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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hmmm... Involuntary suppositories sounds like fun. Still, best to try and keep the good doctor on our side. We may need healing after we murder Shiki.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Right, let's try and get this thing rolling forward again after two weeks of silence.)

Thinking about it briefly, Byakuren thought it better not to try and sneak away Eirin's drugs from her tent. She didn't want to risk her recently-formed friendship with the doctor or end up in some painful drug test if Eirin's more sadistic side came fore upon catching the thief in the act. With that decided, she left the tent behind and headed towards the place Komachi had instructed her to find.

After making her way through a few party spots, the mage found her sought location. It was a rather big tent, secluded from the other resting spots much like Eirin's and Yukari's resting areas were. The front door had a male shikigami standing at the side of it, wielding a similar scythe that Komachi had with her. Despite her pleas to allow entry or at least call for the red-haired shikigami out, the man didn't allow any compromises and sent her away. Not letting this eagerly dutiful guy ruin the night of closeness they had planned, Byakuren left the front door alone for now, backing away a fair distance before sneaking near the tent from the side with the help of a few nearby bushes. Following the wall of the tent towards the back, she eventually found a hole in the magically-strenghtened fabric. With thoughts of possibly finding Komachi inside, she decided to peek in to the tent.

And Komachi was indeed there, though her robe was pulled down to her waist and her arms were secured to a curved iron pole hanging from the framework of the tent. The redhead was gasping from pleasure slightly as small hands played with her exposed chest, the figure behind her turning out to be Shiki. The yama had shed off her usual thick shirt and miniskirt that had suffered burns just an hour ago, being clad in a white top and panties now, with the ever-present hat there on her head as well. She was as diminutive as her clothed stature suggested, with a body that usually belonged to a 12-year old. Despite her childish looks, she was quite eagerly pleasuring Komachi through her breasts, leaning her head against the taller shinigami's back. It looked like she was muttering something, but Byakuren was not able to hear what it was over the sounds of the party and Komachi's sounds of joy. After some time spent on molesting her servant from behind, Shiki moved to the her side, still keeping up the breast teasing with her other hand but starting to lick up the other girl's armpit. Despite the situation seeming to be one based on unwillingness, Komachi looked rather pleased by the fact that her master was so considerate, almost as if the yama was showing her adoration towards the shinigami's magnificent body with her actions. Eventually the diminutive girl switched to the other side, showing similar attention to the other side as well. "My dear Koma-chan...." she could actually be heard saying.

Once she had done enough, Shiki backed off. With a determined walk, she went over to the nearby table, grabbing a familiar riding whip. With the lash in hand, she turned back to Komachi. "So, you want me to use this on your dirty body? Huh?" she said to the busty shinigami, teasing the girl's breasts with the little flap at the end of the whip. With a gaze full of love, Komachi nodded back at her master. "Yes, master. Please, discipline your servant's body." she actually replied, getting a lash across the chest in return. She winced, but still looked rather happy after getting hit with the riding crop. Shiki began to circle around the redhead, lashing her upper body periodically, eventually starting to draw louder cries from the shinigami.

A. Interrupt them

B. Continue watching

C. Leave them alone

D. Something else
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Kill Shiki when she's suitably distracted.

In all seriousness, I don't know. We should probably leave them alone, for Komachi's sake.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I'll agree with Tiff.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) There's not much we can do here that won't end in Komachi probably hating us, now of course it could be that deep down inside she really doesn't want to be "used" by Shiki this way but it's not really our business.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

In this particular instance...


We don't have enough points in stealth and backstab yet.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let them have their weird moment.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


The busty shinigami looked so happy as she was "punished" by her mistress Shiki. Despite the whole chains-and-whips set-up inside the tent, it looked like the event happening in there was a really consensual thing between the two very different women. Byakuren felt like she was intruding upon their moment of passion, so decided it better to let them carry on and look for other things to do. With dissappointment in her mind, the mage withdrew from the hole she was peeking through and silently crept away from the vicinity of the tent. So much for that promise...

Almost back at the proper feasting areas, Byakuren briefly passed by a very annoyed-looking Parsee. The bridge princess was sporting a bandage around her head, a remainder about her encounter with Shiki just from an hour or so away. The shortish blonde youkai looked as she was deeply thinking about something besides the annoyance, so the mage gave her room, not wanting to rile her up any further than necessary. She knew full well about the youkai's millimeter-long fuse from their previous encounters, and despite being more powerful than Parsee, conflict was best avoided. With the missed meeting with Komachi still bothering her, Byakuren sat down on a table at random, finding herself sitting next to another blonde person. This blue-dressed girl seemed to be a magician of some stripe, as she had a grimoire nearby in addition to the two life-like dolls that accompanied her. She wasn't in a talkative mood, so Byakuren let her be in peace, keeping a quiet vigil at her chair. She noticed the girl was keeping an eye on something or someone in the vicinity, but was not sure what exactly as there were many things to choose from. As the girl sighed, the mage could see Yuugi nearby. It seemed as if the well-formed oni was looking for something as well.

