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Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Kaila and Vel
Harem Trap
Tag: All

{Actually... Vel I think I might have an idea that's less reliant on getting Ventus to do what we want. Especially since I think she's about to piledriver the elf to death.}

{Ugggh this is going to involve me doing work, isn't it.}

{Yes. Now here's what I need you to do. Me and Lena will kick this show up a notch. Use the transit time to check if the door is enchanted. Won't do much good for brain powers but they obviously have an insanely powerful mage here somewhere if they can somehow get an antimagic field not centered on a person. So I'm not ruling magic out. I'll get you some cover in case they can see through invisibility, but the angles should keep you out of sight. Investigate that secret door they came in from, and if you can sneak out, do so and let's get a lay of the area. They must be using something to control Ventus. Maybe you can go and reprogram or smash it. At worst, we can see if we can't draw off or kill the guard and sneak out while Ventus is breaking her toy.}

{Awww... I wanted to mount her in my wolf form and put puppies in her.}

{Well if you solve this before I knock Lena up then you still can. wonder what an Aasimer Tiefling cross would look like...}

{A normal human. The evil and good will cancel each other out.}

{Lame. I was hoping for a dragon.}

{A dragon. How the hell does that even- Ugh let's get to it. Lena, keep playing along, we're gonna get this ball moving. Do me a favor and don't get knocked up. I want you to swell with my litter. I'm sure you'd want that too. After all, your bodies designed for making demonic life. Won't that be exciting? A fair exchange. We save you from that undeath you supposedly don't want and you get demonic instead!}

Kaila growls lustily and yanks Lena off her cock before spinning her around and pushing her up, kicking pillows near the wall and the secret door and window before shoving Lena up against the window so her naked breasts squish into it, but making sure their waists were below the window's ledge and out of sight.

Kaila lined up her cock and pushed into Lena's folds as she whispered hotly into Lena's ear. "Your mouths nice, but there's a diffrent set of lips I want... I'll fuck you and use you to fuck my demon." She then bit Lena's ear dominantly before starting to fuck into Lena hard and deep, grinding her breasts along the window as she works her way into her.

(Bluff to cause a distraction for Vel to hide. 24)

Vel meanwhile, while they were moving, used the moment to concentrate on her Detect Magic spell like, trying to see if the secret door was warded in any way, as well as any other possible magical effects in the area.

Once Vel was in position she glanced about to see if she was being observed, groaning as she was being pounded into. If eyes weren't on her, she'd slip herself off Lena's cock, and hide herself down against the pillow, before turning invisible. She'd then sneak pillow to pillow swiftly towards the door, staying low and against the wall with the window to ensure she wouldn't be visible to the guard.

( 24 Stealth, 44 if can't see invis.)
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Unknown Underground Chamber
Tag: GM

Asheroth stared blankly ahead at the stone wall ahead of her, pacing her breathing, focusing on anything else to try and keep her mind from slipping further than it already had. She wasn't certain, but she could only assume it was the collar's doing, as if them drugging her wasn't enough. Bloody savages.

The cretins thought they could get the drop on her. Heh, a bit more scouting and they would of figured out that Hawk flying above was bound to her spirit. She was well aware of the group when they attacked. She warned them. Told them she wasn't the typical warrior. Of course, they didn't head her advice. She could still see their shocked expressions. A woman, in a full plate of armor, charging at them like it was weightless, swinging a sword that sliced through anything in its path. She had slain many before her adrenaline finally ran out. Word down, she was finally overtaken by the hoard. Honorless lot. Whatever happened to an honorable duel? Blasted Dark Elves.

Her eyes quickly moved to the door as it began opening, bright purple light coming the other side, blinding her. Blinking her eyes a few times, they quickly adjusted to the new level of light, revealing the approaching invader.

Another Drow. Mostly likely a noble from her attire. Don't have anything to gain from annoying her type.

Her eyes met the Drow's as she approached, listening intently as she began to speak. That didn't last long, the Half breed finding humor in the Drow's word, creating a muffled chuckle. Yes, I plan to escape the deep depths of... only Iomedea know where, without a single piece of equipment. Because that I surely have a chance of succeeding. How daft does this Elf think I am? She wore the closest thing she could make to a grin, as the Drow went on, not breaking a moment of eye contact.

The smile, however, faded when the Paladin was struck across the cheek, her hair rudely pulled by her guest. She strained against her restraints for a moment, falling back when she remembered where she was. Keep it cool, Ash. You'll have your chance soon enough. Patience... She remained still for the duration of her monologue, giving the woman a single nod when asked to.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

(For my sanities sake I'm splitting up my posts DMing and rpying wise to respond to each)

Mindflayer Harem
Tag: Vel and Kaila

Thanks to Dasyras.. valliant effort.. to distract the Deathknight, Vel managed to slip away with little effort.
While there was no indication if the watching mindflayers noticed what was going on, it quickly became clear that, indeed, the door was not even magical. That said, it was massive and, on this side, there was no apparent way of opening it, without a closer, careful look you barely noticed the small edges were it seamlessly fitted into the rest of the wall.

Perhaps to their luck, the normally calm, attentive Blackguard was too mindfucked/distracted to notice the quasit, even as she had to get close to look at the door, but anything more major or less stealthy might attract her attention.

Ventus Nightsong
Tag: Dasyra, primarly.

