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ACT [ Unholy Production ] UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

it's kinda surprising that you don't have that .dll. A whole bunch of games require it. I've got at least three games that came with it.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I've done this whole .dll thing several times and it still won't work. It keeps saying the .dll is missing when I just put it there for the fourth time. T.T
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I get a box saying
This application has failed to start because d3dx9_39.dll was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

When I click on the .exe application for the game in its winrar folder.

I've done this whole .dll thing several times and it still won't work. It keeps saying the .dll is missing when I just put it there for the fourth time. T.T
Instead of blithely popping files into Windows/system32...

Try . That's what that DLL is part of, after all.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Ah. Derp. I'm not sure whether to feel stupid or relieved now. Thanks. X)
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Well, the .zip file won't let me open it, saying it's damaged or in an unknown format...

Any ideas what's going on?
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

As far as trying to open it and it saying its corrupt and what not just rename it or use 7-zip (much better program in my opinion) and it should open no problem. It mainly does that because of the japanese characters in its name.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Fucking IGPlayer fatal error. I hate this thing and can never seem to fix it.

< IGPlayer Fatal error. Shutting down. >
There was an error selecting and acquiring the device.

Like I said, I haven't been able to fix this in the past. Any idea what might be happening here? I'm going to try it on my windows machine when I get home in a few days; my suspicion is Parallels doesn't like the video.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

I love this game. For a WIP it has a good degree of challenge as well as an impressive array of character rapes and other game over type stuff, like the Une transformation.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

There is a great deal of potential here, I am quite excited about further development of this feature
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Awesome game seriously well done. I hope it gets finished in the future.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

if only it had an xp system so you could level your attk range and dmg and resistance... seems how im too lazy and arrogant to look into it on my own, anyone know how much more will be in the final product or how often the game is updated?
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

if only it had an xp system so you could level your attk range and dmg and resistance... seems how im too lazy and arrogant to look into it on my own, anyone know how much more will be in the final product or how often the game is updated?
Errrrr no thanks. I like it without the XP system and if one was implemented, the game would take even longer to reach completion. And as loli stated, the man doing this game is taking it easy and going slow, so don't expect frequent updates.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

For now it's old style castelvania with no exp, skill > grind.:)
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

>plays game for like an hour before completing
>re-reads first post
>"Left shift to teleport backwards slightly"
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

And as loli stated, the man doing this game is taking it easy and going slow, so don't expect frequent updates.

Although, the creator is currently doing a poll on what kind of ending the second boss ('raptor') should have...or rather, having just checked, it looks like that poll JUST ended, so sorry to all who missed it. The results are in, but I don't remember how to read the top choice; nevertheless, the creator now has a little more to work with, having clearance to move on with the second boss and beyond.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Ok, I could only this in so long... THIS GAME IS WHAT CRACKLEVANIA SHOULD HAVE BEEN!!!! This game is Cracklevania's potential, amped up times 11 (bonus points to anyone who gets the reference to the online game)
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Not sure of the online game, but the game is referencing the mock-umentory 'This is Spinal Tap' about a fictious metal band that later became a semi-real band a few years after the movie became a cult hit.

Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Bit off-topic, but I'm pretty sure the 'death' guy that people are referring to is a Necromancer (Nameless Island).

Btw, thanks for the great upload! There needs to be more H-vania like this and Nightmare Sphere.
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Not sure of the online game, but the game is referencing the mock-umentory 'This is Spinal Tap' about a fictious metal band that later became a semi-real band a few years after the movie became a cult hit.

yes, This is Spinal Tap does set everything to 11... But I swear I saw at least one other person on this forum that plays Billy vs. Snakeman...
Re: UnHolY SaNctuaRy

Well I reinstalled DirectX as suggested but when I bring up the game I get a window saying it can not open the texture file over and over again or something. DX

Is it due to the regional settings and moonspeak?

EDIT: Nevermind. I just had to click on load game and not new game. :confused:

I guess he hasn't gotten anything up for after the raptor yet because after I beat him it just stops, with nowhere to go or anything. Which is from a previous saved game on the exe. Still haven't found the plant boss.
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