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Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Lior/Asheroth

"You don't need skills at cooking to obey me or to cut things or help prep stations.," snorts Kaila, "And maybe you can learn a thing or two. Bring Lior, you can fix her head in the downtime. Just keep an eye on her. Alternatively, you can go get sexed up by demons. Always a fun option, but I suspect picking me is one you'll have less moral objection to."

She looks over with a mischievous look and grin. "Of course, I'm also a cruel and capricious mistress so maybe this is all a plot to make you into a cake. Or maybe I've a recipe for paladin pudding. So, you know. Guess it depends who you want to bet on, an arch-succubus or one of her strongest followers, hm?"

She chuckles and starts sauntering after Lyra, humming as she snaps her fingers. "Either way I've got work to do and I'm not going to waste time anymore time in here. You could always wander off on your own or try to escape. It might be a fun after meal diversion, tracking you down and punishing you. I've got a party to plan and arrange, even if me and Lyra have to give this fortress CPR all day I'm going to make this place metaphorically lively! You like fun, right Lyra?"
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Kaila, Asheroth, Xirce, Ventus

All of a sudden they were talking. All of them, talking to each other, over each other it was a general raucous. She tried to piece it together and get a better grip on the situation and the slaves she was supposed to follow but any time she got anywhere there was this sort of static and stabbing pain in her skull. She tried to push it out, and failing that resigned herself to sort of passively watching them like she did when the masters were talking. There was even an instance where it felt like something was reaching out to her, she promptly pushed it away, she didn’t need any more mental disturbances. Besides, something told her it would be best not to be noticed by it for now.

It took her a while for the static to clear enough for her to try and pick out when they were talking about her. It was different than the master’s speech; it wasn’t clear and laced with powerful intent. She gave it her best to at least keep focused on what concerned her. As easy it as it would be to switch back into her slave persona and simply let things happen to her, it didn’t look like that was going to cut it anymore. The two important looking ones were speaking about her now. They were talking about killing her? Some piece of spirit re-ignited at that sentiment. Undead were anathema to the searing light of… There was the static again. Lior winced quietly and tried to listen over the ringing in her ears. So they wanted her to follow them? Good, she could do that. Those were her orders after all. Did she even have a choice? She had never considered that while working for the masters.

Some time later, they had all arrived at what looked to be another great domain in the underdark. The buzzing had faded a bit with time and distance but it was still there, Lior was even more aware of it now that it wasn’t so overwhelming. It was like finally breaching the surface without knowing you were ever underwater. Still, she found herself going along with a giggling at anything they asked of her or whenever they got up to anything naughty~ A cold breeze knocked her out of her musings just before Xirce gave her a little pat on the back. Well, more like her ass.

She rubbed the sides of her arms to try and warm them up. “Doing fine, just a bit chilly! If only this outfit had some fur trim I’d be just fine!” She giggled involuntarily. The cold woman was saying something about fixing her and Lior just nodded along to it tittering between her lightly chattering teeth. Please! Just undo whatever was wrong with her! She was being just a terrible servant all of a sudden!

Now the other demon woman was chatting about her. Lior didn’t like her, she seemed really rude for some reason. She was saying such mean things about Lior and insulting how good a slave she could be! That one kind of hurt but she tried not to let it show. Rather, she did her best to show her indignation behind her cloudy eyes and naturally vacant smile. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to be angry at the prospect of being reprogrammed. It didn’t sit well with her but whenever she tried to get worked up about it, or even feel any sort of resistance rather it just faded away. It was getting rather irritating to be such a prisoner in her own mind but she simply stood there listening with her placid smile and obedient slave posture.

