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Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Underground Room
Tag: Everyone

"No, I meant that i've grown fond of... nevermind." The Paladin mutters to herself, focusing on her evil detection. Huh, that's... odd. The Succubus isn't a vile wicked beast, as I thought. That's... very interesting. I'll have to remember this.

They walked further into the tunnel, until Xirce stopped her suddenly, insisting that they wait on something. Not wanting to argue with the woman, the Demoness just let out a huff, readying her sword, just in case.

She didn't have to wait long. Before she knew it, a ragtag group began charging toward her, mot of them registering as evil from her aura. Preparing to attack, Asheroth stumbled, nearly dropping her sword.

"Iomedea give me strength..." The Paladin barely managed to rasp out, her detect evil shattering from the source of vileness. That sword... By the light, what is that sword... It... sucks all the warmth around it, who could wield such a blade?

Looking up from the blade, her eyes met with its owner, Asheroth immediately recognizing this lost soul. A Death Knight. She learned about these mostly fallen paladins while training at the temple. And from what she had heard, little to none has a story that wasn't tragic. Looking at the Elf, she thought of a story she heard long ago, about a Elven Paladin fighting hordes of undead. But what were the chances they were the same person? Low, to her guess.

Suddenly she snapped back into reality. A wall of fire surrounded her and through the flames walked a Bugbear. Out of pure instinct, Asheroth swung her sword high, cleaving the head of the beast, it's body soon falling to a thud.

"Well, it looks like you needed little rescue after all..." The Divine warrior muttered to herself, gazing around for a few moments, before cleaning her blade of with a spell and quickly sheathing it. The Death knight mentioned retreating, which the Paladin completely agreed with, however no one seemed to partake in it... instead doing... lewd things. Ash would never understand the underdark...

"Not to speak out of line, but I do think this side banter is wasting precious time. We should make our ways to wherever this fortress is, we are not in any shape for resumed combat." The Paladin speaks out, hoping they could leave this damned place already.

Knowledge Arcana:
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

The Great Escape
Tag: Great Googly Moogly it's all gone to shit!

A reunion short lived still held all of the joy that Lior expected. With single minded focus she hurled after the escaping group of slaves(?) It helped that she wasn't wearing her usual bulky armor. Lior winced as her head pounded. Questions, so many questions. What was was with the strange symbol she held? Why did the irritating haughty demon seem so infuriatingly familiar? It could be that the answers lay in front of her rather than behind her. Only when she realized that did she really pick up her pace. Flurries of magic and attacks flew past her from both directions from her masters and her targets both. It was practically divine will she wasn't caught in the crossfire.

Storms of magic and... whatever the masters used passed back and forth as they ran from the complex losing ferocity and frequency as they gained more distance. Eventually Lior had caught up to earshot of the escapees. She needed answers, and unlike the masters they didn't have the benefit of being worshiped. They're lined up to receive the best tongue-lashing her bimbo brain can come up with and not the fun kind. Just as soon as she catches her breath.

"Just what... Do you think.... You're doing!"
Her chest heaved from the exhaustion. Pleasure slaves weren't supposed to be doing this kind of thing! She held up a finger as Xirce and that other demon started talking about her in rather derogatory ways. The worst part of it was Lior could picture what they were saying in her mind, clear as day. A sheet was being pulled back in her mind and she wasn't sure she liked what she saw. Her head throbbed again.

"Please slow down. What is going on? Why do I remember you two? Why is it so hard to just be an obedient slave! And if I don't like your answer I'll... I'll. Uhhhh. Like be totally pissed and stuff!"
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


Xirce and Ventus
Corridor near the mindflayer territory
Tag: All

"I'm incidentially all for taking holy symbols off of people." Xirce enthused at something Kaila had suggested earlier, eying Lior uncertain. "Out of the question. I shall retrieve my replacement symbol posthaste too."
"Geesh, come on, counting Vel as Un-holy symbol I feel everyone has one of these things. Perhaps I should make an unholy symbol of Xirce. Vel, remind me to hire an artist for that later." The succubus needed, twirling her burning blade and blowing on it, which apparently was enough to disspel the flames, as she sheathed her blade and her armor began.. it looked almost as if it was growing over her slowly.

When Kaila put to consideration the chair matter, Xirce tipped her chin, clearly not having considered it.. "But.. why'd they swing chairs at me, I'm amazing... but hey, whatevs, you break away, just remember to give her a break from time to time. Get it? Get it?" Ventus meanwhile looked over to Vel with an ice cold gaze. "I'm tainted enough to not also desire to invite the influence of demons. As.. fascinating as your creative fantasy there is, I have to decline."
Xirce just grinned. "Orcus is a big fat meanie anywhoo. Zura on the other hand.. " Xirce tipped her chin.. "Was that the one with the two heads?"

"A demonic vampire if I recall right." "Oh yeah, I knew that!" Ventus only raised her eyebrows at Xirces antics, as the succubus grinned at Lena.

"Only natural to be impressed by The Xirce!.. trust me, getting a hold of this magic wasn't easy, damn devilfucks.. Egh, thinking of Baator ruined my mood, lets do the escape thing first."

"Hmnn.. so you desire children.. Perhaps we should form an alliance, I shall let you have Lena if you assist me in a matter that.." "Deal!" The Deathknight sighed at the grinning succubus. Had Lena just been traded away to a demonic fate?

Ventus focus shifted either way, as Dasyra finally answered, brining a soft smile and shake from Ventus in response. "'t was not enthusiasm of my own design. But your iron will shall serve you well, it is what it takes to endure the eons." Ventus nodded solemnly. Perhaps a close observer would note with how much ease the Deathknight overcame the shock of being freed from the Ilithids control and what she had done under their control, almost as if the feeling was familiar to her..

She did however blush at Dasyras suggestion that she might be blessed with child, coughing in an uncharacteristic display of almost innocence. "Something the matter?" The Deathknight inquired, now towards Asheroth, who she had noticed had been staring at her. The Deathknights practiced eyes wandered over Asheroth. "Ah. You find yourself in strange company, sword of valor. .. And I concur, we should head back rather than indulge in pointless blander, but fleeing mindlessly might lead us into danger too. I can do this one more time afterwards." Ventus explained, twirling her icy sword, planting it into the ground, a secondary wall of ice rising swiftly, enforcing the first.

