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They didn't come to sell cookies...

Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris began to feel rage boiling inside of her. After hearing this womans words she didn't need any convinceing that this woman was insain and behind all of this. The and there Iris wanted to shoot this woman dead.

Iris was sure she knew why this woman was doing this. She must of viewed people as evil and was now killing and having people raped for " A better future." People like her commit mass murders always seem to have " Good intentions." They also made Iris sick to no end.

Iris was about to shoot the woman but stopped when Emily charged in after her. Iris hoped she knew what she was doing.

* Iris stands her ground with Shiva. *
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(Emily attacks)

As Emily began to charge at the woman, her whole body suddenly stopped in place when the woman's gaze shifted to her, as she was thrown by an unknown force against the wall, landing on the ground.

The woman's gaze shifted to Shiva, as she reached her arms out to her.


"Awaken, my sister. Remember your true purpose at God's side! Remember your purpose as the one who will smite the sinful! And join me as we bask in the glory of a new world!"

Shiva didn't answer the woman, instead she looked at Iris, and handed her the detonator for the bomb.


"Get Emily out of here..."

Shiva drew her sword and stood in front of the woman, eyes glaring...
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris watched in awe as Emily was thrown into a wall by nothing. What on earth caused that?! Who was this woman? Did God really want all of people to become breeders? What was going on?! Iris was about say something when Shiva handed her the bomb detonator and ordered her to get Emily out. Was Shiva crazy?! Was she going to let this building blow up with her in it? Iris greatly admired Shiva, she didn't want her to die. Iris then said to Shiva-


" Shiva... What about you? Are you going to be able to get out before the bomb goes off? "

Iris asked this in a very sad tone of voice. If one looked in Iris's eyes at the moment you could see depression.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva responded to Iris, eyes still staring at the white haired woman


"Don't worry about me, I'll hold this woman off while you escape. Get out of here."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily flew into the wall by some unknown force. She didn't even stop to think about what did it. Still blinded by rage she tried to get back up and charge at the women. She didn't care what happened she just had to get near the woman and kill her. Nothing was going to make her want to stop. She was still yelling unintelligibly.
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Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva grabbed Emily by here arm.


"Don't be a fool! You and Iris need to get out of here!"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva. She was a noble person. She was going to sacrafice herself so Iris and Emily could escape. Iris knew there was no point in trying to talk her out of this. She had made her mind up. When Shiva took hold on Emily Iris knew what she had to do. Before grabbing Emily Iris looked at Shiva, with sadness in her back eyes, and said-


" Shiva...Please don't die... "

With those final sad words Iris grabbed Emily by the arm and took her from Shiva. Iris then attempted to make a run for it to the exit, taking Emily with her. The entire time Iris kept a tight grip on the bomb detonator. Iris held this death swich with great care.
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Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily felt Shiva touch her arm. She was going to yell what she thought would be 'Fuck you' but would come out as an unintelligible blur, but then Iris grabbed her other arm. Her rage subsided a little at her friends touch. She could at least speak again. Even think a bit more clearly. She saw Iris with the bomb detonator and managed to ignore every part of her that wanted to just try to break free of the two's grasp and run straight at her again.

"Shiva... if you don't kill this bitch in the most painful way possible I swear I'll hunt you down..."
She said and using all her willpower managed to turn around with Iris. Iris didn't let go of her arm which was probably one of the only reasons Emily didn't go running back.
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Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Both Emily and Iris ran towards the exit, the woman seemed to pay no heed to the two girls leaving as they went through the opening.

The woman in white chuckled at Shiva.


"I've at long last found you, dear sister. How ironic that-"

Shiva didn't allow her to finish, as she charged at her with her blade.

Shiva gasped as the woman caught the blade in her hand, only a trickle of blood poured from where the sword struck.


"How ironic that you, came to me" She finished.

Shiva quickly backed off, her left arm began to glow, as she released a searing bolt of fire from her hands at the woman.

The fire seemed to roll off of the woman with the help of some kind of invisible shield.

Shiva didn't realize how much energy she had spent, she fell to a knee in front of the woman. The white haired woman laughed at her when she fell.


"Ha, ha, ha! Poor child, allow me to ease the pain of ignorance."

The woman lifted her hand, the palm aimed at Shiva with her fingers arched like claws.

Shiva began to thrash about on the floor in pain, as her whole body felt like it was on fire.


"All you have to do is remember, my sister, and all of the pain that has engulfed your mind will disappear..."

Shiva was trembling as she began to stand back on two feet, her knees felt like they were about to give in.

Her body trembling from the pain, she pointed her sword at the woman, and said with a trembling voice.