The next thing she knew she was perking up again. Did she space out? “Yay!! New clothes! They better be like super duper hot!” The sugary pep talk felt a bit out of place itself. It was a sticker with the edges peeling up in her mind but every time she tried to pull it off that static came back with a vengeance. She was just resigning herself to another period of mindlessness when the paladin placed a hand on her shoulder and just like that the static was gone..? “Like oh my god, thank you so much!” She exclaimed, shaking the paladin’s hand thoroughly. She could feel her head unfolding before herself as it surged back to capacity. Her mouth still felt like she’d eaten enough sugar cubes to kill a horse but at least she could actually express her thoughts. At least she could have thoughts! “You’re like totally the bestest person ever! Gawd, I still sound like a total ditz though. Giggle, I’ll have to work on that! Now, was there something about a cake? And like it’s totally that bitch Kaila! Looks like you’re still dressing like a total slut huh? And a trashy one at that~”
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Everfrost Bedroom
Tag: Vel and Xirce

Lena's legs kicked a little bit as Vel carried her along, and she squirmed a bit, but didn't really struggle, per se. As they headed to the bedroom, and Vel spoke again, Lena blushed and wiggled some more. "I'm already just as gorgeous. And I'm not an angel, merely a celestial born of a union between a mortal and an angel. And it isn't that angels don't lie, they just don't like to... at least I think that's how my papa explained it to me anyway. I might be wrong," Lena replied, sticking her tongue out at Vel.

"Aw, are you gonna raise me up to be a goddess? I didn't think you thought so highly of me," Lena asked Vel when she asked Xirce to bless their "union" as she'd called it, more trying to tease Vel than anything, as Xirce's armor slid away and whatnot to reveal her nude form, which had Lena's cock even more painfully hard than Vel's thrusting tail. "Who knows... maybe I'll turn the tables on you Vel, and fuck you silly," Lena commented as she was tossed down onto the bed, shaking her head slightly as it was getting a bit muddled with strange lewd thoughts and images of her fucking Vel, and Xirce after fucking Vel into submission, and then strange lewd images entered her mind of her fucking each of her sisters, and then her own mother, the thoughts of which made her incredibly hot and bothered.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Kaila, Lior

Asheroth offers a warm mile to the cleric. "Don't mention it, i'm sure you'd do the same for me." She brightly responds to Lior's praise. "Now, I'm not sure if you caught any of the discussion before? We've been asked to assist in preparing a banquet, for whatever reason. I doubt we have much of a choice, so we should start, eh?"

The Paladin turns to Kaila. "After you. I have yet to be given a tour, so I haven't the slightest hint on where the kitchen is."
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Kaila and Vel
Tag: Xirce and Lena for Vel, Asheroth and Lior for Kaila

Kaila rolled her eyes a bit at seeing Lior start to brain a bit more. "I missed you too, bitch. I'll make sure to aim better this time. And please. You're just mad you don't have the looks to pull this off. Still, evidently you managed to have enough looks to be a mindflayers pet. Wonder how many little brain eating abominations you've given birth too hm? How many of your memories are even your own anymore? Shoulda stayed with us."

She returned her attention to Asheroth. "I'm new here too, I'm just following the lovely Miss Lyra here. I'm not one of Lady Ventus' slaves, that's Miss Lena and Miss Dasyra. Well Lena is ours now. And I guess Miss Dasyra is Lady Dasyra soon after she and Ventus finish consummating their marriage. Which is why we're making a feast. I'm assuming that regardless of our affiliations we can all get on board with the idea of celebrating the idea of love between two individuals, right? I'd like to hope that regardless of our mutual ideologies we can agree on something that fundamental."

Kaila shrugs a bit and looks at the paladin. "But that said, I wasn't joking about your choices. You could go sleep with Lady Xirce and Vel. And you're not my slave so you could go off and do other things but you also have no protection under me if you do. You have choices, you just have to accept the consequences of them. I personally would prefer the help because I genuinely want to encourage anything that helps Lady Ventus be actually happy and enjoy herself. And I need the help to do it properly."

She glances back at Lior. "You on the other hand, do not get a choice. You're helping and if you try to sabotage this, I will destroy you in ways the mindflayers wish they came up with. It'll be good practice for my future goals. Maybe our daughter will be a better student. So, you know. Choices and consequences."

Meanwhile, Vel rolled her eyes. "I don't care what you were. What you are now is our plaything and broodmother. And goddess? Don't flatter yourself. You're more like a sacred cow we're going to make good use of. And please. You're not good enough for that. Stick with targets you can handle."

Vel smirks and begins spinning her tail inside of Lena, drilling it in with a pleased shiver as her hair dove down and began to lap and suck along Lena's cock. "We'll see if I let you use this on anyone but your own family eventually. But right now... I'm going to use you as I want. And if you kick up a fuss, I'll turn you into a doll instead." She holds up a claw, a bit of clear liquid beading on the end.

