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To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine god dammit RJ

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: Fine
Sarah: Fine

Bakan's declaration, just as the man who he was here to see was approaching, was met with open shock from everyone in the box. People turned to stare, and for a second everyone was simply shocked. As he stepped forward, the servants all rushed to stop him, but Orgrosh and the man with blond hair moved to stop Bakan first, both gently putting a hand on his chest. "I don't believe that this is wise, Commander!" Orgrosh said, and the blond man, his still impassive butler at his side, said; "Now now man! Your beautiful friend there is quite right, it's only a play!"

The other guests in the top booth were glaring at him now, and the man would glance back at them, scowl, and nod. "Yes, lets go outside... I have a feeling things will get ugly if we keep talking in here!" the man said, and then would lead the way out of the booth and into the hallway beyond. Once outside, the butler closed the door and the man who had put out the contract, now revealed to have a sandy blonde shade to his artfully unkept hair in the more full light of the hall, turned to Bakan and Orgrosh and went through his introduction.

"Hello!" he said brightly, and broke out into a boyish grin that made his formerly serious face seem a whole lot friendlier, "I am sorry that my servant had to drag you around so much, but I left instructions that anyone bringing the item that I requested should be brought to me immediately, regardless of where I am. He told me that there was a story involved, and I would like to hear about that... But first, I should introduce myself. My name is Dovikulus Alvarien, but to my friends I am called Dove. I would like it if you would call me that." He held out his hand for Bakan to shake, and then turned to Orgrosh only to bend slightly and kiss her on the hand. "Milady," he said respectfully, and Orgrosh beamed and quietly replied; "Orgrosh Del-Groblik, honored, of the Colcheck tribe." Dove would offer her a nod, "very well... A pleasure to meet you Lady Del-Groblik," and then turned to Bakan, "and you?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"The play felt like so much more than that though... It felt real." Bakan described how the play made him feel. "I'm sorry as well, for being brought here just to cause a ruckus..." Bakan said with shame. Though, Dove kissing Orgrosh's hand sparked jealousy from Bakan similar to when Cory and Rhep had their hands kissed. Luckily, the shame from before was enough for him to suppress it. "It would be nice if you'd still call me a friend after that... Emotional outburst." Bakan nodded, wiping an arm over his eyes to wipe away the tears, which had stopped flowing. "My name is Bakan Jeru, thank you, Dove." Bakan nodded to him, shaking the man's hand in return with a smile.

Then, he cleared his throat. "Yes... There's actually a lot to tell about the story of how I managed to get this thing." Bakan indicated towards what he had. "It's part of the reason why I perhaps reacted... Very badly to that play. I hate sad endings most of all. Crushed hopes and dreams should be the last thing we seek." Bakan spoke his ideology. "But that likely doesn't interest you... What I do have to say relates to the job." Bakan would say.

But then, he'd blink as Dove would actually show interest. Letting out a hum, Bakan nodded. "Alright... Someone very important to me was raped as I was trying to save her from otherworldly creatures. I came very close to losing her forever, before myself and my comrades managed to save her. Ever since then, I've felt like something dark has been manifesting inside of me... When it does manifest, I think my wings turn black... So I've been trying to keep away from anything that could allow it to fester. So much so that I've made a great many mistakes in the last few days... I was so afraid for those around me coming to harm that I completely ignored danger that might head my way, and sent two women who mean a lot to me away to someplace safe. That left me all alone... So I didn't stand much chance against the alraune, who captured me. But... I was soon rescued by a lamia and her alraune companion. They apparently were at odds with the alraune and the giant corrupt plant that was causing all the trouble you posted a bounty about. The lamia, as it turns out, was the one suspected of hurting people as well. But it turned out she was just trying to help everyone. With their help, I managed..." Bakan sighed.

"I lost again. The lamia, Samarta, was raped in front of me, just like before... That was when 'it' manifested. I somehow... Ripped the plant's vines apart that held me and killed the red alraune leader as if she were nothing... But I felt anything but powerful. I felt like... I was losing something precious. Because... Well, I'm not sure how to explain it. It just feels like pure, violent evil." he described it. "Even when an alraune surrendered to me, I couldn't stop myself. I killed her in cold blood..." Bakan stated, visibly trembling as a single black feather showed itself on his wings, flashing dark for a moment before returning to white.

"I'm terrified of very few things, Dove... But the thing that scared me most in my entire life was myself in that moment. I pleaded, and begged, and an angel appeared, bringing the murdered alraune back to life. I was happy... But I still did what I did. I still feel horrible for it. I wish apologizing to the alraune I hurt a hundred times would make it better. But I don't think anything will take away that sin." Bakan sighed.

