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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Ominous windmill, ground floor
Tag: Vita, Belle.

"I apologize for disrespecting this establishment, though frankly.." she looked about. "I could do it little worse by the looks of it. As proud member of the Falkovnian army I cannot allow evil to thrive. It is my duty to stop you, if truly you are villainous. Fighting is my last desire as well, but I can not stand idly by if indeed innocent children are threatened by you." She said, unyieldingly.
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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Bella and Offalia
Old Bonegrinder
Tag: All


"Oooh, okaay~ Then I can show you to a bed!" Offalia offered to Esvele when the later had yawned. But she was interrupted by the sudden actions of Sylvia who approached the older sibling with a set of very clear statements that brought the rest of the room to a hush.


Bella adjusted her glasses, breathed deeply, and then looked at Sylvia.

"Of course I do not abduct children and steal from graves! That's preposterous! Slanderous! And you are being wretched for even suggesting it. Moreso for putting your hand on your weapon in my home, after being brought in from the rain. If this is not to your liking, then you may feel free to sleep in the rain and wilderness of the Svalich Woods! I need not defend the state of my own home to an ungrateful woman, such as yourself. If you think I'm intimidated by your insolent buffoonery, then you're even more touched in the mind than at first I thought!"

"Ooooooh, buuuuuuuurrrrrrn~" Offalia cooed.

"SHUT UP, OFFALIA!" Bella snapped, grabbed the nearest thing at hand - a ladel - and flung it at the young witch's head. The younger sibling ducked and the ladel struck a wooden cabinet, which creaked open to reveal racks of spices, and oddly labeled ingredients. Potions of various colors lined the shelves with names on them such as "Youth," "Laughter," or "Mother's Milk."

Along the inside of the cabinet's doors were many locks of hair, tied and pinned to the wooden frame.

"Nyaaah, missed me!" Offalia teased.

Scowling, Bella turned her ire back on Sylvie. "There will be no combat! You will simply leave if you do not like my home. And don't think I won't collect on the broken deal if you do. I have methods. I am a powerful spellcaster, and don't you forget it!"

"Ehhhhhh," Offalia scrunched up her face and put her hand out, teetering it back and forth to indicate that she believed her sister was only a so-so spellcaster.

"Offalia, I swear by the three titted goat of Niflheim, I will drive a barbed spike SO far up your ass, Strahd will be able to use you as Ravenloft's new windvane!" Bella took a step towards Offalia.

"Waaaah! Sis is being mean! Save me!" Offalia acted innocent and hid behind Esvele, taking the opportunity to grip and squeeze one of the nun's breasts under the pretext of fright.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Ominous windmill, ground floor
Tag: Everyone!

"Enough of this. I cannot stay calm in the face of potential villainry." Sylvia nodded, determinedly. "The state of your home is not the issue(mostly that is), but what I begin to suspect you do within it is. If you answer for your crimes, and survive your just punishment I will gladly follow through with my debt, which is not forgotten. That said.." Looking at the locks of hair and other suspicious seeming ingredients.

"I am not a fool. I'm beginning to suspect you somehow use children in your wicked spellcraft, that is something that can not go unjudged." The grip on her weapon tightened.
"Furthermore, you attack and clearly press your innocent little sister into the same horrible trade as yours. You have greeted me friendly, and assisted me, so I am grateful, yet I cannot abide this wickedness any longer. Submit to the lawful authority of this land right away, or step outside with me, draw your weapon to defend your honor against my accusations.

If you attempt to torture your younger sister, or attack any of us, regardless of this being your home, I shall bring judgement upon you right here and now. Fear not, young miss, you are safe now."

Sylvia proclaimed, clearly a honorable warrior, if with a slightly skewed misunderstanding of who she was facing. Still, she readied her Greataxe, seeming prepared to strike if Bella attacked any of them, or the 'innocent' Offalia.
Readied action to move and attack Bella if she makes a clearly hostile move, initative of .. 4, bleh. ^^
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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Esvele squeaked and jumped just a tiny bit when Offalia squeezed her.