As she kept Lena pinned under her, she let one of her serpentine hair engulf the angels cock as she forced Lena's mouth against her slit, while two more of her hair began sucking hard on Lena's breasts and forced them together, as she began thrusting her second tail through the cleavage.

"Get to work. I'm not letting you get to the good parts until you show proper obedience to your superiors. But trust me, I'm going to milk you empty before the end of this. When we're done, you'll be singing ours and Nocticula's praises and want nothing more than to bring everyone to the glory of her, and to fill all you meet with demon tainted essence."
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ventus Nightsong, Lyra
Her Throneroom
Tag: Kaila, Lior

Ventus cleared her throat, indicating Kaila calmly. "Please, no jokes about paladin-pudding, we'd not want to intimidate our guests. Paladin who has yet to introduce herself, you are not under my command, so it is upon you if you wish to follow Kailas request, but I have little.. memory of the needs of the living and am needed elsewhere,
so if you were to lend a helping hand I'd be grateful to you."

She focused calm, but powerful eyes upon Lior next.

"Apparently, short of additional clothes, which I am sure Lyra can find for you soon, she seems to be fine. Say what you wish about mindflayers, but they are effective at removing.. disagreement. Well, seeing as I was the commander of this mission.. but got rescued and shall be busy with Dasyra, I'll claim this one, priests can be quite useful to an undead, but I'll leave her in your guiding hands, Kaila. Just make sure she's nicely pliant to commands and don't damage her more than necessary. Xirces lot is always so.. chaotic, I just require your obediance in the trials to come.. oh.. and.. just to make this clear." Ventus inhaled, with a pleasant smile still, looking back to Kaila.

"You seem a creative leader in spirit, but also demonic, I know fully well what this means. Please don't make the mistake of trying to ursurp my authority for yourself. With my blade in hand I'd not be afraid to challenge an aspect of the one you worship." Ventus made sure to stress, before waving her hand to Lyra.

"Go ahead then, my love, preperations are to be made!" The Zombie nodded happily and, at a pace unnatural for these creatures, though not as fast as a normal human being, lead everyone willing to follow along to a kitchen. Which wasn't even far away on the west wing of the fortress.

Was a mess. Not that it had been deliberately left in chaos, it was more the kind of mess you got from centuries of disuse. Apart from a somewhat free stove with a teapot atop of it, most of the room was left in dust and disarray, with just a hint of frost glistening on top.

The same frost had luckily also prevented a lot of supplies from spoiling, some also seemed to be of elvish creation, made for and by creatures that counted years as others counted months, so, suprisingly, it could most definitly be worse, supplies wise.

Lyra presented the kitchen, proudly, then wandered off, to find for Lior:
-A pair of clearly male overalls,
-Three hats, one with military design-elfish design, one suprisingly of Demonic nature, promising to make the abyss great again.
-Her own old robes
-A slightly tattered and frozen over elfish ceremonial armor that she wasn't slender enough to wear. She then looked at Lior with one big, happy eye, as if expecting something.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Everfrost, guestrooms
Tag: Vel, Lena

"Ooh she's a feisty one, sounds as if she might overpower you Vel-vel." Xirce teased, pulling over a little table and unceremoniously dropping her feet ontop of it, reclining lazily.

"Ooh that sounds hot." She added, at the idea of throughoutly corrupting the angel blood, getting.. more comfortable, caressing two fingers along her own pussylips, observing the two. "But seeing how feisty she still is, Vel, I guess you can stop holding back a little." She cooed, "See, lots of faiths try to convert you, some by being nice, some by making you follow their rediculous rules.. though a pious maiden whipping herself when she thinks she displeased you is kind of kinky too.." She pondered about the vunerable Lior for a long moment.

