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TPD Station Brilliance

Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Maria blinked at the sudden burst of laughter over the comm, "You ok?" she queried. When he announced his affirmative, she went on, "Looks like its the FTL drive. I dunno why it would stop dead in the water like that, though..."
Fletch caught himself and shook his head. "Just mood swings. I get those occasionally. So, FTL drive? Maybe something shook loose when you came out at some point. That happens with older ships now and then, might cause an overload into the engine. Forcing a shutdown. I'll take a look at it." Fletch turned to leave, but stopped last second, remembering to send Maria the music files she requested and doing so with the press of a few buttons.

As he stepped out of his ship and walked over to Maria's ship, he saw a Garik lingering about, staring up at The Shining Star with uncertainty. He was dressed in a plain white coat reaching down past his knees, high black boots poking out underneath them. His hands were covered in white gloves, extending up under the coat's sleeves. Finally, his head was protected by an almost gas-mask like getup, the ocular models glowing green over plain steel and black synth-weave. "Can I help you," Fletch asked, his hand resting casually on a large pouch of his tool belt. The Garik turned towards him, tilting his head for a moment. "Indeed you can," he said, his voice heavily accented, much more so than Nadia's. "My name is Vlado Brrtak, and I ordered to appearr here with as many medical supplies as I can carrry." Fletch stopped to look him up and down for a moment. "Right, you're the combat medic that Maria requested. Just a moment, I'll send her out." Walking up the ramp, he called out. "Maria! Your combat medic's here. I'll be in the engine room."
"Concordance, this is Nadia. I'm transferring you the coordinates. I'll give everybody the signal once we're ready to start." Not a second later, Caitlin would receive a set of coordinates on the very edge of Alliance territory.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Recieved, Nadia. Over and out.

Caitlin set the co-ordinates, ready to activate when needed, and started powering up her weapons, making sure to face the ship away from the station as she did so, just in case. The Concordance‘s main gun took a fair bit of time to charge, if it was readcy when they arrived, she may have time to get a second shot off near the end.

That done, the scientist pulled herself halfway out of the depression she was in to look over at Krell. “We‘re set to go whenever, and it sounds like they‘re accounting for speed differences, so you shouldn‘t miss anything.“ She explained, taking a moment to examine the Pan Kor. “i havent considered making one of these combat-ready, at least not on a personal scale. It can seal against a vacuum, but anything larger than a small-caliber bullet would likely breach it. Things like a pseodpod to grapple with would require extra weight and energy, but you seem like you could support such. What does your diet consist of? I recall your race is herbivorous, but some more in-depth nutritional information would be helpful.“


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Sweet! Thanks for letting me know," she grinned from her chair, "Come on in! There's a few things I want to talk to you about while he fixes this bucket of bolts."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Krell slowly floats across the bridge after arriving there, thinking, "We can eat pretty much any kind of vegetation, though Terran fruits are a delicacy among my people." he says, grinning. "Especially citrus. Your people know how to grow fruit, I'll give 'em that." he says, slowly spinning as he floats around the bridge. "Eh, I'm crap at explaining stuff about my people. I'm wired for combat, not science. No offense."
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Take care with him," Fletch quietly added as he walked down to the engine room, Lemmy trotting beside him.
A moment later, Vlado entered the ship. He walked, no, marched up to the cockpit and carefully layed down a duffel bag full of medical supplies before fully turning towards Maria, snapping his heel together and bowing in a very antiquated fashion. "Vlado Brrtak at yourr serrvice." He waited, bowed over, apparently waiting for... something from Maria.
Upon finding the armoury, Draven found himself facing the same reinforced glass pane with the same gunnery sergeant behind it. Upon requesting energy packs, the sergeant weighed his head for a moment. "Are you looking for the reactor packs that a laser trooper'd use? 'cause we don't just hand them out, not even to those with a special permit like the VA gave you. We're having disposable battery packs for Pulse Laser guns, though." He turned and pulled out some fist-sized energy packs, showing them to Draven through the pane. "And if you want back-up packs for your ship, just hit up the inquiry screen of our hangar app. The VA waived all fees for ammunition... That Xyr damn near cleared my storage of .50 cal. Stars know what he wants with it."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

