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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) I see no reason to hold back, knock her out before she does and goes super drunkard lolita.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Suika. Of all opponents, a freaking ONI. And she's already drunk, which means she's unpredictable. Let's see... Small, hard to hit, tanks like Hell, punches like a freight train, turns into mist... We f***ed.


Normally I really wouldn't consider this, but Suika kinda beats us in both firepower and physical strenght. We need an evasive strategy this time. Evade and strike when she's distracted. Meeting her head-on is a messy way of killing yourself.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


A haphazard offensive won't be enough to daze this little pandemonium. We need to pay attention to avoiding harm, and take the best opportunities to make our energy count for every bit of damage potential we can or we might just wear ourself out trying to pummel this thing normally.

This is kind of also the same as Grave's (C) vote. Wasn't sure which option to count it as.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I agree with Squid and Hafnium. Going all out against someone who's drunk and is powered by being drunk is not exactly the best idea. Evade her and attack when she's not paying attention, but choose our hits carefully.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

S u r i said:
I agree with Squid and Hafnium.

B-but, I didn't vote yet. ;_;

Plus, as strange as it may sound I'm going with offense. She's an oni and is generally classified as one of the most powerful characters (only one to beat Reimu in what could be considered a canon ending, I believe). However, she's probably only in the contest to test out her strength versus everyone else.

I don't know that being conservative will be enough to counter some of the danmaku the loli oni can put out since we probably won't have much time to counter. Offensively she probably has us beat, too. Neither option seems especially good to me so I'm thinking maybe if we give her enough of a head-on challenge that she'll let us go on to the next round. >.>

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

After finishing a long, hard sip from her gourd, Suika put the drinking vessel back on her belt after plugging it again. With a slight wobble to her side, the little oni raised her arms into something resembling a fighting stance and let out a drunk giggle. "Wheee, let's see if you're more capable than the others. The witch gave me some problems, but the rest were so weak..." the horned girl said to Byakuren, letting out a small burp and another giggle afterwards. With carefulness as the most important thing now, Byakuren set upon the task of bringing the little girl-oni down for the count. Somehow she knew this one had much more power in her than the tiny frame she carried around suggested.

The one-time monk had not estimated Suika's strenght wrong. After evading the first punch thrown by the horned girl, she knew even one hit might be the end of their battle, such was the power behind Suika's drunken swing. The oni used very little danmaku, seemingly being more fond of simply hitting things with her fists in an attempt to break them. She was also very hard to hit due to her small size and unpredictable, erratic flight patterns. And even when Byakuren managed to get a shot in, Suika would disperse briefly into several mini-Suikas to avoid getting hit. Only a few hits actually connected properly with the opponent who kept on sneaking closer to swing wildly at the mage, each blow causing a strong air current in it's wake. At regular intervals, the girl oni would follow up her attack with a quick drink from her seemingly endless bottle of sake. "Nyahahahahaaaaa... this is kinda fun..." the red-faced little devil announces her liking towards their bout, doing some small flips in the air as she was getting quite drunk from all the booze.

"This is getting nowhere... Eventually, she will hit me.." Byakuren thought as she got a opening to cast her physical buff. "Maybe now I can get something done..." Suika was still nearly untouched, having only suffered a few minor hits after some minutes of frenzied exchanges. Somehow the gradient-haired mage had managed to dodge Suika's devastating punches, but that might change any moment, given that the oni's attack patterns were so erratic due to her drunkenness.

A. Keep going with the same plan

B. Switch to offense

C. Something else?
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Well, if the old plan ain't working, time to try something else. Sure, what we're doing now might work in the long run, but it might bite us in the ass just as well and frankly, so far it seems that we've achieved little. Someone once told me that attempting the same thing over and over even though nothing's gained is foolishness, and I agree with it. Time to bring out the guns.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) If hitting her will only make her split, shoot her with a wide powerful barrage of danmaku, lets see if she can dodge something like that.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Suika's power is manipulation of density. She can split all she wants.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's step it up a notch and start blasting her with what we've got. Try to avoid her while still keeping enough distance to let her think she can come in closer for a shot, only to dodge it and shoot her in return. Mix up our game by occasionally going in and giving her a punch or two of our own (powered by our physical enhancement of course). Let's not be afraid of her. Sure, she'll probably break us like a toy if we get hit, but that's only if we get hit. Be like her, be erratic and whatnot.

With skill and a little bit of luck, we might pull through.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's step it up a notch and start blasting her with what we've got. Try to avoid her while still keeping enough distance to let her think she can come in closer for a shot, only to dodge it and shoot her in return. Mix up our game by occasionally going in and giving her a punch or two of our own (powered by our physical enhancement of course). Let's not be afraid of her. Sure, she'll probably break us like a toy if we get hit, but that's only if we get hit. Be like her, be erratic and whatnot.