"So, after going through various inner nightmares... I acquired this." he held up the darkbrain. "If I could ask of one thing though... What in the world do you plan to do with that thing?" he inquired.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: Fine
Sarah: Fine

"It's quite alright! It was a moving performance," Dove replied to Bakan's apology for his behavior while giving a reassuring smile, "I was half a mind to do the same at some points! This company puts on an excellent show, the best I've seen by far, even for a tragedy."

When Bakan indicated that he wouldn't be interested, quite the contrary he would say; "Oh, no, do tell good man!" His prompting would launch Bakan into his tale of woe, to which Dove would react with shock and horror.

"I had no idea it had gotten so bad in Manmere!" he said once Bakan had finished, "I am sorry for what happened to you and those you cared for! But, it is just that sort of thing that I've been working to try and prevent. The world is full of suffering, and that stone is something that I need to try and end some of it. That stones... It's a power source that holds magical energy. That's what I needed it for."

Sighing deeply, Dove's frown would deepen, and his voice would adopt a note of raw weariness as he continued; "The world is full of pain and evil and cruelty. Otherworldly monsters that defy understanding hunt the innocent and destroy entire towns, cruel men enslave and murder, the honest and decent are driven to desperation by the horrors they must face... Your tale is one of many that I have heard over the last two years, Bakan Jeru, and all of it threatens to make me weep, even if I cannot earnestly say that I have suffered much myself.

"Knowing all this, I have begun using my wealth and influence to try and better the world, and that stone is a part of one of my plans. Even though many would wish simply for a world like the one we had before, I dream of an even better one, one where people are judged not by the place or station of their birth, or their race, but by their choices and their actions. It is an unacceptable thing to me that a woman as beautiful as Lady Del-Groblik here should go unappreciated by the people of Badaria just because she isn't human, for instance." Orgrosh beamed briefly at that statement, not just because of the flattery of it but because Bakan would know that orc culture generally didn't hold one's race or lineage in any particular importance.

Dove wouldn't stand on his flattering statement for long, however, as he would maintain his somber expression and look to Bakan again as he continued; "I want to help you, Bakan Jeru. Not just you, I want to help everyone. I want to lessen the pain of the world. I want to make our country a safer, happier place where people may live in peace. I want to drive the aliens from our world so that they can never harm another soul. But, even with my wealth, I do not have the strength to do it on my own. Will you help me? Will you lend me what strength you have to help make a world we can both live in without our respective demons controlling us?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan quickly brightened up to the man's words. A kindred spirit? He was happy to hear that the man shared his desires for the world, to such a degree that Bakan was quick to smile at Dove. It was a bit perplexing though. Could that stone be used for something amazing? Bakan again figured it was like how he used the materials he had, evil in nature as they were, and imbued his equipment with power. So, he didn't think too much of it. The world Dove spoke of was so ideal... It wasn't too far off from how Bakan would want it. A world with evil driven off, hatred cast away in favor of honest judgement... Yes, a perfect world. One where he wouldn't have to fear for his comrade's lives... A perfectly safe world...

Bakan was ready to shake the man's hand and announce their allegiance. Orgrosh's beaming helping him along towards that decision... But as Dove's words compiled together, Bakan remembered something important.

'Have I learned nothing?' Bakan wondered to himself, his expression dimming and his head sinking to look at the floor around Dove's feet. 'If it were but a few weeks ago... I'd have shaken this man's hand, and gladly helped him... But... My suffering wasn't for nothing. Even if it's something little, I gained something from it.'

With that, Bakan looked up at Dove, smiling once more. "I'm sorry... I think you're wrong." Bakan declared with a sad smile. "You and I were aiming for similar things, Dove. I wanted to protect everyone... I stretched my mind to figure out how, I even asked my father..." Bakan went silent at that. He didn't get an answer from his father when he asked about such power. All he got was a look. He saw no expression from his father, but he could feel the expression he would have worn. For asking flat out to simply have true power, the power to change the world in such a way... The look he got from his father made him feel truly like the fool that Bakan was. And still is. But even fools can learn. "Not too long ago, I would have shaken your hand and said yes... But I learned a very important lesson... Our dreams are like bright, shining suns, so grossly incandescent. High up in the sky as they are, they truly seem unreachable... And perhaps we can reach them... But as we near that that wondrous body, like a magnificent father... We fail to take heed of just how great our shadow becomes."

Bakan looked directly at Dove, his eyes sad, but clear. "My wings became black because I made that desperate climb to my desire for power. I may not be an angel, but I feel I'm coming to understand why I grew these wings. It wasn't so that I could become pure and powerful like an angel. I feel that it was my body trying to tell me that I'm going to fall from grace... In the end, I did get some of the power I sought. But what did I become? I would never seek to kill, not even if it's an enemy, and what I became with that power was a being of destruction. Asking for the power to destroy evil, I am offered the power to destroy everything."