“None taken.“ Caitlin replied with a quick wave. “Reason I ask is because the suit is a living creature as well, yes? As such, it‘s tied into the wearer‘s metabolism, so the pilot has to eat more, generally. I‘m not sure how a vegetarian diet would work, to be honest. Meat products provide two or three of the most essential components, currently. You may need injections periodically, if I cannot create a suitable alternative.“

“Actually, can you pass me that datapad over there? Should jot some of this down while it‘s still fresh.“ she asked, pointing to the thing across the room. “And since I plan to remain seated until after the station is cleared, more or less, I can turn the gravity on for you, if you like.“


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven thought for a moment, weighing his options. Finally he shrugged.

"Would these packs be able to safely contain plasma based energy? If so I'd like to request six of them. If not ... well, we don't want accidental discharges. Actually, now that I think of it, any scrap metal you have in spare might be useful as well. I suspect it will be some time before I am able to replenish my supply of ... well I suppose you could call them plasma torpedos in a way? I'm not quite sure how your people would refer to them."


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"That'd be too much like work for me. Besides, I doubt my body could digest meat properly." Krell says, floating over and grabbing the datapad, having acclimated to zero-g by now. "It's easier now that I've gotten used to it." he says, floating the datapad over to the doctor and smirking as he begins to float lazily across the bridge "Comfy, too. I could sleep like this real easy."
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Gunnery Sergeant stared at Draven incredulously for a few moments. Slowly, he raised the energy pack. "Ba-tte-ry," he repeated as if speaking to a child. "It stores e-lec-tric e-ner-gy so wea-pons can go pew-pew." He shook his head, dropping his hand holding the energy pack. "You want plasma weapons, you go to R & D, put in a requisition order and wait 10 years or so until they finally managed to shrink the Mace down to a handheld gun that WON'T constantly rip somebody's arms off. And again, anything ship related is up to the hangar, not me. I'm outfitting infantry."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

The Ingrali's eyes seemed to actually SHIFT out of the sockets for a moment, and for half a second the poor Sergeant could swear part of his face MELTED for a second before he drew in a long calming breath.

"A simple no would have sufficed young man. As for your MACE ... I've got one of my own already, probably more powerful than anything you will come up with in the next century. Scrap Metal, talk to hangar folks, got it."

The Ingrali shook his head, muttering "electrical energy? So innefficient ..."

With that, unless the young man had anything else to say that grabbed his attention, he'd start out the door.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Caitlin took the datapad from him, nodding a bit. “Just needs a certain mindset, im sure avian or aquatic races adjust quite readily.“ She replied, starting to type rapidly. “you wouldnt have the digestive enzymes ready, no. The suit could either provide them to your stomach, or if we take the injection route it could be placed into the suit itself, skipping your own digestive trac,t entirely. The required systems for the suit to digest it would be a weak point, however, so that‘s something to keep in mind. Does your race have any redundant or vestigal organs, perhaps?“


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"I can take care of myself," she murmured as he passed and when Vlado saluted Maria snorted, "Oh, you are adorable it's good to meetcha. You can take a chill pill and relax while you're here. How many people have you successfully recovered?"
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

After a few more moments, Vlado straightens himself. "Apologies, madam, but while I disagrree with the Knightly Orrder's methods and their focus on the Arrchknight, I do believe in orrder, discipline and rranks, unlike many otherr of my kin. If you wish forr me to take a chill pill, you will have to get me drrunk," he stated in a dead-pan tone. "As forr successful recoverries, during the Orrder's insurrgence I worked nearly constantly forr weeks, both in the field and the hospital. I did not count the knights I saved. Perrhaps I saved the same one twice, yes?" He tilted his head, hesitating for a moment before continuing. "In the interest of honesty, I should mention that the oath of OUR medical profession has a few differences to yours. We are to do no harm... to our patients. We may harm those that wish to do so. I did so during the insurgence."