"Oooh thats a kinky idea, hey, Vel, Kaila should still be in telepathy range, eh, why don't you tell her to .. adjust Liors devotness a little by little, her head should all be mushy and malleable right now after all, lets get ourselfs a little preacher whore that piously follows my will and commands, now that'd be kinky, why didn't I think of that sooner.." Xirce suggested, too lazy to get up from watching the erotic display.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Ventus

"Gah I thought you left!," yelps Kaila as she gives a bit of a jump. She grumbles a bit at the claim but shrugs. "I don't think you'll want her, Lady Ventus but if that's your choice I'll leave it to Lady Xirce to dispute or not."

At the threat, Kaila rolls her eyes with a frown. "Lady Ventus, with all due respect, first off, you couldn't beat Our Lady in Shadow. You're an impressive warrior, but she's a demigoddess, soon to ascend to glory. But more importantly, I have absolutely no interest in usurping you. I am not a necromancer. I am alive. You provide a valuable service in your guardianship here. You're, whether you like it or not, someone Lady Xirce considers as close to a friend as Lady Xirce gets by all interpretations. And if I ursurped you, what exactly would I receive? A fortress I'd have to defend, undead I'd have no control of, a cursed sword I can't control? If this accusation wasn't predictably inevitable I'd probably be quite insulted. Believe it or not, I have nothing but good will and desire for you to have a happy and successful unlife and to be friends. And if you don't believe it as something out of my mouth, simply view it as motivated self interest. If you're happy and successful, I don't have to worry about whats on the other side of the fortress. But I'd like to think after all the effort I put into protecting you, your slaves and working towards our shared goal that I would have earned at least a little trust."

She sighs and shrugs. "Such is life though. Believe it or not, I still want what anyone wants. Love, family, loyalty, friends, comfort, safety and so forth. Anyways, you've a fiance to get back to, and I have a feast to make. That clearly is a plot to overthrow you via making you happy. Truly I'm the evilest of masterminds. Until then, Lady Ventus."

She walked after Lyra, with a huff before looking the kitchen over. "...Right... Okay. Ladies, our first task is organisation and cleaning. Lior, get dusting. Asheroth, organise the clutter. I'll get to thawing the oven."

Kaila casts a spell, and summons a few small Fire elementals. "Hello... Individuals of unknown gender. Please thaw out the oven."
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Xirce, Lena

Vel giggles and concentrates a moment telepathy, before blinking. "Kaila says Ventus claimed Lior for herself. And that if you want to contest it, it's on you. She's busy making the giant feast, so it's either she feeds everyone or argues property rights with the lady who's fortress we're in and who's forces surround us. She'd rather be friends."

Vel shrugs a bit. "I ain't holding back, I'm pacing myself. If I go too hard, I might break her in ways I don't want. I'm gonna nut my tail in and all over her a few times before I suck her off with my tits and drill my hair in her. After that... Might flip that table on it's side and use it as a sex toy somehow, hehe."

She continued to thrust her tails fast, the one buried in Lena twisting and drilling back and forth as it thrusts, her moaning pleasedly as she does so. "Yeah, may not have cocks, but my tails like this can get you good and pregnant too. Well. More pregnant, cus I bet an celestial blooded slut like you will ovulate for me on whim. Your... Giving nature, ahaha!"
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ventus Nightsong, Lyra
Her Throneroom
Tag: Kaila

Ventus responded before they departed: "Gods can be made to fear. Infact that was.. the goal of my prior mistress. To destroy all the gods of life.. you simply have to slay all the living. Similiarly each succubus purified would weaken your mistress, but sophistries aside.
I'd like to say that you've earned my trust, but the problem is you aspire to not be someone that can be trusted, but then who am I to talk either way,.. now that I know your reasoning I know not to worry."
She chuckled slightly.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Kaila, Asheroth, Ventus, Clothes Minion

Lior's smile towards Asheroth grew more and more genuine as she spoke with her. She knew that the woman was an outsider to her cult but it had been so long since Lior had known another devoted in the same sort of uplifting way as the paladin that it was hard not to think of her as a sister of the faith. She had to indoctrinate her as soon as she could so that she could finally start sharing the true gospel instead of whatever she had been poisoned to believe so far. But for that... Her belongings! Oh dear oh dear. All of her supplies, weapons, even her holy scripts were still in her sack when she had been taken by the mindflayers. Cake baking would have to wait! Of course, Kaila didn't seem too keen on letting her do her own thing.