"But our dream isn't out of our reach, Dove. I know how to reach my sun, my dreams." Bakan said with a grin, before putting both hands on Orgrosh's shoulders. "The true power I've always wanted is right here! My friends are my power! Every day, I plan to make more allies, and with their aid, I think I can change the world, a little at a time."

"We don't need stones, Dove! All we need is each other!" Bakan said with his signature grin, in all it's goofy and cheerful glory. "But, I still respect you for this, and I'd be happy to hear out your plan and help you out a little too! Maybe what you want to do will work, I can only speak from experience. But just in case you fall from grace..."

Bakan smiled, casually putting a hand on the man's shoulder in a friendly gesture. "I'll be there to catch you. That's what friends are for!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: Fine
Sarah: Fine

Bakan's announcement that he was wrong brought a surprised look to Dove's face, and when Bakan fell silent for a moment he would keep the same while waiting for some sort of explanation. The winged warrior would give one, in a way, and that eventually brought a smile to Dove's face again when Bakan had promised to catch him should he fall. "That was all I was asking for anyway!" he said, a note of his formerly seen weariness drifting in and out of his otherwise cheerful voice, "the things I look for are always only a means to an end, what I really need are good people who share the same desires that I do!

"I am not a warrior myself, and cannot do many of the things that I must to achieve my goals. There are many ills even here in Cheydin that must be righted. Can I count on you, my friend? Will you lend me your strength?"

If Bakan agreed, Dove would smile and continue; "I have your reward right here, 300 denarii," he held out a bag of jingling coins, "there might be a little bit extra, but you can keep it all. Right now, I do have something else that I might need your help with, but I don't have the details yet. Is there some way that I could contact you if I need you? I wouldn't mind if you stopped by my home, but sometimes I'm not home and sometimes the things that come up might be time sensitive, and if I can call on you quickly I would be very grateful."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"I'd certainly like to see a perfect world, Dove... But the only bad part is that in a perfect world, there'd be no place for someone like me!" Bakan announced. "That's why I can't really get on Orgrosh and her warlike nature. If the world was truly peaceful, then we'd have no place. My daily life since growing up has been fighting bad guys. I don't think I'm gonna stop any time soon." Bakan said with a grin.

"You want my help? Well, I guess it depends... I mean, I gotta be really careful with my promises. I already promised to be the most powerful being in the world... But before that, I have to punish a goddess... I've already got a lot on my plate because I wasn't careful." Bakan chuckled nervously. "So, I guess I'll promise that I'll hear out your requests for help. I won't hurt anybody, and I certainly won't go chasing after another god... I'm still stumped about the first one..." Bakan laughed again, the intense worry on his face showing. Still, Rebecca seemed too sweet to deserve punishment. That goddess had to be a mean person to do something like that to someone so sweet, right? Still, his plan to punish that goddess began with his announcement of his intentions, and ended with him being incinerated. At best, asking the goddess to kindly allow herself to be punished...

An image came to mind, a powerful goddess in lewd clothing and tattoos all over her body leaned against a tree, showing her ass to Bakan, "Punish me..."

'No, no. Asking her to be punished is out of the question. I get the strong feeling it will lead up to something lewd, if not the same result as before.' He referenced to being turned into ash. In fact, the whole ordeal of thinking about it made his head hurt.

But alas, Dove had questions while Bakan was being tortured by the shapely ass of an imaginary goddess. "If you want to contact me? Hmm... Well, I do have a place I'm staying at. I don't plan on staying long though... Just until my friends arrive. Where was it again, Orgrosh?" he asked of her, hoping she remembered.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: Fine
Sarah: Fine

"A perfect world, as wonderful a dream as it is, isn't realistically possible. I only aim to make the one we have better," Dove countered, but then looked somewhat confused when Bakan spoke of his plan to go after a god. "I'm.... Not really sure what you're talking about there, but if you need help I can see what I can do!"

When he turned to Orgrosh after explaining where they were, the orc would blush slightly and say; "The, ahhh, Drunken Wench." Dove quirked an eyebrow, causing Orgrosh to blush harder, and after a brief silence he would say; "Rowdy place.... Very well, if you like you can come by tomorrow, I do have something that you might be able to help me with. A friend of mine is in a bit of trouble, and I'm trying to find out how bad it is before I commit any resources to the problem. I would be able to pay you more for your services, and if you know anyone else you could bring in on it they would be welcome to help."