Enjoying the display before her.. and even more so Dasyras attention, The Deathknight couldn't help but wonder were the little imp had gone.. but, ironically, thanks to the mindflayers messing with her head, she did not care, with the willing elfs both sexual and emotional subserviance to her.

"Hmnn.. you are so pretty..." Ventus cooed and tempted.

"Why would you want this beauty to wither. We can preserve you as my eternal haamnn slave.." the Deathknight cooed, her shaft pulsating powerfully. "Hmnn you are so alluring.. I just want to drain all that disgusting life out of you, then you will be perfect..." Ventus smiled, whilest Dasyra, if she had a mirror, would find herself just a little paler, with a hint of burgeoning dark rings under her eyes.

"Don't be emberassed slave. Lets do it more and more!" The Fallen elf enthused, caressing a hand over Dasyras cheek. "Admit it, you love it." She cooed, and a humming in her voice, the subtle influence instilled by the mindflayers, made her words ring even truer than they already did. "To be made to serve, not even knowing what will happen next, only that it will be to serve MY will." Well, that was not entirely true, Dasyra had to remind her through a mist of lust, this was not Ventus desire, well, it was certainly a part of hers she kept locked up, but what would the real Ventus say and do in this situation..

The Deathknight moaned, and this time Dasyra felt her climax come quick, both from the promises of eternal devotion and sensucal sucking. The undead elf withdrew, cool, draining cum splattering over Dasyras cheeks, the blindfold, a bit of it staining her hair and chest, as Ventus suddenly pulled her close, pulling away the Blindfold and kissing her slaves lips.

"Thats it.. suckle it down.." She encouraged, cathering some of her cum with her finger, feeding it to the elf.

"You could feel like this for all eternity.. just come.. forsake your humanity.. oh, but you are scared.. so scared of death.. don't worry, I will take away your fear of death my love I will hold you forever, to..." The deathknight hesitated for a brief moment, as if uncertain what she wanted to say next..

"But you don't understand the abomination I am. Made undead to make more undead." She gripped Dasyras hands suddenly, capturing both of them in her strong right, whilest puslling her close with her left, positioning her shaft at the elfs entrance. "Enough of this nonsense slut, the mistresses have shown me the way, I needn't hold back or worry about you.. even you want to 'save me'. I wont let you save me! All will serve undeath, you will serve me in undeath! You will be mine!" Her eyes glowed with a hint of blue fire for a moment, before restoring to their dull state. "My cock will drain that disgusting, stinking life out of you, and my sword will teach you the truth ... of how lesser undead ought to serve and obey the greaters. You will obey.. you will be mine.. just like I am hers!" Ventus wasn't quite looking at Dasyra for a moment there, before pulling her closer, her thick shaft prodding at, and spreading Dasyras lips. Something the elf did or said might have shaken her up.. if not out of what had happened her much at all. Dasyra, meanwhile, began to look beautiful, but.. tired, exhausted, clearly, the Deathknights touch had an effect on her lifeforce, even if most of the thick, copious amounts of undead spunk were dripping down her cheek.

(Dasyra is drained of another constitution point.)
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Her Room

Something clicked in Lior’s mind. She could leave now! That made sense because it did of course. It took her a moment but she figured if she needed to not think and obey her masters (maybe?) She would have to find them first. And they weren’t in this room. Lior looked down at the dildo covered in her juices as she pulled it out. Or at least she was pretty sure, the dildo didn’t look like the mindflayers at all but they both made her feel good and horny so she couldn’t be sure yet. Best not to dwell on it; Lior knocked her head. She’d figure this out pretty quick. She gathered her belonging and strode out of the room dildo in hand. Her eyes were rather vacant as she surveyed the hall. It was hard to think but she’d be able to manage until she found the chaplain- whoops! Her handler. She giggled at her own misthought.

Lior poked her head in the first door to see a girl gazing in a cute vacant way at a little crystal floating in front of her. Lior was distracted a moment by the crystal. Curiosity invited her to stare closer but she knew better that to steal another girl’s crystal. “Sorry to bother you cutie! Your floaty stone is just like super pretty. Um, like good luck with staring at it!” she chirped at the slave. Lior continued down the hall, checking in on the other girls inside each room to find them asleep. None of them seemed to be as awake and present as she was. All the more important to find her handler so she could get back to being the cute slave she always was!

Something itched at her mind. It felt wrong, like a peeling piece of wallpaper in the back of the room. She made note of it, but was too scared to check what that thought had brought up. At least for now. She kept moving down the hall, practicing her walk to keep her gauzy and glittery outfit flowing and swaying with her hips. The silk felt so nice as it ran over her skin. It was positively exhilarating! The torches made it much easier to tell where she needed to go. A very convenient set up for the slaves. Lior wondered what the slaves would have if there weren't any convenient torches. She'd barely gotten to working on it when she caught the thought and gently set it aside. They were pervasive as all get-out!

When she reached the door, she gently pulled it open, sticking her head through. Barring any extraneous circumstances, she'd explore the new area. If there were any friendly mindflayers, she'd carefully wait, making sure not to interrupt. Her handler however would be met with open arms and spread legs!
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Harem Chamber
Tag: Mostly Ventus

The more Ventus spoke and caressed her gently, the more Dasyra felt her natural submissiveness bubble to her surface, her body undulating under the Deathknight's grip, wanting to display herself in front of the undead elven mistress and be the alluring slave-bride that was desired and asked for.