"Is this why you're no longer in your 'Falkovnia', then, Sylvia? The instant you think someone does something wrong, you pull out your axe and threaten to murder them with it. You, I, and all those under my protection would be either dead or worse, lying in puddles of our own blood in that mountain pass, while those wolves ate or raped us if you'd gone through with your fool thought to 'strike me down'. Maybe both at the same time? Hmmm."

"Moreover, what marks upon this girl's body--" Esvele spun, pulling Offalia in front of her and running her hands up the girl's arms, spreading them apart like a T, "Even suggest she is being 'tortured'? And her demeanor - does she behave like a tortured victim would? Is she locked up like a tortured victim would be?"

"Murder and threats on suspicions without evidence might as well be murder plain. Is that you, then, soldier? A murderer, who kills women in front of their family, in their own home, with no proof but their 'feeling,' and calls it justice?"
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Ominous windmill, ground floor
Tag: Everyone!

"First of all, you assume a few wolf-men could strike down a warrior of Falkovnia. That insult alone would see you quartered in any civilized place. Make this not about your morality and eventualities, if your assumption of them being wolf-men had been wrong, you may well have ran over a group of innocent travelers. You were the one quite content to attempt manslaughter on a suspicion back then. And need I remind you that without my aid, you'd have fallen by the wolves? That you'd rather have left me and miss Bella by the wayside if you had had your way? I'd call you hypocritical, but that word seems a little weak right now.

Similarly, what is this I hear about children being taken with you not taking action to prevent it happening further? And Bella herself threatened her younger sister just now. Even if she exxagerated, innocents must be protected, no matter what. But enough of this, what would you understand of honor."
She exhaled, calming herself for a moment.

"And what do you mean, murder? I call this womans motives into question and challenge her to confess her crimes or face trial by honorable duel and you dare accuse me of such villainry? I'd ask you to defend your claims against my axe, but frankly, you'd propably cry murder again. Ehrlose Hure." She narrowed her eyes, cussing in her native language, but demonstratively sheated her axe.

"I for my part will not mingle with the wicked." Her eyes wandering to Bella she added: "And unless you can explain away all this witchcraft and what I hear of the taking of a child I shall consider you amongst them. Where is your grains and flour, baker, your salt and water? How can delicious pastries and stinking sludge be at the same place? I was a simple fieldworker on the fields of Falkovnia before and I've ne'er seen a windmill that functioned with its wings torn to holes. Am I truly the only one with eyes to see the failures of the mundane here?" She narrowed her eyes, looking over to the cabinet with many locks of hair, shaking her head, arms crossed, expression cold.
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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Vita the bitten Tiefling Warlock
Old Bonegrinder
Tags: All

The whole tension of the room filled to the brim as Bella responded. She didn't strike out or do anything but the feeling of danger... Rose inside. Vita felt the throb of her recent wounds. Her tail slapping against the ground and the warmth from the oven felt far less inviting. She looked back and forth between Offalia and Bella and Sylvia.

Offalia is STRANGE! Like a grown child that... hadn't become an adult. She definitely felt like a grown child that made weird noises and felt utterly adorable. Vita felt the strange need to grab and pinch her cheeks... Both of them and see what she said and did and... Even with the knowledge that she is one of those creatures the fiend inside of her talked about - or could she? Maybe only her mother is one of those. And she is... something else.

"Ah uh um." Vita flailed in the background between the two strong personalities. Watching as Esvele does things with Offalia and Sylvia respond in kind. The two arguing with Sylvia taking an end to it by sheathing her axe... But the strong burly warrior did raise good points. Some of which Vita felt she should've noticed but wouldn't because it would bring foul suspicions on her mind about Bella and the avenue of finding her mother.