Lior meanwhile spotted that, coincidentially, apparently this Lena person was carrying a bundle of her things. Also, her handlers command to go after these people was still in effect, without further commands coming right now, though she could feel a telephatic searching for her mind that, out of a strange instinct, she chose to evade, for now.

"Hmnn.. so, if I understand fully this priest used to be on our side, but was captured, and apparently partially brainwashed." "Yeah, hmnn we could kill her, you animate her, that'd override their control, aye?"
"We don't have the time. Listen priestess, I am Ventus Nightsong, I promise to answer your questions, but not right now, not here, for now, we need hurry along, if you desire to find your lost way once more, find within you the strength to follow us." The Deathknight nodded.

"Alright bitches, what are we waiting for! Time to get out fast as can!" "No, we should do everything in our power to slow down our pursuers further." It seemed Xirce and Ventus struggled with a common course of leadership, leaving you to decide the pace of your retreat, as Xirce dashed ahead with a grin on her lips.

Ventus, The deathknight meanwhile chuckled slightly, gently putting Dasyra and her blade down before slamming her hands together. "I guess this corridor is wide enough.. Come forth, old friend." With that she first raised her hands up, then crouched to the ground, pushing them down on the ground, the impact having an oddly hollow sound, as the shadows gathered around Ventus, the ice in her eyes flickering...


The horse that formed was dark, forming out of shadows and fire. If she had met this creature in the wildernis Dasyra would have been worried, if not scared. A black unicorn. A powerful, dark body, cracking with fire. As it was, the elf had little choice but find herself lifted up, saddleless, as many elves prefered to ride, upon the dark horses back, feeling its hot warmth. A warmth that maybe even slightly envigorated her, but, she had to wonder, could not be pleasant for the horses actual rider.

Nonetheless, Ventus mounted the horse after her, commanding the horse with an elfish word for 'Run', while behind them, the wall of ice cracked under some form of assault. The dark Unicorn picked up speed and Ventus couldn't help but remark.: "Come on, make haste!" As she passed the Arch-succubus, that already huffed and puffed, a little out of breath.

One way or the other, the group fled towards Ventus fortress of Everfrost, no creature of the underdark insane enough to stop a Deathknight charging upon a fallen unicorn, with Ventus actually stopping once, waiting for the last to catch up to the group and creating a final wall of ice, this one actually cracking a little at the edge, before she pushed on.

To those that hadn't been to it, which at this point was the majority of the group, Ventus ice fortress announced itself by a drop in temperature, before it was even in sight. When they neared it, there was an immediate resemblance to the Death knight, a large wall, half covered in ice, an ancient fortress, frozen, lost in time, Ventus actually rushing ahead, dismounting her horse and leaving Dasyra with a whispered promise of being back soon. Any that followed her would see Ventus head to the other end of the fortress, and insist she check on the defenses of the fortress alone. Meanwhile, those arriving later would find themselves greated by.. a ghostly butler.


"Oh geesh, a lot of guests. I shall prepare tea. Any preferances. Lady Xirce, please don't set anything ablaze." "Heh, wont promise I will not."
"Charming. Lady Ventus has gone to check on the defenses, the living can not accompany her, as the influence of the creatures beyond the wall mutate you in horrible ways and.."

"Actually!" Xirce raised a finger, interrupting the ghost. "I know those messed up fuckos are best fought by undead, but! I know a way to protect you from that nonsense.. because I ! am! THE AMAZING! Xirceeeeee....

Only works on demons though. Well, I guess, part demon blood works. "
She eyed Lena and grinned. "And having enough demonic pumped into you will do too.. Anywhoo. So Lior, how are you doing?" Xirce grinned, pat-patting the priestess back. A priestess that would notice the slave outfit she was in was ill fit for the cold. "For Avernus sake, paladin, just cast lesser restoration on her, clearly the mindflayers have drained her mind." Ventus came rushing back, looking over at the others, from caressing Dasyras cheek and gently helping her down off the horse. She was outfitted in an armor once more, apparently a replacement, though, she did not carry her blade with her right now. "Come on inside. I'll have Lyra procure chairs for you all. I guess after all this trouble, introductions are in order.. and those of you that wish, I guess I shall share my tale with you now.. I owe you that much after the mindflayer chaos." "Alternative idea, those that don't want to listen up, I'll heat up some of those dusty old bedrooms I know V got going on and I'll tell you how to make out proper!"

"Right.. Fear not, for now, we shall be safe within my domain. Let us rest, recover, then make plans.. we need to learn about our enemies soon." Ventus nodded, then focused mainly on Dasyra, her shadow-unicorn slowly fading away. "But first, you are even more important. I like the look in your eyes my beloved." she cooed softly, once more picking Dasyra up into a bridal carry, but now with a calm, strong grip, rather than haste.

The Large gates to Everfrost open by a handwave of Ventus, a chilly rushing of air greets you as you enter a long throne-room, with corridors going to the left and right. There is a small, simplistic throne at the end of the hall, slightly elevated, a harp to its left, and Ventus blade in a weapon stand with odd glowing runes to the right. Corridors lead off to the left and right and there are no windows. There is a total of three chairs, though a rather well preserved and for some reason humming zombie girl is busy dragging a fourth one inside.

Ventus steps inside, taking place upon the throne, with Dasyra upon her lap.

Xirce meanwhile saunters in, winks, nudging her thumb to the right corridor, apparently heading upstairs to a set of bedrooms. If no one followed her immediatly, she'd peek back down, sulk slightly, quickly hide that, and slap her bottom, in an odd mixture of seduction and trying to invite others to follow her, though she didn't command anyone.

The ghostly butler, Sylvie, she introduced herself if any questioning looks were cast her way, meanwhile floated around, waiting to take requests for refreshments.

(In the chaos Lena lost her grapling hook and grooming kit. nues!)
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


Mindflayer leader
Mindflayer settlement
Tag: Narration

Such a hassle. The creature thought. Frankly, this is not worth risking an all out war with the Death Knight AND the Succubus over. We lost enough sluts today as is.

