Pris' breasts suffocating him as the multi gender orc stepped forth. "Oi, peace. He is useful alive, do not kill him with your lovely titties, yes?" she chuckled. Meanwhile, the leader was grinning from ear to ear. "It's a good view from here." he commented on how the trio could see Pris' jiggling ass as she subdued the mage. "Still, I'm shocked that you managed to do it. Finish the job quickly, use that magic of yours. He'll fetch for hundreds of denarii, appearance and magic and all. If we can make him obedient, then his price will double!" the leader said greedily. Meanwhile, the mage boy tried to writhe in protest.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
"Of course not, it is not my intent, just giving him a little something to keep that bad mouthing away." Pris would reply after hearing the orcs out, their words sounding like they had little faith in her but had been proven wrong. Why they would do such a thing was beyond her. But the situation was more or less stable, and the leader was now asking for her to finish the job. The guy with the darn collars was asking her to finish the job. Again, she was not entirely sure why it had to go like this, but whatever. Raising her upper body up and off the mage's face, she looked down at the still-pinned boy mage. "You heard them, time to give up." she would tell him, letting her charming gaze fall onto him unprotested.

(Not sure if can actually do it like this but wuddever.)
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Restrained
HP: 1/61
PP: 82
EP: 39/51

[Resistance check: Failed]

She stared at him, using her charming gaze... Before the mage stuck his tongue out and rapid fired saliva back into her face. "That won't work on me, fatty!" he called her fat once more.

[Grapple check: Succeeded]

But it seemed like he wasn't going too far. Even though he still tried something. "Magic Missile!" he declared.

[Auto-hit, 11 damage to Prisaya, Pris KO'd]

A flash of light later, and something struck Pris right on the forehead, knocking her out cold as the last thing she'd recollect is the mage soaring into the sky and escaping the grasp of the orcs...

When Pris next woke up, she found herself bound together with three others, the three others being the orcs as they were kept together and within what seemed to be an anti-magic circle of the mage's design, likely exclusively for Prisaya.

She was in a sitting position, and her battle damage remained. It seemed the mage didn't aim to kill her. Said mage was sitting in a chair directly in front of her, legs folded with one hand on his lap and the other holding his staff with pride as he stared at her. "Good morning." he greeted her. "Now that you've seen my face, I'm afraid I cannot just let you go. But you came so close to actually capturing me that killing you would be a waste as well. So, I have an offer for you." he declared. "Become my servant, and I will not kill you~" he cooed. "I was thinking that I'd like to eventually leave this place and stop hiding, but I'd need far more protection than mortals can give. And you seem capable, even though you're not as capable as me~" he gloated. "So, how about it? You'd be shocked how many choose oblivion, so don't feel like you'd make the unpopular choice~"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Trying her usual charm on the boy for the second time, Pris met with the same result as she had met before, getting prrrrrrrted at for her troubles as well. Again, why did these dumbos not finish the job with their silly collars was something she might not figure out too quickly. The boy did spout at her yet again, but before the demoness would get another offended reply out, she was kinda interrupted by some magic colliding with her forehead. Not having much to say about that, she would fade out of conciousness in a hurry.

As she came to, Pris found herself in a bit of a situation again, for the second time in the same day. How quaint. She was still a good bit roughed up, but more importantly was bound in a nice way that she could most certainly appreciate. As much as she liked that, there was a bit more to pay attention to as the boy mage was there, already monologing like he was a demon lord or something. Like the orcs, this youngster was apparently looking to acquire her services as well, in a way that the demoness was not quite finding herself agreeing with, but the argument of not fucking dying was fairly convincing as to why she would be working for him. And there would probably be some humans for her to mess around with, now that she was getting to be a part of the household. "I don't see why not, you and your household might just be able to entertain a girl now that I left the city. Sign me up, you seem to know something about the ladies, despite being a youngster." she would reply with practically no hesitation, taking a bit of a tug against her restraints but not really attempting anything like escaping.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Restrained
HP: 1/61
PP: 82
EP: 39/51