"Uh-huh. Of course I'm totally jealous of some third rate demonic whore. I'm like a million times hotter than you even as a mindflayer slave. Now that it's over though I can go back to being like even hotter. I could tell you were always totally checking me out in my bodysuits back in the day." She flipped her hair and stuck her tongue out at her. God, anger was still so hard to hold onto. Whatever they did to her would take some practice (and a lot of prayer) to work out of her system. "Like anything would've been better than sticking around to slut it up with you two skanks. I can't believe you're still licking Xirce's taint like a loyal little whore-hound~" Wow, she never thought she sounded like this much of a bitch before. At least it was a step in the right direction. No need to push her too far though, and baking a cake wasn't the worst thing she could do for these heretics. It might even be fun, certainly more so than whatever Kaila had planned for her. "Don't worry about it. Like, it's all good with me. I might not be lapping your floor cum up like the rest of Xirce's sluts but even I have basic dignity. More so than you I imagine." There! That was it. Just gotta keep a hold of it.

Yet, all semblance of concentration shattered when Ventus dropped Lior off in the care of Kaila. Now not only did the woman have Lior's number, but also the means to really make her life unpleasant. And Lior had just antagonized her. Oh dear, best go with Lyra now. Clothes are always better than Kaila with any shed of power over her. She hastily took back her robes, slipping off the flimsy slave outfit for her reassuring and much warmer clothes. She took a moment to enjoy it, breathing in the scent of the fabric. It was already making her feel more like herself. Wait, what was this? A purple dildo had been hidden (somehow) in her harem outfit. She vaguely remembered it being one of the mindslaving tools. Useful! She slid it into her pocket hopefully without attracting any attention. She leaned down to face Lyra and gently patted and pet the top of her head. ""Thank you so much. But, where did you find these? Could you please bring the rest of it to me? I'd be very grateful if you did." Oh please let this work. Having her holy symbol back would make her so much safer in the company of these monsters. It'd even give her a way out should things start to go south, or to keep her safe from the outside influences she was sure to encounter. And right on queue, Kaila was already ordering her around. Just like old times.

She began the arduous task of dusting... well everything. She took the overalls to use as a makeshift dust-rag as anything else of that nature in the room looked to be just as dirty as the rest of it. There was no way she was going to soil her own outfit especially just after getting it back.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Kaila, Lior

Asheroth exchanged glances with the bickering pair, now realizing the two must of had a prior history together. This was going to be bothersome. Having this kind of friction was unhealthy, especially if they were stuck here.... for the rest of their lives.

"I think i'll just roam around the premises, get a general feel for the keep. If i'm going to be here for any length of time, it'd be better to start now rather than later..." She utters on, her gaze moving to the priest, watching as she started dusting the room with some filthy rag.

"Madam." She starts, placing her hand on Lior's to stop here. "That's no way to clean, please, allow me." The Paladin offers, raising her hand and muttering a simple cantrip to unsoil the 'rag'. "There. Now, if you excuse me I think i'll start exploring..." And on that note, the Paladin left the group, taking a random direction to start walking towards.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag: Asheroth, Lior

Kaila's eyes narrowed at Liors response, before shrugging. "Fine, be that way. In that case you get to watch the rest of us eat. I don't have time to deal with you properly, this is going to take longer than I expected."

She glanced over in surprise as Asheroth left too. "Huh. Gotta admit, didn't think a paladin would turn down helping people. Why does it feel like I'm the good one around here? Fine, whatever, don't need you, I'll just need to make more competent individuals then! Try not to get killed by wraiths. Cus I'm not avenging you."

She grumbles and casts another spell, calling up a dretch, directing him to work.

"Ugh. I'm going to work stress off on your ass later, Lior. But keep working well and maybe you'll get some mercy from me after those comments."
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Tag:Lior, Kaila, Asheroth

The zombiegirl, Lior, pondered a bit, but with a nod and helpful smile wandered off, retrieving the stack of Liors gear that Lena had recovered, happy about, and eager for more pettings as she presented the assembled equippment with a "Daaaaaaaah!"

Kaila uses her unholy magic to sumon one of the lesser demons of hell, a wicked beast with large claws, the epitome of all those brutish souls that like to bully and beat weaker ones for fun..