"I'm... Not done yet..."


Iris lead Emily back outside, detonator in hand.

As they ran from the building, two women in a military jeep drove up to them, the one in the front passenger seat asked them,

"Hey, where's Shiva? Wasn't she with you?"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

As Iris got outside and away from the building she let go of Emily. Iris ignored the chage in tempurature and the increase in sun light. She stood still, motionless, until a military jeep with two women pulled up to her and Emily. When the driver asked where Shiva was Iris fell to her knees and and bowed her head in dispare. Iris then said-


" She is still inside. She held someone off so we could managed to escape... "

Iris looked at the bomb detonator that was still in her right hand. She didn't want to be the one but... She was going to be the one who pushed the button.
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Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily was still in a blinding hot rage. Having Iris beside her was the only reason she could actually stop herself from charging back and trying to kill the woman. When the Jeep pulled up and asked where Shiva was Emily knew she shouldn't get on their bad side. Afraid of what she might do if she started talking she let Iris do all the talking. She silently stared at the grass and tried to count each individual piece to help her get her mind off the woman and what she had done to all these women in the now bomb rigged warehouse.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

The two women looked at each other.

The passenger said, "What do we do?"

The driver simply stared at the woman for a few seconds, Then said, "We... Proceed with the plan. Shiva's not a stupid woman, I'm sure she knows what she's doing."

After she was done talking, she looked at the two girls standing outside the car, "What are you two waitin' on? Get in! We need to get out of the blast radius!"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris simply got into the military jeep, sitting in the back seat and she held onto the detonator. Iris wasn't paying attention to anything but the detonator. She didn't think about Emily or the two woman or anything. The only thing that Iris was able to think about was the one hundred and two people she was about to kill and the hundreds of monsters that would go down with them.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily followed Iris trying to stare at the ground and keep her mind off of what happened. She went in the same jeep as Iris and sat next to her with her head down not saying a thing. She knew what had to be done and knew what might happen if she lost control of herself now.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

The jeep drove off, putting good distance between them, and the store...

Eventually, the driver stopped the car. She seemed to stare out of her front window for a while, before turning to the two girls, "I assume she gave one of you the detonator..."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Feeling the jeep stop and hearing one of the ladys speak Iris stopped her thinking. As Iris continued to look down and hold onto the detonator she said-


" Shall I activate the detonator? "

Anyone paying attention could tell there was heavy depression and emotion in Iris's voice as she said this.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

The driver looked at Iris, noticing her depression. She said in a soothing voice, "If you don't want to do it... You don't have to, here, you can give it to me."

She stretched her hand out.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris shook her head at the offer. Iris clutched the device even firmer now. It was time. Iris's voice got even more emotional, even more sad sounding. Iris then said-


" Shiva... Shiva entrusted it to me. I'm the one who has to do it... "

Iris's right hand began to tremble as her thumb crept up to the button on the device. Iris felt her body start to go numb as her thumb touched the plastic button. Goose bumps began appearing all over her body. Iris's heart got even heavyer and her blood was rushing. Iris then thought to herself ' I'm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry to all the people I'm about to kill, including you Shiva. Please forgive me. I-I take no pleasure in this at all...Please forgive me...' Five seconds after thinking this Iris did it. Heavy tears formed in her eyes and tears began going down her cheeks. Without making any sounds Iris quickly pressed down on the button.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

An explosion was heard in the distance... And then silence...

The driver seemed at a loss for words as Iris cried. The passenger asked, "Does this mean... Shiva...?"

The Driver didn't give her an answer, she knew she didn't have one.

They drove back to the hotel, the trip didn't take any more than a minute, as they soon pulled up to the front of the Inn, and they let the two girls out. The girls inside the jeep drove into a nearby building built to be a garage.

As Emily and Iris walked back into the lobby of the Inn, they found the Director was waiting for them.

after observing them for a second, the Director quickly rushed to them.


"Where is Shiva!?!" she demanded, "What happened to her!?!"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

It was a very short trip back to the hotel. Iris had cried in silence during most of it but forced herself to calm down and to stop crying when they reached the hotel. Iris had wiped her tears from her black eyes and calmed herself down, although she felt just as bad. When Iris walked into the hotel with Emily and the director was waiting for them Iris didn't know what she should say. There was a brief and awkward moment after The director had asked about Shiva. Iris had finally answered the question. Iris said, with her head looking at the ground in shame, to the director-


" A strange white haired woman in a white dress appeared after we set the bomb up. Shiva made Emily and I leave as she held the woman off. We escaped and then... "

Iris couldn't continue talking. It was to hard for her. She waited for the director to say something as she hung her head in shame and sadness.