A. Try and strike a conversation with the doll girl

B. Go ask Yuugi what she's doing

C. Do something else?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) Alice! Though if she isn't interested in chit-chat go glomp Yuugi and investigate.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


She might be looking for something or someone interesting. And she might help us lynch Shiki later.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Oni are mayhem. Mayhem is fun. Therefore, oni are fun.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Because it's Alice. And she looks semi-lonely.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Since the doll girl seemed so focused on whatever she was looking out for, Byakuren opted to leave her in peace, her presence most likely wasn't necessary to help further the cause. Still, she couldn't help but try and encourage the girl a bit. "Whatever it is that you are looking out for, go for it. You have the courage, and you're pretty enough." she whispered to the girl's ear before leaving the table, getting a curious look back from the blonde magician. She had been quite honest in with the last comment, liking this lone person's attire and looks well enough. Having said her piece, Yuugi would be the next to receive her attention.

Upon meeting up with the oni again, Byakuren learned that she was looking for Parsee, who had stormed out from Eirin's tent after resting her head for a few hours. "I love that girl, but once there is something she decides, it's hard to turn her away from the intended course of action. Better find and stop her, she's attempting to have another go at that little judge girl. And after seeing her handle things, I don't want my Parsee to end up on the bad end of the stick. She already struck out against that little monster and got off with only a hard head bump just because Miss Flowers interfered with her psycho act. If they meet again with hostile intentions, I'm sure that girl will kill her. Help me look for that crazy thing?" It didn't take Byakuren long to decide, she wanted to avoid any violence if it was possible to go without any blows being thrown. "I actually saw her a few minutes ago. Surely she's found out where the Yama resides at this area, so we better hurry..." was her asnwer to the oni's request. Just as they had agreed to look for the bridge princess, a bright green flash could be seen from direction of the tent area where Byakuren had just been. "Great, looks like she found out... let's hurry!" Yuugi called out, picking up the direction and heading towards there as fast as possible. Before they moved away, Byakuren could see the floating Kanako eyeing them from a nearby table, where she was feasting with the other two females of her shrine. Was the goddess gauging her? Or just following them out of some unknown curiousity?

They zoomed as quickly as possible to the great tent, finding the male shinigami guard from before lying at the side of the door and the front flap of the tent wide open. It looked like the man had attempted to stop the enraged Parsee and got beaten as a result. Still it looked like the bridge princess had spared his life, for the man's wounds were nowhere near fatal, just enough to render him unconscious. Before they could enter and stop the worst from happening, Parsee was thrown out from the Yama's resting area and landed on the ground in front of them. An unusually calm Shiki followed after her, escorted by a somewhat blustered Komachi who was setting her robe back on properly with one hand and holding onto the scythe with another. Without a word, the spined whip from before materialized in the Yama's hand. It was this exact tool that had brought Tewi into her comatose state. "These interruptions just can't seem to end..." were Shiki's words before she brought the whip back to strike at the downed Parsee.

But the hit never landed as Yuugi set herself between them, failing to catch the incoming lash and getting a hard hit from it. "Haven't you beaten up enough people already?" were the oni's words as she catched the second blow and pulled against the striker in a tug-o-war. She too had seen most of the punishments handed out by the strangely unjust Judge, and seemed to be getting tired of this tyrannical authority figure. Despite seeing the battle happen, Komachi seemed hesitant to interfere for some reason, staying at the back with a somewhat concerned look on her pretty features. From what the mage had seen previously, this would not end well if it continued further. Shiki had shown her monster strenght before, and Byakuren knew that Yuugi would get smashed down once the Yama got serious.

A. Interfere

B. Stay back

C. Something else?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) I'mma go with Tiffanian's will this time. Grab any of the scythes and slice the Yama down with it, she can keep judging the dead as a dead Yama.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


It's about time we drank Shiki's blood, mutilated her body, and buried each little piece of the corpse separately and deeply. No wussing out or being diplomatic. The yama's death is the only remaining option. It's just a shame Komachi has to witness it. Maybe Kanako will help us? I don't know.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I knew we'd eventually have to do this. Fine. C

Let's murder her and be done with it. Who knows, maybe someone will end up helping us out. Let's just try not to get too hurt and stuff.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"This... needs to stop..."