And orders it to sort kitchen implements. The creature begins sorting the eating utensils from least to most deadly if used to stab someone with, which is a suprisingly effective way of sorting cutlery. It snarls at Lior if she gets close, trying to grab her, not ordered not to rape her after all.

Asheroth meanwhile doesn't feel social or has a clear goal in mind so she steps outside and takes a random direction to walk in. She walks down a corridor with multiple doors leading off into different rooms to her right, ending in a set of double doors that are currently closed and covered in a thin layer of frost. Peeking through the keyhole reveals what seems to be some sort of frozen over church, with the pale elf she had seen earlier laying upon the altair in .. rather revealing attire. Going by where Lior is perhaps the elf is some sort of undead that requires rest in cold church rather than a coffin.

Suddenly, she feels a cold hand upon her shoulder.

"'Tis not good manners to peek, or snoop around. If you had wished information about the layout of this place, you could have come to inquire with me, or let Lyra guide you. So what are you doing, seeking out the fortresses secrets? If Xirce has given her servants as much instructions as she used to, its 'do as I tell you and don't annoy me'. tzk, no wonder you move out of line with so limited guidelines.

In there lays my bride in waiting, lest you wish to join her path to undead, I advice you keep a respectful distance as she holds her prayer."
The deathknight, carrying her sword again was calm and well mannered, but her protective threat thinly veiled as her ice-blue eyes indicated Asheroth.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


Everfrost, guestrooms
Tag: Vel, Lena

"Force, shmorce, Ventus only cares about Liors mind, not her fuckable body, its a sin, I tell you! .. and awww, now that you told me what you'll do its not as fun anymore. Hrmnn..." She crossed her arms."Seduce Lior.. Watch Vel breeding.. Seduce lior.."

She pulled out a coin, flipping it up, watching it land on the ground, in true chaotic, demonic fashion. "Seduce Lior and let you tell me of your breeding funtimes later it is. So if I remember correctly she worshipped some messed up thing already. I could totally change shape myself to appear as a messenger.. uhmnn but I forgot about Liors worship again, was some rather unknown thingie.. perhaps can squeeze that out of Kaila. hrmnn.. pretty sure it was something about brainwashing... a shame I'm so bad at subtly.." Xirce mused, tilting her head, apparently planning aloud, uncaring if Vel and Lena heard her as the demoness first shifted in her seat, then sat down upside down, legs leaning over the chair as she looked at the scene on the bed inversedly.

"Perhaps if I show a sign of her godesses blessing first to lower her guard, then slowly brainwash her into believing I'm actually her godess? I always wanted a cleric of my own.. even if Nocti or the abyss would be granting her spells propably.."
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

The Ether
Tag: Ghost, Saria, Fe'lin and Alaya

"That's quite an expectation our seers have put on you, young Saira. One day, you will learn about the great responsibility of leadership. Remember, you can only do your best. That is all anyone should be able to ask of you. Elvenkind is known for its grace and its wisdom. If you wish to spare soldiers lives, learn much about how to avoid fights unless you have no other choice. And if you must fight, let it be clean and swift, like a ranger's arrow. Rule with wisdom, and you will have my bow to support you."

The ranger then turned to Fe'lin.

"We all have gifts, young one. Yours will serve you will, as will your friends. The strength of our people is in our shared passion. When you cast in protection of those you care for, you will honor us all. The power of winter is uncommon with our folk, but it is to be respected. I am sure I will hear much of your progress, spellweaver."

Finally Dasyra's twinkling eyes fell upon Alaya, the bold warrior.

"No one's fate is set. It is by will alone that we set our minds in motion. I like you, sword elf. Your ambition must be backed up with skill, and tempered with compassion. As much as Saria will wield the sword of leadership, your blade should be drawn only when it must. But train well, so that when you draw it, you are able to conclude the fight quickly."

The ranger drew herself up and gazed down to the three of them. She truly felt that Ventus was in all of them.

"I chose to become a ranger because of my love for the woods, the honor of wielding a bow, the symbol of our people, and the independence and freedom of movement. A ranger's duty binds them to elvenkind, but expects them to travel and be self-sufficient. We scout, we guide, and when called for, we ward off would be intruders before they can approach our villages and bring harm to our non-fighters. It is a sacred responsibility, and an honor for any of our people, attainable through merit, not requiring a noble's blood."

