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Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

A harsh snarl came from the blackened monstergirl. Obviously just trying to struggle forward out of this grip wasn't working, and angrily she raises her tail and darts it at the creature still holding her still. If she could just get free, she'd be able to have better luck to escape- if she could convince herself to leave these annoying little things alone that is...

Unsure if it's entirely allowed, but a Tail attack directed at Monster 1 is what she's shooting for
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-28 PP= 41 EP= 38 R=10 status= grappled

Six attack: hit

M1 is dead
M2: fail grapple

Turn 2
Six hit M2
damage: 24
M2 attack success 4 damage
M3 attack success 6 damage
M4 grapple fail
4 still close her

The fight looks to never end as more creatures jump at the battle trying to beat the black skinned monstergirl, who with a sudden deadly move of her sharp tail take the life of one of the creatures close her, the others soon tried to avenge his fallen ally, but Six manage to avoid many of them, only receiving wounds at her skin than start to reduce her speed and power, she can feel how this fight could be hard to win, but her killer instinct dont leave her to try to run for her life.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Spilling the blood of one of her foes, a feral growl left the dangerous beast as she commenced her attacks again, swiftly attacking with her claws on the foe once again holding her, attempting to add yet another corpse to the pile of fallen.

Claw Attack, M2. Sorry, RL and lack of creative insight :S
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-48 PP= 41 EP= 38 R=10 status= grappled/summision hold

Six attack: hit

M2: is brutally killed
M3 manage to do 9 damages to Six
M4 manage to grapple her
M5 manage to reach the party...finally
Turn 2
Six fail
M3 attack success 6 damage
M4 sumission hold win helped by M5
3 still close her

With a potent strike, Six manage to cause a so potent impact on the little creature than literally his body turn into just shreads, however this dont stop the others creatures who soon surround her and start to try to subdue her and make her pay for their fallen allies.

Her skin receive another injury and slowly she feel herself slowly reaching her limits, soon a creature take this chance and grapple her trying to make her fall on the floor, Six try to take care of him, but soon she receive another hit who make her feel dizzy as a last monster manage to make her fall on the floor. The three little creatures are trying their best to take her down before their group get decimated again and this time press all their weight on her trying to stop her struggle before decide what to do with this dangerous humanoid.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Practically buried under the black creatures, Six gave a feral growl and writhed under the beasts atop her. She had to get free, this wasn't a good time to be stuck like this, she reminded herself. A part of her mind debated dashing away to find a better ambush spot to eliminate the rest of them, but first she had to deal with the dogpile currently threatening to squish her spine.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-51 PP= 41-33 EP= 38 R=10 status= grappled/summision hold, exhausted, penetrated

Six attempt escape: fail

M3 fail
M4 manage to penetrate her
M5 manage to help
Turn 2
Six manage o get free of penetration
M3 faul
M4 and M5 penetrate her again
15pp damage

Turn 3
Six fail to escape
M3 decide to rape her too...

18pp damage

With the three creatures over her, Six dont have too much vision of what is happening as the black creatures secure her body on the floor and spread her legs to have a direct vision of her lower lips, at least her struggle stop than one of them manage to hit her to put an end on her struggle, tired of try and fail to defeat her the furious little creature get up and resign to the others needs to sattle their need. Grappled Six fill the long monster phallus get inside her folders, making her squeak as it was larget than it should be by his size, the other creature use his tail and rape her lower hole, as their others apendages constain her moves, even when they looks to be weaker than her, she has lost a lot of her energy in the fight and now they were working in team to use her and maybe try to fill the place of the monsters than she kill.

Her body bounce by the strong thrusts, in some reason she was starting to slowly enjoy it, yet her pride make her struggle the enought to take them away of her holes, but only for a little moment as the other creature join them and grapple her even more, placing his big rod between her black orbs. Tired and close to be able to fight more, Six can fell than she would certainly fall under these creature control and even resisting this could make her only earn some seconds before dont have more energy to endure the pleasure, her hips start to move without her control, her breath speed increase and she slowly growl and moan as she is close to reach her first peak, yet these creatures looks to only had started
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

The dogpile on Six threw her offguard, squirming under the pileup as she tries to buck free, only giving them more to work with as the creatures suddenly dive right in to enjoy their captive. The smack on the head was enough to stun her for a short while, and then suddenly they attacked.

