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ACT [Toffisama] Fairy War

Re: Fairy War

Hahaha! Toffisama is German...

Don’t know. Couldn’t work on it yesterday (had to watch Argentina get thrashed by us); today I probably won’t get done much either.

Yesterday, Germany beat Argentina 4:0 in the FIFA Cup.

To everybody else, this is probably entirely inconsequential, but I think it's great to have a German hentai game creator.
Re: Fairy War

I consider every good western hentai developer something to be proud of. In a twisted way at least. We need to show those Japanese busy bodies that we can be perverted and productive too! A point for Germany then.

And... I'll get on with helping the cause tomorrow or something. I'm sure Toffisama's got us covered.
Re: Fairy War

Well, he's now roughly almost halfway done, already having started work on the sex attacks. Along with having posted some on the site as well.
Re: Fairy War

Heh, I remember seeing that update on Toffi's site a few days ago. Looking forward to playing this game, mostly for the cat girl.

I'll be a happy dino if she has a face humping move.
Re: Fairy War

The official finished version of fairy war 2 is out. Having already beat it I would say it's ok but nothing really new, there are a few obvious flaws and the last boss only has 1 sex move which is a complete waste of obvious potential.
Re: Fairy War

Waste? Like necroing in a topic about a game that there's a topic for 3 threads up?
Re: Fairy War

Waste? Like necroing in a topic about a game that there's a topic for 3 threads up?

Posting in a necro thread ! Ok now to give some serious necro! So did toffi drop this game in favor of the sequel so we can bury this thread again or will there actually be some updates in the future ?
Re: Fairy War

Posting in a necro thread ! Ok now to give some serious necro! So did toffi drop this game in favor of the sequel so we can bury this thread again or will there actually be some updates in the future ?

100% dropped.
Re: Fairy War

I didn't think fairy war was unfinished.
Re: Fairy War

It can always use more update though.
Re: Fairy War

I disagree. A finished product is a finished product is a finished product. If someone has the ability to move on, then do so and make something else. Or else you might as well just make a porn gallery and throw all your stuff in the bin. Maybe I'm just too much of a completionist, but there's very few good quality that keep up with updates. In the case of fairy fighting, I'm not eagerly awaiting the next update, I'm eagerly awaiting the last update.
Re: Fairy War

I still think Mario bros could use some updates.

Oh, nevermind, nintendo kept updating it for 27 years...
Re: Fairy War

I still think Mario bros could use some updates.

Oh, nevermind, nintendo kept updating it for 27 years...

Yes, just like Quake, UT etc are updates within themselves and basically just updates of Doom. Or how Matrix was so obviously an update of Tron, nevermind how Metroid, Zelda, Final Fantasy series etc are just updates of the first one, which in turn was always a copy of something else. :)

Come to think of it, the word "series" shouldn't be associated with anything at all - be that a TV-show, game, movie, book or comic -, since it's just a better word for update.

But hmm, yeah. I liked Fairy War better than FW2 actually, it had more of those bizarre rape animations and as a concept RoR works better for me than the idea of yourself being the rapist. That's not to say that FW2 was bad, of course.
Re: Fairy War

I though about it too.

Maybe FW 2 schould add a run or rape situation like the sidescroll battles from tekken 3 were you run though some stages. (like Project X)
It is more thrilling to fight against more enemies that can rape you.
Re: Fairy War

Yeah, but then you can have that problem where you start chasing an enemy, screaming 'RAPE ME!' until a different enemy behind you rapes you, killing you, making you wanna punch babies.
Re: Fairy War

Yeah, but then you can have that problem where you start chasing an enemy, screaming 'RAPE ME!' until a different enemy behind you rapes you, killing you, making you wanna punch babies.

Or make it a script where you have the screen and action move on as soon as you kill all enemies on screen, and you get to choose whose rape you want to see, by disposing of the other enemies and sparing the mob of your choice, aka the bird of prey. If we want to do something, we can do it. Keyword here being want.
PS : Babies? Try knives, some extreme situations call for extreme measures, like the one you described...
Re: Fairy War

Yes, just like Quake, UT etc are updates within themselves and basically just updates of Doom. Or how Matrix was so obviously an update of Tron, nevermind how Metroid, Zelda, Final Fantasy series etc are just updates of the first one, which in turn was always a copy of something else. :)

Come to think of it, the word "series" shouldn't be associated with anything at all - be that a TV-show, game, movie, book or comic -, since it's just a better word for update.

I dont see your point. You stretched it so far i'll need a telescope to catch up.:rolleyes:
Re: Fairy War

Yes, just like Quake, UT etc are updates within themselves and basically just updates of Doom. Or how Matrix was so obviously an update of Tron, nevermind how Metroid, Zelda, Final Fantasy series etc are just updates of the first one, which in turn was always a copy of something else. :)

Come to think of it, the word "series" shouldn't be associated with anything at all - be that a TV-show, game, movie, book or comic -, since it's just a better word for update.

But hmm, yeah. I liked Fairy War better than FW2 actually, it had more of those bizarre rape animations and as a concept RoR works better for me than the idea of yourself being the rapist. That's not to say that FW2 was bad, of course.
Yaaay totally not comparable metaphors completely prove points
Re: Fairy War

PS : Babies? Try knives, some extreme situations call for extreme measures, like the one you described...

Punch Knives??? But she's cute!