"I... I will serve Ventus' will, her true will. The will of her elven spirit. For that is the part that holds me and keeps my heart true in life or death," the elven ranger declared, before receiving Ventus' milky gift across her tongue and lips, and then her hair and blindfold before the last dregs were made to coat her bared, milky white breasts. Her whole body shivered as she grew paler and her body temperature felt as though it were dropping.

Her blindfold was torn off then, and through the mess that adorned her face, Dasyra was greeted by Ventus' insistent lips and tongue, which swirled with her own and shared the taste of spunk between them. Fingers scooped up the excess that had painted her chin and fed it to her. With soft, dark ringed eyes, the ranger suckled on the goo coated fingers, supping on the funky tasting poison that would end her natural life if she continued to obey.

And yet, obeying seemed so lovely.

"Humanity?" Dasyra managed to grin, even in her drained state as she ran her tongue along Ventus' forefinger. "Don't forget, my beloved mistress, that we are elvenkind."

Her wrists were grabbed suddenly and she was jerked close to Ventus in a flash as the knight's internal angst and natural objections clawed to the surface of her consciousness. Was her conversation helping Ventus to wake up and fight against the mind control? Perhaps if she reminded the deathknight more of what her true conflict was, it would break the Mindflayer's hold. After all, as powerful as the illithid's magic was, it could not be a match for the power of Ventus' undead force of will, magnified by her already imposing knightly willpower.

The ranger felt herself being lined up with the lovely shaft for the first time, and her weakening heart pounded in frightened, yet lustful anticipation.

"Oh mistress... Ventus Darkbane. Amathor of my people. My loyalty is to the true you, the one who still exists. Evening Glory will preserve my promise to you, the promise to save you. Not even the sword can overcome the Goddess herself. You can turn me, but I invoke Evening Glory to make my promise burn within me for as long as I am undead. Unquenchable, unseverable. A promise and a duty to my beautiful lady, an eternal compact."

And with that, Dasyra pressed herself up close to Ventus and rolled her hips to slide down onto the deathknight's pulsing member. The shock of it's draining ability touching such a sensitive part of the elf's body made Dasyra gasp aloud, but she forced herself to continue, sliding down onto the shaft until it was hilting her, the tip of the lance pushing up against her womb.

"Aahhh....~ Yes... drain away my life, sweet mistress. Let me teach you about how elvenkind can support itself, even into undeath. Fuck me to death! I'll only become stronger! More capable! Ahhh! Nnhh! nnnh! F-fuck.... hahh! I'll be able to , unnnh.... save you!~"

Dasyra's butt was rippling with the force of the thrusts now as Ventus began to fuck her silly, without reservation. For her own part, Dasyra was riding the deathknight's cock willingly and eagerly. Her whole body heaved and perspired as she was thrust into while still upright, her left leg hoisted up and hooked around Ventus' waist.

With tiring eyes uplifted, Dasyra craned her head back and tilted to one side, to give herself an angle with which to approach Ventus for a continued deep kiss.

As precarious as this situation was for her, Dasyra was certain that Ventus wouldn't be able to look away or concentrate on anything other than herself for the time being. Not when confronted so directly and personally about the curse that was the very center of her being. The others, Lena and Kaila, could do something now, having only to contend with the mindflayer observers. Would her distraction matter? She didn't know. But if she did die, and she was brought back to unlife, she'd hope that Evening Glory had heard her declaration and taken the matter seriously.

When Ventus had been killed, likely with that blade, she wouldn't have considered the goddess of death. She would have followed the Seldarine, the elven pantheon. But Dasyra would pray to Evening Glory before she died... doing so with love and loyalty in her heart. Could that goodness allow the Goddess to forge a bond more powerful than the sword's curse? Dasyra didn't know, but of the few options available to her, she would hope it was. This was after all what gods did, no? Choose champions and empowered those who embodied their domain?

The elf kissed the deathknight and if allowed to, would wrap her arms around Ventus and whole-heartedly make rough love to the pale, blue-skinned beauty.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Unknown Drow,
Unknown underground chamber
Tag: Asheroth

"Wonderful, so then.." The drow moved to unlock Asheroths restraints. "Normally, I'd enjoy you for myself.. and break you throughoutly.. oh trust me, I could see it in your eyes, you were already nearing that nice edge where normal, thinking women become my happy slave-puppets.. but alas, there is one offering a lot of money for 'heroic support' and I do owe them a refung. Either way.. get up!" She commanded, and walked out of the chamber, leaving Asheroth little time to deal with her aching joints and half asleep legs and arms before she was ment to follow, still nude and on lewd display.

What she saw .. well, it was not what she expected. As soon as she stepped out of the.. training chamber, and into a room with several bondage implements (Two occupied, one by a blonde elf bound to a soft of barrel like device, keeping her bottom and sex exposed, another actually a male, his cock in an odd device that seemed far too tight for comfort, though his moans of delight imply otherwise.

But, what immediatly, and one might claim, purposefully, drew attention was.. her.


"Lucky!" The demoness in a wicked looking armor with eyes (some of which looked at Asheroth) grinned at the emerging sex-tortured paladin.