The sudden penetrations into her more sensative areas caused Six to squeal- not in pleasure, but in abject terror- as the creatures took her entrances, her claws sinking into the dirt as the commands that had wittled her self-control started to reverberate in her head with each thrust by the strange black beasts.


She wasn't through yet, even as these beasts started to abuse her with the odd form of torture and her body started to burn and grow limp. Out of abject desperation, her maw opened wide and with a quick dive of her neck she tried to bite the creature latched on her chest, desperately trying to get some leverage to fight them off.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-51 PP= 41-33 EP= 38 R=10 status= grappled/summision hold, exhausted, penetrated

Six attack: hit
Six attempt escape: hit

M3 die
M4 fail
M5 fail
Turn 2
Six hit
M4 and M5 attack, one fail the other hit

Six pass out

The three monsters were so busy raping the dark humanoid than they dont expected her next move and with a sudden move she decapitate the creature over her using her mail and make the others tow creatures stop with horror. She then recovered herself and launch over her foes as the dead body of the one than she bite fall inert on the floor. Her slashing claws caused a serious wound on her next target but she find her adrenaline surge end soon and with a final hit on her stomash she fall on her kness catching her breath until the second hit her head and make her fall so dizzy than she was unable to fight anymore.

The two monsters know now the strong than she is, so they carry her to a house and secure her using ropes and chains from a house where they were carrying all, unable to move she saw how others creatures come from many places of the town taking any useful thing and placing then inside a roon where a strange earth motion can be heard, she was never leaved alone and she soon notice than they only not take random supplies but also some girls with them. She was a special case, as three creatures decide to torture her until the others end their work, first they spread and secured her tired arms, tail and head, they muffed with some clothes and a ragball so deep and secured the enough to make her unable to bite it right enough to destroy it, they werent sattled with just that and soon they get over her, roughty penetrating her and cause marks on her skin using theirs claws or hits until they saw her close get uncouncious again. Only then they started to lick her wounds and stroke her erogenous spots, maybe trying to subdue her to theirs will or just as a revenge of the many creatures than she killed.

Six could feel the warm strange members get inside her two holes as the chains raise her body the enough to work on her easily, her body just dont enjoy the whole event, as they roughty use her cumming inside her until be sattled, her attempts to escape were futile but at least she can see them maybe ready to leave her alone, but that was not true, as at least 15 of them get out of the room, some of theirs were two size bigger than the others and these aim to be the next ones to ravage her body.

Stronger than the others they easily make her bounce with every thrust and wend deep inside her until nearly brake her inner walls than protect her uterus, the other used her rear hole nearly tearing it appart at the start, making her groan as she feel her insids heavily punished, the constant pain nearly make her fall uncouncious but her body for bad or good was strong enough to endure it, certainly many girls could havent endure what she has passed, her weak eyes could see how she nearly could see the dick moving inside her, moving her orgasns untils the point than she was close to expect than she will see the huge rod get out of her stomach. After some minutes they cum in a potent shoot and drop her on the floor, she was so tired than was unable to defend herself and soon the little ones surround her, securing her limbs and penetrating her, as the rest just started to stroke her with theirs dicks, or giving her soft hits and spanks.

The time passed

After a long time each monster has cum inside and out of her, she has passed out after a while but even then she dont get a rest until just without any explication she was released. She awake sored and tired in a cum filled floor, her senses slowly get back and she wonder if she has been caught, her eyes notice than she was in the same place and the creatures had leave her, all looks really unusual until she saw two of them killed in the floor, she was not sure what had happened and she still remain slighty chained and muffed yet now alone this would only last a moment.

Sis feel slighty weird and very tired, she saw outside and notice than it was early late, the sun slowly falling in the distance, she could wait the night or continue in an attempt to avoid than the creatures return for her, there was also the door from where they were taking the captives and resources.