Then again, on the other hand, we can't be seen as someone that just lets their sluts escape can we?
The mindflayer turned to look at her coven.. no one was daring or stupid enough to answer. Well, actually, one was.


"Mii miiii?" A cheerful, younger mindslaver girl that was currently getting belly-scratches from a happily smiling slave enthused.

"Not deal with it ourselfs at all? Oh.. yes, thats a lovely idea.. I know just the assasine to hire to deal with this.. diverse group." The mindflayer smirked, pulling a small, ivory chest out of a bag of holding by her hip, with the remaining mindflayers taking a subconcious step backwards, gazing upon the item, knowing what it ment. But the leader was determined. They could not let this insult slide! she reached out for the box.. and slowly began winding it up, only to stop as the little ivory leaver cracked, forcing itself back, a slightly dissonant music beginning to play.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Kaila and Vel
Tag: All

Vel gives Lena a warning glare as she's grabbed and fingered, one with a promise of future retribution. Though she smirked at the offer of a trade, though there was a slight look of consternation when it was to Xirce she belonged. Well, long as she got to play with her the most.

Once inside, Vel growled and wriggled her way loose from the Aasimer and fluttered up to eye level. "Fingering me, talking back, well bitch, we own you now, body and soul. And if you thought that just because we were running away and I couldn't take my time to teach you a lesson I wouldn't, you're in for another thing coming! Lady Xirce, let's break this one in and show her what two real demons can make out of her! I want to make sure that no one will ever mistake where her souls destined and who she belongs to!"

She glared with angry lust at Lena, "You think just cus you're bigger you can manhandle me and abuse me? Well let me show you how I earned my favor!"

Vel growled before growing rapidly larger and larger, her hair changing into writhing hydra heads, as she grows a second spaded tail, sharp scaled claws and arms with her draconic wings while seeming more human like in toros and face. Except for the two mouths on her large breasts, large serpentine tongues licking along them eagerly.


With shocking strength she swatted the things out of Lena's hands onto the ground and grabbed her by the arms and lifted her up to glare into Lena's face, the imp now about 8 feet tall. "By the time we're done with you, you'll know your place in the pecking order. Now let's see if Lady Xirce considers you worthy of having a third blood of kids brewing inside you or if you're going to be my personal plaything when we're not saving this lot and the underdark." She begins marching up after Xirce with an aggresive smirk, carrying Lena along, as one of her large spaded tails thrusts up inside Lena's slit and begins pounding up into her as she walks. "Maybe we'll give all the spirits here a new home in your womb. After all, being disembodied probably sucks, not even a real undead, jsut lingering forms and energies. I'm sure being demonic is better than that."

Kaila meanwhile takes a seat with a sigh and smirk. "I'm pretty fond of Night's blessing, if you have any. If not, I'll take anything nonlethal, Miss Sylvie. Thank you for the offer.," she says friendily to the ghost, before looking to the others., "You may want to reconsider fixing that priestesses head. She's not a nice person. And as another not nice person, that's saying something. Her being brain fucked is poetic justice. If anything, you should let me just reprogram her back to our side properly. She is, after all, technically still Lady Xirce's property. Still, the fact she can't even fully obey the mindflayers speaks volumes of how much trouble she is. Hm. Incidentally, is there a working kitchen here, Lady Ventus? After all of that I feel like cooking. And I'm sure at least a few of your fellow undead might appreciate a chance to relive some of the past pleasures they used to have hm? Plus I need to feed everyone else here too."

She got herself settled in, humming to herself a bit, happy to take a load off after all that chaos and running, sighing happily. "Aw, that's pretty cute. So are you gonna do the big ceremony right here in front of everyone, let your other wives join in in getting to know her and sharing the love? Cus if you give me eight hours I can probably whip up a ghost and undead edible wedding cake for you? Someplace like this must have a ballroom too. Could have a dance slash orgy and everything. Team bonding exercise too to boot. Course, who's gonna be the maid of honor? I'm guessing Miss Sylvie? Or are elven slash undead weddings different? Cus I'm flexible in my catering arrangements. I once had to serve five gluttony demons at once. So I also have experience with having your soul fucked out."

She stretched a bit happily. "Incidently, if you want me to make you a magic ring too to put on her I can do that too. I just wanna help your guys love! I mean I may be a harlot and all that but hey I can respect bonds of love and lust and such. I mean you guys must have been together a long time to come to this point with lot's of hurdles and drama. Now I want popcorn, hmm..." She got up and went over to the pile of stuff Lena had, sifting through. "I just remembered we're all naked right now. Not that I mind, but my nipples are icecubes so I'm gonna have to get a bit dressed. Assuming nobody wants to come warm me up. How about you, pureblade, wanna cozy with a fellow tiefling? I can show you not all that lurks in the darks bad. Might be quite fulfilling for you."
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Underdark Corridor/Path
Tag: All

As Lena stood there panting slightly after their run out of the place, and while Xirce teased her, and her own fingers teased Vel a bit as well, her eyes widened slightly and she gasped as Ventus seemed to basically... trade her, in exchange for Xirce's help against the mind flayer's, and whatnot. Lena would help Ventus and Xirce out as much as she could in delaying the mind flayer's pursuit, doing whatever either of them told her, before heading on towards the fortress of Everfrost once more. When they arrived, Lena shuddered at the coldness around, and looked around a little at the gates, hoping that they would hurry up and get inside, because fuck she was cold.

At Xirce's words of having enough demonic blood or essence pumped into her would be enough for Xirce's way of protecting them from the corrupting essence that the invaders had, Lena's cheeks flushed deeply. After getting inside, Lena saw Xirce winking at her and the others, to entice them to follow her to the bedrooms, and to be honest... Lena was very strongly considering it, despite the fact she was a demon, because at the very least, Xirce would be warm. Lena realized that she was still carrying Vel, but when Vel swatted her hand away from her pussy though, and her things from her hands as she flapped her wings angrily up at her. Lena almost burst out laughing at the sight of the small quasit saying what she was, until she saw her transforming into her war form, where Lena gasped, especially as she was scooped up by Vel's now much larger and stronger form.

