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ACT Abandoned [The Zeta Team] Project X: Love Potion Disaster (Latest Build: "NExT" 2019-01-29)

Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Yeah, I didn't play the game - I just got the full save and went straight to the galleries.
Thanks anyways, I guess.
Don't mind Super_Slicer. He's got this bad habit of rubbing salt in the wounds of people who make mistakes.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Don't mind Super_Slicer. He's got this bad habit of rubbing salt in the wounds of people who make STUPID mistakes.

Fixed. He's tolerant with people who make understandable mistakes. He's intolerant to people who didn't even lift a finger to try to solve their problems.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Fixed. He's tolerant with people who make understandable mistakes. He's intolerant to people who didn't even lift a finger to try to solve their problems.

I dunno about that. In this case, yeah true, but I've seen a couple times where he's gotten on people's asses over minor things. And in either case, I don't see the point in being rude just 'cause someone's lazy. That's not the way of a Warrior of Sunlight!
Last edited:
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Don't mind Super_Slicer. He's got a chubby because people are talking about him.

Seriously though, my ears started burning about a half-hour ago.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Don't mind Super_Slicer. He's got a chubby because people are talking about him.

Seriously though, my ears started burning about a half-hour ago.

Hahaha. You know. The same thing happens to me sometimes. 'Cept my ears start ringing instead..

Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Hahaha. You know. The same thing happens to me sometimes. 'Cept my ears start ringing instead..


We also have the amazing powers of distraction. notice how we deterred from the talk of porn.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

The chao has two grapples. One where it sticks an inflation tube into your character. The other where it hypnotizes your character into masturbating
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Now before i start, i like this game and it is one of the best if not the best made hentai game i can think of for free.

But, it does update rather slow. The reason, i fear, is because zeta and neo keep increasing their workload for each update.

I mean every new character is more animations, if you count the fact that now their are evil characters, thats like..... a lot of animations with addition of new ones.

+ you got sounds, all the mobs, the whole shibang, for each character.
While i do like tails, as almost no hentai game dares to do that, adding any more female/male outside of maybe sonic/knuckes(as they are the poster boys.) is a bit too much work i fear for them.

Here are the 4 major updates in 2 years.
1. First level and bosses with the original cast.
2. Second level and bosses.
3. Tails.
4. Arena/gallery.

That being said, in comparison to eluku(the godly fast author of Fairy Fighting) this game updates like a snail.

But it is free, which in all regards it updates more than any paid game i have played for hentai. This in itself is pretty interesting, because most people don't have this sort of fanbase. Maybe 1-2 artist actually have a fanbase and will update their games consistently.

Ovverall i liked the christmas update, but i'm dying for another level.

The evil zeta, rogue, and zu was cool, but i'm like "well back to w/e". Its kinda the limit you can have with 3 new sprites.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Well... I've seen the comments around and i wanted to say something:
The next release will finally contains the next level, we need to make some sprite updates and some fixes but is basically done.
Our plan for now is make Cream and Sonic as all you know, and stop adding more playable characters until the end of the last stage.
Why we are working in this content instead working in more levels? because of this, when we make sprite rapes, is more easy to make it when you have already all the characters instead open older files and do it again just for one character, because is more easy animate and edit all of them at the same time than do it some time later and have to see and study the code again to make it because you dont remember how it works, we have just 3 stages so i think is good to sacrifice some stage updates for now and do content, because it will be more easy for us to develope it in the future.

About the time of the releases... well, i like fairy fighting a lot, and yeah eluku is really fast releasing updates, i dont know if eluku have a job or not, but the members of px team have one, and sometimes we cant dedicate all the time we wanted, and when you come from your job, you want to lay in the couch and rest instead continue working, working in another thing, but working after all, we are not proffesionals... when i started the game it was going to be short and i did it just to have my hands occupied in my free time, that was like 2 or 3 years ago, and things in my life changed, but seeing the people liked the game and they was cheering me up to continue, i decided to go forward and look for people to help me with it, because im not able to handle it alone. The game will be free, and im not going to change my mind, money is not friendly with fanmade things, and the donations we get, we are using it to comission a comic of the game for the fans.
So, this is a bit of our story, and i hope the people understand our possition and decisions. :3
For a last note, i have to remark that althoug in other games you receive updates more often, our updates are big updates althoug you dont think like that. Fairy Fighting can have updates with 3 or 4 new animations, yeah his animations are elaborated and with big sprites, but think how many animations we did in our updates... the game currently have more than 10.000 files, we are offering a story, different playable chars, im going to add a new game mode in the next release too, and well, we are normal persons with our personal troubles, we always do our best and what we can :3

