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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"We'll go looking then?" Komachi asked, getting a stern nod back from Byakuren in reply. "Yes, and I know a place where to look..." the mage said, not really happy about where she was going to lead the rest of them. Moreso , it pained her to return to the spot where she had entered back into the world of the living. Once everyone was ready, the group moved out, gracefully flying through the air and heading towards the destination that was somewhere near Rinnosuke's store.

After some time spent on the wing, the girls landed near the store, heading towards the cave entrance soon after. Nazrin was showing some curiousity towards the store, but Shou got her set back on track with a swift tail-yank. "No no, you have to pay the man for his items, and he's probably not home right now." the tiger youkai gave instruction to her helper, leading the smaller one back to the rest of them heading towards the cave.

The cave was as dark and dank as Byakuren remembered, her blind wanderings and tripping on a rock coming to mind. Some spelunking later, a faint humming sound caught their attention. This was the only clue towards anything inside, and the group headed towards the sound. It took a few twists, turns and dead-ends to finally get their heading correct, as the cave was labyrinthine and quite vast. But eventually the humming started to get louder as they walked, soon ending up on an opening that leads into gargantuan chamber, one dropping seemingly endlessly into the earth. Lenghty chains of enchanted metal were strung to the walls, all of them connecting to a small figure in the center. It was the Yama, who seemed to be unconscious and stripped of clothing, with the exception of her underwear. The chains were wrapped all over her form, firmly restraining any movement from the weakened prisoner. Upon seeing her master, Komachi surged past the others, fully intent on getting the Judge free from her bondage.

But a powerful presence appeared in range of Byakuren's magical sense, warning her that freeing the Yama might not be as easy as just walking in. Quickly grabbing Komachi by the collar, she pulled the shinigami back just in time to allow her being undetected by the thing lurking in the pit. A beating of wings could be heard as a creature rose out from the gloom below, observing the surroundings as the girls retreated out of sight to witness what it was. A black, round main body was almost dominated by a huge, red eye that peered around the perimeter. Behind the body was a pair of dark purple wings that kept the creature aloft, and a pair of strong, thick tentacles came out from under it's eye. These were most likely it's main feelers/limbs. Underneath, there was a nest of huge leaves, a batch of skinnier tentacles hanging out from the middle. As a final touch, a brilliant halo shined above the creature, making it all the more strange to behold. The being flew about the pit, skillfully evading the chains as it peered into the opening, not seeing the girls as they hid from it's gaze. Despite not seeing them, the monstrous eye didn't go too far from it's assigned task, only lowering itself down somewhat.

This thing was large, the size of a small house. It also possessed a strong aura, so beating it might not be easy. "What do we do?" Komachi whispered, all the others turning their gazes to Byakuren after her, looking for a course of action.

A. Attack once the monstrous eye has quieted down

B. Retreat for now and get reinforcements

C. Other ideas?
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Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


S u r i

Grim Reaper
May 22, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I don't think we should take any chances with this thing. Let's find some strong reinforcements, then come back and free the Yama.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


If we retreat now, then by the time we're back, the Yama might be no longer here. Remember, the person behind all this already knows that her cover has been blown. She will expect people to search for the real one. Let's just wait until the damn thing goes away, then strike.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Stay hidden until it comes to check again, and surprise-attack stab the fucker right in its eye.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Stay hidden until it comes to check again, and surprise-attack stab the fucker right in its eye.
This, I guess? It seems very similar to A though.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

I thought A was just waiting until it went down into the hole a little ways and then blasting it.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Distract it, or "distract" it, so it has its attention elsewhere while everyone else sneaks over and works on destroying those chains.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

"We'll lay a trap for that thing. Komachi, I'll need you and your blade for this..." Byakuren gave a quick whisper as the thing lowered down into the pit. The two of them moved towards the opening once the coast was clear. Komachi set herself ready at the side of the doorway, while Byakuren took a quick zoom into the vertical chasm, pulling at the Yama's chains to alert the creature to her presence. As soon as the huge eye noticed her, the mage readied herself for a quick retreat back into the cave. With the tentacles of the guardian monster just behind her, Byakuren ducked into the hole, followed by the pursuer. As the huge eye came up right next to the hole, the shinigami's deadly scythe lashed out at it, tearing a huge gash right into the staring eye. With a piercing shriek, the thing backed off, flying down into the pit with a terribly bleeding eye and soon vanishing into the darkness below.