Lena let out a cute little moan as she felt Vel's tail pushing into her, her body squirming around a bit as she looked up at Vel. "If lady Xirce wants me for whatever reason, that's up to her I think... not you, Vel," Lena said to Vel, despite being carried along, while giving Xirce an almost pleading look that asked her to not let Vel had her alone as she shook her ass around a bit.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Dasyra Sunsong
Tag: Ventus and those at her court

The elf ranger had felt numb by the time her mistress had placed her upon the shadow steed. The Nightmare would have given her pause normally, but the icy grip of undeath was closing in around Dasyra's heart, and so she paid little heed to these details. The only brightness in her vision was the almost heavenly, vibrant and haloed stature of Ventus, who seated herself tightly behind her on the horse and gripped her tightly to her chest as the beast sped them back toward the safety of the Deathknight's fortress.

Dasyra smiled only for Ventus now. To cause her mistress delight made the elf ranger feel uplifted. To bring that look of innocence to the normally strong and unfazed warrior's visage humbled Dasyra to the core of her being. What might it be like to be honored by being the birth mother to Ventus' child? Dasyra was not particularly enthused by all the talk of breeding and litters of demonic children - but the idea that in their perfect undeath, the wild flight of fantasy that she could help give Ventus a child made the weak pulse in her heart skip a beat.

When they arrived back at the fortress, there was much talk and business as people went to and fro. So much speaking and confusion among the living, and Dasyra felt so very far from it all. It was only Ventus' words that came through clearly. They echoed in her mind, and though the unclothed elf was now literally freezing to death, she hung close to her icy mistress, growing more and more lifeless with every passing minute. Her voice was like a whisper now as she was cradled upon Ventus' lap, sitting on the throne.

"Mistress~ I know I said I would hold on, but I am freezing. I'm sure some of my nerves are already dying as the frost is setting in. Please... dress me in something pretty and place me upon the altar to Evening Glory. I will pray to her... and then you can take me gently into your eternal embrace. Would that not be as you want it, my Lady?"

Dasyra was now too weak to even lift her arms and caress her mistress. She simply shivered in the woman's mighty arms, which coursed with unholy might. Yet the aura of fear continued to instead fill Dasyra with courage, and the only thing she saw staring back at her was the life-filled spirit of her Amathor, her rightful liege lord and commander, to whom it was her elven duty to both serve AND to rescue from herself.

It was true, as Kaila's words inadvertently exposed, that she had only recently come into contact with Ventus. But her discoveries had opened her eyes to the truth: that here was a hero of her people turned into the very thing that she hated - unable to rescue herself from this pit of despair. Dasyra's heart had gone out to her mistress. Pity and a fool's sense of duty motivated her to vow to protect Ventus and undo the curse. Yet there was more, and she knew it. In some moment, unbidden and unsought, perhaps with the blessings of the Seldarine gods and Evening Glory both, Dasyra's living heart had seen past the deathknight's curse, and fallen for the elf woman Ventus had always been. Yes, she did love that woman, even as she hated the blade that empowered and despoiled her.

My love will destroy undeath from within, she thought to herself as her eyes froze upon Ventus.

If Ventus was amenable to her dying request, then Lyra and Sylvie would help to dress the elf and lay her upon the altar to Evening Glory in the chapel that she had discovered last time she was in Everfrost.

Lacy undergarments, like what a bride would wear underneath her dress in anticipation of an exciting wedding night, would adorn Dasyra, yet not cover any part of womanhood. Lace and silk tights would fit above her knees, and a garter belt would be bound around her thigh. Crotchless panties affixed to her waist would highlight her pale blue skin and still wet sex as she was placed on the cool surface of the altar, awaiting her mistress' pleasure. Arm length white silk gloves would be placed upon her cool hands, and a thin veil would be draped across her face. She stared up at the holy symbol of Evening Glory, and prayed as Ventus approached.

"By the powers of passion unending and love undying
I pray to the Goddess, Evening Glory - hear me!
I declare that I do love and commit my soul to Ventus Deathbane
The Lady Protector of my people, to her person, in all forms
Living, Dead, and Undead.

I pledge to die for her.
I pledge to be brought back, to serve her eternally.
No other!
Not God nor Fiend, nor Artifact, nor any design of malice.
I pledge to free her from all such horrors that plague her true self.
Goddess Evening Glory! I beg of thee: protect me.
Shield me from any influence that would interfere with my task, born of love!
Love for my protector, my people, my duty, and love for love's sake,
For I rush headlong into death's cold grasp, trusting in your guidance.
And now, I lay me down to sleep, dying with an act of love.
Upon your altar, in your name, and in hers."

Her voice was a whisper, barely audible, but a goddess could hear such things, for sound did not matter to the metaphysical. These words were for Evening Glory, and not necessarily for Ventus. The Deathknight was aware already of Dasyra's pledge to save her from her undeath. Who knew if she would have any true hope?

But she was past the point of second thoughts now. Her body was nearly still, and she knew that little save great magic or divine intervention could save her now. Ventus would appear above her, exchange her vows, and take hold of her, making love to her until she died. And then the rest would be up to the death knight. What dark dreams would follow? What would become of her soul? How wretched would she become? And would Ventus be a balm? Or only a curse?

"I am ready, Mistress."
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Xirce, Sylvie and Ventus
Narration-responses, Everfrost
Tag: Kaila and Vel, Lena

Xirce grinned at Vels proposal. If anyone were to guess, it seemed almost as if the self proclaimed Arch-Succubus was not quite as invested in wickedness as the quasit. Kaila and Vel likely even knew the succubus half-blooded secret, but also knew a lot better than to speak any of it out loud, or, just in case, even telephatically. Nothing changed Xirces nature as powerful hellfire warlock. Xirce whistled a bit at Vels shapechange.

"Oh, its your kink shape. Seems you can handle the angel on your own. Heh heh. If I don't get anyone better to do I might watch though." She kept her slight exhaustion at the Hellfire energies she spent mostly hidden, winking to Vel and heading upstairs. "Come on, I know you want to give a show, but we wouldn't want the holier than thou types to get itchy about interfering with what you do to her, plus boring stories bores me." Lenas hopeful looks where met with a lustful, intentional ignorance from Xirce.