"...This is ah most um ah..." Vita didn't know Sylvia long enough. She looked back and forth between Bella, Esvele and Sylvia. Her mind in a conodrum. "Um could we try ah, talking this over with everyone uh um sitting down? And ah... let uh calmer words prevail? Does um ah... Falkovia have uh ah debtors um ah forced ah labor? For...ah um that is what the ah parents of Lucian were ah um using him as. As an ah um object to be taken by um ah Morgantha if they uh um did not pay their uh dues." She stumbled out with her words. Not knowing if they helped or if they muddied the waters further. For she isn't sure of the legality but if one made a deal with their word they should follow through with their word and try to make the best of it.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Ominous windmill, ground floor
Tag: Everyone

"Of course we don't have forced labor, everyone works willingly for the glory of the great lord Drakov, child or not and of course children are taken away to serve in the great military of Falkovnia, a honor beyond any other, frankly, I can understand your minds refuse to accept the revolting possibility I currently consider, but look at the locks of hair, try to remember what Bella called this place. Look around you, the stench of terrible decay in the air, but most of all, if this child was taken as a payment for a debt, expensive pastries that must be. Did none of you come to question how you could be indepted to a simple baker to the point of selling your son or daughter to them?" Sylvia mused, then glared at Esvele, Belle, and even somewhat Vita, hand on the grip of her axe. "If you collect children as a debt, then.. where are the children? Frankly, I don't need that answered, your windmill is not build of sugar, but I for one have been told the story of Hänsel and Gretel."
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Tag: All

"Whooup!" Offalia said as she was pulled out in front of the nun and her hands were drawn up. At first she looked frightened, as if Esvele was going to use her as a human shield. But then when the nun started pointing out that she didn't have torture marks, she gave a silly grin and started to shimmy a bit, putting on a seductive display, biting her lip and swinging her hips side to side, bobbing her head a bit and waving her arms as if she was bouncing with some music that only she could hear.

"You're going to kill me for *potential* villainy?" Bella murmured, resting her chin in her hand as then the tiefling and the nun came to witch's defense.

When a moment for her to respond among the bickering occurred she would speak up, primarily to Sylvia.

"My response is this: Yes, we do witchcraft. I've never denied that. But you need proof, not hearsay, before you have the authority to do anything to me, up to and including this preposterous 'trial by duel' that you seem so fond of. I claim that my witchcraft is on the up and up. We get our exotic ingredients from nature, and sometimes we augment it with our spells. We also run this windmill by hand. Either pushing the millstone ourselves upstairs, or getting temporary labor to do it from our debtors. We bring adults AND children to our mill to pay off debts. The children are foragers and help to feed our animals. The adults generally move the millstone so that we don't have to. When they've done a reasonable amount of work to pay off the debt, they're free to return to their families... some choose not to, because well... what sort of parent gets in debt and agrees to put their children to labor? But that's OUR business practice, and it's perfectly LEGAL here. So if you bring your axe to bear on me, YOU'RE the criminal."

"Yeah! Criminimal...Crim... cri-- bad lady!" Offalia said and then pointed at Sylvia. She then turned and hugged Esvele, burying her face into her cleavage.

"Mmmmm... Soft" She wiggled her butt playfully, as if she couldn't help herself and had boundless childish energy.

Bella shook her head at this, but continued to speak to Sylvia.

"At the moment, we don't have any children here. We have a couple of adults. They're staying in the stable at the moment. Don't worry, they're warm and have blankets and have been fed. So now, are you going to apologize for your behavior? If not, you'll just have to leave. And no, I won't duel you. There's no such trial in existence here. You're not the law. You have no ability to compel me to fight you other than simply trying to murder me. In which case, I'd expect your companions to help me put a quick end to you. So. Are you going to come to your senses or are you going to continue being a dullard?"
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

"There was no question they were not bandits, and they had ample opportunity to move out of the way. You, on the other hand, have demonstrated failure in both judgement and ignorance of Barovia on the whol--"

Esvele stopped and sighed.

"Why did I ever stop to pick you up? My instincts told you you two meant no harm, but I feel like I've been on the edge of losing my mind ever since you two waved me down. If this is one of the Morninglord's trials I think I may be found wanting."