Dasyra glanced to the ghost and wondered if this would only end if she picked one. Alaya was the one who wanted to become a knight, and would have had to do well to earn the title of protector. The next most likely would be Saira, but now that she thought about it, Ventus seemed like a warrior who wasn't given anything easily from life, and while she was skilled in ice magic and capable of sweetness, Fe'lin's timidity struck her as the most distant or hidden qualities that could be possessed by her deathknight mistress.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Ghost of Abyssmas past, Saria, Fe'lin and Alaya
The ether
Tag: Dasyra

The young elven girls grinned at Dasyra, listening curiously, though the ghostly girl interurpted.

"They aren't real real, aren't real unreal. Hmnn.. Well, the other ones wont be nice so I will be!. Your heart felt the right answer, deep down.

And this is what time brought."

The children turned around, continuing their play, as time sped up, shadows racing past, too fast to discern. Dasyra realized she must be watching years pass in mere moments.

"Back then, no one gave Alaya the advice to guard her blade. A shame.. "

Saria and Fe'lin where seen, standing above a grave, at the edge of town. Saria had grown to be a beautiful, dominant leader with calm, blue eyes.

"She was too rash. I should have known she would leave, I should have commanded her otherwise." She sad, solemnly.

Fe'lin sniffed for a moment, but gifted her leader a happy smile, her hair having become to turn white, apparently a side effect of the ice magic she used.

"She is gone now.. and there is nothing we can do. Saria, you are needed to lead us.. but I am disposable. Alaya. I will pick up your sword. I will train to be a knight in your stead.. I'm best at wielding magic that enhanced my weapon anyway."

"If that is your decision, I will honor it. I shall make sure the same that Alaya taught you shall teach you."

"And then, time moved on..." The shadows moved again, rushing past, until finally, there were two graves, and one elf, standing in a cloak, that she finally pulled back.


"Saria.. damn the undead. To cowardly come for our beloved leader.. but were they have striken you down.. I shall succeed. We need a leader as much as we need a fighter right now... I have to do this, for you.

Alaya. Saria, please, give me strength. I'm not a strong, determined fighter, not a great, wise leader.. but I promise, you shall never be forgotten. I'll carry your burden, wield your blade, as long as I draw breath."
She leaned down, kissing the trees.. for following old traditions, elves had no gravestones, but the seeds of a mighty oak planted upon their chest as they died, as the elf turned around.

"Fe'lin the easily scared little girl shall be no more. For you all, I shall be known under a new name, a name that shall bring fear to all those who will hurt our people. Ventus Darkbane." She nodded, white hair flowing behind her, a green cloak billowing, compassionate eyes calm and hand steady as, where just before had stood a sad, scared woman that had lost her friends, a determined leader stood, determined to never lose her companions again. And for a moment, she looked just like a young, living Ventus, well, like Ventus looked when she smiled.

And then the vision faded. Dasyra felt cold, so cold. "While we were gone, your body was dying more." the little girl said, standing in the chapel, looking at Dasyra upon the altair of stone and ice.

"I must go now.. I.. hope you like her a lot ok?" The little girl reached out, caressing a flower in Dasyras hair, a flower that hadn't withered, but was dried up, if none were to touch it, it'd exist in this beauty forever.

Then, the ghost was gone. And Dasyra was left in silence, alone.. dying again, no, dying still.

But just as again, she was thinking she'd finally fall asleep, lose this fight forever, a cheerful voice sounded out.

"Hoi Hoi hoi! Sleepyhead!" A woman with a crown of flowers leaned over her. She was beautiful, cheerful, if she wasn't also see-through one might mistake her for a living. "I haven't missed the timing and you died right? That'd be awkward. Hey! Wanna know about your loves present? I could tell you about your present but its basically summed up in like two sentences and like three different synonyms for the word 'Freezing'" The ghostly woman grinned.
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Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

Everfrost Kitchens
Tag: Kaila, Asheroth, Clothes Minion

"Take care Asheroth. I'm eager to hear what you learn if you wouldn't mind sharing." She said, straightening up from where she was cleaning to face her. She was surprised when the paladin cleansed one of the rags that may have been used for this take so long ago. "Thank you again, I suppose I'll be owing you a favor then." She gave her a wink as she left. Already so helpful! She'd do great under Lior's guidance.

