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RPG RPG Maker Vore Loli Shota [Toro Toro Resistance] もんむす・くえすと! ぱらどっくすRPG中章 / Monster Girl Quest: Paradox (RJ201109)

Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Yeah i know what you mean dude, I'm one of these freaks that prefers translation of the H-scenes over the storyline, so I think i am extra-screwed...:(

The maps and the h-scenes are being done in tandem so you aren't any more screwed than if you preferred the storyline. Well, the storyline is front-loaded and the monsters are back-loaded so maybe that's not quite accurate.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

The maps and the h-scenes are being done in tandem so you aren't any more screwed than if you preferred the storyline. Well, the storyline is front-loaded and the monsters are back-loaded so maybe that's not quite accurate.

BTW, there are a few scrolls that i found in the game and other items, (mostly Accessories) that missed the translation

if you want me to help point out which ones, or anything like that you will have to teach me how to get you the info you need

or if they are already in the works just ignore me
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

The maps and the h-scenes are being done in tandem so you aren't any more screwed than if you preferred the storyline. Well, the storyline is front-loaded and the monsters are back-loaded so maybe that's not quite accurate.

I'd rather have the storyline first and the h-scenes later.

But I'm one of those freaks who wants to play this for the "story". Its a real problem, I know, but its genetic.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

I'd rather have the storyline first and the h-scenes later.

But I'm one of those freaks who wants to play this for the "story". Its a real problem, I know, but its genetic.
You've never worked with RPGM have you?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

The maps and the h-scenes are being done in tandem so you aren't any more screwed than if you preferred the storyline. Well, the storyline is front-loaded and the monsters are back-loaded so maybe that's not quite accurate.

Hey man, so good to see you on here, love your work! Looking forward to the end of the year to hopefully see first island done!
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

um curious to ask if anyone has a save for this game XDD. :confused:
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Go to the demon lord castle and talk to the maid at the entrance (or anywhere else, it should be the first option, if not just try the rest out.

I'm at the maid and at the party select. Please explain the next step.

Edit: Needed to press shift
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Yo has anyone here played Devils Devel Concept? I want to take the h-scene music "Kami wo hodoite" and use that to replace the standard monmusu h-scene music. Can anyone help me there?
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

make sure it has the same extension and just rename the desired song to match what the game uses in the audio folder
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

make sure it has the same extension and just rename the desired song to match what the game uses in the audio folder

Problem is that I don't have that soundtrack dig? I was asking if someone could post that here.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Yo has anyone here played Devils Devel Concept? I want to take the h-scene music "Kami wo hodoite" and use that to replace the standard monmusu h-scene music. Can anyone help me there?

I don’t have the VN, so I can’t give you the song, but if you still have the VN installed, you should be able to extract all the sound files from it yourself.

From what I understand, Devils Devel Concept is using the Kirikiri engine (you should have .xp3 files in the game’s directory), right? If so, use to extract all the sound files in the XP3 archive containing the sounds (it may or may not be called 'sound.xp3' (can’t say for sure since I don’t have the game)).

Since it’s an XP3 archive, you’ll probably have to supply it some options on the command line (if the game directory is located in Program Files, you’ll have to run Command Prompt as Administrator). Possibly one of these:

'\path\to\arc_unpacker.exe' --fmt=kirikiri/xp3 --plugin=noop '\path\to\sound.xp3'
'\path\to\arc_unpacker.exe' --fmt=kirikiri/xp3 --plugin=xor '\path\to\sound.xp3'
'\path\to\arc_unpacker.exe' --fmt=kirikiri/xp3 --plugin=mixed-xor '\path\to\sound.xp3'
'\path\to\arc_unpacker.exe' --fmt=kirikiri/xp3 --plugin=comyu '\path\to\sound.xp3'

Tip 1:
Those are four separate commands (each on its own line). If the first line doesn’t extract the contents of the XP3 archive properly, try the second. If the second line doesn’t do the job, try the third, and so on.
Tip 2:
Don’t move the XP3 archive out of the game’s directory before doing this; arc_unpacker doesn’t seem to extract the files from the XP3 properly if it’s not in the same directory as the other game files (in my experience).

(Also, if it works, let the author know so they can add it to list).
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

I don’t have the VN, so I can’t give you the song, but if you still have the VN installed, you should be able to extract all the sound files from it yourself.

From what I understand, Devils Devel Concept is using the Kirikiri engine (you should have .xp3 files in the game’s directory), right? If so, use to extract all the sound files in the XP3 archive containing the sounds (it may or may not be called 'sound.xp3' (can’t say for sure since I don’t have the game)).

Since it’s an XP3 archive, you’ll probably have to supply it some options on the command line (if the game directory is located in Program Files, you’ll have to run Command Prompt as Administrator). Possibly one of these:

'\path\to\arc_unpacker.exe' --fmt=kirikiri/xp3 --plugin=noop '\path\to\sound.xp3'
'\path\to\arc_unpacker.exe' --fmt=kirikiri/xp3 --plugin=xor '\path\to\sound.xp3'
'\path\to\arc_unpacker.exe' --fmt=kirikiri/xp3 --plugin=mixed-xor '\path\to\sound.xp3'
'\path\to\arc_unpacker.exe' --fmt=kirikiri/xp3 --plugin=comyu '\path\to\sound.xp3'

Tip 1:
Those are four separate commands (each on its own line). If the first line doesn’t extract the contents of the XP3 archive properly, try the second. If the second line doesn’t do the job, try the third, and so on.
Tip 2:
Don’t move the XP3 archive out of the game’s directory before doing this; arc_unpacker doesn’t seem to extract the files from the XP3 properly if it’s not in the same directory as the other game files (in my experience).

(Also, if it works, let the author know so they can add it to list).
Devils Devel Concept is from Akatsuki Works so there should be no reason it won't work methinks. I deleted Devils Devel Concept a while back though.
Still being able to use Akabei Soft 2's "Watch Out and Run" is REALLY hot. Seriously go listen to it And tell me where you would want that to play in Paradox.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Ah, not bad. It’s a nice song. :)

(…I have heard more epic songs in VNs before, but that song’s still pretty good).
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

What is the name of the sound file for the theme that plays while in the pocket castle?
Is it weird that I want to use some to replace the ero scene music in monmusu?
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Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

What is the name of the sound file for the theme that plays while in the pocket castle?
Is it weird that I want to use some to replace the ero scene music in monmusu?

Castle6.org also its a erogame forum nobody will talk "shit" about you fetichs :).
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Castle6.org also its a erogame forum nobody will talk "shit" about you fetichs :).

Patently untrue. People talk shit about other people's fetishes all the time on this forum. My signature is but one example. I wish it were true, but sadly, tis not.

Putting different ero music for scenes in stuff is good, especially if the music makes you unable to enjoy the scene.
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Christmas update
A demo for the 100 Monster Girls project has been released. You can grab it over at their blog.

Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

Christmas update
A demo for the 100 Monster Girls project has been released. You can grab it over at their blog.

Whut... what it that means ? :confused:
Re: Monster Girl Quest: Paradox

It's just a demo showing off two monster girls nothing special.

What is this project?, played the demo and it was just 2 below-average loss CGs. Is this something that will take him away for MGQ Para pt2?, I really hope not :-(