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RPG RPG Maker NTR [U-ROOM] Thug Hero Party / 外道勇者一行 (RE162946, RJ162946)

Nuclear Reactor

Demon Girl Pro
Mar 31, 2011
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Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Not as good as nanahayo but i still can tap for the art :D


Demon Girl
Dec 26, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

where is full save :(
I'm in ending 4
I think I was missed something.


Jungle Girl
Apr 17, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

how do you beat the shirtless kind-of-fat-but-muscular boss? X_X


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 20, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

how do you beat the shirtless kind-of-fat-but-muscular boss? X_X
With Imosu? I don't think you're supposed to beat him. Once you lose enough times Imosu gives up and Aina will get rescued by the super hero team.


Mystic Girl
Oct 17, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Anyone got a full save for this? Gameplay is boring, but i really like the art style.


Sex Demon
Jul 23, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Anyone got a full save for this? Gameplay is boring, but i really like the art style.
my saves:

btw, news:






seems that the dev will add 2 new ending, new cg and little other stuff.
patch estimated in late january/february


Demon Girl
Dec 1, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Story overview: You're Imosu, a guy who works as an alchemist with his sister Tori. The world is defended from monsters by people blessed by dragons. Your childhood friend (Roteia?) who you are more or less mutually in love with is one such person, blessed with the power of lightning. Another such person is the main antagonist (Balges?) who is blessed with the power of earth, giving him immense physical strength. Other chars: Ina, another friend blessed with power of ice; Ace, secondary antagonist blessed with wind who is Balges' lackey; another dude whose name I forget blessed with fire.

Anyway, typical NTR story of the super powerful but corrupt Balges who uses his power for his own personal gain under the pretense of defending the world. Imosu, the weak normal guy, is powerless to stop Balges' advances on his childhood friend, and she gets NTR'd regardless of your choices or actions.

The white girl is Berunihito. From what I can gather, she's an artificial dragon who ended up becoming the "maou." She grants Imosu power as he falls into despair. If you don't follow her when she appears in front of you, you are locked into endings 1 or 2. If you follow her, you then need to accept power from her when she appears again (or again you're locked into endings 1 or 2). After that, you need to listen to her whispers while overlooking the cliff after Roteia gets NTR'd (or again...yeah). After that, you become blessed with the power of darkness and can exact your revenge on Balges. You can choose either to kill him or spare him, which lead to endings 3 and 4, respectively. The fight with Balges isn't that hard, just level to around 30 or so (after gaining power, no point levelling when you're weak as hell) and spam the dragon eggs which fully heal you whenever you get low.

Ending 1: Loser ending. Ignore Berunihito when you first see her, choose not to accept power from her, or ignore her whispers when overlooking the cliff after Roteia is NTR'd. View the recording crystal of Roteia having sex while pregnant and giving birth, then go insane and die alone in the forest

Ending 2: Villager ending, same as 1 except you choose not to watch the crystal and live a normal, peaceful life

Ending 3: Revenge route death. You kill Balges, but in doing so get rid of the source of your power (extreme hatred and resentment). Roteia shows up, laments what you've become, and kills you, saying that she's pregnant with Balges' child and she'll happily raise her child in a peaceful world without the maou.

Ending 4: Revenge route life. You defeat Balges, but decide he's no longer significant and spare him. You save Berunihito from the other heroes, and the two of you live in peace in the mountains.

There is no way to prevent Roteia from being NTR'd nor is there a way to redeem her. It actually ticked me off a lot that there wasn't at least one route in which you could save Roteia/Tori/Ina, but hey, that's the story. There's some pretty dark stuff, too. When Balges succeeds in NTRing Roteia (she and Ina were blessed with virgin protection magic, which is why there are so many scenes of them before actually having sex since he needs to make her want it on her own), Imosu is actually locked in the adjacent room for three days where he's forced to watch/listen to them have sex. I do enjoy NTR, but even I had some dark feelings after finishing this game.