"You are so lucky! You will get to serve her, The Great Xirce!" She grinned on, while the drow stepped to her side, aquiering a small bag from her. "Wait that was all her gear? Some crappy bag? Whats in it.. Oh.. oh, extradimensional space. Got it! I mean.. got you! Of course I knew that! Either way!" She flexed again, as if asheroth had to take in her whole frame. "Yes, indeed, I have purchased you miss Ashenloth! You will serve me, if you do good, you can even become my chief-slut if you work super hard.. now that Vel is gone.." Xirce tipped her chin. "Wait was Vel the big or the small one.. eh anyway! So! You there! Nudist succubus(like me, though of course, not an arch-succubus and as awesome as me)... How much do you dislike Mindflayers on a scale from one to sixhundred sixty six?" She grinned.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Unknown Mindflayer building
Tag: Lior

Staring at the Crystal made Lior nice and relaxed. Well, it was occupied, still staring at it some more was quite tempting. (You got a -1 profane penalty on will saves. Stacks with weakness against mindflayers, but disappears after 1 hour. Yey!)

The girl meanwhile continued staring at the crystal, drooling slightly, she didn't seem to mind, or pay attention at all to Lior.

Lior next entered a larger chamber, 30x50 ft. There was the opening of another corridor ahead, while to her left, there seemed to be an open entrance, leading outside. To her right, upon a small trone, was a beautiful master mindflayer,currently enjoying a slave sister of hers. A glowing symbol over her forehead that, somehow, Lior knew was turning the girl into a permanent thrall for the wonderful masters He wasn't her handler though, so she could either observe the spectacle, his thick, bulbous dick pushing into her pussy while her mind was properly rearranged, check out the next corridor, or leave, perhaps, after all, her handler was outside.


The noises of empty minded, horny moaning from the throne where the icky once free woman is wonderfully being enslaved into eternal servitude is awfully distracting. A weird fantasy were Lior is a heroic cleric and tries to save the woman from her wonderful fate briefly flits through her mind.. what a strange, funny idea.

(Charisma check for proper sexy slave walk! :p )
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ventus Nightsong
Tag: Dasyra, primarly.

"Hmnn that sounds good.. my little undead elf-slave" Ventus encouraged the idea, the deathknight cooing, lewd, curious fingers caressing along Dasyras smooth, helpless skin. The Deathknights hand was still cold, but by now, Dasyra propably didn't mind as much anymore.

"My true will? I...Oh enough of that.." Ventus insistantly hushed Dasyra, seeming uncomfortable with what the elf brought up. "All that nonsense, I rather just have fun. My deity is a deity of eternal passion and thats exactly what you'll provide." She grinned. "Haah.. there we go.." She cooed as her hard shaft rubbed up against Dasyras smooth flesh.

The Fallen elf leaned forward, whispering into Dasyras ears. "Hmnn you'll join me in undeath soon enough.. Whats all this nonsense about saving me.. hmnn you'll enjoy undeath, crave the feeling.. ooh fuck yes, let me show you how wonderfully your life can end." The Deathknight smirked, embracing Dasyra and pushing deeply into her, meeting the rangers own efforts.

Ventus eagerly pressed her lips upon the elfs, cooing, moaning as her shaft twitched, driven to high arousal by the elf tempting her with the desires her undead body felt all the time, not holding back, now that Dasyra willingly offered herself, and kissing her, pushing her tongue into Dasyras mouth eagerly. "Such a sweet lover you .. haah.. aree.. Don't worry, we'll keep going until you are free of this terrible life.." She moaned, while Dasyra felt her life draining a little more, the other elfs stronger frame holding her in place while the undeads precum oozed into her, the undeads mighty thrusts so passionate that at this point they might have even been painful.. if not a soft, relaxing numbness began to slowly spread through Dasyra.

The elf by now looked as if she hadn't meditated for at least an entire night, looking pale and weak.. though her agility and physical strength were undiminished. "Haaah.. oh Dasyra.. let me cum into you a few times and you'll be so happy, so pretty, forever. Don't fight it, I know your body will want to fight it, but this is not the end, it is the beginning." Ventus words were genuinly adoring, a hand caressing along Dasyras cheek, before focusing back on another passionate kiss, suckling on her lips. If evening glory had heard her vow she gave no sign of such.. or perhaps she did, and Dasyra could not recognize the obscure deities providence.

One way or the other, Ventus cooed, passionately, lovingly, focused almost entirely on Dasyra now, her thick shaft pumping deep, heavy balls slapping up gainst the other elfs thigh as she felt the undead energies draining her slowly. "K.. keep saying romantic things like that and I'll end up filling you up my naughty slave.. companion.." Ventus cooed, her voice aroused, though with a bit more of her usual tenderness as well.

And another cons point lost! Furthermore, healing and restoration spells are 10% less effective, and she gets negative damage resistance 3/-
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Harem Trap
Tag: All

Ventus seemed distracted, and was now entirely into fucking her toy to death. Vel smirked a bit. She was a little jealous. Not that she was into mixing sex and murder. Sometimes it went that way but she usually preferred them knowing she'd be carrying their demonic tainted bloodline to be born.

Vel had fond memories of the occasions she got to go off on her own, slipping into the homes of nobility, poisoning them into paralysis and infusing demonic blood into their bloodline as she bred them throughly. If it drove them to acts of murder and isolating others as they turned evil, the torment towards her offspring just ensured the victims future damnation and often the assurance of forcing her children to an evil path from resentment and hate. This wasn't one of those times though.

The door was big. Many people didn't realize Vel was actually very strong for her size, as strong as an average human in fact. But the fact was if she didn't know where the latch was, she was gonna have to look for it. But that meant exposing herself to Ventus who might or might not still have her invisibility seeing spell going.