(Bakan gains 327 denarii and gains 2 exp.)
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan blushed as well. "Well... Apparently it was one of the only places we could stay without finding ourselves in a lot of trouble with the locals." he explained. Then, when Dove made the offer, Bakan nodded. "Tomorrow then." he agreed. And if Dove had no more to say, Bakan would happily head off with Orgrosh with his newfound wealth. "This money covers most of the cost. Now... All we can do is wait and pray..." Bakan said, looking depressed. He was honestly putting on the best face he could, feeling a lot worse than he looked. The thought of Cory never showing up was a dark presence in his mind, threatening to grow like a cancer until it consumed him.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: Fine
Sarah: Fine

"Yes.... That is an unfortunate thing, one of the many things that I wish to see changed. It's nothing to be ashamed of, staying there" Dove replied simply, and then nodded in turn when Bakan agreed to come and see him again tomorrow, "thank you. I will see you tomorrow." Turning back to his butler and his bodyguard, he continued; "Lets go Galvary, Paul... I am tired of this play, and don't find the company in that booth particularly to my liking."

Bakan and Orgrosh would leave one way, and Dove, his butler, and his bodyguard the other. Orgrosh would smile reassuringly to Bakan after he went over his worries. "Don't worry so much! There is no need to pray, Cory and Rhep will be fine! Both of them are capable warriors, and all too soon she'll bash your head in for sending her away in the first place!" she said cheerfully, and then leaned against him and added; "Come! You've got a spectacularly beautiful woman on your arm, and a bar and a night of rest awaiting you! Why not try to enjoy yourself for a night, and worry about everything in the morning!"

With that they would return to the Drunken Wench, and its highly charged, energetic atmosphere, and there he would find Inka, Samarta, and Rebecca all right where they'd been left and seemingly none the worse for wear, talking to a few friendly people at other tables to passing by. Sarah wasn't there, but when Orgrosh asked after her when they arrived at it Samarta said that she had gone up to bed, Orgrosh and Sarah having already rented a room. "Ahhh, I had thought that she might do that!" Orgrosh said, seemingly thinking nothing of it, "she is such a modest, quiet girl... Not one for crowds or parties! What about you, commander? Will you stay and have a drink or two with me?" Still in her dress, Orgrosh cast an innocently inquisitive eye towards Bakan as she gazed at him over her shoulder, a few stray locks of her crimson hair hanging down between her eyes and him.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Orgrosh seemed to have all the right words for him. "Yeah, you're right." he nodded with a smile, walking with her on their way back to their companions as Orgrosh reminded him of the beautiful woman on his arms. "If all you were happened to be just a spectacular and beautiful woman, then you wouldn't be nearly as amazing." Bakan replied. "Most importantly, Orgrosh, you're a proud Lady Warrior. M-maybe a little rough around the edges, here and there..." Bakan blushed as he thought of their first battle. "But, I'm holding arms with a beautiful, strong, and proud Lady. I'm grateful for that." Bakan announced.

Once they got back to the bar, Bakan had to wonder how comfortable everyone was getting. " " Bakan declared with his entry. "We're all ready to receive Cory and Rhep. With a bounty that high, we're sure to have the entire city looking for them, I'd wager! There's no way they won't make it five steps into Cheydin without someone bringing them straight to me." Bakan said, hopeful. Meanwhile, he'd put a hand on Rebecca's head carefully, and make a tiny inquiry. "How ya feeling?" he'd ask, prodding about to see if she had a basic need that needed fulfilling. Other than being human again. Hopefully whatever Dove wanted wasn't too urgent. Bakan had to get this girl transformed back ASAP. He couldn't let her go around in this form for long. She could get hurt, or lost. She was likely just a girl after all. She might have family to return to. To him, this was urgent. Well, if anything, maybe Dove might be able to help get her cured, or know where the goddess Sivicine was located... Hopefully she could actually be located on the planet. Knowing his luck, she'll be in some other dimension.

At the offer of drink, Bakan smiled at Orgrosh. "Well, if those drinks are allowed to come with food, I'm all for it! I'm famished!" Bakan said, already salivating over the idea of devouring several meals beyond what a normal human being should eat.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: Fine
Sarah: Fine

"Damn right!" Orgrosh proclaimed proudly, either ignoring or missing the note of hesitance he briefly had while remembering their first meeting. "Now lets go and have some fun, eh?"

In the bar, the others would smile gladly at Bakan's announcement. "Excellent! I'm sure we'll be seeing them soon!" Samarta said happily, and Inka would beam brightly as she swayed about in her chair. Rebecca would nuzzle lightly into Bakan's hand as he reached down and asked if she was okay, and after eating and drinking already she had no apparent needs.