As prudish as the nun seemed to come off, she was almost entirely unaffected by the face enjoying her tits. Esvele gripped the younger girl and spun her around again, pointing at Sylvia. "Look there, Offalia. She's really strong - she threw a bunch of angry werewolves real far when they bothered us. But see how her breastplate juts out so far? She probably has a big soft chest - maybe bigger than mine, even. I bet you she's soft up top, but her abs are hard and chiseled like a big strong man's. That kind of lady's really rare, you know." She pushed Offalia towards Sylvia, hoping she would molest the warrior for awhile and defuse this nonsense for her.

She turned to look at Bella - quickly, in case Offalia decided she liked Esvele's chest better in spite of the 'exotic' spin she'd tried to give Sylvia. "Do you keep any alcohol? My brain has been good to me, but if some of it must die here I would prefer it died pleasantly." She looked at the barrel, and then back to Bella. "Should I ask about your barrel? I was worried we would have to sleep with it, but if you'll have us upstairs I suppose it's not as much of an issue. Really though, alcohol."
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Ominous windmill, ground floor
Tag: Everyone, Bella and Esvele primarly.

"Hmpfh. I still find this highly suspicious." Sylvie kept her arms crossed. "Mock me and indulge in alcohol as you desire, but I shall not rest soundly until I am convinced nothing wicked is afoot with this witchery. Perhaps 'tis normal in these lands, but where I come from there is few that would even dare cast spells without the authority oft the magic ministry. .. Also, of course my body is in top condition, its a warriors duty to hone their bodies, thanks for at least acknowledging this much." Sylvie turned back to the entrance.

"I shall interview the people in the stable to ensure no witchery is used upon them. If you do no evil you needn't fear my axe, unlike that priestess insultingly insinuates." She insisted.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Vita the bitten Tiefling Warlock
Old Bonegrinder
Tags: All

This whole place reeked of dark witchcraft but Vita refused to entertain that notion. She couldn't think badly of the people offering her shelter. It just wasn't proper to do at all. She isn't a thief or scoundrel to make cause at someone's home and create a ruckus for her own peace of mind.

"Hansel and um, Gretel?" The tiefling warlock questioned aloud, jumping onto that little nugget of information.

Her question is lossed to her own ears as Bella talks. Laying out that they do indeed practice witchcraft. Bella's explanation is smooth as honey. The children do the tasks of hunting down things in the forest which is horrible by itself but far safer then working around a millstone. She knows of millers. She knows of their grounded hands. Some of them missing every finger except the pinkie beyond the hinge bone.

The continue molestation ministration by Offalia onto Esvele even as she backed her sister up in simple words and kept... acting childlike. The urge to pinch her cheeks grew.

"Ah um... May ah see the stables uh um too? Not for uh, looking for um cause to ah rally behind but ah... the ah other thing we ah talked about in the cart." Vita asked. The tiefling warlock yellow orbs looking over at Sylvia. Hoping her prescence coming along with will act as a soft barrier. The throbbing of the shoulder bite worsened as the stress and tension slowly got to her. But, at least she will be able to see the stables and if their... really nasty or at an acceptable level. She whispered to Ireena "Ah um I recommend you ah stick with ah Esvele. She ah, has her um head on real ah well. Focused ah um, like an ah bear is ah focused on ah getting honey. She ah will definitely be ah not as um, naive as ah me..." The last part said with some sadness.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

The Witchy Sisters
The Old Bonegrinder
Tag: All

"B-b-but she's mean and aeeeyyyeeh!" Offalia was shoved forward and stumbled into Sylvia's chest, her hands instinctively moving forward and clutching the Falknovian's breasts tightly to prevent her from falling onto the ground.

"Uawah!" She squeaked and hopped back a step, holding onto her pointy hat with one hand, and sticking her other palm out protectively, lest the brawny one pull out her axe and take it to her.

"B-but what if we do tiny evils? Like what if we eat dessert for breakfast? Or we put one in the pink and *two* in the stink? Or turn people into milk-producing, sex-addled --"


A pot neatly rattled off Offalia's head as Bella smacked upside the skull with it.