"We mostly have multiple blends of mushroom tea I'm afraid. I'll be sure to brew you something only slightly poisonous." The ghost grinned, floating through a wall, and returning with a slightly cold drink, well made, with a mushroomy aroma. It was indeed slightly poisoned, adding a nice tingling for the tiefling.

"You cooking sounds like a splendid offer. I'll have Lyra lead you, she might even want to assist you, but don't let her eat up things along the way, she might get gluttenous.

As for the priestess.. hrmnn.. Troublesome, hmn? Well, it seems Xirce has laid partial claim to a property of mine ahead of time, through you, so she should not mind, that said, I'd like to make a picture of the priestess myself.. certainly if she indeed proves troublersome, you can program her with her full mental faculties intact? You strike me as one relishing the challenge."
Ventus chuckled ever so slightly.

".. Indeed, elvish weddings are different from what you seem to imagine. I shall not stop you from preparing cake, but you are mistaken, this is a military fortress, there is no ball-room as in an oppulent nobles castle.

Either way, .."
She blushed a little. "I'd like to settle matters, then, some privacy." She nodded.

(Doing Bloos response seperately, gotta shrink my posts down to readability sometimes. ^^!)
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ventus Nightsong
Everfrost, her throneroom -> Chapel
Tag: Dasyra

"Ah.. indeed. A wonderful request." Ventus nodded, swiftly getting up, and carrying Dasyra along. "I'm afraid I'll have to leave you alone for a while though.. There are matters I have to take care of,.. always duty. So please, hold out, hold on for me. .. the godess shall give you strength."

Excusing herself, she left, giving Lior, Asheroth and Kaila a few moments (That the zombiegirl Lyra used to approach Kaila if she wasn't.. occupied already, after the earlier talk of cooking)

Ventus derailed their way to uncover the lacy underwear along the way, dressing Dasyra in it.. Another cold grip, but at least, it would trap what last warmth remained around Dasyra for a short while. (On that note, you are mechanically wise fatigued by hypothermia by now, it'll develope into full exhaustion at the end of her prayers.)

"You look beautiful, my beloved.. I wish to make you mine, right now.. but I shall not be greedy." Ventus nodded, pressing a cool.. but not that much for the elf anymore, kiss upon her brides lips, smiling, carrying her on, into the frozen chapel the elf had visited earlier, Ventus handling the elf herself, whilest leavin her attendants to care for her guests.. indubitably bad manners for any noble, but a sign of how she cared for Dasyra. She exhaled.. "I have no way to give you the strength of the living.. indeed, it is anathema to me. I shall soon bring my sword to ensure your rescue and loyalty in undeath, but after freeing my mind fully and creating several ice walls even its powers have to replenish, if only shortly. For now, I shall abide your request and leave you with this. My replacement holy Symbol.." She nodded, as she placed the intricate silver symbol of a hand with a heart shaped hole upon Dasyras chest.

"So beautiful.. Make sure to not give yourself to death. Your last moment among the living belongs to ME. I shall return, once I know we have no enemies to worry about within the fortress. Then, my sword will teach you the rightful order of things and give you unto death." She leaned down, kissing Dasyras lips.. First the upper, then, with a mischievous blush upon her cheeks, the lower.

She stepped back, slamming the door shut behind her, ice crawling over the door.. it seems Dasyra was sealed in.

She spoke her prayer.. and nothing happened. The symbol didn't light up ablaze, no godess appeared before her, no divine providence happened, as the ice gripped around her heart. What if she were to die before Ventus reanimated her? What if she'd just.. stay dead, what if this was the end, with nothing beyond? Was she ready?

"Ok! Then we can start." A voice answered when she said she was ready. Dasyra could hardly move, couldn't turn her head, but it sounded like a child. There were no noises of step, as the same leaned over her.

A little girl, see through, carrying a bundle of flowers."Hi! I'm here to look if you are nice or not." The girl nodded, with the cheerful innocence of a child.

"Oh wait.. introductions.." She focused, as if reciting something.. "The lady isn't sure about you, she says your love is honest, but you don't want undeath so I'm one of three that will test you if you are nice! I'm Madeleine, the flower girl, I died and became a ghost because no one would buy my flowers yet I didn't want to go home without selling them and make mommy said, but I knew my mommy loved me lots still! Some nice adventurer bought my flowers but I didn't want to go away, because I liked it how they smiled when I sold them my flowers, they are pretty, are they not? Try one!" The ghost enthused, putting a flower into Dasyras hair.. Suddenly, she felt strength surging back into her, her hand reaching up, following a long gone by command to caress her beloved mistress cheek, though, if she looked below, there was another her.. cold, pale, blue, and with dark rose now decorating her hair.

"So now we are gonna look at the past of you and the one that you love like my mommy loves me! And if you have no doubts about your past the rose will be fine!" The little girl cheered, offering her hand to Dasyra. "You've fought the undead before, so you know that many of them are super sad and often super mean, don't you?" If the elf took the little ghost-girls hand, she'd find the room around her shifting, something had changed, she couldn't put her finger on it, but before she tried, she found herself lifted up into the air.. before shooting towards, then through the wall, through the fortresss, upwards, through rock and earth, passing through solid objects like a ghost while the literal ghost girl laughed as if this was a great game, only slowing down once you emerged, away from the underdark, the light of day blinding for just a moment, in a familiar forest. Familiar voices, even.. her own, and Ivora. Laughing, joking, flirting, as they made their way through the forest...

"A part of you still likes her, right? Thats ok, you don't have to not like people you like for the Lady.., but she is alive and well. If you think 'I want to play with her instead!' in your last moments, your death would be sad and you'd regret stuff, making you one of the bad undead." The spirit adviced.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Chapel to Evening Glory
Tag: Madeleine

"Of course, Mistress. I will be here for you. Don't tarry too long."

Dasyra bid Ventus a temporary farewell and pressed her lips to hers as she bent down to kiss her. Then she listened to her footsteps fade away and the door shut behind her with an echo. She was then alone in the chapel, practically naked, and waiting for her death knell.