"Excellent idea!" Orgrosh said, and then turned and walked to the bar, her hips swaying alluringly so that her plump rear strained against the fabric of her fine dress. She came back a minute later with mugs of ale in her hands and handed one to Bakan, "I've ordered food. We'll get bread and stew, and then a plate of meat and cheese. Don't worry about the cost, this place is pretty cheap... Though you'll be getting the next round~" She held up her mug, and if Bakan raised his as well would clink hers against his and then take a good swig.

They would be made to wait a little while, Orgrosh drinking a good bit and getting her buzz going again, and Bakan would find that the ale was alright, but not great, a little watery and bitter. It was also cheap at 1 denarius per mugful, and if he drank all out he would be able to get a bit tipsy before his food arrived, four loaves of bread and a big bowl of beef stew. Orgrosh would take some of the bread for herself, and dip it into her stew while spooning the latter into her mouth. The food, like the ale, was only alright, but it was still food.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan was happy everyone was comfortable. Despite this place being perhaps rough, it didn't appear that they would be having any troubles, hopefully. He'd like it if everyone had a good time and met with kind, even if rowdy, people. When Orgrosh came back, Bakan likely wasn't the only one noticing her shapely form in the dress. Still, he smiled bashfully, and clinked his mug with her own. "Cheers! May we both find great strength in each other! Me and you, you and I, and everyone with each other!" Bakan cheered, looking to the others as well to let them know that they were apart of his cheer as well, before downing the brew. It was certainly low quality, so Bakan didn't opt to drink much. Still, it did give him a light buzz fairly quickly, equal to that of Orgrosh despite her having to drink more. When the food came, Bakan would treat it like a delicacy. So often did he survive off of nothing because of his terrible cooking ability, that someone even with minimal cooking talent and quality ingredients trumped what he could put on a dish. He wondered, if he had some down time, if he could find someone with the talent... Bakan wondered if there could ever be a day when he could learn how to cook?

He could picture it now. It was a wild man, with a big, proud grin on his face, a red bandana on his head as if to present cooking as a martial art, as proud to be a chef as Bakan was to be a knight. He'd say cool things like, "Fire Chaos Style! Kitchen Fist Master! BOOM! DELICIOUS!"

'That would be cool.' Bakan thought to himself with a feline grin. He was a bit happy as well, that no one could tell what he was thinking. That would be embarrassing for anyone to know.

Bakan would eat like he usually does. Devouring everything in sight while being as clean as possible about it, using some water when required to down some of the bread. "It's so great to have all the food right in front of you! So often while surviving I have to survive eating a little bit here and there. I just can't help myself!" he said merrily, naturally eating as much as he can so he can store all that energy for the road ahead.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: Fine
Sarah: Fine

Bakan's appetite when presented with food would be somewhat shocking to Orgrosh, who hadn't yet witnessed him when eating. She had displayed a courtly manner to eating, using her utensils and making practiced and careful motions, but as she watched Bakan eat she got a little bit more sloppy herself, spilling some soup onto herself but thankfully catching it on the handkerchief she'd placed over her chest rather than on her dress. "You.... Will, I guess that makes sense. Were you a woodsman before becoming a warrior?" Orgrosh asked, and Samarta would look curious at this as well, while Inka had seemingly been lost in her subtle swaying to the music, and Rebecca looked to be snoozing on the table, having curled up into a ball.

"Yeah... What did you do before you were an adventurer, Bakan?" Samarta asked curiously, "did you go to school as a kid? I mean, you know how to read and write, and you seem to know a lot of things, and you're pretty familiar with faeries... Were you taken in by them before being given to an angel?"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Hm?" Bakan would be distracted from his eating to realize he was the focus of a lot of questions. Swallowing a huge mouthful of meat, he looked at the two women each. "Um... No... Well, I used to be raised by my mother and father, before they died. Then I ran from the people who killed them, and apparently ran through a portal that led to another world, this one... After that I met my father and my mother. My father summoned my mother, an angel, to take care of me. So I grew up with her educating me, and for the times I was on my own, learned to do things for myself a little. My adoptive mother Ashloriel gave me most of my education." Bakan said with a smile. While he ate quickly, and it was far from pretty, he didn't make a single mess. His style of eating was a very efficient one, in that he didn't even let drops escape. All was consumed into his oral cavity.

"I eventually was let off the hook for longer and longer periods of time, until I was surviving off of the land on my own... I had to be saved from starvation a few times though. Cooking is hard, but my brother makes it look easy." Bakan said, getting a little sad on that note. He wondered how much better of a chef Idian had become? Surely he was making something really tasty right now, maybe even for a lucky girl... Such was the dream. "I didn't really go to school... Not really? I mean, the only people I knew from youth until I was an adult was like... A handful of people. I was too shy to speak with anyone else." Bakan noted, thinking of the all-too-friendly-incubus, and the devious Janne. Bakan remembers being so shy around Janne, who appeared as such a beauty at the time... Wolf in sheep's clothing, she was.

