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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


I'm sure we're just blowing the bones and all completely out of proportion...

Seems rude to intrude and suddenly run off. (A) I'd say wait rather than approach specifically, but close enough. After all, our (Byakuren's) philosophy and dream involves outreaching friendship toward youkai right? This one seems pretty damned youkai to me.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(I see vote-tampering antics. Do not do it, please.)

Fighting off the fear threatening to take the heart out from her, Byakuren steps a few paces forward to greet the rather scary lady coming at them. She seemed to be a very youkai-like youkai, and Byakuren was looking to better the relations between humans and youkai after all. Once the green-haired lady is a few feet away, she stops, lowering her parasol and closing it. Hanging it on her arm, she grabs the hem of her skirt and gives the three of them a rather courtly bow, even lowering her head. After a few seconds in the bow, she raises her red-eyed gaze up again to address them.
"Welcome to my little garden, I am Yuuka Kazami. Let me inquire, are you here to request a formal duel?" the parasol-bearing youkai suddenly asks them, her eyes shifting between them each, looking for a reply. Byakuren is quite flabbergasted at this weird turn of events and doesn't manage to get a word out. A quick awkward moment passes before Yuuka repeats the question
"Did you come to request a formal duel from me? Foolish intruders end up like them.." she says, holding out her hands, clearly suggesting the bones all around them with her remark.

Not giving it a further thought, Byakuren replies positively, not sure how temperamental this youkai could be. Yuuka nods at her acceptance, turning on her heels and opening up the parasol over her head once more.
"Follow me to the clearing, we'll discuss this further once we're there." she says, starting a slow advance towards the clearing in the distance. The trio go after her, Byakuren thinking about what she's gotten herself into.

Once on the clearing, Yuuka stops to face them once more.
"So, this is the grounds for our duel." the green-haired youkai says to Byakuren, keeping her gaze firmly locked with Byakuren's.
"Whatever happens during this battle, the participants must not hold it against each other and accept it no matter what. Is this clear?" Yuuka continues, with Byakuren agreeing to the terms laid out by the youkai.
"Just might get out from here with all of us intact..." she thinks, still a bit surprised about this youkai's behaviour.
"Before we begin, I'll say one thing more." Yuuka chimes in, pointing to Ichirin. "If you or that vapor there interfere in this formal duel, I'll rip your guts out on the spot." Clearly scared out of her wits, Ichirin furiously nods her head at Yuuka, who keeps on smiling at her.
"Good that we understand each other."

After a brief stand-off on the field, the two commence their duel. Yuuka doesn't move at all, taunting Byakuren into attacking her. With a chant of some magic words, Byakuren sends some of her best danmaku she can fire at her current state towards the flower youkai. With dainty steps, Yuuka moves along the stream of projectiles, advancing towards Byakuren in a slow, steady pace. Intensifying the bullet storm, Byakuren hopes to stall the youkai's advance. But Yuuka's clearly seen things like this before, starting to skip around the projectiles with undetectable short dashes. Unbearably close already, Byakuren steps up her offence, the scroll coming out and boosting her shots into a gargantuan release. A stream catches Yuuka in it, causing an explosion of dirt some ten feet away.

As the dust still flies, Byakuren thinks she's won. But this turns out to not be true, as the dust clears, a white parasol is open in front of her.
"No way, that parasol can block danmaku?!" she manages the think before the parasol lowers, revealing a widely grinning Yuuka who proceeds to smack Byakuren to the ground with a fierce backhand. Before the mage can recover from the blow, Yuuka closes her sunblocker and pokes the sharp upper end against her tender neck.
"I win, do we have an agreement?" the flower youkai asks Byakuren, who can't really argue against the situation.
"I concede, you are the winner here."

