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Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

No need to get too fancy on the reasoning here aside from noting that with her speed she'd easily be able to capitalize on any mistakes we made.

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Pondering what this girl had in store for her, Byakuren analyzes the tengu facing her. She was highly likely to be more agile and used to three-dimensional movement than most competitors, having spent a great part of her life on the wing. Most others competitors had to train their maneuvering once they learned the secret to flying. With this fact as the foremost thing in her mind, the mage set about to testing the tengu's mettle with some light spells in an effort to detect a possible weakness in her style.

Her hunch turns out to be correct, Aya is a super-fast person, easily flitting out of reach from anything fired at her. The tengu seems to be a rather lazy opponent besides her ridiculous speed, not really firing shots of her own. She seems too busy flashing the artifact around her neck in Byakuren's direction, each flash a bit stingy on the eyes but ultimately harmless to the mage. After a few moments spent at blinking the light, Aya lets go of the artifact, hanging it around her neck as she commences her own attack properly. Despite having the speed to make devastatingly quick hit-and-run attacks, the tengu doesn't use it to close the gap between them, instead keeping a safe distance between the combatants and blast away with her own spells. She also uses wind for distraction and speeding herself even further.

The two of them go at each other for an amazingly long period of time, neither woman managing to score more than a few minor hits on the other. Byakuren's pattern-recognizion skills enable her to avoid practically everything thrown at her, Aya's speed achieving the same results for her in a different way. After nearly an hour of frantic danmaku exchange, the tengu woman stops her attack, rising up to face Shiki who is casting her judgement over the matches. "Oi Yama, I quit. This is getting overtly lenghty and boring. I can't make a good story from this, so I'm giving it up." With a dissappointed look, the Judge confirms Aya's withdrawal and declares Byakuren the winner of the fourth bout. "Should've just stayed among the spectators, this was a huge waste of time..." the tengu can be heard muttering as she exits, leaving Byakuren a bit unsatisfied with the outcome. But she advanced in the tournament, and that was the most important thing at the current moment.

The rest periods were getting longer as the competition advanced, Byakuren getting a fair pause before the next bout. After a brief rendezvous with her team once more, she finds out that Murasa has been eliminated from the action, while Shou was still tightly hanging in there. Supposedly the one who defeated Murasa was going to be the next opponent for the mage. Murasa describes her appearance, and Byakuren realizes who it likely was. White hair, baggy pants, uses fire... it couldn't be anyone else. Already pondering about possibilities against the coming opponent, she goes forward once her name is called.

As soon as she arrives within the pillared circle, Byakuren finds herself facing the girl she imagined it would be, the wandering guide named Mokou. Mokou had been one of the first people she had encountered after her imprisonment, and had helped the mage find the way through the forest areas. It was yet another fight she was not too happy to do, but her future mission might be easier if she had the champion's pedigree and fame behind her when the other powerful individuals were questioned about helping her. "Sorry Mokou, I don't like it, but we have to fight..." Unsure about Mokou's other abilities besides her fire control, the mage needed a strategy to defeat the white-haired girl.

A. Offensive strategy

B. Conservative strategy

C. Something else?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Great... Mokou might be immortal, but she's still human. On the other hand she's pretty battle-hardened and won't go down without any major injuries.

A) This'll be a hot fight, and not the good kind of hot, Mokou might as well just incinerate the entire arena and walk out the winner.
Let's not give her the opening to do anything.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Mokou's firepower is devastating, mainly due to the element she's using. Remember, fire can damage you even if you evade the brunt of the attack. And yeah, she is immortal. She can firebomb everything without regard for her own safety and still win. On top of that, she is capable of using amulets, if the game is any indication. Our only real chance is to keep moving and firing, not giving her a chance to blast us first. Don't bother going melee - she wouldn't hesitate to burn herself and us at the same time. Stay clear of the fire, and keep blasting her until she drops. If she's resurrecting, blast her too. And let's just pray she won't take us down. She has centuries of combat experience.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hmm, I can't really think of anything special to gain the edge. Time to fight hard then. (A)


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I don't know that we can beat someone who's immortal by being conservative so my vote is that we go all Road House on her!