The words echoed in Byakuren's mind, filling her usually calm mind with hatred and disgust. She had seen enough pain and anguish that originated from the Yama's hands, and was now ready to wield lethal force against her. Still not wanting to hit Yuugi or Parsee with her magics, the mage moved in a circle to try and get a better angle. But Shiki seemed to notice this as she wrestled with the oni woman for the conrol of her whip, and took steps to keep Yuugi between them, denying any open shots between the two of them. As the circle kept rolling, she seemed to let Yuugi tug against her for a while, but eventually tired of the bothersome woman's play. With a quick jerk at the whip, she pulled the oni closer and grabbed her right wrist with amazing quickness. Before the shapely oni could pull back, a brutal forearm was brought down on her own, snapping the bone and bending the forearm into a nasty v-shape as the Yama's strenght showed what it was capable of. With the cracked shape bleeding heavily, Yuugi couldn't hold on and let the whip go, screaming like mad at her destroyed arm. But this was not the last beating she would receive, as the smaller girl grabbed her by the horn and slammed a fist into both of her breasts before letting the horn go and throwing a pulverizing straight into her abdomen. Despite the force of the blow being tremendous, the oni woman flew back only a few feet, falling to the ground. She got up to her knees, but sooned doubled over as a torrent of blood was coughed out. With the oni now dealt with, Shiki turned her attention to Byakuren.

But there was something that yet wanted a piece of the yama, as Parsee rose up from the ground, getting energized by the cries of her beloved Yuugi. She took the opportunity that was presented when Shiki's attention was shifted, and smashed at the Yama's head from the side with all the strenght her jealousy-fuelled powers could bring. "YOU MAD BITCH! I'LL TEAR YOUR HEART OUT AND EAT IT FOR THAT!" the utterly enraged bridge princess screamed as Shiki took a step back from the sudden attack, getting a minor scrape on the side of her head as a result. Before Parsee could recover from her smash, the judge's hand shot out to grab her by the throat and she was lifted of her feet. "Guess I'll take you out first." was the cold reply given before the vice-like hand started to choke the air off from the youkai's lungs. Byakuren looked for a suitable spot still, but Shiki was now firing minor danmaku with her free hand, keeping the mage on her feet to avoid damage. Komachi still stood at the door, looking as hesitant as before to do anything.

But it looked like they were not alone in this battle. Before Parsee's life left her, a huge, familiar wooden pillar came crashing down on the Yama. She was forced to let Parsee go and catch the utterly destructive onbashira to avoid getting crushed under the weight of the massive trunk. "Looks like the time was right for me to interfere." Kanako's voice could be heard from higher up. The goddess was indeed there, guiding her pillars on the attack. Sensing the opportunity, Byakuren opted to deal a more decisive blow now that Shiki was distracted and forced to hold up the pillar with both hands. With a quick dash, the mage moved over to the man collapsed at the side of the tent and grabbed his scythe from the ground. With a large twirling motion, she swung the large blade at the defenseless Yama, despite the cry for stop coming from Komachi's mouth. The blade bit deep, sinking halfway into the exposed torso, stopping just before the spine. The sudden blow was enough to collapse Shiki's hold on the pillar, and the weighty trunk seemed to smush her against the ground with the scythe still in her body, just barely missing Parsee and the critically-wounded Yuugi.

"Looks like that's it..." Kanako could be heard saying as she hovered in her usual position, looking down at the now-silent battlefield. But the silence didn't last long as Komachi got over her initial shock of seeing Shiki get crushed. With a soul-chilling cry, she moved forward and grabbed Byakuren by the hair, pulling her down on the ground. With the quickness of a trained shinigami, she stomped hard on the mage's chest, knocking the wind out from the gradient-haired woman's lungs. "YOU WILL DIE HERE!!" the redhead screamed with teary eyes, mad with fury now that her master was gone. The scythe raised up over her head, and Komachi was intent on striking the point of it into Byakuren's forehead to avenge her one-time master and lover. Not having anything against the shinigami, the former monk was satisfied with having secured a more peaceful future, and was ready to die for this cause.

But the scythe never struck home as the pillar shattered away, revealing a bloodied but still living Yama underneath. She seemed to have gotten crushed for a second or two, but still had enough endurance to survive. There was something strange in her form though, as it seemed to distort and waver. Getting off from Byakuren's chest, Komachi seemed overjoyed that Shiki had survived. But then, something in Shiki's possession seemed to malfunction as a little flash of light occurred. The distortion seemed to slow down, and then it happened. When the flickering lights had died out completely, there was no Yama there anymore. In her stead stood a black-dressed girl with six strange wings, the ones on the right side being hooked and metallic, the ones on the left more normal and pointed in appearance. Her hair was short and equally black with her clothing, a trident was poking out at her hand and a pair of evil eyes looked at Komachi and Byakuren. With an evil grin, the wounded girl clutched at her midsection where the scythe wound was. "Dammit... almost got through all the way...." she spoke up, brandishing the trident and pulling out a few dramatic gestures with it. "Oh well.. better luck next time..." were her final words before she changed shape into a weird, saucer-shaped form and zoomed away towards the horizon.

A. Follow her

B. Tend to the wounded instead

C. Some other idea?
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