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"You are going to be a bucket of sunshine and kittens on this trip, I can tell.' She listened carefully as he spoke, nodding and making a few mental notes of his character. When he had finished she nodded, "I understand and I understand why your oath would have you do so. However," she fixed him with a steely expression, "I didn't just take the Hippocratic Oath. I've also taken one of non-violence, period. I lost my taste for violence when friendly fire ripped my arms off and killed my parents." Then she waved a hand and was all smiles again, "Anyway, the past is past and life sucks and I, foolishly some might say, trust that you'll be able to keep your past behind you. Welcome aboard, kiddo."
Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Of course, I understand. I will not go in guns blazing in the first place." And with that, he reached up and pressed an unassuming button on the collar of his coat... and was gone, one moment to the next. "Like many of my race, I prefer a more discreet approach." He reappeared then, precisely in the spot where he was. "I guess you could say... They will never know what healed them." And with that he turned, walking towards the personal rooms of The Shining Star. Seems he does have a sense of humour after all.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Oh, you're just precious." she murmured and commed back to the engine room, "We looking okay back there?"


Space bubbled and a shrimp-like vessel appeared and began making its way to the station. When it docked, the tentacle like legs reached out and latched itself to the supports. It sat there for a few moments before the hatch opened and a set of stairs descended to the floor. "Hah! Taavan! I told you we'd make it!" A dark orange alien with green "hair" in an outlandish green and white suit stepped from the ship and looked around him with a grin.

"Yes, Captain," another, lighter colored alien stepped out after him, maroon "hair" held in a ponytail by a black ribbon, "I'll remember that the next time you make a suggestion." he was also wearing the same kind of outlandish suit, only in orange and white.

"You!" he pointed to a dockworker standing nearby, "Take us to the admiral, we're here for the mission!"
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Rule 34

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Fletch could barely stop his head from twitching upwards and bumping into the massive block of the FTL drive. "Stars, don't scare me like that." His voice had an edge of tension to it. "No, we don't look okay actually. One of your gears lost a tooth somewhere down the line, and I think I don't have the blueprints for the Axe FTL handy." He paused for a moment, scratching his beard. "There's another engineer on the team, right? Woods? No, that wasn't it... Either way, I'll go ask her." He pushed himself out from underneath the engine's rig and brushed himself off. As he walked back up front, he met Valdo and gave him the briefest of nods before stepping out the ship. It took him a moment to find Annika's ship from his vantage point and trotted over to her. "Hey there," he called out, desperately trying to remember her name. "You don't happen to have the specs for an Axe's FTL in your databank, do you?" He points his thumb over his shoulder towards Maria's ship. "She busted a cog somewhere down the line, and she can't take off 'fore I fixed it."
The dockworker raised his head towards them and shrugged. "You're too late for the meeting, Klarr," the man sighed, having to divert time from his extremely important scrubbing of floors to deal with the two men. "Meeting's over. But I think I saw that important Garik heading to the mess hall." He waved his hand over towards the exit. "Blue line, you're very welcome, Sirs." Grabbing his mop, he went back to sweeping with enthusiasm. Gosh, did he love cleaning floors. Nothing like the smell of detergent in the morning.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

"Sorry! I wish this thing wasn't so much trouble," she grumbled.

"What do you think you're doing, young lady?"

She jumped out of her chair, "Oh, Stars above. Don't do that! What do you mean?"

"Inviting that... killer on board this ship." Jeff had a highly offended expression on his face.

"Because he's also a healer and we can use someone like that. I can't do this all on my own. There are too many people here, too many involved with this mission for me to be the only one with a medical background." She set her jaw stubbornly. "Jeff, I can't do this on my own."