Vel really wished she had the distance telepathy that her greater kin had. She could just tell Dasyra to shift positions to get fucked more towards the opposite wall. Well. What did she have to lose? If they didn't get out of there they were all going to die. At worse Ventus killed her a little faster than she would have otherwise.

Vel started to search the door for the latch. If there wasn't, then she'd need to get Kaila a one minute break to prepare that Knock spell. But she wasn't going to just lie down and let it happen.

( 28 Perception to search the door for the latch)
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Snuggle Harem
Tag: Vel

Vel fails to find any latches. A wild guess would be that the intelligent, psionic abominations did not actually intend their prisoners to have an easy way to break out. She'll have to find a good way to create a distraction for the likely still at least in partial numbers watching perverted mindflayers... Ventus seemed occupied unless anyone purposefully attracted her attention.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Harem Room
Tag: All

Damn. Only way this door was opening was getting Kaila a minute to prepare Knock. She snuck her way back over to the rutting tiefling and aasimer pair and rested a hand on their thighs.

"Bad news. Not sure why they made it a secret door in the first place but either way it only opens from the outside. So you're gonna have to magic it open, Kailanereth."

"Shit. Alright you're gonna have to take over here and really go into overdrive to keep them distracted. I only need a minute to get it going. Problem is once I cast it, this is going to turn into chaos so you need to be ready to get through and be gone, fast."

"Right. I'll be swift then. Good thing changing my form will get rid of my knot then. Pity I won't get to give her the full hour long spunk treatment, really ensure she has as big a litter as possible. But well she's gonna give me a few pups either way."

"Right, lemme... Just finish... Then I'll tag out with you."
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Unknown Underground Chamber

A moan of utter satisfaction escaped from Ash's lips as soon as the bondage instruments were removed. "By the gods, that's a relief." The paladin muttered weakly as she rubbed her sore, slightly bruised wrists. "When did breaking slaves become... so lewd? I expected to be painfully tortured here, not... penetrated with a vibrator."

Her legs wobbled slightly as she attempted to stand, requiring a few moments of concentration to remain balanced. Satisfied that she wasn't in danger of tumbling, she began following the Drow as best as her legs could take her.

Walking out of the chamber, she was met with the sights of two other poor souls in the room next to hers. Poor lot. She could only assume they misbehaved in some way, similar to her. A frown crept on her face as she glanced at the two, wishing she could do something to help them.

"How much for the Elf?" The Paladin says in fluent Undercommon, not a second after she caught sight of the two. She would of started bargaining, if it wasn't for the intense amount of evil that she had just noticed in the room.

The Half breed turns to find that there was another occupant in the room. A succubus from the looks of it. Probably one of the more powerful breeds, from the armor she wore. "My apologies for not noticing you earlier, my divine senses seem to be a it rusty at the moment." She gives a slight bow to her apparent buyer.

She... honestly didn't know what she expected. Well, sort of a suave woman, manipulative too. But all of her assumptions on this woman were blown out the water when she started speaking. Wow, for someone who' mission was to eliminate predjudism, Ash was still more than surprised at the woman's antics.

The Paladin stood there in silence for a few moments, awkwardly clearing her throat after she stopped speaking. "Well, um... Mistress. I am not too much of a fan of illithids. They are a cruel race and I have yet to meet one with any redeemable qualities. So, going along with your scale, i'll say six hundred? I am not fond of them Oh, and it's pronounced Ash-e-roth. It's Abyssal, so it shouldn't be too difficult for you to pronounce." She answers in Abyssal, with a respectful tone, for she saw no reason not to.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Harem Chamber
Tag: Ventus

"My passion for you is much more than that of our bodies entwining, mistress!" Dasyra insisted between deep hungry kisses. She didn't want to let Ventus get away with only thinking about the pleasure. The mindflayers were the ones who wanted her to forget and abandon the memories of her true self. The elven warrior who had been corrupted but not completely overwhelmed.

The weaker, submissive elf squirmed and squeaked cutely as her inner walls were spread aside by the incoming, thick shaft. Her muscles tightened instinctively, making the passage even snugger for Ventus. Dasyra's body was turned on, her pussy wet and eager to let the deathknight penetrate her deeply. The natural lubricant made for a pleasant, if slightly chilling experience, as their bodies became one through this deep connection.

They embraced. They kissed and drank deeply of each other. And they began to eagerly buck and fuck one another in earnest. Dasyra felt warmth spreading inside of her as the pleasure made her body react naturally. She hugged Ventus' cool body tightly, her hardened nipples poking into the deathknight's curvacious bosom. Though her eyes grew more haggard, her pale face still showed the blush of life in her cheeks.

"Yes, we can make love for as long as you want, mistress! You'll make me into a pretty undead, won't you? Something worthy of being your favorite pet? Tell me how you'll do it, my beloved mistress! How will you make me yours forever?"

She clutched at Ventus tightly then, her arms and legs wrapping around and clinging to the deathknight, inviting the stronger lover to lay the ranger down on the comfy pillows and truly give her a proper pounding.

"I want to feel your seed inside of me~ I want you to claim me~ An elven commander whose duty is to save and protect this world needs an elven lieutenant. I'll be your bow, your scout, your lover, your fuck toy. I'll be whatever you need me to be. Just promise that you'll make me your best undead! I'm so happy to serve, please reward me with your cum and your love!"