"Ahem! Don't worry. She'll heal just fine. Mother has a potion for it and it's not as if anything important is in that skull in the first place. Now! If you insist on going to the stables, then you can go, but you mustn't release anything in the pens. The people inside of them are comfortable and happy, and it would make things worse for them if you did anything foolish. They might... ehm... be excited to see you, but well... just, try to keep your hands off them if you can at all restrain yourselves."

Bella then smiled sweetly at Vita, while behind her Offalia wobbled back onto her feet, rubbing her head.

"If you like what you see from one of our cows, then, yes, maybe we could work something out to have you and your lady friend have a go."


If Sylvia and Vita chose to go outside, they would find the rain coming down now, especially hard, with flashes of lightning overhead and peels of thunder not far behind. The path towards the stable was muddy and slippery, but if they went slowly, they didn't need to fear slipping, although they would be terribly drenched if they didn't sprint.

[Athletics or Acrobatics check DC = 5 if you choose to sprint, failure results in 1 HP damage and you slip slide into the mud and get both drenched and muddy]

Once inside the stables they would see their cart parked off in an open space on one side, and their horses safely housed in their own pens. At the dark, far end of the space, they would see two figures in the pens opposite one another, and beyond them a large pig - scratch that - a boar, who was rummaging around in the back.

The figures were moaning slightly, with blankets draped over their shoulders. As they drew closer, they would see that there was one young man and one young lady, both quite naked. The man had a cock that was, quite frankly, not human. It was shaped like an animal's phallus, perhaps a horse or a bull, and it was fully erect and throbbing. The young woman's breasts were quite big and full, and her nipples were hard and prominent. Both of them had their hands bound behind their backs and were wiggling slightly.

They each looked up at Sylvia and Vita and their eyes seemed to brighten.

"Is it time to be milked again?" The woman asked hopefully.

"Yes, please. I'll produce a lot!" The man said, eagerly.


Back in the windmill, Bella and Offalia each sat down, with the younger one still rubbing her sore head and eyeing her sister reproachfully. Ireena took a seat nearer to Esvele and stared across at the sisters.

"You don't really seem to get along much, the pair of you," Ireena observed aloud, not asking so much as stating the obvious.

"Hmph. If you asked mother, she'd say we're both lousy and disappointing," Bella said with a shrug.

"Least she lets you prepare baking ingredients!" Offalia said with her arms crossed.

"That's because I've got the stomach for it, you wishy-washy twerp. *sigh* If it didn't mean years of crippled magic, mother would've gotten rid of you years ago."

"Yeah well, whatevs! Hey, pretty nun. You want some wine? Or mebbe somthing strooooonger?"

The youngest witch flew over to the cabinet with the curiously labeled potions, placing aside 'Youth', 'Laughter,' and 'Mother's Milk' and grasping one called "Snake Bite."

She brought this purple potion to Esvele and sat down cross legged in front of her, proffering the bottle.

"It'll really knock your knickers off! Try some!"

At that moment, Esvele sensed that her familiar, Nevermore, had suddenly come within 100 feet of her, and was getting closer, apparently zoning in on her after having been tracking Morgantha's progress throughout the day. That must mean that Morgantha was nearing her home.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Ominous windmill, ground floor -> Stable
Tag: Everyone, Offalia and Vita primarly.

"I am not mean, I am Disciplined. Frankly, compared to most of the Falkovnian military, I am calm and measured." She said, truthfully. Still the lack of proper structure had her a bit concerned. Clearly, there had to be some military command structure and she wished to find it.. but, if her hosts were -not- wicked witches, like in the tales, naturally she had to keep her word first.