She knew this was her time for a heartfelt plea to Evening Glory, and so she prayed and waited for a sign. When nothing immediate came she closed her eyes and made one final acknowledgement of her readiness.

Her eyes opened again upon hearing the child's voice. She was too fatigued to react with shock, so it was more as if she were awaking once again from sleep and she regarded the figure of the child rising above her and imbuing her with strength as soon as the flower touched her hair.

With this new strength, Dasyra was able to sit up and lean towards the ghost girl.

"Hello Madeleine. I'm Dasyra. Though I suppose if you're here to talk to me, you already know this. Thank you for your flower. It is beautiful. There's magic in them."

She took the girl's hand and flew with her up through the ethereal realm, up up through the foundation and stone and ice and into another place and another time. She was in the woods now, a familiar place - a memory of herself and her old flame, Ivora, the druid of the Sapphire Forest.

"Ivora... Oh, what a happy memory. Yes, of course I still like her. I think you could say we loved one another. We fought beside each other to hold back the tide of undead. The blight that threatened the lives of those who still deserved to fulfill their dreams and form loves and follow passions. An undeath that impedes upon such things is not something I approve of no. And the goddess knows that I do not desire undeath - it's true. I would prefer to live, and to cure Ventus' condition. But my Mistress follows her duty and I must follow mine as well. If I am to die, then I would not die without the chance to fulfill my promise. I think Ivora would understand that. She had a wisdom about her, one that I admire still.

"She also understood duty. It's why we parted ways. She had her forest to protect, and I had mine and my people to return to. We knew that we each had our own paths to take. We've said our goodbyes. She's a good person, like those adventurers who bought your flowers."

She looked down at Madeleine with a smile.

"You're trying to warn me against doubt. I understand that. It's hard though. I've never died. So many people wonder about it. And mine is shaping up to be more complicated than most. Well... show me what you must. There's no sense in me saying I'm confident or fearless... I'm bloody scared. But there's someone there on the other side who would wait for me. That helps. Immensely."
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Kaila and Vel
Tag: Lena and Xirce for Vel, rest for Kaila

Vel snickers as she winks at Xirce. Admittedly Vel honestly didn't mind Xirce's comparatively light touch for a demon, it reminded her of her lady overall. And fact was, Vel preffered having someone who wasn't that invested in ordering her about. It seemed like a fine relationship to her. She didn't talk about Xirce's true bloodline, Xirce didn't mistreat her. She got to enjoy her toys and she let Xirce play or watch as she liked. Really she was quite fond of the demoness.

"Trying to get some clemency by playing us against each other? Devious. I thought angels were supposed to be honest and forthright. Maybe we're rubbing off on you already. But by the time we're done, we're going to enjoy parading your body out in front of everyone. So hot you'll chill the death knights mood and make her stain the inside of her armor. Maybe almost as gorgeous as I am."

Vel grinned, heading into whichever room Xirce picked for them, stretching. "Mmm. A perfect pick as always, Lady Xirce. Get settled in and I'll begin. Though perhaps you can bless our... Union as I make her a proper demon brood slut devoted to our cause and soon to be goddess? I want to be sure everyone recognizes it and she can't hide it or pretend it never happened. And I can't do it without your blessing."

Vel's tail kept undulating inside Lena, not pleasuring her too much yet, just a slow teasing grind to keep her on edge while Vel paid attention to more important individuals at the moment. With just the occasional sharp thrusts to keep Lena on her toes and as a reminder soon Vel would devote her full attention to her, and there'd be no escape to distract her.

Meanwhile, Kaila accepted the tea with a smile. "Thank you very much. Lady Ventus is lucky to have such capable help and devoted love and service as you and Miss Lyra."

She looks to Ventus, shrugging a bit. "Clearly you've never seen our place then. Maybe when this is over you and Dasyra can have a honeymoon there and we show you all the fun to be had. I can try to whip up a special soul jar or just some vessel for Miss Sylvie to possess so she can come along. After all, all your wives should get to come... They are your wives too right? I hope I'm not presuming. As for Lior... I do enjoy a challenge, yes. I'm not sure you'd like her as she is. Her faiths as brainwashy as the mindflayers. Not my thing generally, but I do so love myself some irony. Anyways you crazy kids have fun on your first night in matrimony! I'll get to work with this lot!"

Kaila hopped to her feet, nodding to Lyra before looking to the other two. "Right! You, Xirce's slave. I'm Kailanereth, Demoniac of Nocticula and servant of Lady Xirce. You can call me Kaila for short. You already saw Velarius off to get her rocks off. You can call her Vel. I'm sure you'll glare and snarl and so forth or something but I've a couple jobs for you. First, I suppose we need to figure out the priestess here. Second, you're gonna help me and Miss Lyra here make a wonderful banquet for everyone in honor of the marriage taking place. Whatever your opinion of undeath and evil and yadda yadda I'm sure you can agree such a happy union should be honored and celebrated, yes? But yeah, not sure the best course with Lior here. If you fix her she's probably gonna just get more of a pain. I guess I should dress her though. but no spell components or weapons or holy symbols. Not letting this day be ruined by having to fuck her ass stupid again for trying to ruin it."

"Alrighty! Miss Lyra, if you'd be so kind as to show us the way to the kitchen? I'll teach you all about making cuisine that bridges the gap of life and death!"
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ghost of Abyssmas past
The ether
Tag: Dasyra

"Theres magic in all flowers! Just a tiny bit!" The young spirit enthused. Or was it an old spirit that looked young?

"Why do you think its a condition?" The spirit simply questioned. "Duty is booooring. You can't like someone because its your duty. Ventus will wait for you? Yay. Anyway!" The girl snipped, and they were back in the chapel.

"Time to travel a bit further back then!" The girl nodded and Dasyra could watch the ice and snow filling the chapel melting.. no, not melting, fading away, until finally, even the symbol of evening glory disappeared and was replaced by another (knowledge religion to identify if you want.)

The ghost once more took Dasyras hand and floated through the fortress, looking much more well maintained and, well, lively, though she couldn't get a clear look, as they floated past, outside of the fortress. Dasyra heard shouts behind her, elfish warnings from an eternal vanguard.