The boy smiled at her. "I'm glad you came around so easily!" he cheered, before standing up from the chair he sat in and approaching her with a collar with a pair of bells on it that seemed meant for a large cat. "Just accept this around your neck and you'll be mine~" he declared. If she didn't struggle, she'd find a collar of Enthrall around her neck, making her experience her own medicine in a way, as the object of enthrall was the boy himself, and Prisaya felt her disposition change into something akin to her seeing him as her more trustworthy friend. Not that she had much choice, but if she accepted it, the boy would chuckle happily. "Oh, wonderful~ You even seem much more compliant all tied up like that. I have to wonder if you enjoy that kind of play." he pondered. Then he smiled, "You also look a bit drained... Are you... Hungry?" he inquired, leaning forward and putting a finger to his lip in a cute fashion, smiling at her knowingly.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Seeing the collar, Pris could not find any other reaction to it than a sigh. "Again? Sheesh..." She was not particularly keen on the idea, but there really was no avoiding it, and the thing would end up around her neck without any conscious resistance from Pris. Second time for the same day, it must have been some sort of record the field of becoming someone else's underling via collar. The item's magical influence rolled in fast, and the idea of this young man being her boss was suddenly a thing she did not mind in the demoness' mind. He probably knew she would like it, being the good guy that he was. "Oh, you know~" she would leave the answer to the restraints question in the air with a smirk, but got the feeling that this boy knew what the truth was.

"Well... not terribly, but I do feel like I could get something to... recharge the old batteries."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Restrained
HP: 61/61
PP: 82
EP: 39/51

The mage chuckled cutely. "First though, my poor new friend looks like she's hurting~" he said, before putting his hand on her cheek, cupping it as a gentle feeling washed through Pris, as the pain from her encounters slowly vanished. "Despite being on the thick side, you look surprisingly cute up close. And your hair is so fluffy~" he cooed, fluffing her fluffy hair a bit. He undid the ropes, but left her arms tied behind her back while attaching a rope to her feline collar, which he tugged. "Come on~ If we're going to feed you, I'm going to be comfortable while doing it. Speaking of, this isn't my first rodeo. Are you a top, or a bottom~?" he cooed with curiosity.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
"Well I have obviously been in better condition than this..." the demoness would comment on her state of being, the feeling of being beat up being more prevalent than the hunger at her present state. But it looked like her little friend would be making it better for her, and went on to do just that, and she was thankful for it. The headache was not fun. Again, Pris was starting to get the idea that her pretty much optimal form was getting judged, but she let it go as soon as the hair got complimented. Climbing up to her feet proper once partially released, she was starting to feel familiar yet still nicely different vibes about it all. It was like... she was back in the harems again, with the obvious difference that her master was this little man, not a huge and chunky demon lord. It was a minor difference, but somehow she felt there would be more, like the fact that she was possibly the only one in her position, unlike the city harems which had dozens if not hundreds of females around.

Feeling the tug, Pris went with the mage without any real resistance, looking delectable with her binds as she strutted along. "One... gets used to being the bottom when you have lived like me." she would say how it was, having been the toy more than enough to know that it was her ideal side.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Restrained
HP: 61/61
PP: 82
EP: 39/51

He took her to what seemed to be his room, before jumping into his bed to sit on it with his legs spread, facing her, folding up his clothing to reveal his underwear, and took it off to allow Pris to behold a humble human cock. "It's not much, but this is your meal. Crawl into bed and suck me off... Uh... What's your name? So I know who to encourage when you're using your lips and tickling my thighs with your fluffy hair~"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Soon, the newly acquainted pair were in the bedroom, and the boy hopped onto his bed. Quickly getting rid of his underwear, he went on and stated his desires without too much restraint, a thing that Pris could actually respect in another being. "Oh wow, classy move. Making a lady blow you before you even know her name." the demoness would state as she got down onto her knees, restraints or not. She had done this in the sane manner before, so not having her hands available wouldn't be too much of a hinderance to the upcoming act. "It's Prisaya, but you can call me Pris~"