Sylvia glanced down at Offalia. "Well, obviously things like eating your desert first only validates a minor punishment like a stern whipping to teach you manners.." The warrior informed, being rather stoical about the armor-gropings. "Wait, hold on what was that last bit.... hoi! I really don't think you discipline your sister properly. For one, that is your mothers duty and I shall tell her of your questionable behaviour towards your sister later.. for two, if you knock her out with a pot she can not learn to improve as a person." Sylvia wasn't the quickest, so Bellas quick knockout had been lost on her, but she was still disapproving and suspicious overall.

"Why do people need to be kept restrained in.. oh you know what, I shall find answers of my own and if I don't like them, I shall return. And if I have to fight everyone for the cause of goodness, so be it.. dying while stopping evil in the name of the great, benevolent lord Drakov is every warriors dream and purpose!

I don't expect to lose either way."
She held her chin pridefully high, turning to the stables.

Sylvia marched through the rain, stomping on the ground determinedly and without complained, not trying to rush. She did address Vita along the way: "I am glad that at least you agree, we need to ensure no criminal villainry is afoot within this abode before we can rest here in good conscience. Bella has been helpful, but acts odd.. more odd than the average magic caster already. Don't tell me there are many bakers such as these in your lands."

Sylvia proceeded to (slightly drippingly) Enter the stable and examine its inhabitants. The Falkovnian cleared her throat once she got a closer look at the two.. "W.. well, something is clearly.. afoul here, but it doesn't seem like -wicked- magic. This explains the unusual pastries I guess...

You two fear not, I'm from the military, here to ensure there is no disorderly conduct and other villainry, answer me this, why are you here, why are you bound? What has happened to you? "
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Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Responding to Sylvia

"Fucknovia military sounds mean!" Offalia said daringly, before her further outbursts were silenced by her sister's use of a pan.


Young man and woman
Replying to Sylvia


It wasn't until she moved closer to the pair that she noticed each had a collar with a cowbell tied around their necks, and the young lady had a special pair of thigh high leggings that were mottled white and black in immitation of a cow. Both also seemed to be sporting cow tails -- real cowtails that had been somehow grafted to their bodies, no doubt by magic.

"We're not afraid," said the young man.

"We just need to be milked!" said the girl, rubbing her thighs together.

"We're here because our parents didn't care for us," replied the man.

"They bought pastries with us as their money to that mean old Morgantha. She's really not nice. Horrible! We were put in cages! She poked us with needles!"

"But Offalia didn't like that, and wanted pets, so she got us put in here instead of with the other children. And then she and Bella made a bunch of potions. They taught us stuff and helped us grow up really quickly when we drank some of their potions. They make us feel really great, and we hardly ever see Morgantha now. Instead we get milked all the time, and play with Offalia and sometimes Bella. Are you here to milk us too?" they young man asked.

"Nnfh... y-yeah... we're both great producers. It gets uncomfortable when we're both so full... could you please milk us? Or get Offalia to play with us again?"
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Ominous windmill, ground floor -> Stable
Tag: Everyone, Offalia and Vita primarly.

Offalia had earned an angry glare for her disrespect of the grand military of Falkovnia, but right now, Sylvia had other things to worry about than the strange sibling relationship.

"I uhm.. Well, if you are rightfully bought by the bakers that sounds good enough for me... That said, poking children with needles is propably evil torture. I mean unless its to rehabilitate criminals.. perhaps she wouldn't want to have you follow any criminal tendencies. Hrmnn.." Sylvia crossed her arms and considered this, a bit emberassed, but utterly comfortable with the human trafficking concept. "Wait hold on, by that account, there are other children still in cages and being treated as such. Where are they?" Sylvia realized and narrowed her eyes again.

"I'm not certain what you mean with your request, but must decline, we need to first make sure no evil is happening here.. exspecially to the other children you spoke off."
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Vita the bitten Tiefling Warlock
Old Bonegrinder Stables
Tags: All

Bella's soft words and interactions with Offalia. What a... Strange pair of sisters. Bella didn't look like she intended to harm Offalia, playful smacking aside. If Bella really wanted to harm her, she'd get a pan and give it a good wind up swing.

