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- 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Oh, Touhou. I do love me some silly hats.

I've only played the fighters - not very much, though. IAMP was fun, played a couple storymodos, messed with the spellcards and specials and stuff in practice modo. Yuyuko has a really cool laser.

I'm piss poor at fighting games, though, and dislike multiplayer in general, so I never touched Netplay. There's also the fact that Kai exists. Kai me.

SWR and UNL were annoying, because I had to mess around with fiddling cards and stuff to play with the specials. UNL gets pretty gimmicky with Suwako, which was cool I thought. Reisen has a really cool laser.

Besides that, I listen to the music a lot, and occasionally I watch youtube runs of bosses and/or spellcard patterns, because they are damn pretty.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Aww, but i loved the customizable decks. XD!
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Hey, hey hey. hey.
So... yeah my CYOAS? I know it sucks, but I need another vote.
So someone, go vote.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Sadly a mere easy mode player here. I can clear Imperishable Night on easy without bombing or losing a life (up until Kaguya's set of one life no bomb cards), but for some reason I can't even get close to a 1CC on normal. The difference in difficultly can be unexpectedly harsh. I'm just not much of a danmaku person it seems, but I enjoy struggling through anyway. As long as I can do well enough to see the story, then I'm happy. Still working on that of course. Currently replaying each character in SWR for the story now that I've patched it. Finally knowing how some of the cards are meant to work helps a lot too. =)

My main interest in Touhou is the art, music, and the fiction itself. The ever vague and mysterious Gensokyo is a setting that really intrigues me. I always find it interesting to see how different people interpret it and the lives of it's inhabitants.

I've always been meaning to get into these games, but from what I've seen of them it appears to be pretty daunting. And sweet niblets thats a lot of characters. Only one guy works on the ENTIRE series? Fuck, thats some dedication right there.

Heh. They still daunt me, even after having played them plenty now, but it's no reason to avoid them. It's not like anyone's demanding a certain level of skill or anything right?


Quiet you heartless rabbits! Stop taunting me! T_T

Don't listen to them, they're only trolling.

And yeah, that's ZUN for you. I believe he's working for someone else now, but during his time at Taito I love to imagine how frustrated his bosses must have been that one of their employees was able to create a series massively more popular than anything they could ever produce despite full development teams and thousands spent on production, publication and advertising. In his spare time. A doujin game producing hero in my opinion.

Gotta love his mad hats too.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

With Touhou, and any other game, I start on easy and work my way up Lol

Hey, hey hey. hey.
So... yeah my CYOAS? I know it sucks, but I need another vote.
So someone, go vote.

I wuv it though D:
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Bah. I always start with easy mode, to practice and learn the patterns and tricks to them. But SA is giving me a hard time here. Stage 5 seems to be literally Hell.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

With Touhou, and any other game, I start on easy and work my way up Lol

That's interesting, I always start games as hard as possible, and then go to a lower difficulty if the hardest doesn't work for me. And I'm stubborn, so I'll probably keep trying the harder modes anyway.

As for touhou...Some easy spell cards are harder then normal, hard or lunatic ones, there's a few comparison videos on youtube.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Huh. I don't recall any spellcard like that. Might have to refresh my memory.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Whee, Chinese New Year!

Hmm, good point.

Then as far as Touhou goes, this would be the year of
I don't yet know Shou's character or background very well, and so far she's not caught my interest in any way, but then there was a brief time when I found Tei dull and Kanako overly strange. They're both high in my favourite list now. I just didn't understand them. And so here's a few images in honour of Gensokyo's own newbie tiger.









Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Hmm, I'd prefer not to double post, but news comes when it comes.

Zun has just announced his most recent game, Touhou 12.5. "Touhou Bunkachou", or "Double Spoiler", will be released fully on March 14th at the seventh Reitaisai festival. Expect to see it leaked westwards soon after that.

Essentially the sequel to Shoot the Bullet, the game sees Aya take up her camera once more in order to capture new deadly danmaku on film. Apparently the game will be much harder than the first StB game. Which probably means I will never see more than 20-30% of the game, but should prove a good challenge for more skilled players. I'll give it my best shot regardless.


ZUN's characters designs never stick to one look for long do they? Long haired pointy eared Aya? Didn't see it coming. I'm predicting new style fan arts before the game releases.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

So I decided that I'd start playing Unthinkable Natural Law again....
Then I realize why I stopped - Okuu's sprite never shows up and it ends up crashing the game; which means I'll never be able to get past Sanae's story mode AKA anything ever unless I can somehow get it fixed. ><

Editses - I found out how to fix it
and for anyone else who might have a problem with it, patch the game to 1.01 or later(lol) and add this to the bottom of configex123.ini


There's an effect on Utsohu's cape that some graphics drivers can't show, and that disables it.
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Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

That's really weird. Haven't seen that glitch before, but I'm glad you got it fixed. Not being able to play Okuu would be a crime. She has probably the flashiest attacks in the game. Half her normal attacks look like spell cards, and her spell cards are even bigger. Has a laser(?) spell card that actually puts Marisa's master spark to shame. I use (?) since its too big to fit on the screen, and hence I can't confirm it's a laser. Everything just goes yellow.