He sighed, "I know. I'm sorry. It's just... you're like my own little grandbaby and I don't want to see you hurt any more than you already have been. Just be careful, alright?

"Of course! We have a Pan Kor on this mission. He'll be the muscle if this guy needs to be taken down, alright?"

I suppose that's better than nothing." he smiled at her and went back to his cabin.


"Blast it!"

"Deelin, I told you we'd be late. Not to mention you didn't even inform the Admiral that you'd be coming." Taavan gave his captain the stink-eye.

"But! I got us here, we made it. We're going to go see the Garik commander right now. We'll be able to get our orders there." His tone was wheedling, as if he were trying to coax Taavan off the ship with him.

Taavan threw up his six-fingered hands, "Fine! Fine. Have it your way." And together they set off following the blue line.
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Some time latter, having pin balled around a bit until being directed to the hanger requestion terminals that he could acquire his desired ammunition from, Kars finally returns with a pair of station lifting robots each carrying a large space going cargo crate. "We have bullets! Rockets too. And they're not duds this time." The Kopak calls back towards his ship quite jovially as he returns. "I kinda feel like taking on another pirate frigate. You got those feed belts clear yet?"

"Ungh... erhk-yeah, I'm just finishing... the last... one." Ko calls back from somewhere inside the guts of the ship in the same deceptive helmet distorted voice. Just her feet sticking out in view from one of the pulled out segments of the tiny craft. The Hell Strafer looking quite unfolded and broken up right now, demonstrating it's ability to substantially open up to aid in the tricky process of maintaining the hugely compact vessel.

"Alright. Well put all the Reaper Rounds that were left over back into the cargo compartment. I don't think we'll need those." Kars instructs, thinking about the ammo combination preferable for the mission. Spraying the Dividing Line in polonium fragmentation rounds probably wouldn't help much. "And then I want guns 1 & 2 loaded with AP and HE rounds, and guns 3 & 4... loaded with HE and Incendiary rounds. Since there's a chance we'll be fighting space jellies."

Ko pulls herself out from the ship and huffs lightly at hearing the work. "Space jellies? I love those things. They were fun to pop."

"Hah..." Kars laughs setting the lifting robots to dump their cargo either side of the ship until it was ready to be attached to the craft. "No... no you don't. You only saw a few small ones last time. They normally turn up in hundreds and thousands, with bigger ones too. And you never saw their eating habits either."

Ko pulls a bit of a speculative cringe at trying to imagine such a scene, but says nothing else in reply, as she locks the final ammo feed belt back into it's original place. The both of them proceed to open up the back of the ship and go about swapping several large magazines of very large bullets, with the aid of the lifting robots. This was a job that was normally far easier without the hassle of gravity, but sometimes that luxury wasn't always available, and Ko needed the practice. Not that Kars bothered to explain his reasoning.

Before long, the Hell Strafer was closed up again, it's armour plates locked down, and the two large crates of ammunition clamped on either side at the rear section of the craft. The weight of the crates likely nearly doubled the crafts overall weight, but as long as it could get out of the hanger, that meant nothing. They were now pretty much just waiting for the signal to depart.

"Pfft... are they still fixing that old Axe? They'll be in trouble if every other bum with a broken ship learns you can get free repairs for this gig." Kars mutters to himself, spontaneously kicking up from the spot he was leaning on to kill time, and deciding to go find a bar, or mess hall, or something.

"Which one is the ax... hey! Where are you going?" Ko calls, turning her head from the view of the hanger to see her boss/master/mentor wandering off. Quickly skipping after Kars to follow like an awkward duckling, in a space suit.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: TPD Station Brilliance

Draven made his way back to the hangar, stopping to ask of of the techs there regarding scrap metal in small quantities, or who he needed to directly speak with about it. On his way there, he would pass the two latecomers to the mission, completely unaware of who they were and why they were here.