Having dealt with the creature, the group moved into the pit as it was safe now. They hovered around the imprisoned Yama as Byakuren started reciting words of unsealing, steadily cancelling out all the potent energy of the original binding spell that was stored in the shimmering chains. But with an order from the slightly bloodied Komachi, they spread around to guard the mage and warn the rest of them if any other surprises came up. It took some effort from the former monk to completely evaporate the energy, but eventually she got rid of it completely. Now there was just the simple matter of the chains, which the scythe-wielding redhead nearby took upon herself to solve with some brute force and a sharp blade. Soon enough, the small-figured Shiki was held in her servant's caring arms, still out cold.

"It's coming back up, watch out!" they could hear Nazrin yell as the thing from before was speeding towards them, still bleeding but now determined to fight them, even in it's blind state. Having just cleared the pit from any obstacles by cutting down the chains, the group had given it more space to maneuver in. With practised quickness, all the girls besides Komachi started to pour fire into the eye to keep it from reaching them while the shinigami moved into the space beyond the opening to get Shiki out of harm's way. Even with all the danmaku tearing at it's body, the creature swooped into the girls and scattered them, flailing blindly across the pit with it's two main tentacles in an effort to get to something. As more explosive firepower teared at it, the guardian decided to do a last-minute desperation move, smashing it's huge body against the wall of the chasm. The surrounding area shook brutally from the impact, and rocks started to fall inside, creating a highly dangerous rainfall stone and dirt. Seeing it the best option, the group started to evacuate from the chasm, ignoring the creature and seeking to save themselves.

Using herself as bait to allow the others safe escape, Byakuren drew the creature's attention as the rest of them exited. As she was about to do the same, an aftershock collapsed the top of the opening down, separating the mage from the others with a few tons of rock and trapping her in the chasm with the creature. And as if the thing was not enough, there was still rocks coming down from higher up.

A. Fight the creature in this hazardous area

B. Escape downward

C. Escape upward

D. Something else's electric boogaloo?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

D) Fist of the North Star the shit out that thing and use its corpse as protection from the debris.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Destroy it, then run. Preferable from a distance. Blind or not, it has tentacles and therefore, it's probably superior to us close range.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A! And sort of D, though that might end up leaving her buried.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

D) Fist of the North Star the shit out that thing and use its corpse as protection from the debris.
You keep making all these awesome votes that are very hard not to second, even if most of them seem suicidal in the end. ;_;

Ah, to hell with it.

D! Give him the 100 Crack Fist, Byakuren!


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Run while flinging magic and shit at it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Despite the highly dangerous situation she currently was in, Byakuren saw it best to try defeat this creature if she was to survive the incoming stonefall. Quickly moving forward to attacks the blinded wing-orb, she circled around it in a calculated pattern, keeping the creature unsure where to strike as she blasted further barrages of tearing magic bolts into it's body. The eye swung it's tentacles around in a desperate attempt to fend off the counterattacking mage, but it's blindness was too much of an impediment to get a proper aim going. The missing strikes struck into the chasm walls after some misses, only succeeding in making the avalanche worse as the shaking intensified.

Almost none of the magic seemed to have much effect on the blinded creature, a few minutes of fighting yielding practically no results. Switching to another style of attack, Byakuren backed away briefly, incanting her power booster spell before moving around further to seek for a suitable opening for a direct strike. Dodging a tentacle sweep, she flew underneath it and charged straight to that already blinded eye. With a furious momentum behind her charge, the mage's fist punched straight through the eyelid and sunk into the thing. Despite the piercing strike, the creature still tried to lash at Byakuren as she repeatedly struck into it's body, evading all the swipes and causing untold damage with her powered-up strikes. Soon, the thing's strenght began to fade, and the former monk settled the deal by circling around it's back and tearing a wing clean off from it's socket. Wounded critically and partially wingless, the eye began to plummet into the murky depths below.

But the flying eye would have it's revenge on Byakuren. As the body turned upside down to plummet, the bottom tentacles reached out and grabbed the woman, quickly enveloping her in a mass of tendrils. Despite her best struggles, the mage could not free herself and fell down with the creature, soon losing herself to the blackness.

A sharp pain woke the former monk, who was now in an almost lightless cave. A huge pile of rocks covered the form of the monster she had been fighting, but she had somehow survived the long fall with only a few injuries. There was a few bruises and cuts, but a severe pain overtook them as Byakuren realized her left leg was broken. Getting out might be hard, since up the chasm was no longer an option, the rockfall had covered it pretty effectively. And in this dank cave, flying might not be possible at times.

A. Wait and rest up

B. Move on the path that goes slightly upwards

C. Move on the path that goes forward

D. Something elsekind?


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

D) Go Monster Hunter on that thing and carve out something to make a splint to support the broken leg with, or just rip off a tentacle to wrap around it.
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Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Let's take a break and see what we can do about the leg. Moving will probably make it worse.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


This seems stable enough now, and we could probably do with a short rest to evaluate things better. Maybe think of some sort of way to stint our leg.