Edit: According to the post above this one, devs plan to add two more endings, so hopefully they add one such ending where Roteia/Tori/Ina are redeemed. It kind of sucks that when there's a decent story involved you kind of get attached to the main character and feel sorry for him. Unlike most NTR main chars Imosu does try his damndest (tries like 390285 times to save Ina, which is completely impossible, I've tried, the mercenary can't be reduced to 0 life), but he's just completely powerless.
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 20, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Story overview: You're Imosu, a guy who works as an alchemist with his sister Tori. The world is defended from monsters by people blessed by dragons. Your childhood friend (Roteia?) who you are more or less mutually in love with is one such person, blessed with the power of lightning. Another such person is the main antagonist (Balges?) who is blessed with the power of earth, giving him immense physical strength. Other chars: Ina, another friend blessed with power of ice; Ace, secondary antagonist blessed with wind who is Balges' lackey; another dude whose name I forget blessed with fire.

Anyway, typical NTR story of the super powerful but corrupt Balges who uses his power for his own personal gain under the pretense of defending the world. Imosu, the weak normal guy, is powerless to stop Balges' advances on his childhood friend, and she gets NTR'd regardless of your choices or actions.

The white girl is Berunihito. From what I can gather, she's an artificial dragon who ended up becoming the "maou." She grants Imosu power as he falls into despair. If you don't follow her when she appears in front of you, you are locked into endings 1 or 2. If you follow her, you then need to accept power from her when she appears again (or again you're locked into endings 1 or 2). After that, you need to listen to her whispers while overlooking the cliff after Roteia gets NTR'd (or again...yeah). After that, you become blessed with the power of darkness and can exact your revenge on Balges. You can choose either to kill him or spare him, which lead to endings 3 and 4, respectively. The fight with Balges isn't that hard, just level to around 30 or so (after gaining power, no point levelling when you're weak as hell) and spam the dragon eggs which fully heal you whenever you get low.

Ending 1: Loser ending. Ignore Berunihito when you first see her, choose not to accept power from her, or ignore her whispers when overlooking the cliff after Roteia is NTR'd. View the recording crystal of Roteia having sex while pregnant and giving birth, then go insane and die alone in the forest

Ending 2: Villager ending, same as 1 except you choose not to watch the crystal and live a normal, peaceful life

Ending 3: Revenge route death. You kill Balges, but in doing so get rid of the source of your power (extreme hatred and resentment). Roteia shows up, laments what you've become, and kills you, saying that she's pregnant with Balges' child and she'll happily raise her child in a peaceful world without the maou.

Ending 4: Revenge route life. You defeat Balges, but decide he's no longer significant and spare him. You save Berunihito from the other heroes, and the two of you live in peace in the mountains.

There is no way to prevent Roteia from being NTR'd nor is there a way to redeem her. It actually ticked me off a lot that there wasn't at least one route in which you could save Roteia/Tori/Ina, but hey, that's the story. There's some pretty dark stuff, too. When Balges succeeds in NTRing Roteia (she and Ina were blessed with virgin protection magic, which is why there are so many scenes of them before actually having sex since he needs to make her want it on her own), Imosu is actually locked in the adjacent room for three days where he's forced to watch/listen to them have sex. I do enjoy NTR, but even I had some dark feelings after finishing this game.

Edit: According to the post above this one, devs plan to add two more endings, so hopefully they add one such ending where Roteia/Tori/Ina are redeemed. It kind of sucks that when there's a decent story involved you kind of get attached to the main character and feel sorry for him. Unlike most NTR main chars Imosu does try his damndest (tries like 390285 times to save Ina, which is completely impossible, I've tried, the mercenary can't be reduced to 0 life), but he's just completely powerless.
From the blog posts, I think he's planning on making updates over the next few months. And I think there's a good chance of Ina/Aina getting some new scenes at least, hopefully with you rescuing her. Frankly I think she got the worst end of all the girls. At least your sister is enjoying herself.

I've actually come close to emptying the mercenary's HP bar. He kept healing himself so much that it emptied his MP bar. Too bad a few bad turns and enemy crits ended my run.


Demon Girl
Dec 1, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

From the blog posts, I think he's planning on making updates over the next few months. And I think there's a good chance of Ina/Aina getting some new scenes at least, hopefully with you rescuing her. Frankly I think she got the worst end of all the girls. At least your sister is enjoying herself.

