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They didn't come to sell cookies...

Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva shook her head.


"Too many women would have attracted the monster's attention, fool! We wouldn't have been able to get this close! Wake up and smell reality, if we don't kill these monsters, then the women you'll have saved will be put right back where they were, in the grip of these creatures!"

Shiva quickly looked around as if she heard something.


"Decide quickly!"
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Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily had no idea what to do. She knew Shiva was right about being overrun in a week. She guessed early on the monsters were evolving and all this just made her sure it was all happening. She looked down at the ground. All the fight had left her. She felt exhausted now. She couldn't argue anymore. She just stood there staring at the ground having no idea what to do.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva growled.


"We're running out of time, I'm going to stop these creatures, with, or without you. Even if it costs me my life."

Shiva turned her back on the girls, and began walking towards the center of the building...

*What do you do?*
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

It was time to decide. Iris knew what she had to do. Shiva couldn't plant the bomb herself. Iris was... Going to have to help her. Iris didn't want to be apart of the death of so many innocent people but... What had to be done had to be done. Even if it cost Iris her sanity she wouldn't be able to live knowing she let all these people suffer and just ignored this situation like a coward. Iris was about to follow Shiva but she looked down at Emily for a breif moment. Iris thought for a minute on what to say then something came to mind. Iris said-


" Emily. Do whatever you want but be careful. While Shiva and I plant the bomb you could free some of the woman here... "

With that Iris gloomly went after Shiva.

* Iris decides to help and follow Shiva. *
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(You're in for a heap of trouble if Iris is the only one helping Shiva... Just lettin' ya know, the situation that's about to go down is very dangerous.)
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(( That plan won't work me and RJ already went over why it wont work. Due to some confusion issues though he had to delete it and you can't read it anymore ))

Emily saw Iris walk towards Shiva. She heard her say she was going to help her plant it. Iris' decision helped Emily make up her mind. She felt like Iris was her friend even though she had only known her for a short while. She managed to find the strength to walk towards Shiva... even though every step felt like a lead-weight was attached to her feet.

"I'll.... help....."
She manged to say so slowly and softly it was almost as if it were to herself.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

The girls quickly followed Shiva as she made her way to the center.

There was an open area, which was surrounded by all of the aisles of boxes. Shiva moved to the middle of this area, took out the bomb, which appeared to be small in size, and began twisting wires that were sticking out of it.

Shiva kept her eyes on the bomb as she shouted,



Three gargoyles that appeared to be flying by noticed the three girls in the area, then diverted their course to them, diving to the ground.

The girls were surrounded.

*Four turns until Shiva finishes prepping the bomb.*
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris heard Shiva shout then took swift action. Pulling her sword with her left hand Iris got ready for close range combat. WIth her right hand Iris pulled out her 9mm handgun out of its holster. Iris took great aim at one of the gargoyles and fired. She hoped this worked.

* Iris fired once at one gargoyle. *
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily saw the gargoyles coming to them. "If I have to fucking kill people then why can't these damn things just leave me alone," Emily thought, She felt like the fire in her was out. She just took aim with her gun and aimed a single shot at the closest gargoyle, hoping this will be over as quickly as possible.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(Iris attacks, aimed)

Her bullet ripped through it's shoulder, but it still kept approaching her...

(Emily attacks, aimed)

Her bullet took a chunk off it's side, but it ignored the pain.

(Enemy attacks)

Iris delivered a blow from her shoulder as the gargoyle in front of her attempted to grab her, sending it back a little.

Emily grabbed the other gargoyles hands when it attempted the same thing, then pushed it back.

As Shiva was trying to focus on the bomb, the third gargoyle grabbed her from behind, it's arms wrapped around her arms and waist.


"Damn it!" she spat.

*Shiva was distracted*
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris Saw her bullet rip through the gargoyles shoulder. Not a bad shot but that wasn't good enough. It was going to take more to take it down. Iris didn't like unloading ammo on something but she decided now was a good time to fire two bullets instead of one. Iris aimed her 9mm and fired two bullets best she could, she hoped they would both land.

Iris was to busy aiming to notice that Shiva was in trouble and had been grabbed by the third gargoyle. She would of helped if she had taken notice.