Of course, then Kaila chimed in with some rather sour comments about Lior's handiwork and the obviously understated punishments she had lined up for her. "Oh and like I'm not doing anything? If you haven't noticed I'm actually doing my job while your demons take care of your share miss holier-than-thou. You'll keep any and all of your- and your minions appendages away from my ass until I say otherwise." Lior huffed and went back to her work, careful to keep her distance from the monster giving her the evil eye. It was hard to really get much work done with one eye always on the growing number of threats in the room and without Asheroth to step in anymore she was on her own. She just hoped Kaila didn't realize it any time soon.

Fortunately it wasn't long before her first undead friend returned with a sack of her belongings! She pulled her into a short hug, ruffling the girl's hair with a genuine smile. She hastily hooked the sack on her belt and tucked her holy symbol away in case of emergency. She didn't need anyone to know she had this just yet. It was the first step into actually establishing a foothold among her many targets. She wondered, would undead make for good servants to the goddess of conquest? She'd have to ask the next time she had the opportunity. She could now, with her holy texts and materials but she still had a job to do.

She scrubbed hard at the accumulated rust, frost, and dust that had accumulated over the years. The part that ate up the most time was cleaning the rag after every couple of surfaces. There was plenty of ice but no water, and even if she did fetch a bucket it wouldn't take long to freeze over she reckoned.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character

The Ether/the Chapel
Tag: Ghosts

Dasyra watched the following scenes with sadness in her heart for the poor, elven girl loyal to her friends, who had to watch them die in the line of their ambition. It was odd to see the young Fe'lin slide into her role as Ventus, swearing off her old life to adopt the duties of her friends. There was no obligation under her people's traditions to do such a thing, but it seemed that Ventus' feelings for her friends were strong enough that she wanted them to live on in her actions. So it was that the hero she had become was an amalgamation of all three, like the ranger had initially observed.

The ghost girl brought Dasyra back, and the elf found herself back in her freezing, dying body. She didn't have the ability to murmur her thanks to the ghost of past events, but she made some thoughts of appreciation. She did indeed feel closer to Ventus now. A deeper level of insight had been graced to her, and she felt more comfortable now that she was serving this mistress.

She felt like sleeping again, and nearly drifted off into her death, until she was interrupted by a second ghost.

"... yes..."
Dasyra struggled to answer. She did want to know more about her love, and she wanted the messengers of Evening Glory to tell her what she needed to know, so that she did not succumb to being an evil undead. That would be the worst tragedy of all, to lose herself completely to unholy desires.

Show me. She thought.
Re: Trapped in the Underdark - In Character


The Ghost of Abyssmas Present
The Chapel
Tag: Dasyra

"No please? No thanks, oh, right, I started the bad manners now that I think of it, I'm Ultay Liamorra, don't try to pronounce my name, language long dead.

So I'm actually a pretty powerful spirit but I took time out of my schedule to come see you, you should be like.. yay.. oh hold on."
She touched Dasyras shoulder, once more pulling her spirit out. On closer examination the white dressed beauty was also holding a chandelier, though the candles had mostly burned down already. Her other hand was empty, but gesturing enthusiastically.: "Now lets try again.. YAY!!!

... Are you scared of dying?"
She suddenly shifted in tone.

"Don't be scared, don't be afraid, fear is bad. Let us look at why you are afraid." She waved her hands, as they began to glow..".. what, did you expect to travel somewhere? We're already in the present, I'm the spirit of the present, by the way, we don't have long, its almost midnight and.. weeeell, you wanna be better when I have to go, anyway.

Tell me why you are scared. Are you scared of Ventus? You know she has other lovers, strays, she picked up, fragments of things she clings to and tries to protect.. why,.. no idea, I can't see the past or future, not my thing. Or perhaps you are scared of..."
The ghost waved a hand, an image of Ventus sword appearing.

"Yikes.. nasty thing that one.."