She leaned forward and began to nibble and suckle on Ventus' long ears then, wondering if perhaps they were as sensitive as her own were. Her nails began to dig into Ventus' back as the pace became more frantic and animalistic. Her body heaved, her jiggling body heaving up and down with every deep thrust and wet slap of her mistress' heavy balls upon her quivering thighs and ass.

"Fill me up~ Ye-yeah! Like that! Oohh, you make me wanna cummm! Mmmph! Please be good to me! Be good to your slave toy! Be good to your new wife... nnhh... gonna... marry you. Gonna be yours~ Gonna be Ventus' eternal lover! Haahhh..... gonna cum! Mistress! I'm cumming! Please cum too!"

Dasyra winced as her body tightened up, her hips rising and pushing her mound forward into Ventus' oncoming thrusts. Her knees wobbled and her hips shook as the knot inside of her came undone and she came from Ventus' rapid pounding.

"Haaahhhheeeeeyyyyahh~!!! Eaahh!~ Nnhh! Nnhh! Ooohh...~ V-ventussss!~ Save me~ Save yourself!"

She murmured at the height of her pleasure, trying to remind the Deathknight even at this late stage. She realized now that she would probably not make it through this. She was in love with the feeling of Ventus inside of her too much, and her body and mind were swirling happily with the thoughts of giving in to the Deathknight. It wasn't as though it were unexpected. Ventus had been very upfront about her intent to fuck her to death. But it wouldn't be the end for the ranger. She could come back and she would be able to follow Ventus where the living could not. And she would find a way to break the curse, so that Ventus would be her own person once more, without any evil compulsions.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Auctioning shenanigans
Tag: Asheroth


"Oh look at that, the property tries to buy more property, how droll. The slave that kept on slaving. Listen whore, everything you have, everything you are, belongs to Lady Xirce."

"Also, elves are boring, if experience tells." The succubus joined on in. "Have you tried turning them off and on again?" She recommended for Asheroths divine senses.

"Apparently her speech is broken too. Ten percent discount.. oh dang, she spoke again.. Well great, there goes my discount." Xirce sulked, crossing her arms. "Ash-e-roth? Hmnn.. oh, oh, I see." Xirce cleared her throat and then, in fluent abyssal answered:

"Ash~eROTH, you disgusting worm, you will suffer but not right now, not as much as you'll suffer if you don't do as told, I am stronger, you are weak and worthless. You will follow, maggot! FOLLOW NOW!" She exclaimed with a voice that oozed hatred, designed to pervert all that was lawful and good, her eyes burning with a will to destroy... then she hesitated, grinning at Asheroth, repeating in common: "Huh, thought you spoke Abyssal! I mean.. you have a heavy accent, but.. anyway! Come on and cause no trouble and we'll get along fine, 's what I said. So, next question on a scale from one to 11 and a half, how much do you dislike intelligent undead?" The succubus grinned, turning around and.. seeming intend to walk out, apparently with the naked Asheroth in tow and a happy whistle on her lips.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ventus Nightsong
Tag: Dasyra, primarly.

"What other passion is there..." Ventus contered Dasyra for a moment, before once more seeming annoyed.. distracted. That said, Dasyras efforts were somewhat undone by her lustful squeakings under the undead shaft, The Deathknight grinning down at her with lustful enthusiasm.

"A nice, tight fit.... haaah.." Ventus praised her, Ventus holding Dasyra tightly, closing her eyes.. albeit lustful, the elf perhaps noticed she seemed almost a little.. at peace. "Such a pretty undead you shall become indeed." The deathknight enthused, embracing her devoted elf tightly.

"How, well.. simple.. you deserve to be more than a simple zombie, and now, without.. any worries, I can simply use the powers of my blade as it was ment to be used. hmnn is there anything you prefer? A vampire thirsting only for my cock.. hmnn.. either way, it wont matter, once my wonderful blade has gorged itself upon your delicious soul you'll be all mine forever. A little influence to teach you your proper place, how all lesser undead need to serve their greaters and you'll be perfect..." Ventus fantasized and cooed, but also gave away a few hints on how the blade worked, pushing her down and enthusiastically following the elfs invitation, pinning her under her well trained, if undead body.

"Oh don't worry, you WILL feel it.. all of it, filling you and emptying you of your disgusting vitality... oh fuck yes.. I want to fuck you so much, my soon to be undead slut! I..." She hesitated at Dasyras promises of devotion, even as her shaft pushed deep into the elf, moaning as Dasyra suckled on her eartips.. "You.. you really want that? You aren't afraid of me?..haah that feels good.. I mean.. of course you aren't, the mindflayer told me no one would fear me.. yess.. haaah..." Ventus cooed, if her shaft could grow any harder it indubitably would have, with Dasyras teasing, instead, it found a way to thrust ever deeper into her.

"Hmnn.. haaah.. Oooh I will cum.. cum into you so tight and warm.. lets fix that.." She grinned, and moaned, her shaft pulsing, before pumping a thick, heavy load into the elf, whose skin became deathly pale slowly, almost a slight blue-tint in the right light. She could feel her breathing and heartbeat slow, not to the point of stopping, but clearly, her vital functions were less important slowly, and still Ventus powerful load kept filling her up, the Deathknight holding her tight, almost dear.

