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Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six winced as the sunlight poured into her eyes, causing her tail to twitch in agitation as she waits to focus her sight a bit more. When she was much more accustomed to the view, she glanced about, eying the streets.

The building with clothes would be almost useless to her, considering her current state, though with an afterthought she debated looting it anyway to find something to carry her findings easier. She didn't need much food now, after gorging on the bear earlier and the other creatures... assistance, she thought with a deeper flush. The iron door intrigued her, and considering the state of decay she may be able to find a alternate entry into the house with it. The pub again may not be useful, due to the lack of need for food and how often they brought in ruffians, even without being decayed. She made mental notes of the two streets before starting to slide from the hole properly, feeling highly exposed for a few moments thanks to the fresh light coming down.

She swiftly made her way to the shadows near the iron-doored building, and now closer began to search for her alternate entrance, deciding to start there and then move to the clothing building after to search for fastening items.

[So I can update my inventory, what does that necklace count as? Or is it more just a random bauble then a true item?]
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Even with her great speed and dexterity, Six feel so exposed as she leave the safety of the mine shadows, for first time she reach to feel the intense Sunlight touching her dark skin and make her feel uncomfortable the whole time.

Just when she reach the dark corner close the window,at least she could feel safe again hidden in the shadows. As she give a little peek, she reached to see a table with a bag in one of the chairs, the place was full of webspiders and she can said that many humans could live easily inside this building .Also, even with the intense light around her, Six reached to see a woden door in the hallway who could make her get inside the house, there was also a open window in the second room, but it could be dangerous if she fall over the wooden trash boxes and the beer bottles.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six noted the heavy layer of dust and spiderweb and gave a sigh of relief. At least it seems that not much had moved in this house for a while, she thought, before moving to the window entry. She was hearty enough to take a few scrapes should something bad happen, she reasoned, and tensing up she leaped forward through the window.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53 PP= 41 EP= 38 status= Fine

Stealth= fail
Perception= success

The distance toward the open window on the second floor, was not a difficult challenge for the dark creature, who has been using the trees to pass through the jungle. However, as soon Six start to climb, her powerfull claws create the enough weigh to make some blocks fall over the boxes with beer bottles, the noise certainly was notice for each creature close the zone, there was not turn back, Six must stay inside the building for a brief time or run away of there.

A quick look at the room make her see what was inside. It was a femenine room, maybe of a little girl. The place was filled of old rag dolls and others broken toys, a wooden horse still make noises as it moves with the wind, the corridor door was opened and Six could heard the squich sounds of the wooden floor, all was as dark as it could be in the morning and remainings of broken things were in the floor, close little paw pets marks in the floor, maybe some little wild creatures had using this house to survive. in a weardrove Six could see some fantasy accessories, like pearls collars, necklances, ribbons with crystals on them and even little rings and brazalets, maybe this place had something usefull for her, as all looks in their place.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six winced as the items fell down, but relaxed a little after slipping into the interior. No more blasted sun showing what a monster she was, she thought to herself, glancing around the room.

Noting all the children decor, Six gave a quiet shiver, knowing full well that no good must have come to the occupant when whatever happened to the city came. Ignoring the jewelry- it would make sneaking harder if she was covered in baubles, and she didn't really need them- she continued on, the relatively fresher prints in the dust and odd sounds causing her to show utmost caution as she slunk downstairs, closer to the room that first drew her inside.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-2 PP= 41 EP= 38 status= Fine

Stealth= success
Perception= fail
damage 1d8= 6-4= 2

Close the girl room were others 4 more and others upstairs toward a 3th or even 4th floor. As Six tried to get downstair, a string stuck her leg and in the moment the dark creature fall from the stairs, but her great dexterity avoid a biggest noise and even hold herself from the wall and the bannister, yet still her head impact the wall and cause her a soft pain, as her hard body resisted nearly all the damage.

When she reach the first floor, her eyes noticed only two door at the sides, all was calmed and only her soft steps were heared as she walk, close the door was a chest and some boxes, all the place was covered in a veil of dust and a lot of spiderwebs surround the corners of the place, broken photos on the floor and figures show that a rich family lived here, some of the frames were of silver and a little figure of a winged woman remain nearly intact, but for some way she looks twisted and very lewd to be an angel.

Outside was starting a soft footstep sound and some muffed growls start to be heared maybe coming from the outside.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six cursed a bit to herself at the noise she almost made. Seriously?!? Why did she not notice that?!? she cursed to herself, before returning to her quiet exploration.

Taking a few moments to examine the pictures, she blinked a little at the winged woman, but otherwise shrugged. It's not uncommon for odd creatures it seems, even if she was the most bastardized of all, she thought pointedly at herself, quietly returning to her searching and taking a few moments to check the containers in the room, looking for anything that may be remotely useful.