"And I was... Lended to a fae... For a while..." Bakan said slowly, his expression turning grim as a dancing evil horned Janne paraded in his mind, so happy to be a sexual nightmare. "Come to think of it... I'm really coming to question a lot of my mother's decisions... To go see that horrible play, to be trusted with that wicked Janne... It could all be coincidence I guess..." Bakan sighed. There was too much to think about. He was sure that he was taking the first steps down the crazy road, and that road didn't lead to a smiling face. They were all just likely innocent mistakes... So he thought, as an image of Janne with a round belly appeared in his mind, whispering that it was his child. His heart sank. He again forced himself to believe her words. She couldn't get pregnant. She couldn't. Otherwise... By now, she'd be having his second child for sure.

"But, uh... Yeah, my life wasn't too complicated, I guess..." Bakan theorized. "What's all the interest in me, all of a sudden? Am I that interesting?" Bakan wondered, a bit bashful.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: Fine
Sarah: Fine

Orgrosh and Samarta would listen with rapt attention to Bakan as he satisfied their curiosity, and even Inka would break from her trance to listen in once Bakan got to the bit about his parents being killed. It was hard to tell which emotion was most common among the three women, with the options being confusion, disbelief, amazement, and awe. Orgrosh was the first to speak after he'd finished, and asked about their interest, to which she replied; "Well, we're friends aren't we? We ought to know about each other, right?"

Samarta and Inka nodded, and the former added; "Was the faerie you mentioned Janne? The way she tells it, she was asked to teach you.... Though I'm not sure if even she knew what, to be honest."

After a moment, Orgrosh would continue; "Why question her decisions inwardly, if you're wondering? Can't you contact your mother in any way? You could summon the fey before, and is she not an angel? If you're really worried, you ought to summon her and talk to her. Maybe, uhhh, not now! I don't think an angel appearing in the middle of a bar in the middle of Cheydin would be a good idea, with all the attention we've been getting. There are probably guards keeping an eye on us."
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

"Janne was asked to teach me?" Bakan replied with shock. He obviously missed that conversation between Janne and Ashloriel. But what was it she taught? Seemed like it was all a game to Janne... But admittedly, Bakan did do a lot on his own. He worked on her house, fixed her garden, cleaned up her home... And trained on his own too. Come to think of it, Bakan was always an inquisitive one. He was used to asking questions and getting some wisdom, so maybe he asked some questions that Janne answered and he was so used to that with Ashloriel that he just overlooked it completely. Still, there was little denying that Janne got her payment for looking after Bakan...

And... Her food wasn't half bad either...

At that thought, Bakan came to a mental picture of him and Janne living together with her cooking him food, in a happy married environment. Just that picture alone made Bakan want to jump out of his skin with shock. Janne is the last woman you'd expect to marry! It wasn't out of the realm of possibility, but she was too... Janne... She was far too much like Janne. Janne alone is a word that could easily describe who someone is. That's how much impact that woman has. That's when Bakan wondered... Given at the party, when Janne saw him, she seemed to come straight for him and spend the rest of the day with him. 'I never really bothered to wonder how Janne feels. Well, I never wanted do, because she's just too intolerable...' With that thought, Bakan decided, whenever he got the chance, he'd try to remember to find out Janne's side of the story. She must not have hated having Bakan pushed onto her to take care of him and teach him. Rather... As her smiling face came to mind... She was having fun? Maybe their relationship went beyond just a physical one. If it was just any boy, Bakan wouldn't be so special, right? Not worthy enough to distract Janne for an entire day, to say the least. So... Bakan had to wonder if he could still get through to Janne. If she valued him, such as a friend (with benefits), then maybe he could get her to play along with his objective...

Yes... If refined, Janne would make a right and proper lady. 'I will convert you, Janne. You'll be one of the finest ladies around! Kings will beg you for your hand in marriage!' Bakan declared in his mind, smiling with determination.

But then, back to reality. He was smiling, after making it his goal to get Janne to be a fine and respectable lady of refined quality. Though, Orgrosh's suggestion came with a bit of wondering on Bakan's part. "I guess that makes sense, but I don't seem to have full control over my powers. I thought about doing that previously, but it's not like Ashloriel has nothing to do. So, for one, I might summon the wrong person accidentally, and for another, she is likely very busy with something. It's weird, how summoning works... I even somehow managed to summon my father once. It left me feeling really woozy afterwards though. Not like I was about to pass out, but I think I came into contact with his power... Maybe?" Bakan said uncertainly. "Even I don't fully understand what my dad's made of, so I can't say for sure. Though apart of what he's made of is definitely awesome." He said with a grin. Bakan didn't want to become as powerful as him for nothing. If he could crush an entire alien foundation like that... Bakan could picture himself flying around and beating bad guys back with rapid and flawless success.

