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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Hiking with a chance of rain.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A dAmsel in distress? No time to be sipping tea then.

Though are we going to give her that letter before we get it destroyed somehow right?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Yeah, the letter needs to be delivered... Altough first, we need our fresh dose of ADVENTURE! Let us boldly go into the storm - and hopefully not get fried by a lightning bolt.

Seventeen shots. Three more, and we're switching to rectified spirit.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A Go go byakuren! Go go Byakuren! Might morphing Byakuren!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"We'll investigate the top for you Kanako, it's the least I can do for your hospitality." Byakuren tells Kanako, remembering the letter she was still carrying.
"Since your a resident here, this was sent to the shrine by Remilia Scarlet, the Scarlet Devil Mansion's mistress. I'll leave it to you, if something bad might happen, it'll not get destroyed in the process" The purple-haired woman nods at her
"Thank you Byakuren. I'd go myself, but I cannot interfere, such is my place. You on the other hand, are not bound by the rules I am. Go, and see what's taking our precious Sanae so long." she tells Byakuren, a bit of dramatic flair detectable in her voice. With a temporary goodbye, she and Parsee head towards the peak.

After a brief wandering inside the rainy cloud, the pair come through the mist, finding themselves in a more clear area. A fight is ensuing in the sky above, four participants in all. The first one is a green-haired young shrine maiden, who must be Sanae, the girl Kanako was having her worries about. The second combatant is a more adult-looking lady, dressed in a white, frilly shirt, long black skirt and a black hat that has two long antennae-like ribbons stretching out. Wrapped around her arms and upper body is a frilly shawl, similar in color to the blouse she's wearing. It looks like she is the wielder of lightning, for the bolts fall where she directs them. She moves about gracefully, her movements being much like those of a dancer, evading all the bullets and other projectiles hurled at her with practised beauty.

The third and fourth combatant operate in unison, a young purple-haired girl in a ragged robe sitting on the shoulder of a gigantic old man composed of pinkish clouds. The girl looks to be in control, guiding the cloud-man to lash out when possible while she fires of barrages of bullets herself

Gazing up into the combat, Byakuren estimates that the lightning lady is going to win this war of attrition, her beautiful evasion maneuvers keeping her from getting hit. But Byakuren can feel Parsee's jealousy once again, the bridge princess is clearly wanting to wade into battle herself

A. Interfere from the ground level, let Parsee join in as well

B. Don't interfere, but let Parsee take off if she wants

C. Let the combat play out and see what will happen
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Kill them all, let the mountain be coloured crimson!

Actually no, let's sit back and enjoy the show. C.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hmm... Tough cookie... Joining the battle is not a good idea, I guess, and letting Parsee go wild isn't wise either... I'd let the girl "express" herself, but she's too much of a psycho right now. Oh well.


Eighteen shots. Light's out.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Don't really know what's going on yet. Presuming we can step in if things start looking worse, C.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hrm. A!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

If there's time to grab some popcorn before the show then C :)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Thinking it might not be a good idea to interefere since she was kind of a sitting duck there on the ground level, Byakuren lets the battle play out. She holds Parsee's shoulder to keep the bridge princess from attacking, which she surprisingly enough does.
"I-if that you feel that is the correct path here.."

After a few more minutes of heated danmaku battle, Sanae takes a direct hit from the pinkish cloud-man, freefalling downwards as the hit knocks her unconcious. Before she hits the rocky peak, the ligtning controller dives down to grab her from the sky. Quickly heading towards the pair, she deposits the fainted shrine maiden into Byakuren's arms.
"It's not her place to die here, this is between me and them." the lady tells her before she spins upwards to face the girl and old man once more.
"Now that she's not getting in the way, I can go all out with you. PREPARE YOURSELVES!" the purple-haired woman calls out to the other fighters, electricity starting to build up on her open palms as she elegantly keeps on evading all the projectiles aimed at her. The cloud-man and it's controller furiously try to get this skilled pursuer off themselves as they start to back off, but soon the lady has completed her spell
"THIS IS IT! PEARL OF THE FIVE-CLAWED DRAGON!" the woman introduces her attack's name as huge, five-pointed stars of lighting start to fly from her outstretched hands. The attack seems to cover the entire sky as the stars start to spread out in all directions, hitting the cloud as it's not able to evade in time. It starts to shrink as it goes downwards, turning into a small, dog-sized thing as it lands, depositing it's mistress safely to the ground.

