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Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Actions speak louder than words, grab the Yama and smother her face into Komachi's exposed bosom and shut her yapping mouth up, then proceed to cleverly convert the Yama to our not-so-decent cause of female anatomy appreciating.

That sounds blissful. Lol. I like this plan.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

A. Tell the truth, she isn't a Baka like au, and lying would only bring about further punishment likely. But!....... See if she would be willing to show lineancy and understanding and allow us to find someplace more appropriate like a private room or something rather then bushes. If we promise to behave.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C) Actions speak louder than words, grab the Yama and smother her face into Komachi's exposed bosom and shut her yapping mouth up, then proceed to cleverly convert the Yama to our not-so-decent cause of female anatomy appreciating.

Having deprived myself of sleep for this in it's entirety, I would say that this would cause hilarious hilarity to ensue. Provided that would work, I don't know much about Shiki's(or if we're talking in game any of the girl's) character, and would like to see her stay in character.... But it's tempting... C. And I really need to learn how to do that Nine-Ball keystroke. It looks awesome.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

(Hey to the new person. I dunno what madness drove you to read this drivel, in one go no less, but what the fuck, welcome aboard the voting boat. Too bad that we are steadily heading towards the ending parts of the story, so the thing might stop before you realize it...)

Taking into consideration the previous event where her honesty was tested by Shiki, Byakuren considered it best to not try and lie to the truth-seeing Yama, not wanting to face the possible punishment she could deal out as the maintainer of security and orderliness in the tournament grounds. Lifting Komachi's robe up to cover her chest, the mage explained their situation from the start, that lust-fuelled night and their promise to see each other in private instead of being abused by other sex-crazy females. As was the case before, the small mirror had appeared Shiki's hand, the tiny judge watching into it's surface as Byakuren explained. Once the woman finished, the yama's mirror vanished and she turned her steely gaze back to them. "You speak the truth this time, and I consider this a contract of words. So it should be carried out like you two have agreed. But still..." she said, the previously calm expression changing into a more furious, and somewhat surprisingly blushy one. "But you should still pay some consideration where you start to do these things! This bush is hardly the place to carry out such lustful acts!"

As the ranting about consideration towards other people and their sensibilities continued, another person could be seen sneaking towards them. The ranting stopped abruptly when the newcomer grabbed Shiki's shoulder, the Yama surprised by the sudden intrusion of her personal space. "Here she is again, with all the righteousness and fire of a good yama. You should not stick your pretty little nose into adult matters, child." the newcomer said, soon revealing herself as Yuuka. Shiki did not brook such interruptions however, and her arm shot out, knocking the elder youkai lady back a few feet. "You do not have the rights to criticise me, Flower Master. I've been chosen by my fellow yama as the Head Judge, and my advice is for the good of Gensokyo and it's inhabitants." she replied, standing against Yuuka without fear and maintaining her authoritative stance, unlike the fake Shiki had when faced with the flower youkai. Still, Yuuka was not dissuaded by the forceful reply. "Really~? I'm not entirely sure about this being for the good of the land, I detect that sense of loneliness within you. You just want in on their little tryst. Am I right?" the green-haired woman fired back, flipping her parasol around and cracking a grin as she saw Shiki struggle with a reply, knowing that she had hit it right on mark with the question. "Unfortunately for you little girl, I've taken an interest towards them as well. So I recommend you forget about this adult stuff and back off before I get nasty...." she blatantly issued a threat to the yama. This obviously served to push at Shiki's buttons, and the Judge was immidiately set into a mode of blushing, flailing rage. "OVER MY DEAD BODY!!" she yelled out, taking a nearly invisible dash forward, her rod sending the flower youkai flying into a nearby table. Yuuka was not easily toppled thought, and flipped right onto her feet with the same motion still keeping her going. The Yama dashed out from the bush, intent on keeping up with her attack.

Seeing the two powerful females fight, Byakuren thought which one of them would actually win this bar brawl of sorts as she and Komachi looked at the ensuing hassle from their hiding spot.

A. Shikieiki

B. Yuuka
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

B) Yuuka has bigger breasts and thus a loli Yama is no match for her. /fairylogic
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

No matter who wins, we lose.

A, I suppose!
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition



Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Because Yuuka is delicious.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


Long time reader, first time voter. I just prefer Shikieiki. And I'm taking speed into account here. Yuuka may be a walking tank but Shikieiki has the better head on her shoulders and the mobility thanks to her...small stature.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


If Yuuka wins things could be bad. Also we'll get raped.
If Shiki wins, we kinda get a bit of high ground and moral leverage over her due to her having been part of a major disturbance.