As soon as the words have escaped Byakuren's lips, thick fibrous vines burst from the ground under her. The active plantlife grabs her limbs, hoisting her into a standing position, just high enough to keep her feet from touching the ground. With a gleam in her eyes, Yuuka pokes Byakuren's chin up with her parasol, a michievious smirk now formed on her face.
"Remember, no holding things against each other." she says, walking around the restrained Byakuren in slow circles to inspect this catch of hers.
"Hmmm, you are quite a beauty. It'll be a huge pleasure to have my way with you.." the youkai carries on, copping a feel of the magician's firm rear.

"Not again..."

A. Endure

B. Resist


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) You should accept Yuuka's blessings without complaints, I doubt she'd mind some weak futile struggling though.
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Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A, she did agree to the terms. Not that she knew what they were, but still...


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Putting up resistance against someone capable of snapping you in half with one hand is not a good idea. Really, it isn't.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

One small step for Human-Youkai relations...

As they say, Make love not war. I guess we've just done one and then the other. Progress?

I guess (A). Endure. Light resistance of course, it's only natural, but not so far as defiance.


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. Grumble to herself and lament inwardly as to how she ended up in this predicament.


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A) You should accept Yuuka's blessings without complaints, I doubt she'd mind some weak futile struggling though.
I like this one...

Well, at least we're not bone meal for the flowers.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Seeing her master getting molested causes Ichirin to build up some courage, even with Byakuren's seeming non-resistance. She steps forward a small distance, about to express her disapproval, but Yuuka seems to notice. With a swoosh, the flower youkai is in front of her within a blink of an eye.
"Did you forget already? Do NOT interfere, this is between the two duelists, you are a witness." the irritated Yuuka tells her, knocking Ichirin down with a blow to the stomach. "Back off, or I'll tear off an arm from your useless carcass."

Giving Ichirin a final contemptuous look, Yuuka slowly makes her way back to the restrained Byakuren. As they face each other again, a vine rises up next to Yuuka. The flower youkai hangs her parasol on the obedient vine, giving her free use of both her hands. Flexing her dextrous digits in anticipation for the event coming up, Yuuka takes a final look at Ichirin to see if the girl was still up for some futile effort to resist her. Seeing the girl cast worrying stares at them is enough to satisfy Yuuka, who gets back to the business at hand.
"Now, my little mage, I'll test how you feel." she says, starting to unbutton Byakuren's dress. Done with opening the black dress, Yuuka looks quite pleased with the sight in front of her. She quickly proceeds to feel Byakuren's midsection, as if she was evaluating the magician's body.
"This is good, firm but still soft to the touch." she gives out her mind, massaging the inspected parts to get Byakuren into the mood. Already shivering from the skilled touches of the green-haired youkai, Byakuren's face reddens as Yuuka switches to her thighs, going dangerously close to her crotch. But Yuuka knows not to get to the best parts yet, quickly rising up to caress her victim's neck and shoulders.
"You are in very good shape, it can be felt easily." she goes on, rubbing the shoulders to relieve some tension caused by the situation. "Now for something better.."
With a smirk, Yuuka slides her hands over Byakuren's exposed chest. Her slow-paced kneading and squeezing draws a few soft cries of pleasure from Byakuren as she spends a few minutes gauging the mounds of flesh in her hands. Giving a few teasing licks to the erect nipples, Yuuka stands up to her proper height to briefly adress Byakuren.
"You are good enough, I will enjoy you now, to my satisfaction."

With these words, Yuuka presses herself against Byakuren, planting her luscious lips against Byakuren's. The women eagerly make out, Yuuka keeping them locked in a long, wet kiss as she probes inside the magician's mouth with her tongue. When she's had a suitable taste, the youkai withdraws, a strand of drool briefly visible between their mouths. Continuing her sexual assault, Yuuka goes through Byakuren's neck and shoulders with her mouth, giving them a deal of attention before going down the line.
"This woman... oh god she is good..." Byakuren thinks amidst the throes of ecstasy brought forth when Yuuka's mouth caresses the different parts of her body. Settling on the chest area for longer than usual, Yuuka's tongue works the plentiful orbs before she takes the other into her mouth. While rolling her tongue on the nipple inside her mouth, the she manages to draw a little milk with the simultaneous squeezing. Taking in the milk, Yuuka switches to the other breast to get some more white goodness out from her victim. Having her fill, she stops for a moment to look into Byakuren's eyes, a small amount of the white liquid rolling down from the corner of her mouth.
"This was a positive surprise..."

