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Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project


Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Holy shit, preview was like *OMG ALIENS are here, where is my pulse rifle*
No srsly, it is even worse than azurezero's stuff, its Mefisto Kunoichi Ninpocho level.


Aug 28, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

This is called healthy criticism. :D


Jungle Girl
Jun 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

well there is a demo on the way, with limited hentai and stories. So I'll post it when he's finished, since kickstart doesn't allow adult stuff, it would be on his site



Tentacle God
Jan 5, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

well there is a demo on the way, with limited hentai and stories. So I'll post it when he's finished, since kickstart doesn't allow adult stuff, it would be on his site

LMFAO I thought the name Umichan sounded familiar! I played spiralvortexplay games before, specially the Umichan: Meiko and the Vandread Love Quest games. VLQ was actually the very last flash based dating SIM game I've played.

Ok, that made the decision for me. I'll be supporting this game.


Jungle Girl
Apr 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Wouldn't Offbeatr make more sense for this rather than Kickstarter?


Demon Girl Pro
Jul 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Game looks like total crap XD

Edit:after I linked the trailer to a friend, he bursted out laughing so I had to watch it fully and ye right it was total crap ^^
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Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

That's too much, even if its porn, 30% is just too much.
it doesnt actually see that much to me... wouldnt people just adjust the pledge amount accordingly?


Apr 19, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

Don't like what I'm seeing so far... though I might be biased, since the art style is not even my preferences :D


Tentacle God
Apr 10, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

at first I was WTF is with the eyes.....and bouncing boobs for no reason? but the art style did grow on me a bit by the end of the vid. needs a demo so we can see what is going on, or at lest some more info.


Jungle Girl
Jun 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

demo is on the way fellllassss... Ill post it on 1st page when it is done


Demon Girl
Dec 14, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

it doesnt actually see that much to me... wouldnt people just adjust the pledge amount accordingly?
30% increase in pledge would mean the total pledge would be around $4800 instead of $3800.
That makes it a pretty big difference and me as a person who back projects on kickstarter rather see the majority of the money go to development instead of a massive sum like 30% of whatever goes to site owners.


Tentacle God
Feb 22, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

30% increase in pledge would mean the total pledge would be around $4800 instead of $3800.
That makes it a pretty big difference and me as a person who back projects on kickstarter rather see the majority of the money go to development instead of a massive sum like 30% of whatever goes to site owners.
i misread the pledge amount... i thought this was a waste when i thought it was only 300usd


Demon Girl
Dec 14, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

demo is on the way fellllassss... Ill post it on 1st page when it is done
in a week or so?

From his site:

Vortex00 February 16, 2014 at 8:39 pm

Just got back working on this stuff. I’m working a demo with all the updated graphics and stuff. I have to think about I want to do this. But the hentai will separated from this demo for sure. trying to finish this tonight.

And that was two days ago...
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Tentacle God
Jun 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

but the art style did grow on me a bit
Like a tumor?

I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. It's not like it's the worst art that I've seen, but now it's gotten to the point where it's kind of funny to joke about this game...


Demon Girl
Apr 17, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

The main problem would be that this guy never actually finishes anything. This thing has been in progress for like 3 years already and just now he's asking for money. Nevermind that the art hasn't improved or maybe gotten worse since the old games.

To be honest, I feel as though the creator may be using donations as an alternative to hosting the game on a paysite to earn cash just in case pirates leak it to the outside (nice idea but this may prevent you from earning more than you could have) and not actually use the money to improve on the quality, especially considering how far he/she has gotten and the large sum being asked for.
I'm pretty sure this is the case actually.


Demon Girl
Dec 14, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

The main problem would be that this guy never actually finishes anything.
You might be right :/ The demo he was talking about for 2 or 3 days ago is still not out. Was hoping to see the demo for the game to know what to expect.

But I will keep my thumbs up for the guy because I'm getting myself hyped for the game. Looking at his character development and tried out his other games it looks pretty good for being a one man show.


Jungle Girl
Feb 18, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

To those not familiar with my work (which obviously is pretty much everyone here), the game is meant to be silly and fun. boobs super jiggly like crazy for no reason and silly goofy facial expressions are part of all my Umichan games. It is intentionally goofy like this. I mean geezus christ guys, lighten up a bit.

[demo links]

thank you for all the comments, both positive and negative. I also take negative comment as positive.(most of the time)

jiggly boobs will be able to be switched on or off.

