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The Way Home v.13


Jungle Girl
Oct 4, 2011
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I'm relatively new here but I've been working on a game inspired by games such as Legend of Queen Opala and Despair Labyrinth.
Without further ado I give you "The Way Home"

The basic premise is that you were drinking one night at your place and the next morning you woke up in a strange land. Now you've got to find your way home. The world you're in is comprised of many islands, and the main character will be hopping from one to the other trying to get home. Along the way he'll have many opportunities to sex the inhabitants of said islands.

What I posted above is just a taste, clearly not complete, and any images that I included are just placeholders. Anything that is in so far is subject to, and probably will, change.

The team currently consists of two people, the problem is neither of us is great at creating CGs. So we need more team members to help us with that. If you are interested in creating art for the scenes within the game either post here or shoot me a PM.

Alright, thanks guys, hope you enjoy what we have so far.
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Re: The Way Home v.7

Interesting start, nice proof of concept.

A couple of bugs
-There's alot of 'change picture' texts in the game. Is that intentional?
-The sprite you use for the wife in the threesome is actually a male sprite :eek:

-Make the sex more meaningful by involving it with characters. Press yes to have sex doesn't really make it interesting. Some of the scenes were interesting, but far too many were nearly empty.
-RPG-VX can handle far larger maps then you seem to use. The constant zone transitions broke immersion.

-I've done quite a bit of work in VX ( ) so if you have any question please let me know and I'll try to help
-Most of the VX games for development here use 3d Custom Girl (shougo) for the images. Fairly versatile image creating software with a focus on hentai. There's also quite a few furry mods for it, so it should work well for your content. You'll run into a bit of an issue with your game looking similar to others, but if your content is good that won't matter.
Re: The Way Home v.7

Thanks man.

The change pictures are more cues for me. That way when we get images I'll know where to put them. So they're temporary.
Lol, really? Looks female to me... even the portrait does. We'll see how it plays out, cause your the first one to say anything.

The scenes where you just click yes for sex are for sure going to be reworked so they are more like the longer ones (threesome, drowning girl, race girl, etc).
I never actually thought of combining some of the maps into huge ones... If it does happen, it would be much later in the games lifetime. I'll be keeping it in the back of my head though.

If I have any questions I'll make sure to let you know.

The 3D program has been brought to our attention and personally I'm not a huge fan of it, would be a last resort as I have no desire to learn another program after VX for what I consider sub par results (no offense to people who like the style).
Re: The Way Home v.7


I was going to post here sooner, but I havent had the chance to play your game till just now....

I would like to say, I think it has potential, there is a thing I think would be a great addition to improve this game for more playability, ofcourse having original images would help, but also having the ability to re-do the scenes is something that adds to the whole... I mean with this, every character you get 1 scene with, 1 picture and that is it... no relationship build up or anything so far...

I must add I have prolly not played that much... I got stuck with the portal things and the wolves... I got this girl that saved me and not sure what to do now.... I think I did all the 'side quests' or at least all the ones I could do...

a thing I noticed, its hard to get money for some reason... and well I was robbed once by this kid and maybe that was the little bit that I needed....I dont know for sure though... maybe I did things in an incorrect order... but getting stuck because of such a thing if that is what it is why I am stuck, then that is a thing to work on fixing...

Also there is no inn to sleep at or somewhere to heal from what I noticed, wich is also a let down a bit, cause having to fight enemies and having nowhere to heal doesnt work... wel from my experience it doesnt...

About original images, its not a must I would add... but it does add to the whole, Ker uses a 3d program, but I read you dont like using 3d for this game... wich I understand and dont mind, to each his own... I have played his game as wel btw, and as a whole its overall more indept and has a better story as a whole... that doesnt mean the game is better as a final product, or wel actualy at this moment it probably is, but if you do put more work into it and find some way of getting original images in there it has potential...

Also I would like to add, adding a story as a start would be a nice thing, cause actualy all the 'past' parts where somewhat skipped it seems, maybe you didnt add this, so you can implement it in the later versions and change it still easier then having a whole bunch of text to edit....

The image thing I guess its so you know that you have multiple scene/images there... so not going to bother about that... I understand this... ;)

So far it has some nice potential but is still a bit on the rough side...

I hope my comments/critique help you and that I wasnt to harsh about it... I was merely pointing out things to improve from my play through so far...

Although I must admit I got stuck.... and dont know what is next to do... so if there is more, some help on where to go and what to do would be appreciated... :D
Re: The Way Home v.7

Thanks for the feedback, I'll address them one at a time. Overall just remember that this is not anywhere close to being finished.

We have already started implementing reoccuring characters (Rangrid and Terri) and in the future you will build relationships with them, and other characters. In addition I want to put in a gallery so that you can check out the images you've discovered, though there is not much of a point to doing this without original images.

Well, there isn't anything after the wolves, except getting rescued (which I think you found). As for the portals you end up learning 2 command words which takes you to a new zone zone, where you learn a third word.

Yea, it is hard to get money, this is a balance that I still am trying to find, should be easier when I add enemies that drop money. If I remember correctly though, there is enough "hidden" money that you should be able to get through all the side quests.

This will (probably) be fixed in the next update, the idea we are having is that you get health back when you have a scene. Also healing items will be added in.

I'm not giving up hope on having an artist(s) doing pictures. I feel like its too early in this games lifespan to give up hope on that dream.