With all of them now on the ground, the purple-haired lady comes over to Byakuren, her walking as graceful as her flying.
"I'm Iku Nagae, an envoy for the Celestials over at Dragon Palace in the heavens." she tells Byakuren, giving a courteous bow before continuing.
"I've been looking for a certain item stolen from that idiot of a princess. After some time spent on looking, I found this girl here being in possession of it." Iku tells her, dragging the third girl into the conversation. This girl is dressed in a ragged, once-white robe and bears a golden ring. With an insistent look, Iku turns to her
"Just what did you intend to do with the Sword of Hisou? I'd like to know that, before I take it back."

As in reply to Iku's word's, the girl's stomach growls. A slightly embarassed look coming over the oarfish youkai, she places her hand over her face.
"Don't tell me, you were going to sell it? Why not just sell that ring, it looks mighty valuable to me" Iku says. Her words are quickly turned down by the girl
"It's Unzan's ring! I can't sell him..."
"Unzan? You mean that pinkish old man with you?" The conversation is then interrupted by the waking Sanae
"If you need food, I can cook... for all of us.." the shrine maiden says in Byakuren's arms, a friendly smile forming across her features, even as she was just battling the other two talking. The girl is eager to have a meal, but a puzzled look overcomes Iku
"I'd just like to have that sword back so I could go on my way..."

A. Ask her to eat dinner with the rest of you before any further dealings

B. Ask the girl to hand over the Sword Of Hisou to Iku
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Delicious om noms.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I believe that if we fix one problem - the hunger - the other problem will be much easier to fix as well... Or at least the girl will be a bit more eager to part with the sword after a meal. If that fails, we can always use a threat... I mean, four on two should give her a pause. Especially if Iku is strong enough to take her out without help.

Nineteen shots. DEAR GODS I'M BLIND!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. Interrogate all of them!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A, posion the lot of them! :D
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Food solves every problem.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

What if we get Iku in trouble for slacking on the job? B

Though it seems she'll be dining with us anywayz.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Never been too sure how strong exactly Iku would be, but my own mind places her at about the same level as Youmu or Sakuya i.e level 5 boss)

"This is certainly a strange turn of events.." Byakuren thinks, walking back towards the shrine with a shrine maiden on her hands. She's about to go and have a feast with said maiden and a few other people that were just fighting each other in a fierce battle above the clouds, and the feast would be happening at her shrine too. If this is how compassionate Sanae was normally, Byakuren wanted to be friends with the green-haired miko.

"Excuse me.." Byakuren says as she slides the shrine door open, letting Sanae down on her feet once they are inside. The miko seems to be full of energy already as she zooms away towards the kitchen, bumping into Kanako as they both come across a corner.
"Oh, Sanae! You're alright, what happened?"
"No time to explain Kanako-sama. I have a feast to prepare for all our guests."
"Well.. I've never been one to refuse your cooking so, go ahead."

With that short conversation, Sanae goes forward to the kitchen while Kanako comes over to see what all these people are doing here. She immediately spots Iku from the group.
"If it isn't the envoy from Heaven. Did my dear Sanae cause you trouble?"
Iku steps forward, doing the same courteous bow to Kanako that she gave Byakuren earlier.
"Don't worry Yasaka-sama, she didn't cause any real harm. She is a bit overzealous, but a good girl at heart."

While the others are having a conversation, Byakuren notices a familiar girl enter. Parsee is immidiately on guard as Suwako enters the room. Ignoring the bridge princess, she heads to Kanako and Iku, joining in the conversation.
"I wonder if Miss Kanako is a goddess.." Byakuren thinks, noticing Suwako's way of speaking to the older-looking lady. She certainly had a strong presence, but somehow there wasn't a roiling aura of power detectable near her. Letting the thoughts be for now, Byakuren looks to the others, not much going on with them. The purple-haired girl still looks eager to have a meal though
"Hmmm.. what to do, what to do?"

A. Have a friendly talk with the girl

B. Join into the conversation between Suwako, Kanako and Iku

C. Go see how Sanae is doing