S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I see no reason not to hold back against this fiery immortal. But I do think that going all out could be a bit risky. So I pick (C)

I don't know if our Byakuren's physical ability enhancing magic can help us, but if it can we mind as well use it to our advantage. Fire is often seen as an element of anger, and fire itself is a risky element to use. Use this and our own powers to our advantage. Keep a cool head (literally) and don't let her gain the upper hand. At the same time, keep battering her with our own attacks.

Taking brute force to a fire is a bad thing, be gentle to it and it could be a good thing.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Though she felt a connection with Mokou, Byakuren was not ready to give up her advancement spot without a little contest at least. Picking her strategy, the once-monk decided on a mostly offensive approach from farther away, the thought of feeling Mokou's fire on her body not terribly appealing to her.

The white-haired girl is completely relentless and overpowering, much like the very element she controlled. Her blazes fill huge areas of space at a time, forcing Byakuren to use every possible direction at some point to keep away from the fires. And even then, the mage suffered a few minor burns as her hair or clothing tended to pick up traces from the attacks and light up in small fires. What's worse, Mokou seemed impervious to Byakuren return volleys, taking all the damages without as much as batting an eyelid as small wounds appear among the tears in her clothing.

After throwing a few of her more potent barrages at the fire controller, Byakuren witnesses Mokou drop to the ground, seemingly defeated. Thinking that she had won, the mage went over to the girl's side to check if she was okay. Much to her dismay, she found out that Mokou was stirring from the supposed knockdown. Quickly backing away from the girl as she blazes the area around her, Byakuren prepared to exchange further rounds of danmaku with the forest guide.

After about a dozen of similar knockdowns, the mage was starting to doubt her chances with Mokou, who seemed to be invulnerable to any permanent damage. The girl's white hair was now more red than white, stained into a deep crimson shade as she had spilled so much of her own blood. Even when she was reduced to a bloody mess, Mokou pushed onwards, slowly chipping away Byakuren's durability as even evaded attacks started to cost her minor burns.

"You'll need to... try harder.. than that..." Mokou manages to sputter through the blood covering her mouth as she rises again like a phoenix from the 15th knockdown. She still stood tall, her slim and athletic body visible under the scraps of her remaining clothing that barely concealed the trickles of blood slowly running down her skin.

"Is this girl undefeatable....?" Byakuren thought. She was getting dangerously close to her own limit at dropping down and fading away. Her clothing was filled with burn marks, as was her body after all the torrents of fire they had taken. Quickly thinking about her opponent, the mage thought about her options at the moment.

A. Continue the attack normally

B. Attack Mokou emotionally instead

C. Something else?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Youkai Jesus time.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Mokou's no youkai, but perhaps we could try to push some of her buttons and get her to stop before she gets herself torn to shreds completely. I mean, she looks like she's been put through a meat grinder.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I don't know. B sounds like the only way to win, but at the same time it seems mean and like it could have repercussions beyond the tournament, which would be unfortunate.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Please. We're doing her a favor - stopping her before she reduces herself to a pile of charred meat. I mean, she'd be dead by now if she wasn't immortal.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Depends on the actual approach used in this "emotional attack". If it means trying to put her down through harsh words and cruelty, then no. Otherwise, (B) sounds like an option worth trying.

S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I agree. B could hurt our relationship with Mokou, but it seems like it's the only way. Besides, she's letting herself go. We need to stop her before it gets way out of hand.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Oh no, Mokou's fighting spirit is burning red!

... Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I dunno, attacking her emotionally seems underhanded and dirty (says the person who suggested sucker punching Satori >.>). There are probably some things more important than winning in this case. Then again, it depends on how we're attacking her emotionally. Trying to calm her down and disrupt said fighting spirit seems like a good idea. Taunting her by telling her that she's useless and that Kaguya better than her, not so much.

Plus, trying to calm her seems safer than trying any other sort of emotional assault. It'd suck for us if she went even more berserk on us.

So uh, I guess C) A mixture of the two, first try to calm her emotionally first and let her know that she doesn't have to put herself through so much pain to prove that she's a mighty opponent, then if that succeeds offer to continue the fight until the next knockdown. An honorable match (with less Mokou putting herself through a meat-grinder)!


