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The Works of Toonpimp

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Wait tp did a game with Rouge? I dont remember seeing that anywhere...

I think he means that TP's games AS WELL AS Rouge got him into this stuff.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I think he means that TP's games AS WELL AS Rouge got him into this stuff.

Ja. Kinda hard not to when Rouge is your introductory to the wonders of jiggle physics.
Kya's Quest

I think Toonpimp released his latest work today. I haven't played it yet, but figured I'd mention it here. I couldn't find the TP thread, or else I would have put it there.

This can be deleted by anyone at anytime, don't care.

Take care folks.
Re: Kya's Quest

It's meh. As far as the mechanics go they're a bit more refined from his previous games. Game play gets repetitive quickly, taking dozens of hits to down even the weakest of enemies.

More or less what's expected from Toonpimp, but all in all I think it could be considered an improvement from previous works. Just don't expect anything huge in the way of graphics or game play.

Overall I'm enjoying it. Give me 15 minutes though and I think I'll be done and never look back.
Re: Kya's Quest

Yeah, it's okay I suppose. Another cliffhanger end, promising a game that will never come. Either way, I was about to buy Bonecraft but...

Who I may kidding, I'm still going to buy bonecraft.
Re: Kya's Quest

Bonecraft? That didn't look too promising to me. Let me know if it's any good.
Re: Kya's Quest

Google toonpimp. His actual site is something along the lines of "Toonchamp".
Re: Kya's Quest

Google toonpimp. His actual site is something along the lines of "Toonchamp".

I think it means the 'Game' link, not the site

Still haven't seen it yet, but people are actually mentioning that its a good one.
Re: Kya's Quest

I don't know if it's just me but the controls are sluggish and it's almost impossible to do anything other than aerial combos because sometimes the character just won't throw a followup punch or will immediately doa n uppercut. Game wise it's lacking. Takes forever to kill basic enemies as the first post said and there's no variety or real control to your characters attack. However the porn aspect of it has improved a good bit and the animations are nice and definetly fap worthy It's not as good as Fifi's Fury was, But it's proof he seems to be getting his mojo back.
Re: Kya's Quest

I absolutely refuse to post a toon pimp link on my ULMF.

Its not a bad game though. It's a lot like Fifi's Fury, minus the weapons.

The monsters look great. Seriously, they look great. The heroine's not attractive at all.

You basically punch and kick your way through several stages. There are five enemies in the game I think. Two of them are bosses, two are average grunt and one's a female. They are all furry.

The monsters also don't double rape your character.

Animations include:

Lesbian Oral
Footjob... on a vagina... whatevs
(Assumed) Anal
Re: Kya's Quest

I absolutely refuse to post a toon pimp link on my ULMF.

Its not a bad game though. It's a lot like Fifi's Fury, minus the weapons.

The monsters look great. Seriously, they look great. The heroine's not attractive at all.

You basically punch and kick your way through several stages. There are five enemies in the game I think. Two of them are bosses, two are average grunt and one's a female. They are all furry.

The monsters also don't double rape your character.

Animations include:

Lesbian Oral
Footjob... on a vagina... whatevs
(Assumed) Anal

Just played it and here are my thoughts:

-I agree on the Enemy model characters, they look really great

-The heroine could have been better (Perhaps its the colors, since those yellow shoes caught my eyes the entire game lol)

-The models are great, only that the walking animations are..well, not good

- Jungling up the enemies is dang fun, i get the feeling of battletoads, beating up a dead enemy onto the air getting points then getting a 1up

One thing that is always be annoying are the bosses (Each game with their dang bosses)

On toonpimps game, this one, its to sit down and use that stick or club to kill them easy.


The final boss is just annoying as hell, and with the attack button being sluggish (As a member says ^ up) the boss just annoys and annoys you until you manage to get a hold, but still, the boss needs some repairs.

Ex. he just send me flying, shot me a lazer then grabbed me... holy dang my life bar went to sh*t
Re: Kya's Quest

Cool game and so has anyone gotten this many hits yet? Yes this is from my game and that is why I have a screenshot of it.

Re: Kya's Quest

If anyone cares, right click > Forward a few times from the menu to get to the gallery.
In the game, do the same thing to get through the "stages" of a level.

Personally, I didn't enjoy much of the porn in this game. I can really only fap to penetration and there's a lack of it.

Also, shouldn't this thread be part of this one:

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Re: Kya's Quest

Still searching for the game, cant find any link anywhere o.0
Re: Kya's Quest

Apparently not, though I did search both ulmf and toonpimp on all prospective points for about 10 mins, so thanks for the speedy response at any rate.
Re: Kya's Quest

Apparently not, though I did search both ulmf and toonpimp on all prospective points for about 10 mins, so thanks for the speedy response at any rate.

Front page of his web page. That horrible flash scrolling nonsense has it listed as the default, very first thing.

Anyway, this game seems to be more polished in its graphics, but mechanically it's garbage. I think Polly's Tale is by far the best game of his overall.