"But I can't turn you into the best kind of undead here.. I'd need.. preparation.." The Deathknight mused. Withdrawing slightly.. and then resuming her pumping, smirking.. "Soon my slut!" Before pulling Dasyra close, whispering suddenly... "Something doesn't feel right. I can finally stop worrying, and give in to my lusts, but you are right.. Evening Glory is about so much more than that.. I don't want to fuck you to death, in public.. I want it to be intimiate, beautiful.. " The deathknight hesitated, pretending to grip and fuck Dasyra roughtly, in truth, holding her in a strong, close embrace. "Dasyra.. ugh.. my head hurts.. I've done horrible things in the name of a cause that was forced upon me. Even now, if the threat behind the wall is destroyed, I fear I.. would... I want to kill all living, I need to make the lesser undead serve me, serve the greater ones. I have no choice in the matter, but you'd stand with me, as lover, knowing you'd also be a slave? Alright then.. I.. what the mindflayers did to me.. get me my sword. It must be at the hall to the east.. I .. ugh... " She looked at Dasyra, searching for something, rubbing her temple. ".. I need to fuck you! So beautiful, you must be mine! NOW!" She growled her eyes glazing over again with her, pushing into the elf deep, insistantly, leanign to nibble-bite on her neck.

You lose two points of constitution, Healing and restoration spells are 25% less effective and you gain negative damage resistance 10/-, furthermore Dasyra gains a +4 bonus to saves against energy draining and similiar negative energy spells and her feeling of hunger or thirst is diminished.. excluding Ventus cum, where the opposite is the case.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Harem Chamber
Tag: Ventus, with a few intentionally loud moans directed at Kaila, Vel and Lena

"Oooh, allow me to show you other passions, my sweet mistress. Even a master can learn from her slaves.~" Dasyra teased, emotion swelling heavily in her throat as she fought to elicit those true thoughts from Ventus' addled mind.

"Aahh, yeah! T-tight! Unnnff! Feels so good!" the blonde elf humped Ventus with all remaining vigor, clenching her teeth with effort to feel more of that wonderful friction as Ventus' cock slid across her g-spot, sending sparks of pleasure rocketing up her spine and causing minor explosions of activity in her mind.

"Nnh... even were I a powerful undead, I would still serve you, mistress. You are my Amathor, my elven commander. Don't you see? You already have my loyalty. So don't waste this chance to make the undead slave YOU want most!"

She hoped that would give the rampaging mistress pause, and sure enough, it seemed to do the trick. Even the greedy, conquering part of Ventus had to realise that she couldn't kill Dasyra yet. Not quite in this instance. Not without her blade.

"Silly mistress, the honor of serving and aiding an elven hero of legend? You don't need a mindflayer to fill your head with nonsense to convince you of that. My mind might fear death. My body might rebel against it. But my soul knows its purpose - and that is the cause to aid you."

Dasyra continued to suckle, lick, and nip at Ventus' ears as her body continued to be pounded. It was her luck that Ventus and Dasyra both shared sensitivity on their prominent elven features. She would enjoy playing with them idly, she imagined, once she was a proper concubine for her mistress. The thought of a future as a sex slave, and her natural reception of the idea, bothered the fighter inside of Dasyra for a moment. She needed to keep it together. She was still in a dangerous situation, and she was giving in to the mistress for a reason - she needed to buy her companions time! It seemed having a split personality based on lust wasn't just a thing that Ventus had to deal with...

"Uuuhoooh~ So thick... hah! I feel it inside of me! S-so much! Oh Mistress I love it!~" Dasyra's body fought to tighten up everywhere as she and Ventus came together, leaving a wet, goopy mess where their bodies met. Continued thrusts made hot, wet, embarrassing squelching sounds as the excess cum was pressed, squirting out the sides of Dasyra's labia and spilling down her thighs.

She felt her body go even colder, her heart rate slowing down despite her excitement, and her body was changing into a shade of pale light blue, similar to her mistress. Even despite this, she smiled and hugged Ventus tight.

It was then that Ventus brought her in tight, and in the guise of an intimate post coital hug, she whispered her true feelings to Dasyra.

"Yes, my sweet mistress. I want you to complete this ceremony on your terms! Don't let the mindflayers convince you that you shouldn't have the best love slave! I won't forgive you if you don't take me how you want, okay?"

She smiled through frosted lips and placed a cold yet sweaty hand against Ventus' jawline. She listened carefully to what Ventus said and nodded. She then turned her head to the side and moaned loudly in the direction of Kaila and Lena.

"Ooh! Yes! Your big blade would be so good! Penetrating me, giving you the power that's rightfully yours. If only it wasn't left in the Halls to the East! You could fuck me silly with your BEST performance. Oh, my mistress!"

She sat back up and looped her arms around Ventus' neck, making her eyes the center of Ventus' attention by leaning right into her face.

"Yeah... fuck me again, but let's make this next time last! I want to feel your sensual cock take me slowly. Enjoying every twitch of my dying body. Let me worship you all the way to death, mistress! Command me. How can I show you how much of a slut I am, just for you?"

Dasyra let herself be thrown down on the harem pillows and pinned underneath the deathknight. She had to make Ventus think she wanted to draw this out, to give the others time to get to the sword. If Ventus had her blade, its power could likely snap the psionic spell she was under, now that it was already clearly weakening. Dasyra just had to hold out until then.

She smiled and tried to look meek and willing.

"I love kissing you, mistress. Feeling your tongue in my mouth while your slowly fuck my wet cunt! It's the best. Tell me how pretty I am, as I'm dying slowly... Don't you want to remember every bit of this? So you can remind me how it was every day from now to eternity? mmm... yeah. Tell me how nice it was to slowly strip away my life as I drink down load after load of your lovely cum. Ooh, I'm so thirsty mistress~"
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

A large room!