I've actually come close to emptying the mercenary's HP bar. He kept healing himself so much that it emptied his MP bar. Too bad a few bad turns and enemy crits ended my run.
I fought him when I had both Imosu and Grey in my party spamming the 1000 damage item, he can't be reduced to zero health.

Anyone got a full save for this? Gameplay is boring, but i really like the art style.
Don't even really need more than one save. Play through and get any ending and you access the recollection room where you can unlock any scene even if you haven't seen it.
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Demon Girl Master
Nov 16, 2014
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Just beat the game. All I can say is that the game's so over the top in hammering the notion of how useless and weak you are that it almost comes across as satire of that aspect of NTR. Really wasn't sure if I should be laughing or crying, especially when they finally drew in eyes for the MC.

Compared to Bad End Collector, the scale of the game is much smaller (since it's just all about you getting NTRed), and story in general feels inconsequential. The H scenes feel much more in-depth though, since there's less characters to go around and thus more focus.

And in regards to a "theme" as mentioned in the above posted author comments, if we combine this with Bad End Collector, it seems to just simply be "Shit happens, but not everything has to be doom and gloom." Which is kind of a hard theme to get across when the story's hammers the aspect of how useless you are while getting NTRed for 3/4 of the story. But I haven't seen the Set Room stuff, so hell if I know what the writer was trying to get across.


Tentacle God
Sep 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

New versions? OK I'll wait for them before continuing then :)

But I haven't seen the Set Room stuff, so hell if I know what the writer was trying to get across.
That's well done NTR, nothing more than that IMO.
And that's awesome (if you're into it of course).


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Im just curious towards the people who enjoy ntr genre, if i ntr their loved ones away will they enjoy it alot? lol...


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Nov 20, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Lots of reasons. Some people self insert as the bull, stealing away some girl from some beta. Some self-insert as the girl, whose morals get tested and ran to the ground then turns into a cock-loving slut. Then there's the people who actually derive pleasure from having their chosen partner get porked by someone else.

Different strokes for different folks. And besides, can't you enjoy 2D hentai like this without applying it in real life? Does that mean every lolicon/NTR lover/2D rape enthusiast actually do it and enjoy it in real life as well?


Demon Girl
Dec 1, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Im just curious towards the people who enjoy ntr genre, if i ntr their loved ones away will they enjoy it alot? lol...
Damn, don't understand close-minded people on hentai forums. One would think that once you've gotten to the point that you browse hentai forums you'd understand people have different interests even if they don't coincide with your own. I'm not homosexual but I understand that's just how some people's brains are wired so I don't question it, I'd think that would apply to any sexual inclination.


Tentacle God
Sep 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Im just curious towards the people who enjoy ntr genre, if i ntr their loved ones away will they enjoy it alot? lol...
Nope, a fantasy where you have a male MC that is ntred, is something that I really appreciate. Especially if he doesn't knows that he is ntred and you only see the gradual corruption of his loved one without even noticing it as an mc (but as a reader you see the change).
In reality that would be too sad for my heart :(.

I enjoy killing people in GTA, but I'm not a crazy psycho in RL. Same with enslavement games, I would be horrified and disgusted in RL.

Fantasy =/= reality as always :)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Lots of reasons. Some people self insert as the bull, stealing away some girl from some beta. Some self-insert as the girl, whose morals get tested and ran to the ground then turns into a cock-loving slut. Then there's the people who actually derive pleasure from having their chosen partner get porked by someone else.

Different strokes for different folks. And besides, can't you enjoy 2D hentai like this without applying it in real life? Does that mean every lolicon/NTR lover/2D rape enthusiast actually do it and enjoy it in real life as well?
Damn, don't understand close-minded people on hentai forums. One would think that once you've gotten to the point that you browse hentai forums you'd understand people have different interests even if they don't coincide with your own. I'm not homosexual but I understand that's just how some people's brains are wired so I don't question it, I'd think that would apply to any sexual inclination.
Nope, a fantasy where you have a male MC that is ntred, is something that I really appreciate. Especially if he doesn't knows that he is ntred and you only see the gradual corruption of his loved one without even noticing it as an mc (but as a reader you see the change).
In reality that would be too sad for my heart :(.