* Iris fires two times at the same gargoyle. *
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(( What the hell RJ? Did you make that action just for Emily cause I think that was bad ass lol ))

Emily saw Shiva grabbed. She had to remind herself that she was helping her instead of trying to go against her. With Iris their as some form of encouragement she decided to attack the gargoyle. She took out her gun to try to help Shiva get free. "Maybe if I start yelling and screaming I can distract it...." She thought.

"Hey you peice of shit of a gargoyle! Why don't you try to go for me instead of some distracted bitch?"

(( Well aimed shot at the gargoyle <.< while attempting to distract it ))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(Iris attacks, two shots)

She sent two very lucky shots threw it's middle. It collapsed to the ground.

(Emily attacks, Aimed shot)

Her shot went straight into it's ribs, as it recoiled off of Shiva in pain.


"Good shot!" she exclaimed.

(Enemy attacks)

The gargoyle that was approaching Emily saw it's chance as it leaped at her with intentions of grabbing hold.

Emily immediately swung around, using her pistol as a club, and smacked it to the ground.

*Three turns until Shiva's finished.*

*One gargoyle is dead, one stunned, and the other on the ground.*
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(( Another bad ass action XD ))

Emily heard a crunch when she hit the gargoyle. Earlier when Shiva had encouraged them she felt pride. She also would have been celebrating earlier had she done something like this. Now she just wanted this all to be over fast. Hopefully she stunned it enough to be able take an aimed shot at its head.

"Just... leave us alone now."
She whispered as she pulled the trigger.

( Aimed shot at the gargoyles head she stunned )
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Two shots in the middle. Not bad. Iris had managed to take down the gargoyle with only three bullet shots. Looking over it with her black eyes Iris knew there wasn't a pulse of life left in the monster. Its body just laid there, limp and dead. Iris felt no compassion for it, it got everything it desirved.

The mission was going to be a succsess. Iris knew that now. After this one on one fight with the gargoyle Iris began thinking again. She grasped what was about to happen. Shiva was about to set a bomb and one hundred woman were about to die. Iris began shaking slightly, out of shear emotion about what was about to happen. She managed to bottle up her emotion though, now wasn't the time for an out burst. Iris turned around to see how Shiva and Emily were fairing.

* Iris truns around to face Shiva and Emily.*
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Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(Iris observes her surroundings)

Shiva is still working on the bomb.

Emily was firing at a Gargoyle on the ground.

(Emily attacks)

As the monster began to get back up, Emily fired a shot that blew it's head all over the ground. It dropped, motionless with a puddle of blood forming under it's head.

(Shiva attacks, aimed shot)

Shiva pulled her gun out of it's holster, and finished the Gargoyle that grabbed her off with a shot to the chest.

All of the gargoyles have died.

Shiva quickly finishes the bomb within the minute. And the girls proceed to run back the way they came.

As they turn a corner to go down the lane that the exit was, they happened upon a woman with white hair, and was wearing a white dress to match it. She was looking at all three girls with distaste.


"I hope you weren't thinking of harming my babies...?"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris sadly followed SHiva and Emily to exit the building. One hundred lives... Because of her help one hundred people were going to die. The only thing that gave Iris comfort was the fact that much more monsters would die instead of people and a lot of future lives had been protected. Going back to the exit with her team members Iris and her team came across something that surprised Iris. A woman with white hair and a white dress had appeared.

Taking a breif moment to examine the woman Iris wondered who she was. What did she mean by "Her babies?" Was... Was she the person who caused all of this?! Iris kept her cool and didn't say anything. She didn't feel like doing the talking for the group, not yet.

* Iris stands her ground and keeps her guard up. *
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily was walking with her eyes pointed down to the floor. Trying to think of what she could have done differently to avoid this situation. She knew it was pointless but could think of nothing else to comfort her. Then she heard a woman talk. She wondered what she just said meant. Then after a few seconds she finally understood. Emily stared at the white haired women in disbelief. Could this women be the cause of all her grief, her hesitation, her depression?

"Are you trying to tell me... You created these things..."
She looked up to see the woman had white hair.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

The woman chuckled.


"Mankind brought this upon itself, it was your combined sin that brought this fate onto you. And it is with God's wrath that you will face judgment."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily heard the words and almost couldn't comprehend them. This was the cause of everything. She found someone she could blame it all on. Then she felt blinding hot rage. Just sitting there hearing this bitch talk was not an option to her. Completely forgetting about her gun and sword she charged towards the woman. Her fist was raised. She let out a scream as she charged with no intelligible words in it.

( Charges white haired woman to punch her )