I'm still eagerly awaiting a translation patch to surface, so I can figure out what all those strange new system cards do. I know I can probably look that up somewhere on the net, but that doesn't stop me wanting the patch. I'll be sure to share it here the moment I find one.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

I use (?) since its too big to fit on the screen, and hence I can't confirm it's a laser. Everything just goes yellow.

That would probably be Giga Flare
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread


Two days late. I'm such a lazy reporter. Probably why this game kicks my ass. Anyone care for some Double Spoiler?

File is a 'bin.' file, but will open with winrar. Just right click and use 'open wth'. Use the 'setup' provided and it will install any required directX files so you won't have to waste time looking for a d3dx9_42.dll. Works for me. May require japanese regional settings, but I think that the way the file has been packed, not the game. So if this doesn't work for you, google will find you a few dozen other sources soon enough.

One surprise is that there is in fact a new secret character introduced with the game, that you unlock once you beat the game. Chances of that happening means I'll likely never meet them. Though on the plus side the game is apparently more lenient in its requirements for unlocking the next stages, which means lower level players can still get to see (die on) some of the latter spell cards.

The post release artwork is already flowing. It'll be interesting to see how many artists adopt Aya's new pointy ears, or whether they will choose to shun them in favour of the older look.

(Aya's camera finally has an official look.)



At the time of writing this, there are already 40 images of the new character on Danbooru. I can only wonder how many are on the Japanese images boards by now. I can already see some huge meme and character joke potential in this girl. I've already seen two parody pics and a name pun pic.

Below spoiler contains actual spoiler on new Double Spoiler character. Spoiler.
The Wiki profile

And some early bird arts.




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Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Spoiler for Double Spoiler

Also, thinking of drawing a h-pic/one-page-comic with Okuu and someone else. Any suggestions that would make sense and not be utterly random?
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Holy crap, Aya got an upgrade. And so has everyone else it seems. Even Parsee has nothing to be jealous about.

*Runs off to look for a blank page thread... *

Ah, yes I've seen those before. Cool, I'll look forward to seeing it then. As for possible pairings...

Okuu/Rin - Best friends, ease of access, obvious but still nice.
Okuu/Satori - Servant & Master fun, or over affectionate petting.
Okuu/Aya - "Your a bird, I'ma bird. Know what I'm sayin?"
Okuu/Hatate - "Your a bird, I'ma bird. Know what I'm sayin?"
Okuu/Mystia - "Your a bird, I'ma bird. Know wha... ah screw it, I'm going to rape you. Come ere." (don't over cook the poor girl)
Okuu/Cirno - Pair of fools with a thing for power/strength. Good excuse for a position ⑥⑨ maybe.
Okuu/Genjii - Genjii doesn't get much love after all...

How do you intend to do the eye? Some artists shrug it off as part of her clothing, but as far as I understand it's very much part of/embedded into her body. It's an important feature that I see a lot of variation on.

Talking of pairings reminds me of .
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Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

the touhou wiki says its part of her clothing, but it could be either way, really.probably depends on how busty i end up making her...
Mystia sounds good... so do a lot of those... XDD except for Genjii.

I was thinking Aya, but figured it'd be too obvious, bird/bird, ya'know?
Was thinking Cirno, but decided against it, loli, ya'know?
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

It does? Are you taking that from the description of their appearance? Because that's only a paragraph a western wiki member would have wrote up when the game came out, and I think it's more just the way they happened to have worded it, rather than specifically trying to imply it's part of the clothing.

I was thinking of this bit from her game manual profile.
ZUN said:
However, one day that peaceful lifestyle was shattered.

Someone from above stole into Hell without anyone noticing.
Then, she began to speak.
Her voice stoked Utsuho's curiosity.

"The Hell of Blazing Fires hides the secret to the ultimate form of energy that humans can attain.
You, crow that lives within the blaze ...
You should be able to contain that power within your body.
We can use that to bring about the wishes of not just the underground, but the above ground as well."

She was enveloped in light, and she felt someone entering her body.
When she came to, her body had changed greatly.

Utsuho enjoyed using her new power, and before she knew it the Hell of Blazing Fires had regained its original heat.

Could still be talking about the arm, but the eye is supposed to be the proof of her having absorbed the Yatagarasu and the source of her powers after all. It'd be strange if she could lose her powers by taking her shirt off or something. Though varied in details, the most common depiction I see is the eye being made slightly smaller than the official art, and nestled between and just above her breasts.

And on a side note/mini rant, that's one thing that bugs me about the loli situation. Cirno's confirmed to be over sixty at a minimum, but that's meaningless because she doesn't look it. The law is intended to protect those too young to make the right decisions or protect themselves, not to enforce a satisfactorily mature body. Unfortunately judging someones age/maturity on their looks is, while imperfect, overall fairly sensible in this world. I'm telling you, if centuries old loli's, or some kind of rapidly (physically) maturing race actually existed, things would be different.

Societies established morals in reality are not sufficient to fit into my fictional worlds. Pfft...
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

It might be that the eye is just part of the clothing that she wears as a symbol of it - like how armies bear insignias and flags of their country