At the sound of the noise, Six would halt what she was doing for a few moments, her tail twitching as if weighing her options, before shrugging and going back to her exploration. Probably a stray animal left after the destruction...
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-2 PP= 41 EP= 38 status= Blind

Stealth= fail
Perception= fail

Expecting to have some time free, Six started to look the pictures on the floor, they were filled with dressed in armors, suits and dresses of high quality, but between then there where a few more with clothes of low class. The high quantity of warriors show than this place was a important place for the city, maybe the government building or a really important person. There was also a pair of little Su-ku-ka little girls, they could be the ones of the girly room as they appear in many pictures.

The dark creature placed her attention into the boxes and chest, there were some documents, toys and a gun without bullets in the boxes. The chest looks than could have something better, but just when she tried to open it a bright light blind her and cause a moderated noise. Now without being able to see well, Six heard a noise from upstair and out of the building. Her vision was really low and it could remain like this for a brief time, she nearly could reach to see the two doors and the stairs, the chest could still have something usefull that could had survived to the explosion, as it not caused any damage to her, but she could not have time to look inside it.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Still muttering about the uselessness of her findings, Six opened up the next chest in line- only to recieve a blinding flash of light, causing her to literally fall backwards with a sharp yowl. Whimpering as her night-adjusted eyes took the brightness full force, she twitched a bit until a good amount of the pain from the white light burning into her retinas went away.

As Six got back onto her claws, she was frightened to find that her eyes still we're quite working right, and adding in the racket both the mechanism and her made, as well as the fact she could barely see, certainly didn't help her situation. Fumbling blindly, Six managed to find what she hoped was the sidedoor she had seen earlier and pushed her way through, her plan being to hide until she could see properly what danger she was in. Maybe afterwards she could see what required such a fiendish, mean trap such as that.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-2 PP= 41 EP= 38 status= Blind

Stealth= fail
Perception= fail
Stealth moster attack: success
damage: 12-8*2= 8
Six resistence= success

With difficulty, Six gather herself toward the closest door and quickly tried to open it, the door knob made a low click sound before make the door opened, it looks than the door was locked, but luckily the door lock was at her side. There was not enough time to look around the room before get inside and close the door. her feets soon noticed a lot of webs and trash on the floor, the other side of the door was sticky and filled with dust. Maybe this room has not been used for a long time, her low vision reach to notice than there was a opened trap door or maybe a big hole at her right side, the room was around 20 feets, maybe less and after the hole was a rectangular shape on the wall, maybe a door to a corridor.

At the stairs the sound get louder and soon it stopped when Six reach to heard strong steps reaching the end of the stair, maybe three creatures or was just a big one, just then she notice a sharp pain on her right foot and then a little screech fill the place followed by other coming from the other side of the room, it looks like she get inside a monster nest, maybe they get inside by that hole in the floor or they were trapped by someone else. Anyway there was not time to thing in this, Six must decide if she should fight these creatures,, the others from the stairs or just run from one of the other exits of the room
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

With her eyes still blinded from her earlier mishap, her scurrying in the room obviously causing the creatures inside the room to take offense. Quicker then Six could see (which admittedly wasn't a lot as of late) she got smacked about, causing a yelp and a wince as she scrambled to her claws, a growl emanating from her throat.

Even if she couldn't quite see her opponent, she could still sense the general area of what hit her, and that was going to be how she went in that regard. Pouncing into the attack, she started hacking at where she hoped her foe was with her claws.

Claw attack, if it wasn't obvious. d20+42vsDodge
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-6 PP= 41 EP= 38 status= Blind

Perception= fail
Six hit: success
Stealth moster attack: success
damage: 12-8= 4
Six resistence= fail Six has been wraped in web - 8 speed and dodge
Even in her disadvantage, the dark female creature dont wasted time into try to slash her opponent, her blinded fury succeeded in hurt him and this produce a painfull screech, with this sound there was not doubt than Six will have more visitors soon.

The wounded creature was stunned for the pain and Six could easily win this fight with other blow, but suddenly she get drenched with a stiky substance, making each of her moves more slow and turning her into an even easy prey. It was not doubt that in the room was another bug hidden in the shadows and now each of these creatures could easily beat her, if the poison reach to affect her.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six was too angered, and too frightened, to back off now, and once again she struck, moving quick as she could as she clawed herself forward, slicing and clawing at a frightening speed.

Six uses Sudden Strike via Claws at her opponent.

Sudden Strike (Activated) – The character can take a -10 penalty to their attack rolls and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next turn. If they do, they may make a Stealth check at a -5 penalty against any creatures that they attack, and if they win, those attacks count as sneak attacks. Requires Stealthy.