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

What Hafnium said.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Initially Byakuren thought that she should continue her attack and attempt to beat Mokou down to an unrecoverable state, but her good mind took control over the glory-hound mindset. She didn't have to reduce the white-haired girl into a complete wreck, that would be unnecessarily cruel. Instead, she opted to affect the fiery girl's emotions and make her give up, as the mage knew Mokou had her soft side. Even with her rough exterior and extensive combat experience, the wielder of flames had easily-affected emotions. Their first encounter in the cave had brought that forth.

As the danmaku started flying again, Byakuren set her plan into motion by calling out to Mokou. "Mokou please, calm down.." she pleaded and surprisingly succeeded as the white-hair stopped her flames into an aura. With the initial part done, the former monk moved closer to her target, keeping constant eye contact with her. "Mokou... why do you put yourself through hell like this? Or actually fight in a tournament? Can you tell me?" she quite straightforwardly asked, but got no answer. Mokou's gaze dropped as she tried to look away, unwittingly revealing the reason to Byakuren's inquiring gaze. Among the crowd stood a familiar blue-dressed figure, the teacher Keine. "For Keine? Surely she can appriciate you just like you are normally, she is quite a wise person after all, and can handle differences in other people." the mage said to her opponent before continuing. "Do you remember why I'm doing this?"

Mokou's gaze didn't lift as she seemed to struggle remembering, but soon nodded as it came to her. "That's right. To advance the relationship between humans and youkai. To drive away the prejudices plaguing both sides. Ultimately, to end the fear towards those different from yourself. Do you think it's a good enough reason to sacrifice life and limb to?" Byakuren questioned her opponent, getting another nod from the white-haired girl. "Yes... There are few things I'd consider more noble. I've faced so much fear of the unknown in my long life... driven away from so many towns... that's why I live the way I do now... Maybe Keine and I could settle down nicely and live together if the humans weren't so fearful.." she says, a few tears rolling down her cheek as she does so.

"So, can I propose a deciding method to this battle, see who's will is stronger? We'll resolve this with a final pass. I don't need to win this battle, but it would be ill-mannered of me to quit now." Byakuren suggested. With a silent gesture, Mokou accepted and backed down a little farther. The mage chanted her spell, invoking the same buff she used against Komachi.

With a stream of tears now flowing down her cheeks, Mokou's fires grew to entirely new heights as a pair of flaming wings formed behind her back. "Let's resolve this... for the betterment of all existence!" the fiery girl shouted as she zoomed forward simultaneously with the mage.

As they closed, Byakuren fought against the intense heat radiating from Mokou, but could quite easily read the incoming blow. "You're aiming for the corner of my right eye... sorry Mokou, but I have to take the victory..." the mage thought, ducking her head down at the moment of passing, nailing the white-haired girl with a hard strike to the stomach. Mokou slumped on to Byakuren's shoulder after coughing out a small amount of blood, due to the heavy blow. The mage quickly took up her opponent's unconscious body, holding the girl in her arms as she claimed victory before exiting the arena with Mokou's bloodied form. "Don't you worry Mokou... Give us the time to work and soon you'll be living among the humans, with Keine there as well..." she whispered to the defeated opponent even thought Mokou wouldn't hear a word of it.

With the roughed-up Mokou now under Eirin's care, Byakuren got her own scrapes and burns healed before thanking the doctor and leaving to the resting zone again. Somewhat surprisingly, Shou didn't appear among them during the entire time. "Did Shou... lose again...?" the mage thought as the perky tiger girl didn't turn up, even when she herself was called back into the semifinals of the singles matches.

Shrugging off the slight aching still there after Eirin's treatment, Byakuren stepped into the arena once more, now facing an opponent much smaller than herself. It was the small oni girl with orange hair, Suika, who had decked herself out with a few additional things like a few geometrical shapes at the end of chains. The little horned menace seemed to be in a mildly intoxicated state, and was aiming to make it worse as she sipped from a gourd while the match was getting underway.

A. Offensive strategy

B. Conservative strategy

C. Something else?