With skill and a little bit of luck, we might pull through.

What Suri said.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I'm a bit wary about the second half of Suri's plan, involving the buff and deliberately going hand to hand. When two erratic fighters join in Melee, they both start getting hit regularly. No matter how good our buff is, it can't begin to compare to Suika's earth splitting strength.

I reckon, continue using the buff to improve our dodging (and perhaps as a small mercy to ourself if we do get hit), and start laying some heavy, and well timed, danmaku on her. Make her split, and have a wider shot or something with explosive force behind it to catch some of those minis.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

With an altered plan, Byakuren set forth to try and attack the oni girl from closer range with her danmaku attacks, aided by the additional speed from her enhancement spell. Somehow it seemed suicidal, but she also thought about giving Suika a few punches of her own if the circumstances allowed her to land a smack or two.

The strategy is succesful, with the mage's hit ratio increasing quite much from her more close approach. Suika starts getting somewhat agitated from the danmaku-pelting she receives as a result from the new tactics, and increases her own determination accordingly. Suddenly the horned girl is all over Byakuren, fists flying everywhere as she starts to take things more seriously. The physical buff is enough to keep the oni's small but crushing fist away from Byakuren for now, and the mage capitalizes upon an opportunity, firing a powerful spell at point-blank. Once the smoke clears, Suika is still standing but now bears her first visible wound. "Hoooo, I've been damaged~" the little menace gave a grin as she saw the trickle of blood running down her arm. This only seemed to give her more energy, as the orange-haired flurry came at Byakuren even harder, managing to graze the mage's shoulder with a strong straight. Even that little connection was powerful enough to dislocate her shoulder and send the former monk flying down to the ground. "Goodness, she has such massive strenght hidden in that tiny frame. Hope I just didn't break a bone..." she thought, fighting back the pain.

But it seemed like Suika was not through with her tricks just yet. As the mage gathered herself up from the ground, the horned girl unplugged her gourd once more to take a long, hard gulp of drink. As she stoppers the drinking vessel again, Suika's small form begins to grow rapidly. Soon, the oni girl was big enough that her body filled a part of the arena. "SO, LET'S FIGHT SOME MORE." her now booming voice called out to Byakuren, who stood at ankle-level with the now huge oni. Rising up to face level with the horned girl, the mage set upon the opponent without changing her strategy too much, it was still applicable with the current situation.

After some more zooming and striking around, Byakuren's evasion causes the enormous Suika to stumble her strike. The oni goes forward, and with a loud zapping sound, her fist breaks through the supposedly impenetrable barrier protecting the spectators from outgoing attacks. Suddenly among a whole crowd of people, the oni starts to flail around in a drunken daze, causing the people to panic while some of them shoot back to fend off the towering girl. Soon enough, Suika starts to take blows against the spectators, but is quickly stopped by Shiki's interference. The Yama somehow stops the gargantuan oni's strikes with her rod, handling the opposition with ease. After blocking a few giant fists, Shiki retaliates to force with force, striking back at the incoming fist with her diamond-shaped rod and sending Suika flying back to the arena. Seething with rage once more, the yama forcibly reverts Suika back to her original size with some powerful dispelling effect as the oni lies dazed in the middle of the battleground. "YOU LITTLE DRUNK! WHY DID THEY EVER ALLOW YOU TO ENTER! IT'S ANOTHER TRAVESTY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS TOURNAMENT!!!" the steaming Yama furiously shouts before binding Suika in her restrainment spell. "Looks like you win, Hijiri. Suika Ibuki is disqualified, and seriously in need of some discipline. Now, I'd suggest you leave..." Shiki says to Byakuren, cracking her knuckles with a seriously pissed-off look. Seeing it better not to interfere, the mage backs away from the arena, the sounds of a brutal beating soon reaching her ears.

Going over to Eirin's before resting, Byakuren gets her dislocated shoulder bent back to it's socket before the doctor performs some healing to ward away the pain. With the broken barrier now there, it takes some time before the final bout can begin. Once the mage is about to leave and head towards her own grop to recover, Suika is carried in by a pair of fairies. Shiki's punishment took a rather physical form on her as well, as the little oni looks even worse than Yukari did when Byakuren saw her the last time, bloodied and bruised to near death. Unable to hold back her desires to apologise, the former monk goes over to the senseless oni, holding her hand with both of her own and giving a wordless apology in her mind. Byakuren decides to stay with Suika until she was called in to the final, keeping a silent vigil over her competition as Eirin set to work, slowly fixing up the oni's broken form.