After Bakan was quickly done eating, he looked to Orgrosh and noted her eating method. "Hey, Orgrosh... You have really good table manners." Bakan pointed out. "Your dress is really pretty too... And you have had very good manners all around today..." All in all, Orgrosh had been the perfect date in his mind. That rang a bell in his mind. "Um... Orgrosh... D-did you do all of this for me?" Bakan inquired with a blush. She had to have. Orgrosh was a proud warrior, and this didn't match the description. She must have been trying to please him... Maybe? That's what made sense for the moment. "You don't have to do something like that... You're great just the way you are... But... Thank you. I'm very happy, but I know being away from your armor and weapons must have been something... I mean, I get antsy when my hammer isn't in my hand or nearby, so I know how it feels." he said, trying to be understanding.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: Fine
Sarah: Fine

Samarta and Orgrosh glanced at one another as Bakan went over his explanation about summoning, and after he was finished Samarta quipped; "That doesn't sound very reliable."

His attention turned to Orgrosh, the orc woman blushed at his group of compliments, but she would hesitate for a moment after his question, allowing him to add his reassurance before she could reply. Those words only seemed to cause her to brighten further, however, and so she would say; "Well... Sort of, but you might say that I actually did it because of you. I was instructed to try and fit in to Badarian culture, you see, and well... This is part of it.

"It is a bit uncomfortable being without my armor and sword, admittedly, but I figured I would be fine so long as I was with you. It's not like we were going looking for a fight, anyway. Sarah helped me a lot with it, but I guess I did get the idea when you talked about, uhhh, proper ladies and such. I would kind of liked it, at first, but.... Well, I didn't exactly get a warm welcome, did I?" She began to look slightly glum for a moment, but then forced that expression away, and easy effort given the atmosphere of the bar. "Anyway.... You do like it then?" she continued, and Inka beamed at her and nodded while Samarta adopted a knowing smirk and rolled her eyes, as the orc's eyes were only on Bakan at that point.
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

With Orgrosh's words, Bakan had a thoughtful insight. "Hrm... You know, I think we can have the best of both worlds here." he announced. "There are such things as Lady Knights in this world. It's not unusual for a woman to take up arms, especially in these times, so a combination between a warrior and a lady is easily imaginable. I could, for instance, possibly combine your armor with that dress, and make it functional for combat. You'd still fit in just like you were before, but your weapons and armor wouldn't look out of place!" he suggested. Picturing it in his mind, he actually found himself blushing at the mental image. Damn near looked like a warrior queen, she did.

Then, Bakan nodded at Orgrosh. "You want to know if I like it?" he chuckled. "Answering that is actually surprisingly hard. To be honest, just saying 'yes' feels far too weak of a reply. I guess it's not just the dress." Bakan replied, before smiling. "It's who's wearing it. You walk with the pride of a warrior, your steps are firm and steady, and you do have this aura of confidence. So... In regards to proper ladies and such..." Bakan smiled. "The dress doesn't make the lady. The lady makes the dress. So, I'm definitely going to make you something nice, so when you go out on a date again, you can wear what you like and keep your weapons and armor with you. Because, I'll be honest. This Orgrosh is nice..." he said in regards to how Orgrosh was currently holding herself, "But I'll definitely want the real Orgrosh back eventually. I think people look their best when they're true to themselves!" he said with a wide grin.

Though, all that talking left Bakan looking and feeling tired. Whenever Orgrosh would make her reply, Bakan would stretch and yawn. "Hnnn! Oh, goodness..." he said after loosening himself up. "I should get a room, heh." He chuckled. "I'd certainly like to lay onto a bed. That would be nice." He nodded. Intentions pure, he wouldn't pursue Orgrosh to what would be their next step. Though, he wouldn't ignore any desire otherwise on her part. If she looked like she wanted something, Bakan would most likely see it and respond in kind. Depending on how forward she was, even if meekly asking if Bakan wanted to share her room, he'd blush and quickly look flustered, under the impression that she and Sarah shared a room.
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Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan: HP = 120, PP = 45, EP = 85, Status = Fine

NPC Stats
Samarta: HP = 54, PP = 67, EP = 67, Status = Fine, Pregnant
Inka: HP = 51, PP = 61, EP = 44, Status = Fine
Rebecca: A coon. A fluffy fluffy coon.
Orgrosh: Fine
Sarah: Fine

Orgrosh beamed continuously at Bakan's response about her outfit, and the ways that he thought it could be improved by incorporating her true personality, looking increasingly pleased with his response while Samarta and Inka shot one another a knowing glance. After he'd finished, she tittered lightly and replied; "I'll definitely have to keep that in mind! Heheheh.... That idea sounds good, I'd like to see what we can do with it! Walking around armed AND extra gorgeous definitely sounds appealing~"

Watching him yawn and proclaim himself ready for bed, it seemed as if Orgrosh wanted to say something, but she blushed and held herself back. "We'll need a room too," Samarta said simply while gesturing to the sleeping Rebecca and Inka as she continued to sway back and forth in time with the music. "They're four denarii each, so one for us and one for you will cost eight. Breakfast is apparently included!"