Also. This is dangerous. There's no magical safety net to save people out here. Perhaps we could help evacuate. '-'
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

The sudden flaring of tempers between the two powerful personalities caused quite a stir as expected, resulting in both panicked and interested reactions from the crowd. But once the danmaku started flying between the pair and their heated duel, everyone began to look for cover. Even the more potent souls like Suwako stayed away from the exchange, using their powers to shield the innocent onlookers instead, not fancying chances with trying to stop the two combatants from having their battle. Looks like respect or fear were holding them back.

But it looked like something was about to be done. The shrine maiden Reimu stood apart from the majority of the people, not quite sure what to do in this situation. Soon, her paper-bearing stick started to glow a faint light, a presence beginning to appear from it. A big wisp of smoke started streaming out, eventually coalescing into a humanoid form over Reimu's head. Before Byakuren could think about it too much, a quick flash blinded her for a split-second. With her vision back, the smoke was now gone, replaced by the majestic form of the one-time greatest wizard in all Gensokyo, Mima. The ghost woman looked at the ensuing scene with a contemptuous look, doing nothing for a while as she witnessed the two very different females fight over petty issues. After some time spent on looking at the chaos, she raised her staff, unimaginable torrents of magic gathering into a colossal circle behind her. This caused a panic even in the more battle-hardened, steady individuals, who ducked for cover. "Such impertinent behaviour... one would expect more from such strong beings..." the wizardess said before flicking her staff forward at the two.

It looked to Byakuren as the very world was ending when Mima released her spell. A beam of energy shot out, bigger than a whole town in size. The two brawlers were utterly consumed into the colossal blast, their fates undeterminable at this point. When the beam did die out, the whole mountain area where they had been was blasted to follow the shape of the beam, leaving a small, neat canyon behind. Lucky for the residents of the surrounding lands, Mima had the decency to not fire the spell there, instead doing a more harmless horizon blast. "Looks like they survived. Maybe this will teach them to behave." the ghost woman spoke out again, vanishing into the air as suddenly as she had appeared, leaving behind a crowd of terrified people.

Snapped out from her semi-lustful state, Komachi run out from the still-intact bush, running straight to the bottom of the new ravine. Going after her, Byakuren found two black, motionless bodies, covered in burns all over. Komachi was already picking up the smaller one, no doubt Shiki by the remains of her clothes. The shinigami hopped out from the small canyon with the yama in her arms, making way towards Eirin's tent. The mage went to pick up Yuuka's charred form, but as soon as she touched the burnt-out shred of her dress, the flower master stirred. "Well.... I'll... be... damned..." she said, doing the utterly unexpected and starting to get up on her feet. Byakuren tried to go and help her, but the elder youkai was not amused by her intentions, slapping her back. "Yuuka Kazami is not one to fall from such an attack, or ask for help. Keep yourself off from me, this is nothing." she continued, a disturbingly wide smirk forming onto her burnt face. Yuuka began to laugh afterwards, a small stream of blood tricking out from her mouth and arms as she did. But this did not seem to bother her, and the youkai lady turned to make her leave, slowly limping away from the scene, the bone-chilling laughter still audible as she went.

A. Let Yuuka go and go see how Shiki is doing

B. Try to convince Yuuka to come and seek healing for herself

C. Random other thought?
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C. Rub her feet.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C. Go check on Komachi and make sure she's fine, then drag her off into a private room to thoroughly examine her body, by rubbing, groping and licking it. Especially around her bosom.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

C. Go check on Komachi and make sure she's fine, then drag her off into a private room to thoroughly examine her body, by rubbing, groping and licking it. Especially around her bosom.

And her feet~.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition


A combination of B and C, if that could happen. Try to persuade Yuuka to go seek care. I dunno. Compare her to a flower that requires attention and love. If that works, we can ensure she's okay AND that Shiki's okay.
Re: Touhou CYOA - Second edition

Suri, what the Hell were you smoking? This is YUUKA. Blasted to Hell or no, she'll snap us in half if we try something like that. She'll be fine.

Hell, I think there was a doujin where she survived a point-blank nuke to the face, literally.

Anyway, A. We sorta started this mess, at least we should tend to the wounded.