Having introduced herself, Pris would get to work, the previous session of hers being too long into the distant past. Like, 2 days without any sexual contact? Starting the oral pleasing in a more slow and controlled manner, she eventually went with turning up the rhythm to a more intense pace. With no hands available, she would simply have to cover with skilled tongue work, and that was nothing new to this demoness either. Whatever was needed for her feeding, and the enjoyment of her little friend.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Restrained
HP: 61/61
PP: 65/82
EP: 51/51

Feeling Pris get her lips around his length, the youth moaned in delight. "And you may refer to me as Master Toi, fluffy Prissy~" he cooed, before Pris technique helped bring his desire to talk to a close. Her curly hair seemed to be an allure he enjoyed as she found her hair being ruffled and petted while he enjoyed her oral movements. And despite his appearance, he was experienced enough to not blast into her mouth mere moments after she began. He seemed to show endurance. Though once Pris had her full she'd feel him push and remove her head from his crotch and erect cock with a smile.

He leaned back, wrapping his hands behind his head. "Alright, mount up, my new best friend~" he cooed, indicating she ride him. "And don't think for a moment that I cannot keep up~ For all your natural ability, I have a trick too~" he indicated with his finger, touching it to her breast as an example, before she felt an intense vibration hit her nipple and a spark of pleasure rush down her spine.

[Pris takes 17 pleasure and sucks 12 EP.]

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Giving the young man apparently named Toi, the business, Pris found herself somewhat surprised as the boy was not quite as weak as she imagined him to be with his short frame. Going to town orally on his member, she would find herself halted before she could get him to blow up. "Ah, guess it'll be the lower mouth then..." she would think about it, getting some new instructions once she was actually paying attention to something else than the savage sucking. It would be the full course, and that was just dandy.

Rising to her feet for just a bit, Pris would set herself up on the suggested mount, this part being even less demanding than the one before, the bonds keeping her held still only having the mildest effect on her performance. All things considered, they probably only made her more efficient in her efforts as she was getting her own kicks out of it all. Again, she would start the grind with her hips a bit more slow but would intensify the act periodically as she started to go wild in saddle, determined to milk the heck out of this boy's cock despite already being "full". She was a creature of lust after all, and there was nothing wrong with some excess~
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Status: Restrained
HP: 61/61
PP: 15/82
EP: 51/51

"Don't drink any more, or I'll zap you~" he declared as she began to mount him, giving her another zap that vibrated from her crotch through her entire body and coursing through her with great pleasure, added to the fact that her pussy was now getting poked by his (one might say) adorable phallus. It was hardly impressive and didn't do much, but his magic seemed to be the help he needed for pleasure. That and her highly sensitive pussy was receptive to almost any stimulation, just his mere length grinding against her sweet spot making her body curl with delight. Though it wasn't just her, as the unholy nature of her pussy thanks to her succubus talents was making Toi moan as any human did once she took them into her pussy. In fact, as Pris felt his magic making her very close to cumming, Toi caved in first to yield the feeling of his dick throbbing inside of the prison of flesh that was her womanhood, followed by the rush of semen that sprayed into her depths, seeking her demonic womb.

[Pris takes 18 pleasure from the zap and 22 pleasure from penetration, and dealt 50 PP to Toi, making him orgasm.]

Toi lay there after the fact, panting with exhaustion and shell shock from the overwhelming orgasm he had mere moments after she inserted him inside of her. One of his arms lay over his eyes, trying to recover from it all. Pris would be able to almost understand, he knew how to use his magic well enough to leave her on such a brink that even a dick like his was about to make her cum.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
"Y-yeah yeah, I'm already full..." Prisaya would assure her bed partner that she would not have any further energy from him. She didn't need it, so it was just fine. Despite his small stature, this boy appeared to be good enough to go with her. Having been a few days without any of the carnal acts, the demoness thought herself a bit unnecessarily fast and sensitive in action, kinda considering that she just might be the first one to go here. But she was not going to be so easy, and would use her experience to make sure that Toi would not get off easy from this starting event of their relationship. And just then, he was blasting off into her, giving her lower mouth the drink it desired oh so much.

Gasping, the feeling of slight disappointment was the first thing that Pris would feel once she saw her partner just kinda laying there and taking it in. She would remain on her perch, looking down at the young Toi with a somewhat questioning look. "I... hope that was not it."