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They didn't come to sell cookies...

Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris was about to fire at the final gargoyle, but was beaten to it when Shiva blasted its head off its shoulders. Iris was just farther amazed at Shivas skill. Iris didn't notice Emilys anger at all. When Shiva gave the order to continue walking Iris went next to Emily. Looking at her Iris said-

" Hey Emily. Good job. "

Iris had thought Emily had shown decent skill with her handgun and sword.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily heard Iris when she complimented her. She instantly forgot about her anger towards Shiva and felt pride. "My first time firing a hand gun and using a sword and I get complimented by someone who's been doing it their whole life!" Emily thought. She smiled at Iris
"Thanks I guess it was my first time fighting with weapons, lets hope it isn't beginners luck, right.
Emily paused for a second and decided she should compliment Iris as well
"I think you did really good yourself."
After she was done talking she patted Iris on the back and walked alongside her.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris nodded, taking in what Emily said and the pat on the back. If this was her first time using a gun then it was amazing how well Emily did. She was talented and could become very skilled with practice. Iris really doubted this was just some beginners luck.

Iris really wasn't use to praise but accepted it happily. Responding Iris said-


" Thanks Emily. After this mission if you want a sparing or hunting partner ill be happy to be yours. "

Iris then thought back to Lin and River. With them and Emily with her she thought the four of them could do some real damage.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(( I.E. I should have clarified this but she was kinda saying the beginners luck thing as a joke ))

Being invited made to hunt with Iris made Emily feel important. She was really starting to like Iris. "This girl really appreciates me being around," she thought to herself, "And she is quite dangerous herself, she could be a great amount of help."
She smiled again.

"I'd be glad to spar with you or even hunt. I bet the two of us together could take out a shitload of those little demons."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

((Ready to move on to the warehouse?))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

The two talked amongst themselves as Shiva led the way to the warehouse...

Eventually, she stopped at a large building that looked like a long abandoned super market.

She walked around the side of the building. Reaching the back, where a automatic door was that would open to let people bring supplies in from the trucks that would come. Shiva turned to both of the girls, speaking in an emotionless voice.


"Are you ready?"
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Iris had just walked and talked with Emily until they reached the warehouse. Iris felt herself get a little nervous as they reached the side of the warehouse and the big building loomed over them. Iris drew her sword once more, placeing it in her right hand after putting her gun back in its holster. Getting to what Shiva said Iris responded by nodding then saying-

Iris really wasn't use to praise but accepted it happily. Responding Iris said-


" Yes. "
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily thought she could feel the coldness in Shiva's words. "Jeez does this girl ever relax?" She thought to herself, "Oh well I guess we do need her..."


"I'm ready to kick some ass."

(( How much time has passed since they left? (Need to know this for one of Emily's drawbacks <.<) Also just as a side note I thought you should know Emily shoots with her left hand and attacks with a sword with her right. (I do this IRL and like it XD) ))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

It's high noon, and dark clouds are in the sky, suggesting that it might rain soon.

After hearing the girls say they're ready, Shiva draws her sword, the slashes through the metal door. She then sheaths her blade, then proceeds to use her gloved hands to peel the door apart, creating an opening for the girls to crawl through.

It stunk inside. And there was hardly any light to see, aside from the little bit pouring in from outside the hole Shiva made. There were slight sounds of moaning and breathing coming from deeper inside the warehouse...

All three were in the darkness of the warehouse.

*Chat, or continue?*
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(( Continue we chatted a shitload lol ))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

(Not even one comment on the situation? :()

Shiva pulled what looked like a hand held radio out of her purse.


"We're inside, hit it."

Both girls gave a start as the lights came on, and as naked, pregnant women could be seen, unconscious along the walls as far as their eyes could see.

There were one hundred women here, easy. And each of them were pregnant with more of those flying creatures, that was certain.

*Respond to the situation.*
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Seeing the entire situation filled Iris with anger and fear, Iris felt her eyes widen. There were naked and pregnant woman everwhere, at least one hundred of them! Iris gritted her teeth and firmed the grasp on the hilt of her sword. She quetly said to herself-


" Those monsters... "

Iris was going to do whatever she could to help free these woman. She was going to save them or become enslaved to these demons trying. Iris forced herself to calm down and relax. SHe took a deep breath, feeling herself get back to normal. Getting tense and angry wasn't going to help at all.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily's eyes widened at the sight. "How... how many of these things are there?" Emily thought. She was momentarily stunned. Looking at all these pregnant naked women, she'd never seen anything like this. As she looked at them she could feel something growing inside her as well. She had no idea what this was but it almost seemed like she wanted to touch their bellies. She fought the urge beating it down. "Why the hell would I want to go near them?" Emily thought, "It could be a trap." Still no matter what logic she used she couldn't make the urge completely go away just control it.

"Hey... Shiva... how are we going to rescue all of these women?"
Her voice started off shaky at first but then quickly regained its normal tone. Mad at herself for talking like that she decided to say nothing more and look for traps.

(( You should answer my question directly about how much time has passed! You may not know this but I'm a fucking retard ))
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva regards Emily out of the corner of her eye.


"I know what you're thinking, but we can't help these women."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Hearing what Shiva said to Emily sent her into shock. They were going to let all of these woman die?! Iris couldn't belive it. Looking at Shiva, in shock, Iris was only able to say-


" What? B-but...I.. "

Iris was almost speachless. She had no clue what to say. Iris couldn't live with herself if she had a part in the death of all of these woman.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva lowered her head, eyes looking at the ground.


"These women are under a special kind of coma that they can only awake from if their souls are no longer being drained. There's no way we'd be able to get them all out before we're compromised."

Shiva heaved a heavy sigh


"I'm not fond of this method either, but we'd be doing them a kindness by... Letting them die..."
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Emily stared at Shiva in disbelief. "That... cold heartless bastard," She thought to herself, "They've been planning this the whole entire time haven't they." She looked at the women. She saw sisters... mothers... she even saw herself. "I might... treat others as objects sometimes... but I won't abandon these women," Emily resolved herself to stand up to Shiva.

"So... you and that director bitch have known about this the whole entire time haven't you..."
She tried not to waver.

"If you want to blow up these women then I suggest you get the fuck away now, because you'll have me to go through."

She tried to sound as intimidating as possible.
Re: They didn't come to sell cookies...

Shiva only hung her head, staring at the ground, her eyes wavering in thought....