Lior stood in the doorway, quiet as a mouse. She sighed with a twinge of envy at the girls impaled on one of the master’s huge cock. She had always preferred the softer features of women but there was something inside of her that made her heart flutter and her knees buckle at the sight of one of the masters’ cocks. The slut bouncing on it looked rather plain, comparatively. At least the sigil above her head gave her a bit of decoration. An image of Lior with that sigil flashed in her head making her bite her lip. For a moment she almost ran to him. She'd ask him, no beg him to take her and make her beautiful and brainless like the other girl in his thrall, almost.

It was followed by another image, one of an earthen rune searing into her mind. The crushing weight of the earth surrounding her. It was such a different leash for her. Pressing, crushing, engulfing any thought of resistance under miles of solid stone and soft soil. Nothing like the giddy emptiness of the Masters. The feelings it gave her were… chilling at best. Something was wrong, back then and certainly now. Her handler would have the answers; Lior needed answers.

She centered herself and prepared to make her way across the room. She would hate to interrupt the master during what was an important (and pleasurable) activity. Chin up, eyes nicely unfocused, chest out. It felt oddly natural to Lior as she struck out across the room to the corridor on the other side. Her bare feet held a steady but urgent pace. She didn’t even consider leaving through the exit. There was nothing out there for her anyways.

Charisma check:
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Mindflayercity, slavehalls
Tag: Liors exploration

While Lior fantasizes the Mindflayer growl-moans lustfully, its thick cock spasming, the woman in his lap moaning, whimpering a little with the sigil burning into her head.. and then disappearing, a docile, lustful smile plastered on her lips as she begins girating lustfully upon the abominations shaft, drooling slightly but seeming overall.. happy.

Lior definitly needed answers, something to fill that awful emptyness in her head. With her strolling about into the other corridor came a wonderful encounter.. a female mindflayer, standing there, smirking lustfully as she looked over to Lior, who did a good job looking like a good slave girl, so arouse little suspicion, more of a playful grin on the tentacled womans lips.


Olh look at who we have here. She thought into Liors mind. Your mind is a mess, oh dear, you are all unfinished.. I bet your handler went to watch the spectacle before giving yuo proper instructions on what to do, haven't they, how about you return to your room and just relax and let your mind melt out of your pussy? She suggested with a smirk, a tentacle wandering up to brush Liors cheek with a soothing slimy feeling to it.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Mindflayer City, Slave Halls
A Master!

Lior continued forward, enjoying how her hips sashayed from side to side so smoothly. It was a sort of zen feeling only gained from her rather empty head at the time. Without thinking it led her sauntering up to another beautiful master! She stared up at her with wide worshipful eyes. She was very good at looking worshipful, she'd had a long time to practice. But when? She'd always been a slave so... Agh the stupid silly questions again!

The tentacle felt nice; the feeling of a master in her mind felt even better though. She leaned into the tentacle as she replied in her primitive human speech. "I'd love to! ...But I can't yet. I still gotta find some stuff out from my handler! I'm sure you've seen her. She's like super cute and has all these nice tentacles. Kinda like you! " She giggled. It felt very nice to. She stepped closer to the Mindflayer, greatly enjoying the buzzing fluffy sensation radiating out from where the slimy tentacle held on her. "As amazing and cute as you totally are I really gotta go you know?"

She tried to pass by the Mindflayer. She'd get her answers and then get right back to deprogramming herself into the perfect slave! She'd be totally hot looking all doe-eyed and open mouthed like the other finished slaves. She giggled and squealed quietly at the thought of it.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


Mindflayercity, slavehalls
Tag: Liors exploration

The mindflayer petted Liors cheek and gently rummaged around in her mind, squirming and slithering as her superior intellect invaded Liors most private thoughts.

You new ones are always still so full of all these hmnn yummy thoughts.. The mindflayer seemed to find something of an enjoyable nature and there was a brief sensation of loss, followed up by a nice, relaxing emptyness, while the creature licked her lips, as if she had eaten a delicious snack.

Well that description wont do .. let me .. ah EL'sishhhqua is your handler.. ugh, that lazy girl is propably at the spectacle.. Alright, just go there.. The mindflayer pointed to the right, apparently out of the building. And keep heading straight for the round building with the little windows. I'd explain what an amazingly more entertaining idea we came up with to replace gladiatoral combat among our slaves, but what good would that be to a slave.

The mindflayer grinned at Liors submissiveness and subservient demeanour than released her. If she followed the instructions (and what else was she good for?) she'd find herself leaving the slave-halls, only to look over a variety of mindflayer buildings. To her right a couple of cute, empty eyed drow were making out, enriching the atmosphere for anyone curious to look. Beyond that, and ahead, there seemed to be a small gathering of several mindflayers around a round dome, though at this point, the gathering was slowly breaking up and, if Lior looked closely (an effort that made her drool ever so slightly) She'd see several mindflayers looking rather.. aroused, leading their thralls off with leashes, physical or mental ones, seeming to wish to.. unwind.

One or two lewder mindflayers simply remained staring into the buildings and.. indulged their bodies right then and there. Lior couldn't spot her handler right away, but she was confident she'd know her the moment she saw her. Perhaps she had to investigate more. Or she could ask the drow if her handler had passed them.