Should Bakan pay for their rooms, he would get two keys for rooms 18 and 19 from the barkeep, Samarta would take one key and leave Bakan with the other, and then Orgrosh would rise as well and say; "Sarah and I have a room together, 17, so I guess I'll be sleeping there. We both get up early, so I guess I'll see you in the morning!"
Re: To Find a Way Home (Mamono Assault Force)

Bakan nodded at Orgrosh with a smile of his own. "I hoped you'd like the idea! Once we get some spare time, I'll get around to that." he announced, hoping he wouldn't forget, but surely he'd remember once he got around to his other self-promise of helping all the other girls in his company to transform into high class women worthy of everyone's respect, even though who wouldn't want to give it.

When it came to the rooms, Bakan nodded at Samarta. "Don't make Rebecca sleep on the floor, okay? If you guys think you won't have any room, there'll be plenty of room on my bed." he explained, not too worried about Rebecca for now, since they can't possibly 'do it' while she's in her current state. After saying his piece, he'd give Samarta and Inka fifty denarii in total. "You guys might want some spending money, right?" he'd inquire, though if they refused it, then just four would be spent on their rooms. "Breakfast sounds nice! Shame we have to wait until morning though." Bakan said, holding back the urge to drool from the thought of eating more food. So rarely did he get the chance to indulge himself.

When they got their keys, Bakan was handed his, 18. So, he was between them. "I'll gladly see you all in the morning! I'll be the first there for breakfast!" Bakan announced, trusting in his nose's ability to pick up the smell of breakfast and be the first in line to eat. But before he left, he looked to Orgrosh and stood up, before giving her a respectful bow. "Shall I escort you to your room?" he inquired. "I don't often get to be a gentleman. I'm actually having fun acting like those smooth talkers I see occasionally." he chuckled. "Is it strange for you? I think my mother once told me that genders are equal in the lands of the orcs, so I imagine it would be strange to be treated like a 'woman' over here." Bakan asked. "I'm actually coming to find that such a viewpoint is actually very accurate... There's so many strong women in the world. I wonder if that's normal?"

Whether Orgrosh would accept being walked to her room or not, Bakan would bid her a good night's rest before heading to his own room as he'd realize that this would be the first time he'd be sleeping alone in quite a while. It came about with both a sense of nostalgia and loneliness. 'I vaguely remember when Cory was waiting for me after I'd gotten rather drunk and tired... That poor man.' Bakan chuckled at the man whose nose bled at the sight of her naked. '... Cory...' His thoughts drifted to Cory's peril again. By sending her off with the danger present, he only ended up causing her to walk into more danger in her attempts to meet up with him again. Who knows if she'll be alright? Who knows if she'll make it? The thought that she had already met an ill fortune was present in his mind. There'd be no way to find her. If anyone caught her, she could be taken anywhere... The whole world and even the afterlife were places she could be by now...

Bakan stood there in front of his door, holding it's handle with the key having unlocked it, while deep in thought. His wings turned a deep, depressing shade of gray before he'd twist the handle, and stepped inside. "I just need a bath and some rest..." he said to himself. It wouldn't be the first time something like this happened because of him. Before he met any of his friends, during the invasions that took place, he was even weaker than now. He tried to stand and protect, but failed on numerous occasions. He had only kept himself together by swearing that he'd get stronger. Swearing that he'd make up for those failures and be able to destroy any foul creature that tries to hurt those around him, even the whole world... But when he came across someone who announced love to him... It hurt all the more to fail again, and then again, when he sent her away.

He sighed. On top of it all, he still had to punish Sivicine. Somehow... As if. 'I'm just asking to be incinerated... My plan so far is to try and find out the reason Rebecca was transformed in the first place... My main hope is that it was all a misunderstanding, on those grounds, perhaps I can get out of punishing Sivicine for a deed she didn't mean to commit, since there was no real crime done, as I'm sure she'd transform Rebecca back in that case.' he theorized. 'I'll go with that for now...' he nodded, before stepping into his room, to undress, bathe, and then sleep in his black underwear with teddy bear designs.