"They guarded something here. Something the mistress of the one you like wanted.. or wanted to destroy. These things don't affect you so I don't know much about them. Look." The ghost pointed, there, on the other end of the cave, a snowstorm gathered. A growling of undead hordes. She could see it, the restless dead, in all their usual glory, rotting, hateful of the living, hunting them down? Was that what Ventus had fought against? ..

It didn't seem so as Dasyras eyes fell upon the leader.:

"Strike down these living husks. Take their bones and add them to the army." The Deathknight smirked, seeming at the same time more.. and less of herself than Dasyra had seen ever before. She raised her blade, an undead dragon barely fitting into the cave, rushing forth at her command, through Dasyra for one starting feeling that left a cold tingling, as behind her, the elven defenders screamed in pain.

"You prayed for the lady to protect you.. but do you know what from? Look, no, over there, behind the big bad ones."
The ghost pointed over.

(Ebil theme! )

A slender woman, she seemed almost small, harmless, just another walking corpse, if in better dress and more dried up, but the green fire burning in her eyes told a different story. Compared to the evil spirit in the forest, this creature was a lot worse. Taking measured steps after the Deathknight as the dark hordes were unleashed upon the elven fortress by a swing of Ventus blade. "She did bad things to the one you like. Again and again. Until she wanted to be undead and make others undead. Even if this creature is gone, even if the blade was gone, some..." The ghost hesitated, as the lich stopped, her green glowing eyes wandering towards the two of you for a moment..

The ghost snipped her fingers, grabbing Dasyras shoulder, who felt herself pulled back, somewhat roughly, just as the lichs hands reached out towards the two of them, curiously. "Le.. lets go further back miss!" She determined, the world shifting around her again, with the ghost cuddling up a bit to Dasyra. "That was scary.. I'm.. not doing this to scare you but you need to know about the danger and such." The ghost nodded, the as things around them shifted, and they floated back up. This time, into an elven village, for a moment Dasyra thought herself back at her place of birth, but a quick look around revealed several differences... was this?

"Alright! So.. sorry for the scare. Lets go look for your friend!" The ghost suggested.

You are in a beautiful similiar to the one in Brightwood you grew up in during your youth, but with subtle differences, the green of nature surrounds you too, but the architecture is slightly different. You hear the laughing of children off from a field to your right. An honed instinct of yours warns you there might be more to the spirits words just now than immediatly apparent, once you calm down from the scene of icy death you've just been shown.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Everfrost, guestrooms
Tag: Vel

"Ooh thats what she was doing .. I mean.. I knew that, not bad, you spotted it too, Vel!" Xirce nodded, not missing a beat. "Trust me, I know Ventus from a thing a few years back and she's very hard to thaw." Xirce nodded. "Unless you're some undead maiden talking about eternal love, but hey, to each their kink eh?"

"Bless the union? I can do that? I think I could how did I do that again.." Xirce mused, lazily sitting down in a large chair whilest letting Vel and her aasimar take the bed. As soon as she took place the armor engulfing her undulated slightly, withdrawing with a wet slurping noise.

Ventus Nightsong, Sylvie, Lyra
Her Throneroom
Tag: Kaila, primarly

Sylvie grinned a bit. "Well, aren't you the well mannered one, I'll nudge you down on my posession list for that."

"They are my wifes, kind of, yes, I kind of cuddled Lyra until she gave consent, whilest Sylvie isn't the extremely loving type.. but I deeply care for them nonetheless." The Deathknight nodded, conversing while waiting on Lior to calm and respond. "Bah, I'm not going into any jars. I can just posess one of you sluts after all."

"Oh, well, if I was Xirce I would now say something unproductive like 'Why don't you two have a 'dominate-off' to find out who ends up on top. Anyway, thanks for your early congratulations.. allow us an intimate moment, your celebration can follow after. " The Deathknight shrugged, seeming to prefer a calmer and more cautious approach here.

"Oooh?" Lyra enthused when addressed and hearing about delicious treats, happy to wait, or guide the demoniac along to the kitchen, if nothing else held her back.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Back to the Future
Tag: Madeleine

Dasyra chuckled at Madeleine's casual judgments about duty.

"Duty is linked to love, Madeleine. Duty and love compel a person to think of something or someone beyond themselves. When your mother brought you into the world and gave you life, she probably felt a duty to love you, from the very moment she first held you in her arms. You hadn't done anything at that point except cry and whimper, and soon you would be suckling on her, keeping her from sleep, and making a right awful mess in your nappies. But your mother's duty to you made her love you. And she gladly let that love into her heart. Her motherly duty made it natural. And you sensed that love and returned it. And though the love between a mother and daughter is a common thing - I'd hardly call it boring. Would you?"

The ranger gave the child a wink. Just because this was supposed to teach Dasyra a few things didn't mean she couldn't offer some perspective right back.

Then they switch memories, flying back into the past, and seeing Ventus upon the field of battle, leading the hordes of the undead against her own people - slaying elves and growing the hordes of evil, mindless undead at the expense of their eternal souls. It was chilling to watch, but Dasyra hardened her gaze and found the source of that evil - the lich.

The evil woman turned and her eyes found Dasyra and Madeleine. Sensing them through the shift of time. Dasyra formed a fist. How she would dearly like to destroy this undead - even though apparently the deed had already been done. It was her who had tortured and warped Ventus. She was the curse that Dasyra had promised to undo.

Madeleine was scared however, and brought them away quickly, dropping back further into the past. Into a village that could have been the backdrop of her own childhood, if not for a sleight change in architecture.

"I'm aware of the danger. Thank you for showing me. If you think that powerful magic and potential doom is enough to sway me away, you're mistaken. It makes me angry that such crimes were committed against my people, and worse, that Ventus was corrupted. But I do not put the blame at Ventus' feet.... Where are we now? Is Ventus here? Was this when she was young?"

Dasyra wandered forward, looking around, enjoying bathing in the memory of the sun and trees.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ghost of Abyssmas past
The ether
Tag: Dasyra

"Your kind of duty is strangeee!" The spirit nodded. "Either way. This is super long ago! I've decided to bring you to Ventus childhood, there she is, over there." The ghost pointed, though only in a general direction. Over there were three young elven girls, apparently busied and talking..


