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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


No need to force the issue, she's been through a lot recently. If she wants more she'll let us know I'm sure.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Smut scene resisted! Hurray!)

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry..." Byakuren whispered back, somewhat reluctantly taking back her eager hands and just wrapping them around Komachi to hold her in non-perverted ways. The shinigami stayed quiet for a while, which seemed like an eternity in the current situation. "Thank you..." she whispered back eventually. "What is it that people have for my chest anyways... I know they are big and all but still..." the redhead aired her thoughts after the awkwardness had dissipated. Not long afterwards, Komachi turned, leaving them facing each other. She casted a look at the mage, moving slowly forward and giving her a passionate but brief kiss. Byakuren accepted it, knowing it would make the other girl feel better. "You know... Shiki-sama likes to sleep with her head on my chest... would you... want to try that out....?" a question came, but the former monk refused, not giving in to her desires. Instead, they remained tangled against each other through the rest of the night, having somewhat a somewhat peaceful resting period.

In the morning, there was a surprise waiting for them. During the night, a third person had entered the tent, and was now sleeping kind of wide, completely spread-eagled over them both. Without the recognizable clothing, it was not sure who it was at first, but eventually Byakuren realized who it was. Near Komachi's scythe, there hung a red plaid vest and skirt. Yuuka had seemingly taken a liking to the tent and this bed in particular, even possibly the company in there as she was kinda cradling them both with her arms, dressed only in the white undershirt and hopefully some underwear. The limbs were like bands of steel around them, not about to let them go. "What should we do?" Komachi whispered, not sure if they should wake the flowery intruder up. Yuuka seemed to be having a nice dream, as her face was formed into a pleasant smile, a small giggle even escaping as something in the dream amused her.

A. Wait for Yuuka to wake up

B. Get yourself free and up, do it carefully

C. Get yourself free and up, just force it

D. Some other approach you might be thinking of?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Why do I feel like we're being hugged by an Elder God?


We have time I'm sure, and we should probably try not to wake her.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

D) Grope her! Feel Yuuka's lovely skin!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Oooh. Goodie. Touhou smut~. I'll go with D. Grope Yuuka.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Suicidal morons.


I really agree with Tiff's assessment here. It's like being hugged by a monster that feeds on fear and suffering...

Oh wait. We are. Youkai.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Suicidal morons.


I really agree with Tiff's assessment here. It's like being hugged by a monster that feeds on fear and suffering...

Oh wait. We are. Youkai.

How could she feed on fear and suffering when you are filled with lust and enjoyment, are you suggesting that we're going to be groping her, and NOT enjoying it?!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A - I have the distinct impression that if Yuuka wants cuddle time then there's no way anyone's gonna stop her.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

D- And maybe more than just grope. ;)
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

How could she feed on fear and suffering when you are filled with lust and enjoyment, are you suggesting that we're going to be groping her, and NOT enjoying it?!

Youkai feed on human fear. It makes them stronger. Just a general fact.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Geesh! Smut,smut,smut....... Were not horny sluts, let's show a little consideration.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Geesh! Smut,smut,smut....... Were not horny sluts, let's show a little consideration.


Clear your mind, and grope Tenta like you REALLY enjoy it!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A Because we're good, decent people.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

What Suri said! Except, you know, without the good and decent part.

I guess more just because we're people who enjoy being alive and not being murdered in equal measures, really.

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"Better not disrupt her dream, looks like she's having a nice one..." Byakuren whispered in reply, seriously keen on not waking the elder youkai from her sleepy time. The two tried to get some more sleep themselves after a while spent on fruitless pondering how to get away. But this was not to be, as the grip around them both began to tighten as the Flower Master's dreams began to turn more lively. It sooned dawned on them that Yuuka could be terrifying even in her sleep, as she started to giggle and mutter things that no sane being would dream about. Holding on the best they could, the two women tried to endure this rather creepy scene.

An undetermined amount of time later, Yuuka seemed to loosen her grip on Komachi enough to let the shinigami away, which was exactly the thing she did. Looking from the side of the bed, she adjusted her clothes back on properly as a new development happened. Now, with nothing to hold in her other hand, the sleepy youkai began to pad around in search of something to grab. The only thing she could find was Byakuren, and so she flipped to the side, taking a double-armed hug on the already grabbed mage. It didn't seem too bad at first, being in the embrace of such a lady. But then, a literal vice began to squeeze at Byakuren as another spirited bout of dreaming overcame Yuuka. With a particularly hard squeeze, the Flower Master forced tears out from her "victim's" eyes. "Do not cry out, do not cry out, do not cry out...." Byakuren thought as the embrace only went more crushing with each passing second. Just before she thought her bones would snap, Yuuka eyes fluttered and she woke up. "Oh, hello dear. Fancy seeing you here, in my arms of all the places. Did you sleep well?" the youkai lady asked with a totally straight face. "Oh, it was alright..." Byakuren replied, still feeling the pressure of the previous situation.

Despite having woken up, Yuuka made no move to leave her chosen bed, rolling around in there and stretching herself like she owned it. "Such a nice bed... I need this for my modest estabilishment..." the youkai said as her red eyes scanned the bed. Wrapping herself back in the sheets, she seemed to want yet more sleep, or possibly just time in the bed. "So, yesterday I saw that delightful oni lady being carried to Eirin's by Kanako. She seemed to have arrived from this direction. If I'm not mistaken in my assessment, this should be the tent if that bossy little drama queen. Did something happen, since the challenge rounds have yet to start? Usually she'd be announcing the opening about this time?" the woman asked from her resting spot.

A. Tell her what you saw

B. Deny having seen anything

C. Something else altogether?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's face it... Denying things or lying to Yuuka is not a good idea.

It really isn't.