I enjoy killing people in GTA, but I'm not a crazy psycho in RL. Same with enslavement games, I would be horrified and disgusted in RL.

Fantasy =/= reality as always :)

I appreciate the examples provided by comradered and manamana.
People seems to have the misconception that im close minded.

My example i admit is poorly constructed without giving much thought to it that it might offend them or peg me as close minded.

Like i stated that i was curious, means that i want to know more about the genre and the people who enjoy them so that i might enjoy it and if im doing something wrong that doesn't make me enjoy them. Like they have some method of enjoyment from the examples above.

Since plain ntr is not illegal (not that i know of if they are willing) irl, unlike rape, kidnapping and pedophillia etc.
Do the people who enjoy them are also masochist? There are like 3 or more type of ntr genres, which of them do they enjoy most? Do they find pleasure from heartache or do they not feel heartaches at all like they are diagnosed with some kind of mental illness or maybe the heartache is not the main focus of the enjoyment of this genre.

Well, it doesn't hurt to learn a new fetish right?lol


Tentacle God
Sep 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Do the people who enjoy them are also masochist?
I like games that have women who have personality (ie not the meek, gentle ones) and become gradually corrupted, so maybe masochist yeah, at least in an NTR kind of pleasure? :p
A good example of that is if you want to try? Or maybe the ?
But I also love games, when you basically enslave women in a sadist way...?
So I like both I guess, as long as the female character is proactive in any way. Like I said, not into gentle types, they bore me.

There are like 3 or more type of ntr genres, which of them do they enjoy most?
Assuming the 3 types are:
-A. consensual NTR, the woman willingly have sex with the netori guy and enjoys it more and more as the story advances.
-B. "semi-rape" NTR, the woman is forced in any way to have sex with the netori guy, same consequence as the first one.
-C. rape NTR, the woman is forced to have sex, but never enjoys it any way.

I love A and B, but I'm not into C at all, for me NTR is more psychological than physical.

Do they find pleasure from heartache or do they not feel heartaches at all like they are diagnosed with some kind of mental illness or maybe the heartache is not the main focus of the enjoyment of this genre.
Yep, at least for me. The fact that something is going on but don't know why? The fact that as a reader you see the changes in the woman, but the mc is too naive to understand?
And nope, I'm perfectly fine mentally :D


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

I like games that have women who have personality (ie not the meek, gentle ones) and become gradually corrupted, so maybe masochist yeah, at least in an NTR kind of pleasure? :p
A good example of that is if you want to try? Or maybe the ?
But I also love games, when you basically enslave women in a sadist way...?
So I like both I guess, as long as the female character is proactive in any way. Like I said, not into gentle types, they bore me.

Assuming the 3 types are:
-A. consensual NTR, the woman willingly have sex with the netori guy and enjoys it more and more as the story advances.
-B. "semi-rape" NTR, the woman is forced in any way to have sex with the netori guy, same consequence as the first one.
-C. rape NTR, the woman is forced to have sex, but never enjoys it any way.

I love A and B, but I'm not into C at all, for me NTR is more psychological than physical.

Yep, at least for me. The fact that something is going on but don't know why? The fact that as a reader you see the changes in the woman, but the mc is too naive to understand?
And nope, I'm perfectly fine mentally :D

Thank you for your time for typing this, U-Room is one of my earlier circles that i support, I just want to know how to bring myself to enjoy this latest game.
If i still can't stomach it after trying out those games you suggested, i don't think i ever can. Lol.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 22, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

Only ntr i love is when i dont like the person being ntred from.
Like doraemon's nobita. LOL. He is the worst kind of boy there is, everytime i watched that show, he never fail to piss me off by being retarded and selfish(so much so that i wanted him to experience extreme suffering and pain).
Oh how i wish such a doujin game exist about him.


Sex Demon
Jul 23, 2010
Reputation score
Re: [U-ROOM] 外道勇者一行

bump, update today;

google trasl. -> "The contents added: We added the story ending."

ok lets find the new content