Claws - d20+42vsDodge (+2 Unarmed Damage, -2 Weapon/Magic Damage)
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-9 PP= 41 EP= 38 status= Blind Paralized, web

Perception= fail
moster attack: success
damage: 11-8= 3
Six resistence= fail she is now paralized
Paralyzed: The character is unable to take any action during their turn unless they succeed at a Resistance vs 30 check. All actions attempted by the character take a -4 penalty to non-damage rolls. A character can have multiple instances of this status, and every instance increases the DC of the check to resist losing their action by 10. When this check becomes impossible for the character to win, they are considered defeated, but not knocked unconscious.

Six resistence= 17-4 +14=27 fail lost turn


Without being able to see something, Six get back and prepare herself to give a letal surprise blow to the bug. However she was soon taken by surprise by the quick move of her foe. Soon her body get bited by the spider creature and soon she feel the vile fluid passing to her veins, tainting her soul slighty more and stunning her body making her attemps to move with the web even harder. Yet still she tried to send a deadly blow to the evil creature, but just in middle of her move, her arm was unnable to end her attack.

Fortunatelly this battle was really silent to call the atemtion of the creatures from the other room. However Six still need to defeat this creature and maybe escape before another one take his place in the battle.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

A quiet yelp of pain caused Six to recoil from the bite, but the damage had been done, as shortly away from the spiders she collapsed, her limbs going dead as her attempts to control her body were undermined from the poison. She tried hard to shift, to thrash, to claw her way out of the situation, but the most she could get was light twitching, which didn't help much when the other creature- who she had been hoping would follow her example and then get tangled in with the spiders- had not heard the combat, making this situation further problematic...
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-9 PP= 41 EP= 38 status= Blind Paralyzed, web -16

Perception= fail
Six attack: success
first spider is dead
monster 2 attack: success
damage: 0 other web total -16
Six resistance= 17-4 +18=27 success


In a desperate attempt, Six thrash and attack randomly, trying to kill her opponent who was getting close her to give a third bite who will put an end to this fight. Six claw soon meet something soft and pass through it, the blood smell on the get increased and a potent deadly screech soon was heard in the room, followed soon by others inside the hole and one inside the room where the poor Six was. Another web is send toward her nearly inert body and soon the dark creature was more tied than before. There was not a way of how she could defend herself of that bunch of creatures, helpless she heard some words coming from the other side of the door, Who is there? Ta female voice said and repeat two times more, if Six want to escape it must be now, as the next spider was close her, for other side she notice other door close her, maybe she could try to escape using that other side, as she dont know how the woman will respond when she reach to see her.

+2 exp
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six heard the voice, another female, who seemed at least concerned by the sound of the spiders just as her. Struggling with her paralyzed and web-covered form, Six staggered towards the door she had escaped the figure into, fighting hard to make it. "H-help!" she squeaked out, her voice not really working right from all the venom but adequate for trying to get her attention... she hoped.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-9 PP= 41 EP= 38 status= Blind Paralyzed, web -16

Perception= fail
monster 2 attack: success
damage: 0 other web total -24
Six resistance= fail

-----round 2
monster 2 attack: success
damage: 0 other web total -32
Six resistance= ... fail

Six try her best to reach the door from where she heard the female voice, but soon her body receive another spiderweb shower, her hands and legs were completely stick on the floor and even her tail was now resting between her legs, she could heard the second spider close her body, as she use all her strength to try to pull her stunned body toward the door. Just then she heard how the door start to get opened and then she reach to see a shape who immediately return to the other side of the door after maybe see Six and her corrupted body.

Just when the poor Six was losing her hopes, a intense light appear at her side where the hole was. My apologizes strange creature, it was not my intention to run away, just resist a little more, soon i will take care of your foe
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Seeing the blast obliterate the spider, Six gave a small whimper as she squirmed weakly, the paralysis and the webbing keeping her stuck, although she still tried to work and tug herself out. "T-thanks?" Six said weakly, her head drooping a little at her predicament. How humiliating, having to get saved by another creature...
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-9 PP= 41 EP= 38 status= Blind Paralyzed, web -16

Perception= fail
Six resistance= fail

web -32
Six resistance= ... fail, again

With her body fully covered in webs and the potent stunning poison, Six was unable to move for herself, her damaged eyes were starting to get better, but still she was unable to see exactly how was the person who save her of a terrible destiny. Sudenly a sharp object was placed at her back, as the female voice appear close her.

It will be better for you to dont try to free of the webs, instead maybe you should said me what are you doing here and then maybe i could help you.

Six right now have little choices, her chances to get free were really low, if that woman stop her attempts to get free, also behind the door, she can heard some kind of sharp legs walking at the wood floor, maybe friends of her.