"When I'm older, I'll be a great leader of my people!" The blonde girl enthused. She had calm eyes and light blonde hair, looking at the other two, posing confidently. "What about you?"


"I want to be .. I don't actually know. I want us to still be friends!" a more shy appearing red haired elf girl answered first, clearing her throat as if to go on, only to be nudged aside by the third:


"Thats boring! I'll be a great champion and protect our people from all evil! Yeah!" the white haired elf grinned, twirling a toy blade.

Each of these three looked a little like Ventus, but none were exactly like her. Before Dasyra could ponder this though, they turned.

"Oh hey!" The blonde enthused. "Who are you?" The white haired one questioned. "Do you come from here?" The redhead added, all three girls curiously approaching Dasyra, the blonde extending a hand towards her, the redhead observing her from a slight distance, while the white haired one seemed to want to challenge her to a fight.

"Young children can see you, though only those the lady is interested in can see me... so don't talk to me lots or they might think you're all weird!" The ghostly girl by Dasyras side recommended. She seemed to calmly wait and observe for now.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Elven Village in the Past - Hey, am I still naked?!?!
Tag: Elven chilluns

Dasyra nodded in response to Madeleine without responding to her directly and instead approached the three elven children, speaking in her natural dialect. This was awkward... speaking to a child Ventus. Briefly she thought about how one of these children was the one who had very recently fucked Dasyra silly and sideways with a great big futa cock. (And was likely to do so again quite soon.)

"Oh, hello there. I come from a place quite like this. I am a ranger. I serve our people as a scout. My name is... Das. What are your names?"
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ghost of Abyssmas past, Elven girls
The ether
Tag: Dasyra

"Oh hello! I'm Saria! What are you up to today!" The blonde one enthused. "Das? Thats a strange name. I'm Fe'lin" the red head nodded. "And I am Alaya, what do you do as ranger?" The girls looked at her curiously.

"Tzk tzk. The one you like is more than a name, isn't she? The heart of one of those girls is the one who you love, as she once was. Think about what is truly important to you about her and you can find her." The spirit suggested.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

The Ether
Tag: Elf children

"Well, a ranger protects the woods and wanders the land as a first line of defense for our people. It can be a lonely duty sometimes, but it lets me see a lot of nature and I get to wander far and wide and meet many strange new peoples."

Dasyra regarded the three children in turn.

A confident one who sought to lead. Did she know the burden of leadership?

A shy one who was kind, but who might not have the force of will?

A brash but brave one, a gallant. But did she have the wisdom to temper her blade?

Dasyra thought about what she knew of Ventus. Confidence, kindness, gallantry. All three of them shone with parts of the Ventus she knew.

"Hehe, you three all remind me of someone. Tell me a bit more about yourselves." Dasyra sat down against a tree trunk and listened to the three girls. She'd be hard-pressed to choose just yet, but if she had to, she thought perhaps Saria, the first one, might be Ventus, due to her aspirations to lead. Ventus would have been a highborn and known of her duty to her people early on. She would have considered it her duty and resolved to have been the best example she could be for her people.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ghost of Abyssmas past, Saria, Fe'lin and Alaya
The ether
Tag: Dasyra

Saira peeked up when hearing of meeting new people, seeming enthusiastic. Fe'lin nodded sympathetic when hearing of the lonely duty. Alaya meanwhile seemed curious about being the first to defend their people.

"Alright, then, I shall begin! I am Saria and the seers say I have great talent to lead our people in times of need! Thats why I practice and learn to be a great strategist one day! No soldier shall die under my leadership and we shall be victorious, showing others the mastery and elegance of the elven military... not to say I'll be a cruel leader of course, you gotta have a firm hand, making sure to keep your enemies at bay, but without becoming what you fight. I'd love to travel far and meet new people like you, though.. I don't think I'd make for a good ranger.. I am noble born after all. " The blonde explained, a naturally adapt speaker."Fe'lin, you tell her next!" The elf nodded, waving her hand to indicate the redhead by her side.

"A.. alright." The next elf kept her eyes downcast. "I.. guess I could imagine being a ranger if it helps, but I'm afraid of being alone and the seers say I have a rare gift with ice-magic, despite not being a noble born. I'd rather not be in any kind of war. Though those who've shed their blood for us shall never be forgotten, I'd rather wish they could be with us instead. B.. but if I have to, I guess I shall use the might of the ice itself to halt those that would threaten us!" She nodded, taking a step back if Dasyra looked at her for too long.

Meanwhile, Alaya gladly took a step forwards.
"Hoi, hoi! Enough of all this blood shedding, we'll just beat up whoever dares to threaten elvenkind. I'll train myself to one day be a great elven knight, and become nobility, just like you Saria! I wont let Seers tell me what I can or can not be!" She presented her toy-sword. "Not sure about being a ranger.. I think I'd better be a great knight! With the blessings of the elven gods I shall wear the insignia of our people and stop all wicked foes that dare attack our people! My mighty blade will bring swift justice! What about you, why did you chose to be a ranger?" She inquired, crossing her arms confidently.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Kaila, Lior

Asheroth stood inside the large keep, her hands on her knees trying to steady her breathing. Having to sprint in a plate of mail was not the most enjoyable of things, but she wasn't one to complain... out loud.

"I would like mint, if you have it, Madam." The Demoness replies to the ghostly servant, following Ventus up the stairs, sitting down on the chair in front of her, only for Ventus to excuse herself, leaving the rest of the group to themselves. Not in the mood for waiting, she instead gets up to go off on her own devices, locking eyes with Lior for a moment.

"Ah, yes. The Cleric. I apologize for taking so long to address your issues." The Paladin mutters, turning toward the woman, placing a hand on her shoulder. Grasping her divine symbol of Iomedae, she begins her prayer, using her holy magic to clear the fogginess for the priest's mind. "There we have it, how are you feeling?" She asks, a warm smile on her face.

"Oh, i'm sorry, were you speaking to me?" The Paladin says, turning to Kaila. "Something about a banquet, right? I haven't the slightest idea to cook, so I can't help you there."