Eventually, the call came out and Byakuren was heading towards the final battle of the proper tournament. There would still be the challenge rounds where anyone could be challenged, for serious or non-serious purposes. But she could be faced with something that might be seriously hard for her at the final round. With all kinds of thoughts rolling around in her mind, she entered the final bout, with a proper protection around the battlefield once more.

"So, here we are at the singles final, good people of Gensokyo! Will we actually have a double champion this year? Byakuren Hijiri has been making a steady progress through the singles tournament as well as the pair contest, and is now standing here at the final. But, the competition is equally fierce. Her opponent is none other than Moriya Shrine's representive, an equally mature woman of power, Kanako Yasaka!"

Now faced with Kanako, Byakuren was not sure how to approach this fight. She knew the purple-haired woman had some power hidden inside her, but knew nothing about how it manifested. She would need to choose her moves carefully. Kanako seemed to know this equally well, taking up a kind of sitting position as she rose up a little, four sizeable pillars of wood soon materializing behind her in a neat line.

A. Offensive strategy, keep your distance

B. Offensive strategy, close in

C. Conservative strategy, keep your distance

D. Conservative strategy, close in

E. Something else?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Ugh... Saved by the Yama. How disgusting. I'm still going to vote we search for a way to take her down. She can't be all powerful, especially not when dealing with the living.

Now... Kanako. Kanako, Kanako, Kanako. Boy, how I hated her as a final boss. As far as I can recall, she wasn't an opponent I could go easy against as I'm pretty damn sure that this hasn't changed. However, approaching her might be a bad idea, considering she can control those big pillars... I say we show her a real Bullet Hell.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Let's hope for favorable winds.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Ugh... Saved by the Yama. How disgusting. I'm still going to vote we search for a way to take her down. She can't be all powerful, especially not when dealing with the living.

Now... Kanako. Kanako, Kanako, Kanako. Boy, how I hated her as a final boss. As far as I can recall, she wasn't an opponent I could go easy against as I'm pretty damn sure that this hasn't changed. However, approaching her might be a bad idea, considering she can control those big pillars... I say we show her a real Bullet Hell.


And looking at this with absolutely no knowledge of Touhou past what I've read through this thread I agree. Tactically Byakuren's been fighting defensively most of the time, so suddenly changing to full offense should catch everyone off guard.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Suika... :x


In any case, I think I'll agree with Graves tactics again for this one. (A)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"Those pillars... they look like bad news. Better hold back." the mage thought as she zoomed upwards to meet Kanako in a duel. She had no deeper connections with the opponent now, and could thus attack at full force with an easier mind than some of the previous battles.

It doesn't take Kanako long to start the bout, with two of her faith pillars shooting out towards Byakuren to give chase while the other two remained in front of the woman. Quickly chanting up her enhancements, Byakuren moved away from the trail of destruction, letting the massive projectiles fly past her. But the things came back after a while, giving chase once more as Kanako upped the ante by firing barrages into the hassle already there near her. Beset by attacks from numerous directions, it took a lot of effort from the former monk to just keep herself clear from any lines of fire. Once she got an opportunity, Byakuren fired off one of her stronger spells in Kanako's way. Like a puppetmaster of some sort, Kanako waved her hand to move the pillars near her to provide cover. With impressive quickness, the massive carved trunks moved to shield the purple-haired woman with their considerable mass, only a few blackened spots remaining on their surface as the danmaku cloud slammed into them. As the spell died out, the pillars moved away to reveal a grinning Kanako, who started to throw spell after spell in quick succession as she got her thing rolling once more, still maintaining her casual sitting position.

As going head-on against the purple-haired goddess seemed practically impossible impossible due to the constant attacks and intereference by the surprisingly mobile pillars, Byakuren thought about an alternative approach. She slowly started to make way towards Kanako's flank, hoping to get even a slightly better shot at the woman. She hadn't moved an inch during the match, so the mage thought the flank or rear could be advantageous in the long run. The pillars still followed after the gradient-haired woman, keeping attacking opportunites at a minimum. Kanako's gaze seemed to follow her, but she made no move to prevent the maneuver, the pace of the attack remained similar. After a moment spent on getting into position, Byakuren fired off another barrage in Kanako's direction. The woman still made no move against the flanking attack, and the mage saw part of her fusillade hit home.

Once the smoke cleared, Kanako was not there anymore. Quickly looking around, Byakuren saw her still floating in her sitting position, now in the far edges of the arena and quite a distance away. With a two-handed motion, the goddess called her pillars back, which flew to her with the usual alacrity. The trunks formed a neat formation over Kanako, two of them hovering over her and two to the sides. With the pillars now horizontally facing Byakyren at the other end, Kanako's grin grew. "Want to pray? This might be a good time.." the purple-haired woman called out as a tremendous amount of energy started to gather around her.

A. Keep going with the same plan

B. Switch to some other plan from the previous choices

C. Something else?