Alright yes I got the message loud and clear. I will make the eyes smaller thanks.

this game has straight and yuri stuff in it.

I also now have a $15 option that has the mousepad included, however,

if people here are interested in this game I can take if off kickstarter and put it on offbeatr. please suggest what you think I should do.


I cant help but think this might benefit from more retro pixel graphics (except for when talking to someone)... the art is a bit odd...that running minigame looks especially weird

I plan to replace that running part with the running from the scrolling photo minigame.
Though I find it amusing playing a few pixel games, it really isn't my cup of tea to actually make them. at least that is how I feel currently.

but if fails to mention one of the most important aspects: the hentai.
read -> @EVERYONE
hentai minigame will be in various locations. For this demo purpose however, I have them split.

The game is like back in the old days when newgrounds was still fairly new with all these date sim.

Indeed, And I'm just making a more fun version of those old classic date sims.

There's also some major "same face" syndrome going on with all the girls.

26+ characters in the game and it is just me going at this alone. so I have to "same face" like a mofo in this game, sorry. It would be different if I had a team of artists. Please understand that each character is still very different from each other.
also read @azurezero

@Axel Delerose
I'm gonna come off completely blunt (apologies on how this sounds.)

Being blunt is good. Don't need to apoogize for anything. Not being honest in critique is the worst thing you can possibly do, aside from not commenting at all.
read -> @EVERYONE

(nice idea but this may prevent you from earning more than you could have)

how do you figure that? because kickstarter? Also I am not a world renown artist. Plus I'm trying to stay away from static still images you are used to seeing in sim games. I can do that stuff but that is not what I want to do here.

Axel Delerose is right. How did u get around this?

It is not as if this is the first occurrence of this happening.

Once the kickstarter crew sees the video its going down.

kickstarter games go through approval process. I'm sure the staff watched the video just like anyone else.

OMG ALIENS are here
read -> @EVERYONE

Wouldn't Offbeatr make more sense for this rather than Kickstarter?


so I had to watch it fully and ye right it was total crap ^^

Excuse me but please realize that you and your little buddy don't have a valid opinion of any game before playing it. And you are a dumbass if you think otherwise, and that is putting it nicely.

That's too much, even if its porn, 30% is just too much.
this ^

since the art style is not even my preferences
working on it. mainly just the face. since it is "alien"

but the art style did grow on me a bit by the end of the vid. needs a demo so we can see what is going on, or at lest some more info.

imo the most intelligent post so far. This guy has the right idea at the very least. This game is very different from what is normal. yes it seems most of my stuff will need to grow on people before they really "get it". Unideal for trying to get something funded as I now realize.

The main problem would be that this guy never actually finishes anything. This thing has been in progress for like 3 years already and just now he's asking for money. Nevermind that the art hasn't improved or maybe gotten worse since the old games.

sorry but this a completely false statement about me.
I have finished every game I have started. And I just started a game called ARIA because this one is nearing completion.
And dude while my art is not the best in entire damn world, it has improved a whole hell of a lot. I would be offended, but this is the internet :rolleyes:


I started VandreadLQ in '07 dude. finished in 2010. 3 years
And this game is larger in scale and it is not a 3 person team like in vandread.
year 4 and I am almost at some final release. It is not a bad as you pretend that it is. But this will be my last long term project for a while.

You might be right :/
He is 100% wrong. and I intentionally didn't post the demo on my site because of this very thread. I finished it two days ago.


It is amazing what art quality bar you guys compare me to in terms of art. I had this one person link me to some art that was collaborated on by 5 different people and said, my stuff should look like that.

You are probably used to seeing art ripped from games made by professional japanese studios or made a from teams of artists that draw for a living with these style games. Sorry here it is just me. And i don't draw to much for the very same reason people are commenting on here. While I very much appreciate all of the comments. I'd say I'm doing pretty damn good for myself.

The picture on the mousepad too me two whole weeks to draw. I can't draw like that for the hundreds of images required for this game.


Tentacle God
Apr 10, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Umichan Maiko Class Cheat kickstart hentai project

well I'm pretty impressed now with the demo/s. the main game has a lot of things going on already for it being a demo, some of the conversations do need a bit of work but nothing that is game braking....well other then being able to re-talk to a person to boost relationship lvl. I like the 1st person set up, I hope you take it further and make a optional 1st person view for some of the sex. only thing I'd truly like to see is there be a AI were it doesn't seem like I have to do all the work, something more going on were they interact with each other positively and negatively.