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TP forums: Aftermath

Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Ask him. All I heard was a dying robot spitting out some last minute bluffs." As the other woman makes to head inside, Copper waves. "Good luck with that," she says as Shrike heads inside. "We'll keep tabs on things out here." Before Burrito can flick his thumb away, she's leaning in and lighting a cigarette of her own, drawing back and exhaling a plume of smoke into the sky. "What now, boss? Anything you want me to do while they poke around with their new toys?"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

((Sorry, message came from the monitor, hologram has no voice, eyes, or ears, so to speak. Its just a pretty moving picture ;) I'll save time and assume you typed it in, just cause I feel I'm monopolizing the RP))

Displaying, resizing...

The hologram of Shrike disappeared, replaced by a much better schematic of an engine system, overlaying a picture of the underside of the ship.

This is the control wiring for the propulsion of the ship, approximately 96% probability engine components have survived unharmed.

Shrike sat on the lip of the one-man cockpit, still somewhere between amused and mollified about her little electronic self. "You know, I should have seen this coming. When I left, he said he wouldn't miss me, because he would always have a liitle of me close by, he must have had this planned even way back then..." She snaps out of her reverie, noticing the new diagram. "That's along the underside, looks like now's a good time for me to get re-aquainted with myself, eh?" She says to Siphon, a sarcastic grin crossing her features.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Indeed. Looks like we've got some work to do."

... Be back inside in a little bit, going to check those circuits.

Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Alrighty." Shrike says, sitting down in the pilot's chair once Siphon hops out, having a conversation with the computer.

Underneath the ship, the wiring is a mess. The core components look fine, but everything running the length of the ship seems to have melted into a puddle of metal, which solidified again on the inside panel of the access hatch.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Oh boy, this is going to take a while to fix."

"Shrike, I'm looking at the wiring of the ship. Core components seem to be intact, but the wiring... well I may have to be exerting a bit of muscle to remove them and rewire. Completely melted to slag here. Wait a second, I'll be inside in a second, I just thought of something."

He runs back inside, leaning over her a second to type in to the computer.


Ariana, now that the holographic displays are working, can you show me a display of what your sensors picked up for that hive?

Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Burrito sighs as he walks into the hanger and blows a puff of smoke from his nostrils "Looks like hell sprung out of the ground in here." he says, hopping up onto the platform and chuckling as he looks over the ship and takes the cigar out of his mouth "So. We gonna be able to get this thing back to ULMF? I'm sure it would give us an edge over those ad-bastards." he says, smiling as he says it
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Maybe, if I can patch her up and she's willing to go. I'm going to need a coder here."

He keyed his radio then spoke, "Tsuki this is Siphon, do you copy?"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Affirmitive, constructing...

The underside schematic disappeared, to be replaced by a scale representation of a hive ship, rotating slowly to show the parts hidden by the malfunctioning parts of the projector.

Scale is appoximitely 1/85,000 the AI informs. Given that the enrite holographic 'screen' was only about ten centimeters across, that wouls put this hive ship at somewhere appreaching ten times the size ofc the one that attacked ULMF.

Shrike whistles appreciatively, but says nothing.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Unfortunately, Tsuki didn't hear the request for her. Grave had taken her radio and she never got it back, so she was oblivious.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Siphon let out a low whistle. "That hive is gigantic, easily ten times larger than the one we faced."

After a few more minutes Siphon reached out with his mind. TSUKI! Tell the chopper to bring you to where he dropped Burrito off and join us. And for gods sake, get another radio if yours is broken please?
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Oi, this tech stuff's over my head. I'm going to go prowling around. See if I can't scare up any more supplies, tags, or giant killer robots. You guys radio me or give a shout," she taps her temple, "if you need me, a'ite?"

For the time being, she's relatively close to the building they're in, scoping out that area and, if anyone's outside, within view. For now.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Grave picked up Siphon's message. He was listening to the radio, hoping to learn about what had happened. He had to make a lot of assumptions, though, and still was far from understanding everything.

"Don't get so excited, wraith... I'll give her the radio now.

Grave turned his head towards Tsuki and tossed the radio to her. "Siphon's calling."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Tsuki squeaked and jumped in surprise. She looked about the room, confused, taking the radio back gingerly. "Ah, right. Sorry.... Grave had kept the radio. I'll be right over."

"Looks like I'm off!" She waved to Grave as she left for the chopper.

Several moments later, Tsuki sat on the chopper, heading out to where the others were.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Copy that. What's the pilot's ETA?"
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"I dunno.... It shouldn't be too long, but... what is the ETA?" Tsuki asked the pilot, still using the radio.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Copy that."

The pilot didn't turn around when he answered. "Seven minutes out."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

Copper heard the exchange between Siphon and Tsuki, glad to hear the hacker was on her way. After that, she put her attention back on her explorations. Let the techies deal with that stuff. She was much more at home prowling around and keeping an eye on things than playing mechanic.

Which was why she was currently picking her way over the toppled ruins of one of the smaller buildings. Easier to go over than around. Of course, the higher altitude gave her a better view of the surrounding area, which, at the moment, happened to be a good thing.

Dropping down as flat as she could manage, she studied the small group of bots that she'd caught sight of in the distance. From the look of things, they were working on assembling some sort of weapon.

"Hey guys, found another group of unfriendlies still roaming around. Looks like they're trying to set up shop about a quarter-mile southeast of your current position. If anybody wants to party, just look for the fireworks." Yeah, she was probably going to catch hell for engaging, but with the chopper approaching, she didn't want that pea-shooter to be anti-aircraft.

Allowing her body to disipate into smoke, she made her way over, counting seven of the things as she approached. Baby group, compared the swarms they'd been dealing with lately. For the time being, she kept on the fringe, waiting for the best moment to go solid and cause some havoc.

There we go. Right as they were trying to fit the thing on the mount. Finding one that wasn't as distracted, she solidified right behind it, tapped it on the shoulder, and then decked it as soon as it turned around. From then on, it was a matter of them scrambling for weapons, trying not to all but drop the turret they were holding, and her whirling around in the middle of them, playing for the time being to keep them from enacting any serious counterattack.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"7 Minutes," Tsuki echoed over the radio. She sat back and waited, still wondering what she was doing.
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"You just seem to get all the fun." Burrito says over the radio with a smile "This is shaping up to be an interesting day."
Re: TP forums: Aftermath

"Understood. On my way there now to assist."

Siphon knew a small band couldn't be all that was there, and chances were it was a distraction for something larger at hand.

It turned out his hunch was right. As Copper continued to fight, she could hear a low noise that sounded a lot like a gigantic mosquito near by. If she spared a glance upwards, she'd notice seven small dart like ships zip over the skies, heading in the direction of the forum.... and the path of the incoming chopper.