Have a Happy new year
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

I'd ay more about what she said but I think she covered all the bases of what I'd bee trying to say. Oh well Happy New Year to everyone!
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Hey Zeta, personally I love your work. As long as you don't disappear like LineMarvel, I don't care how long it takes you to complete the game, this site will still be here! unless SOPA gets us :/
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Well... I've seen the comments around and i wanted to say something:
The next release will finally contains the next level, we need to make some sprite updates and some fixes but is basically done.
Our plan for now is make Cream and Sonic as all you know, and stop adding more playable characters until the end of the last stage.
Why we are working in this content instead working in more levels? because of this, when we make sprite rapes, is more easy to make it when you have already all the characters instead open older files and do it again just for one character, because is more easy animate and edit all of them at the same time than do it some time later and have to see and study the code again to make it because you dont remember how it works, we have just 3 stages so i think is good to sacrifice some stage updates for now and do content, because it will be more easy for us to develope it in the future.

About the time of the releases... well, i like fairy fighting a lot, and yeah eluku is really fast releasing updates, i dont know if eluku have a job or not, but the members of px team have one, and sometimes we cant dedicate all the time we wanted, and when you come from your job, you want to lay in the couch and rest instead continue working, working in another thing, but working after all, we are not proffesionals... when i started the game it was going to be short and i did it just to have my hands occupied in my free time, that was like 2 or 3 years ago, and things in my life changed, but seeing the people liked the game and they was cheering me up to continue, i decided to go forward and look for people to help me with it, because im not able to handle it alone. The game will be free, and im not going to change my mind, money is not friendly with fanmade things, and the donations we get, we are using it to comission a comic of the game for the fans.
So, this is a bit of our story, and i hope the people understand our possition and decisions. :3
For a last note, i have to remark that althoug in other games you receive updates more often, our updates are big updates althoug you dont think like that. Fairy Fighting can have updates with 3 or 4 new animations, yeah his animations are elaborated and with big sprites, but think how many animations we did in our updates... the game currently have more than 10.000 files, we are offering a story, different playable chars, im going to add a new game mode in the next release too, and well, we are normal persons with our personal troubles, we always do our best and what we can :3

Have a Happy new year

Rock on, you're doing great work, ignore anyone who says otherwise.

Have a happy new year yourself
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Honestly, I'd say Zeta's answered any point I've made --- besides, that I wonder how much more effort and time is going to need to be dedicated to each patch after the next because there's a lot more characters that each need a unique animation to at least part of each level that's released after those we have now. That said, if Zeta feels it won't be a problem, then I'm confident that we'll have updates that we're happy with and a final game that we're delighted with,

Keep it up, despite any criticisms I've made I love the work that's been done already and I know that the team wants to make the game as awesome as can be. I think things are headed such that the game will be awesome anyway, I hope that I'm right :)
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Hey, some people like to build a house from the ground up, others side-ways. Whatever floats your boat, just because I disagree on the most effective way of doing it doesn't mean I don't appreciate the work done.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Same thing as Slicer, your work is always appreciated. My only point was just that I know you guys aren't "professionals" doing releases. I even actually agree with you on larger updates being better, because I may download every new fairy fighting, but I only open the new game for another few minutes before putting it away forever. I only say that everyone is open to their criticisms, even you said so.

I understand how tiring it is to hear constant criticisms from a fanbase, even constructive ones, so I at least commend you for not being like other authors who flip out at the first sign of disagreement and then delete your thread from their forums because they know how much better you are than him.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Same thing as Slicer, your work is always appreciated. My only point was just that I know you guys aren't "professionals" doing releases. I even actually agree with you on larger updates being better, because I may download every new fairy fighting, but I only open the new game for another few minutes before putting it away forever. I only say that everyone is open to their criticisms, even you said so.

I understand how tiring it is to hear constant criticisms from a fanbase, even constructive ones, so I at least commend you for not being like other authors who flip out at the first sign of disagreement and then delete your thread from their forums because they know how much better you are than him.

Hahaha.....WE DON'T REFERENCE TOON PIMP ANYMORE! (ha ha....bonus stage reference)
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Zetas profile pic matches the expression she has, when she reads about idiots complaining over her free to play game.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Zetas profile pic matches the expression she has, when she reads about idiots complaining over her free to play game.


Criticism =/= complaints. And even the ones who are complaining, who are you to call them idiots? That is so unjustly harsh and rude. They can complain if they wish, Zeta can ignore them if she wishes.
Re: Project X - CHRISTMAS UPDATE v3.3

Zetas profile pic matches the expression she has, when she reads about idiots complaining over her free to play game.

Good job there Sherlock, you managed to deduce how much this game costs!

I wonder if you'll be as insightfull in explaining to me how the cost of a product should affect my opinion of its quality?