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- 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Obe, I do believe they're ignoring you. Also, dear christ that bread looks horrid. I'll take mine in the loaf or roll variety, thanks.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Picture's no good huh? This is my fault for being deliberately confusing.

Ok. Screw Obe. For Toxic though I'm willing to try and explain things a little. This thread is for the people who want somewhere to chat about Touhou, in the same way the Books thread is for people to discuss books, or the Iron Man2 thread was for discussing that one movie. As such it has little relevance to anyone who doesn't know Touhou already. Maybe I should have given a proper intro after all, rather than that bollocks about bread. I hope you were able to at least realise this isn't about bread.

Touhou is primarily a series of vertical scrolling danmaku shooter games. Danmaku being the genre, and loosely translating to "Bullet hell" or "Curtain fire". Easier seen than described.

That little thing desperately trying to dodge between the shots is the player. No shields or anything. One hit kill.

The games are made by a single man known as ZUN, who does all the design, story, art, music, coding etc, himself. Line Marvin could learn something from this guy. On top of a full time job, he manages to put out a game a year, alongside working on books and other projects too. As much as they'd love to get their hands on the series, there is no corporation or sponsor backing Touhou. ZUN won't allow it since he knows involving the series in big money and legal rights would destroy it. Beyond the official games though, the main thing that makes the Touhou series unique is the sheer amount of extra content created by the fan base. Stories, art, music, animations, fan made games, all those things I mentioned above. Many people get into the series without ever even playing the games. You could read a Touhou doujin every day, and never run out. There are enough Touhou remixes (though 'arrange' is a more correct term than remix) for straight weeks of listening. Honestly.

Here is Cracked.com's attempt to explain the series to baffled outsiders.

There's also the Touhou Wiki maintained by the western fanbase, though that's more for information and less useful for introduction.

You can find some of the games for free download here. I'd recomend games 7 or 8 as good games to start on. (it's not the kind of game you need to play in order)

Ten favourite characters? Shit. How am I supposed to pick out of all of them?


And that's not all of em either.

I did mention there were a lot of characters didn't I? If I had to pick some, then I guess maybe...

In no real order.

Hong Mei Ling

Though honestly I find they all have their moments. That list of ten doesn't mean much.
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Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Well Top 10 is easy~ Favorite one? Much harder.


In no real order.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Yeh... Meiling is my favourite by far. :3

and out of the games, is anyone else's favourite Phantasmagoria of Flower View?Also.. I just realized that it was the 9th game when ⑨ came to be... xD
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

I've always been meaning to get into these games, but from what I've seen of them it appears to be pretty daunting. And sweet niblets thats a lot of characters. Only one guy works on the ENTIRE series? Fuck, thats some dedication right there.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Actually, the games aren't as hard as they look. Besides, you can always play on easy mode - or abuse the glitches, if there are any.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Just knowing the series and fan stuff is one thing, but who actually plays the game? And at what difficulty?

I've finished 6 and 7 on the hardest(lunatic), but for some reason just can't finish number 8. It's really not that hard, just see the pattern and move to where the bullets are not going. Or plan a route through a maze of bullets, shouldn't be that hard.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

I'm an easy-normal mode player... Finished 8, 7 (once, that damn change in difficulty in stage 4 gets me every time), 10 (found it suprisingly easy the first time I've played it) and 6 on easy. I'm not counting runs when I've used retry option, and I generally avoid using it if I can help it. Ah, and I've got 11 as well, but I have hard time adjusting to it. Marisa without Master Spark? Blasphemy.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

I can play through most of the games on normal... But not 1cc them. Better at the fighter mainly.

Just knowing the series and fan stuff is one thing, but who actually plays the game? And at what difficulty?

I've finished 6 and 7 on the hardest(lunatic), but for some reason just can't finish number 8. It's really not that hard, just see the pattern and move to where the bullets are not going. Or plan a route through a maze of bullets, shouldn't be that hard.

Actually, 8, from what I've heard has randomized bullet patterns for some spellcards (including a few arrangements that are literally impossible to dodge for a few of Kaguya's spellcards, depending on where she begins to fire). That's probably why you can't seem to finish it :X
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Randomized patterns? I've played 8 a lot, but I don't remember that bit... Maybe it happens on high difficulty levels, but I dunno...
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Obe, I do believe they're ignoring you. Also, dear christ that bread looks horrid. I'll take mine in the loaf or roll variety, thanks.

why wud ferrow weeaboos ignore me? i guess im not sharin mah pocky no more =w=
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

And you're supposed to be one of the best trolls here... A big disappointment, I was expecting something more entertaining.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

They say those that don't appear to be bothered are the ones that are bothered most.

Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

And sometimes, those that don't appear to be bothered really aren't bothered. Nothing can be proved this way.
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

You're right. But you're a weeaboo so I'm instantly correct in my assumption. Successful troll is successful.
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Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Hey. Anyone know if theres an english patch for Unthinkable Natural Law? I must has ><
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

You're right. But you're a weeaboo so I'm instantly correct in my assumption. Successful troll is successful.

Oh my, it's been a while since I've had a chance like this... So, where do I start? Ah, yes...

1) How is me being a weeaboo related to the truth (or lack of truth) in your statements? There is no logical connection. First strike.

2) You've used the term "weeaboo" to put a label on me. However, you didn't prove that I am a weeaboo... And even if you tried, you'd fail. Though I admit that I have no means of disproving your claim, you have no means of proving it. Therefore, you can't prove that you are correct. Second strike.

3) You're not even a little bit amusing nor shocking, and you didn't manage to cause any kind of emotional response. In fact, you were mostly ignored. Third strike.

How disappointing. I was honestly expecting more. Obe, is this all you can do?
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

I am a Normal-Hard player, but my play style varies, sometimes I rush up and kill everything before they even spawn, sometimes I stick to the buttom of the screen...
Re: - 東方 - The Touhou Thread

Hey, I have yet to complete stage 5 in Subterranean Animism... I know your pain.