There is a story that is being revealed more and more throughout the updates. In the end there will be a full story.
Re: The Way Home v.7

ahah, you make good points there....

yeah, its useless for these pics to be re-do-able I know... was just adding things as suggestions more so you know what I think could/should be improved upon in time when you have an artist... most games I liked mostly those that have some repeatable scenes if only a few, not all scenes need to have this, but if you have a few that would improve its re-play value so to say and that makes the game as a whole more worthwile for those playing... ;)

so I guess I was at the end, the portal thing, I didnt get more then 1 word, there where a few portals, I didnt try the one in the basement yet though.... and the one at the start, not sure if I could use them... I kinda wanted to give feedback before heading off to bed... cause wel havent slept that much yesterday... and have to work tomorrow... :p

wil try those portals out next I guess... although as you said I was at the end...

the one thing I didnt get to do, was buy a shovel, I gave money to the kids at the church, thinking they would give something for it or something, but aparently that doesnt do anything??

and the one kid at the mountains robbed me once... so didnt have enough for the shovel, guess if I didnt have those losses of money I might have had enough to buy it... :p

btw, the return money for any item selling was only 1, so that is a bit low, specialy cause that harp thinghy costed 15 to buy.... xD

but yeah, enemies that drop money is a solution...

About the healing thing, I think adding just a normal Inn or somewhere to sleep is the best way to have them heal, its hard to get anywhere in games with enemies without it.... I have played a few where they have it like you said, and most of those where almost not do-able to get to the end.... ;)

But wel you are the designer/creator of the game, so in the end its all up to you, all I can do is give my feedback and suggestions... and hope for the best...

I wished I knew a bit more how to work on making these kinda games... I have one of the RPG makers, not sure wich one... but I have no clue how it works... xD
Re: The Way Home v.7

I think you have more to explore if I remember version .7 well enough.

Yea, there are a bunch of money saps in this game. Some items don't do anything. And you're not missing much without the shovel.

If I find the healing doesn't work well the way I have intended I'll definetly change it. But I have a feeling it'll work out, especially since there are places like the brothel that you can do multiple times.

If you have VX, I know that there are some good guides out there. I personally use/d the ones at rpgmakervx.com
Re: The Way Home v.7

aha, kay, wil try and see what more I can do I guess... ;)

ehmm dont know wich one it is, I have both, but 1 isnt working right.... not sure what is wrong, think maybe the japanese unicode thing bugged the DL or something.... :p

I have had more issues before, I didnt have a few things I needed, so I had to download those before downloading the RPG makers.... but I guess I messed up something.... xD

I guess I could check that site you referred to out... I always liked trying to make something in RPG maker for fun, although I never made an H-game with a previous version.... always just weird fun ones.... (DBZ, yu yu hakusho and other anime based...)
Re: The Way Home v.10

Just to let you guys know, I updated the game, there's some more stuff for you all to play around with. There are a few glitches, which will be fixed in the next update (hopefully).
Re: The Way Home v.10

nice to hear, and nice to see you are still working on it...

was almost afraid you stopped making this game...

Wil try the new version out asap... ^^
(give feedback when I have a playthrough, like last time... if you want that is...)
Re: The Way Home v.10

How do I get money? I'm kind of broke in the game, since I gave some to those kids that didn't give me anything in return. Also what to do really? I have explored both villages, there are some locked doors I can't get through, and I can't pass the guys blocking the way to the wolf place, mainly because I have no equipment (I think).
Re: The Way Home v.10

@Soulles - I'm always a fan of feedback

@yourworstnightmare - Have you ever gotten something in return for giving beggars money in real life? =P
There are four villages total not counting the area to the north. So you've still got two to go. You shouldn't need money to get ahead. Have you gotten training from the man in Node?
Re: The Way Home v.10

@Soulles - I'm always a fan of feedback

@yourworstnightmare - Have you ever gotten something in return for giving beggars money in real life? =P
There are four villages total not counting the area to the north. So you've still got two to go. You shouldn't need money to get ahead. Have you gotten training from the man in Node?

The man in Node just say I ain't patient enough. If I try to go north I'm robbed, and if I try to move east, they say it's too dangerous.
Re: The Way Home v.10

@yourworstnightmare - the way you get training from him is you do the two "quests" in Node. One of them is in the house to the north with all the furries. The other is the otter by the waterline. Hope this helps.
Re: The Way Home v.10

Ehh, is there any other way of healing than buying items and getting scenes? Right now I have kind of broken the game. I'm of to fight the timber theives but have no chance unless I can fully recover my HP and MP somewhere.

And with no good way of healing grinding is useless.
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Re: The Way Home v.10

The only thing I can think of is the scenes in the Brothel are repeatable for 5 gold.
Re: The Way Home v.10

The only thing I can think of is the scenes in the Brothel are repeatable for 5 gold.

How do I even get to the Brothel? It's locked.

And it wouldn't help, since I'm broke.

For future versions I would suggest the enemies dropping money, that way you might be able to afford stocking some healing items. Perhaps some items that heal MP would be nice too.
Re: The Way Home v.10

There will be more healing/mp items eventually. Same with enemies dropping money. So far I believe only the cultists drop cash when they die. Actually right now I'm making it so the wolves drop pelts that you can sell. That'll be there in the next update.
Re: The Way Home v.10

There will be more healing/mp items eventually. Same with enemies dropping money. So far I believe only the cultists drop cash when they die. Actually right now I'm making it so the wolves drop pelts that you can sell. That'll be there in the next update.

Ok, I'll wait for the next update. I won't play further since it's no use with the inability to heal.
Re: The Way Home v.11

Hey all, I just posted a minor update. I added one new scene and a skeleton of a gallery that is accessible through the skill Recall. This should let you all keep track of how many scenes you have and how many you have left to go. One warning is using the skill Recall once you are in the gallery will make it so you can never leave, so I wouldn't recommend it.

Hope you guys can find them all, have fun!