After a that brief pause, the flower-adoring lady starts going down again, her mouth tasting Byakuren's midsection as she slowly but surely goes for the flower between the mage's legs. Once she reaches the hem of Byakuren's panties, Yuuka stops again.
"Hmmm, should I really do this...?"
Driven to the edge of her pleasure, Byakuren gets frustrated.
"Yes... please... just, don't tease me with that..."

Giving the mage an approving look, Yuuka pulls the white panties covering Byakuren down. Once again going a bit analytical, the youkai spreads the pinkish gap for a better look.
"You naughty mage, you're dripping wet.." she says, showing the juices on her fingers to Byakuren before having a taste. Without too much hesitation, Yuuka plants her mouth over the exposed womanhood, starting to go around it with her tongue. She takes a pleasurably long time to taste every little part of the pink flower, flicking the bud on it a few times to heighten the mage's arousal. Once Yuuka is done with her feast, Byakuren has climaxed twice.

"That was a treat." the flower youkai retorts as she stands up, wiping Byakuren's honey from her mouth. Giving the mage a final look, Yuuka grabs her parasol and starts to walk away as the vines holding Byakuren release her before withdrawing to the ground once more. Not managing to get up yet, Byakuren takes in the afterglow of her encounter with Yuuka, snapping out of only after Ichirin comes over to her.
"Don't worry, this wasn't such a bad encounter after all..."

The two of them eventually manage gather their wits again. Night starts falling as they exit they flower field.

A. Look for a place to sleep in the immediate vicinity

B. Head into the nearby port town


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition



Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Surely a port-side inn is better than sleeping in the open.


Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Might as well take a look at that town... And the sea. SEA, PEOPLE!

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Seeing it better to get amidst civilization for the night, they fly near the town. Unzan goes invisible before they head make way into the town, Ichirin not wanting to panic the entire town by having the huge nyuudou follow in their wake.

They enter the inn, not drawing too much attention from the other customers, even though a few of them seem to be checking them out. Arranging a room for themselves, Byakuren sits down to have a few drinks. She wasn't normally the drinking type, but the events from the last few days make her want to release the accumulated tension somehow.

The two of them spend an hour sitting at the table as Byakuren slowly downs her sake, listening to the stories and rumors flying around in the common room. One particular rumor catches their attention, as the some of the speculators seem to have witnessed the event. Supposedly, there has been sightings of a half-wrecked, creepy-looking ship floating in the ocean some miles away from the shore. One wiry sailor mentions losing a piece of his ship to this anomaly as it crashed into the wrecked ship. Investigation inside the ship was stalled by several ghostly flames chasing them off. Another man claims that the ship he was working in was capsized and several others drowned by raging waves when they attempted contact with this mysterious ship.

Another rumor tells of a strangely-dressed girl wandering the city, not doing anything harmful and generally minding her business. But when people approached her, she has been scaring them away with unnaturally accurate descriptions of their deepest, untold thoughts and desires. Several people have lost face once their secrets have been let out in the public.

Both of these things stay in Byakuren's mind as she finishes her last drink and goes with Ichirin to their room. Not a long while later, they both fall asleep, finally giving Byakuren a chance to sleep peacefully through the night.

Late in the morning, the two of them make preparations for the coming day as Byakuren looks out towards the sea from the window. Both of the curious rumors still in her mind, she thinks about looking into one.

A. The wrecked ship

B. The curious girl
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Geh, I can't decide...

The ship will wait I'm sure. Lets investigate this curious girl.



Feb 6, 2009
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Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Hmm... The ship will be our main target this time, methinks. Altough... I am kinda curious about this encounter, so...