[she has been impregnated]
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

The taste of blood after succeeding again was swiftly replaced with pain and pleasure as the creatures beat the little resistance that was left out of her. A part of her wanted to curl up and cry as the beasts abused and tore at her, but the restrained force of the creatures didn't allow her that luxury, as she whined through the abuse.

As the creatures bound her up, Six began to panic, spasming and squirming wildly as she tries to pull from the restraints, screaming in terror. "No! NO! Get me out of these!" she pleaded, only for one of the beasts to get angry at her noise and stuff her mouth with moldy rags, silencing her fearful cries.

The next few hours were a nightmare. The poor halfbreed was abused by her captors, sexually and physically, for the damage she had caused, and worse of all she could do nothing to escape it. The horrifying creatures did everything to her, soiling her mind and body, as her consciousness fled inside to escape the horrors happening to her.

This wasn't the first time she had been abused in such a way, and every time she was... tortured, it mixed her with disgust and a strange, unknown pain, something that made her muscles spasm and her mind fogged. She hated the feeling, being made weak and degraded for her captors.

The worse part is, she had no idea why she reacted that way.

When she finally awoke, her consciousness having failed sometime during the assault, the fragmented parts of her mind noted the thick layer of dried cream splattered all over, and dejectedly noted the copious amount covering herself. Gritting her teeth in disgust, she very swiftly raised her tail and started working with the restraints, growling deeply before she gets back to her feet. Before doing anything, she grabbed her right arm and tightened her own claw around it, giving a quick slide down and gritting her teeth as her claws ripped down her arm, leaving several green-bleeding streaks. That's for my own stupidity, she thought dejectedly.

She had no time to waste, she needed to get back on her original mission, having screwed up enough times. Without a second thought, she went for the exit, meaning to flee this horrible place and find her original query.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Once hurt herself and get completely free of her bonds, the dark female turn her attention to the outside, trying to escape of this town in ruins, her surroundings are covered in a dark deep darkess, as the moon dont appear at the sky, slithering noises come from a house and the street is nearly in completely silence, yet this is interrupted by smash noises and growls.

Something big is coming and some houses at the distance start to burn, a humanoid shadow manage to show at some streets afar of Six, she still have the north road free, except for a sweet scent coming from that path. The most close hole is at a street of distance and this could lead her to an unknown place; there is also the possibility of the hole inside of the house or she also could get closer the noise to find what is happening.

Six stomsh start to feel slighty empty yet she could dont pay attention without problem, her skin have still the smell of her blood and the creature cum, but she still can walk stealthy, she also notice her backpack close the body of one of the creatures who are dead at the floor for unknown reasons.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Having regathered her wits and her sense of direction, Six gave one last glance around the surroundings, only to spot a rather ragged rucksack. It took a few moments to remember that she had originally entered the buildings earlier looking for such a treasure, and quickly absconds with it for her pilfering needs. It took a bit of jostling to get it in a comfortable position, but soon it rest hanging from her torso, the strap conveniently laced through her back spines for security.

Having reached the outside again, she gave a great sigh of relief as she sees the inky darkness. Finally, her element was here, and it was time to strike. She leaped forward, exploring the area silently and taking note of the things she could see in her vantage point. The humanoid figure caught her eyes, and considering her mission - find the fugitives for the other ladies - she figured that would be a good place to start, and thus she leaped forward, headed in the direction of the shadow, but trying as always to be discreet and stick to the deepest of the shades.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53 PP= 41 EP= 38 R=10 status= PREGNANT

Stealth check: pass
Perception: fail

Moving toward what is her new prey, Six run in completely silence, dont making any noise as her distance with the target is reduced. The humanoid figure continue moving faster at a great speed between an halway and some broken tents, until suddenly get inside a hole at a big house's wall. Six could smell some blood and others fluid substances coming from the hole, a blood hand mark is at a side of the hole and the dark creature can see than the hole conect with what looks to be a corridor in ruins, a desk half close the passage, Six hear a door half closing and a female groan from it.

At the house intersection are others two doors yet one of them is blocked with parts of the ceiling, making a hole where Six could fit and go to the second floor, the hole in the ceiling is some feet's away of where Six suppose the figure get inside
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

What with her last few encounters, Six wanted to take this situation with MUCH more care.