"Ah... Okay." Vita spoke softly. Her mind awhirl with different thoughts. Especially with whatever Offalia is referring too. Things she didn't think were proper at all and were... very loose.

The tiefling's inner worries apparent in the twitching of her tail, the tip swiping back and forth as she looked with yellow orbs at Offalia before going outside.


(Sprint Roll)
DC 5: Roll 15 (14 + 1.)

The nasty rain outside had her running for the stables to not get drenched. Getting into the stables, water lightly sprinkled on her. She huffed from the short sprint she ran.

The tiefling tried to hide it, but the dreary weather combined with the sharp retorts of thunder had fear crawling up her spine.

"Oh that storm is ah bad..." She shivered. It is SO dark outside... "Let there be [Light]." She intoned softly, feeling her inner light react and suddenly on her palm, in the middle, a soft dim light is evoked. "Ah um. The only ah bakers I knew of were ah the Muddak's. They ah made the ah best clay bread around the ah parts. It was ah the softest bread in my ah...village." Vita going silent at remembering but tried to keep upbeat as she spoke after a few moments "Ah don't think Miss ah Bella or ah... Pinchy erm ah mean Offalia, are ah bad. Their ah mother is the ah one..." Vita saying the last part cautiously.

The appearance of the two... The stabled boy and girl... She saw what Bella meant by being a cow and the... estatic look on their faces. Vita felt her cheeks warm even as they gazed at her with BIG longing eyes. Eyes that had her shaking her head, automatically replying "No no. We ah, aren't here to ah milk you. It ah, isn't your ah proper milking ah time and milking ah outside of those times leads to ah stress." Vita dully informed them.

She blinked, her mental image of seeing a young cow and young bull gone and in its place were them again. She closed her eyes. "Ah uh... I did ah mention earlier that ah, they are uh ah bought. And... ah I ah, will see if I can get ah, Offalia over here to ah... milk you. But! Have ah, um you done anything to deserve an uh um milking?" As she looked at them. She wanted to... she could easily see herself doing this for fun but... as a permanent cow? Vita decided inwardly that she didn't want to be bound like that. She didn't want to be bred and have her kids taken for veal.

(Vita's ignoring the human trafficking concept. She views this more as a foster child situation.)
Re: Through the Mists: In Character


Young cows~
Tag: Sylvia and Vita

"We don't know where the others are. Offalia says she's not allowed to be in the house when they're 'sent on their way.'" the girl said.

"Awwww," the boy said to Vita when the tiefling mentioned that she wouldn't be milking him or the girl.

"That's what Bella says sometimes. She says we need to be kept on a proper schedule so that we produce more and more. But Offalia sneaks in sometimes and milks us anyway."

"Yeah... and she lets Freek put his cock inside me... and then I milk his cock while she turns on the milking tubes." The girl said.

"Offalia says Myrtle makes more milk when I go inside her really fast," the young man, whose name was apparently Freek, said, his hips bucking at the mere thought. With the light of Vita's spell, she and Sylvia could see a large bead of pre-cum dripping from the end of Freek's bull cock, and his heavyset balls looked swelled and dark.

"Y-yeah~ Feels so good. Being milked... feeling it all rush out of you is amazing~ It's the best thing we've ever felt. We don't want to go back to Barovia village..." added Myrtle.

"Yeah... we like being cows. Could you please get Offalia to milk us? Or help her milk us? Please. We'll make you feel good too! Offalia lets me put it in her from time to time too. She gets all giggly and turns purple..."
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Esvele slid her arm around Ireena for a moment to give her a friendly little hug, and gave Vita a pat on the head when she confessed her before she scampered off to take a look in the stables.

When she was offered the bottle, the nun held the it up at eye level, and eyed the 'Snake Bite' label warily. Taking the plunge and trying a sip of thet stuff was incredibly tempting - it would have helped immensely to be drunk before Sylvia could return, after all. But... she wanted to remain conscious. She couldn't really protect anyone, let alone herself if she were blackout drunk. That's assuming it was merely only potent alcohol, as well... which Esvele was very willing to bet it was not.