Six quietly moved towards the hole, stopping before she entered to hear for threats, entering if there was silence. Last thing she needed was more issues today...
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six have some problems to get inside the hole, her stealthy body nearly cause a small collapse in some parts of the ceiling what could had caused a loud noise, fortunately they resisted enough and she manage to be unoticied. Now at the other side of the hole, the dark female creature could see herself in what could be described as a hall with some holes on the floor, in one of them she could reach to see a small candle iluminating what could be the room where that shadow get inside. She manage to see two human size dark creatures holding a girl and some feets a human male corpse with a leather armor. The girl who face is covered of Six sight, looks to still try to struggle, but she has already naked and start to be penetrated by one of the monsters, she looks to be muffed and restrained by some ropes, making the battle more hard for her, there was not clue if the creatures tie her or someone before do it. At the place was two backpacks, also a table close the rape have some papers and at the floor the candle rest close to faint in maybe a pair of minutes when the candle coax reach the point of the flame.

With both creatures busy raping her, Six have a free shot if she attempt to attack them now or she could wait until both creatures end, as she looks around for something more, she could see some books filled with dust on some fornitudes, some old luxury chairs are also at the hall where she is and finally a door at the left than could lead her to another room or corridor.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

The less-then stealthy creaking as Six followed inside aside, Six once again reverted to stealth mode, her eyes looking for the figure she had seen earlier. However, muffled screams led her to look in and spot the other woman's predicament, and once again her blood boiled in anger and shame. What is it with all these creature's influx of this form of torture? Stupid brutes, she had to do something about this...

Silently moving into the room, Six clung to the walls, glaring about at the two men. Their victim may yet notice the blackened shape clinging to the wall of the room before Six suddenly launches for the unoccupied creature, claws extended and ready to strike.

Surprise Motherfuckers!

Normal Stealth Attack via Claws on the non-raping beastie
Claws - d20+40vsDodge
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53 PP= 41 EP= 38 R=10 status= PREGNANT

Stealth check: pass in part
Perception: fail
Six hit
M1 will have problems to attack the next turn

The two creatures werent expecting an attack and even less comming from the ceiling, however the old wood made some noises as Six pass through the hole.

The creature receive a massive wound from her, however it manage to defend his vital points, after that the painful screech made the other creature stop his pleasure and turn to Six, all looks to get worse for the dark female until the moment than the nearly dead monster get stuck when his foot break the wood floor making a new hole in a critical moment.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six growls deeply as the monsters react, her tail flicking a little behind her. Even still, with one enemy incapacitated, Six instantly dashed for the stuck enemy, aiming for finishing it before it could do more.

Six uses a standard Claw attack to try and finish the wounded enemy off
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

The battle dont take too much after this point, Six claws were just too much for the lonely creature who at the end tried to escape until it meet his doom at her hands. Once she slice the creature with all her anger, she found herself alone with the poor woman who was trying to recover herself until the dark woman made all the mess. The human looks scared and moved to a corner as she try to find something to defend herself. She looks confused by how Six has beaten the two creatures. Please dont hurt me. The girl manage to say, still weak from the rape and unable to know what this new creature will try to do with her.

Meanwhile, Six could see at the room than there was not only the girl, but also some food and weapons at a side close what could be the equipment of both humans, the male looks to be maybe dead and there at the floor she could see some wanted papers with some creatures painted at them, as if someone was giving rewards to the ones than bring these creatures to it. There were at least 10 of them and some were very familiar to Six yet she cant see them all.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six growled loudly as she clawed apart the escapist. If there was one thing she hated worse than her own curse it was cowards!

After leaving a bit of a mess, Six would pant a little, her body having pumped her for action only to have the fight end so fast. Still, the panicked girl had caught her attention, and quietly Six looked over to her. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," she muttered, quietly looking over the various items before reaching the notes. "I'm looking for a few others, though. A trio of night elves, any leads on that?" she asked, quietly looking over the warrant notes and frowning a little upon seeing ones similar to her own. "And just who were those people? I'm assuming not friends of yours..."