The names bothered her. "Youth" and "Laughter" were odd things to have labelled in a spice rack - but in the spice rack of witches, they were unquestionably worrying. Who knew how literal this "Snake Bite" concoction was?

"Ehm... well, I would like to remain conscious, at least for awhile, Offalia. Is there anything lighter to start with?"

Any remaining temptation washed away when she sensed Nevermore returning to her. She definitely wanted her wits about her with Morgantha around.

"Incidentally, I believe your mother is home."

Esvele leaned against the wall, and let her eyelids flutter closed, looking through Nevermore's to spy on Morgantha.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

The Sisters
Old Bonegrinder
Tag: Esvele

Offalia shook her head, a little sad that her potion had been rebuffed.

"I could try making you something?" She offered. "Experimentation is always fun~"

However, both sisters sat up bolt upright, as though they were hares in a field having just become aware of a fox nearby. Their bodies were tense, their eyes and ears frozen, staring off into the distance with a hyper alert appearance.

Then simultaneously they both began to move.

"Blast! She must have finished her collections early!" Bella muttered.

"She won't know we've got people here. She's gonna be maaaaad." Offalia wailed.

"Perhaps... perhaps one of us could go distract her!"

"She won't be distracted. She'll know what's up. Why would we go out to her in all this rain?" Bella chided.

As the pair spoke to one another with growing intensity, Esvele leaned back and watched through her raven's eyes as the slutty looking, big titted woman in the sheer dress and ill-looking hat pushed her cart down the road.

It was a disturbing sight. The body of the peasant girl lay partially covered by the tarp, save for an errant leg that was splayed lifelessly to the side. Her body had been savaged, as if by claws, and there was a hole in her chest, just over where her heart should be. It therefore came as less as a surprise, though no less repulsive or horrific, that Morgantha herself had her lips smeared bloody as she was munching away on a rain-soaked cardiovascular organ. She was eating the raw muscle as if it were a fruit, tearing at it with sharp teeth and ripping it apart, humming a pleasant tune to herself as she did so. She spit out a small morsel after chewing for 10 seconds and chucked it into the air so that it would land on her hat. The crooked maw on the hat opened instinctively and the meat fell into the hat's "mouth."

Morgantha was less than a quarter mile away from mill.

The sisters were still a bit at a loss by the time Esvele broke the clairevoyance.

"...All of them hidden in the stables might work." Bella said, before looking at Ireena and Esvele.

"She'll definitely get mad. Unless you buy some pastries. Ooh, we could have a pastry party! She wouldn't mind that!"

"I think she might still skin our hides," Bella sighed.
Re: Through the Mists: In Character

Ominous windmill, ground floor -> Stable
Tag: Vita primarly and DM-crows.

Sylvia seemed like the literal rock in the waves, barely registering how wet she had become and certainly unconcerned about thunder. "You aren't made from sugar, so you need not fear rain and thunder." She seemed more suspicious of Vitas light-magic, but it was useful, so she didn't question it further.

"I am under the impression that their mother might be the cruel one myself, Bella was -not- fond of her at all and seems to have picked up keeping Offalia in line with punishments from her, which is not wrong of course, but they seem more cruel than efficent. But we can't question our elders without a good reason." She nodded.

"Sent on their way?" Sylvia repeated more loudly and narrowed her eyes. That phrasing was.. suspicious.... she also blushed a bit at the situation before her.

"Alright, listen.." Sylvia nodded to herself, pulling Vita aside from the two briefly.

"There is no more doubt in my mind that Morgantha and Bella too are actually evil children. Offalia is uncorrupted for now.. why else not have her around for the 'sending away' if clearly she cares for the kids. I still lack the final proof.. hmnn.. I know.."

She returned to the two cows, asking innocently. "So, before the kids are sent up, where are they brought.. the mill, I know, but.. do you know anything more, anything more specific? Perhaps anything odd? Please, it could.. well, lets just say it could help put Offalia in charge of you exclusively."