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Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (On Hiatus)

Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

You don't know flash had a 3Gb ram usage limit? And it runs scripes very slow, in an almost outdated way(Many old flash files had issues loading on new computers), and save file always had issues?

Please don't use Flash, it just starting to fail.

If I could have a handjob every time some one claimed Flash was dying, I would be set the rest of my life.
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

If I could have a handjob every time some one claimed Flash was dying, I would be set the rest of my life.

any good tutorials on anctually animating in flash? i cant seem to find any that help, i also cant draw anything in flash because no wacom
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

I couldn't find anything that helped either. I learned it through trial and errors. Though you can import any gifs into Flash, and then learn their timing that way.
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

I couldn't find anything that helped either. I learned it through trial and errors. Though you can import any gifs into Flash, and then learn their timing that way.

btw is your animation supposed to be on g.e.hentai? i didnt know you did animation until i saw it
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

Yea I am pimping my girl there ^O^ It bought me a few sales, mostly on the DLsite and Dmm.
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone

So.... yeah. I'm making a clone of everyone's favorite zombie h-game. Yes, there will be zombies. Yes, there will be a gallery. No, there won't be zombie dogs. Yes, you will be able to walk around naked if that's your thing.

As for the setting, if you read the header, it will take place in space. I haven't decided yet between a planet, a space ship, or one of those satellite space village things in Gundam and Phantasy Star.

The mechanics and really everything else will be copy-pasted from P.i.C. The only difference is you'll have a striking weapon that does more damage but runs out of battery quickly.

I'm still going to have multiple palettes but those will come after the game is finished.
The brunette is the mc (there will be a blond alt so calm down you aryan fuckers)

I've already started coding the engine. It needs a little work but so far everything is going smoothly (for a C++ game engine that is).

I'm also starting to do sprite animation commisions as well. The animations will cost $20 if you're ok with the quality. I could really use the cash so I'm going to open the flood gates and say I'm open to ALMOST anything (ask me first before getting your wallet ready).

also i would avoid saying copy pasted cause it sounds like you ripped code :)
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

You are using C++? If you want most people to be able to play it with ease, don't you want to make it in flash?

Uhhh... you do know that C++ is a compiled language that runs straight from an exe and doesn't require any virtual machines to run the interpreter like java and flash do?
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

Uhhh... you do know that C++ is a compiled language that runs straight from an exe and doesn't require any virtual machines to run the interpreter like java and flash do?

No man, what I meant was anybody can play Flash, okay minus the apple guys, but 90+% market share is no joke. Not too many people are willing to risk clicking a exe, especially if the game is not distributed from some well established player like Valve.
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

Well fuck, life really likes bending me over. I haven't been able to do anything due to family issues so naturally everything is delayed. A demo will be ready "whenever". A good thing to note is my art skills are improving rather than disappearing and reappearing like usual.

As for the copying thing, I meant that the game was literally going to just play like P.i.C in terms of mechanics. I wouldn't be able to copy any code from P.i.C anyway since a decompiler for GM:Studio doesn't exist (or at least not that I know of). And that wouldn't matter either since GM:Studio doesn't work on my computer. Regarding choosing C++ over Flash, it was mainly because I already know some C and I don't have the patience to try to make sense of animating in Flash.
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

Well fuck, life really likes bending me over. I haven't been able to do anything due to family issues so naturally everything is delayed. A demo will be ready "whenever". A good thing to note is my art skills are improving rather than disappearing and reappearing like usual.

As for the copying thing, I meant that the game was literally going to just play like P.i.C in terms of mechanics. I wouldn't be able to copy any code from P.i.C anyway since a decompiler for GM:Studio doesn't exist (or at least not that I know of). And that wouldn't matter either since GM:Studio doesn't work on my computer. Regarding choosing C++ over Flash, it was mainly because I already know some C and I don't have the patience to try to make sense of animating in Flash.

i dont think it was made in game maker either :)
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

So.... yeah, things aren't looking so good right now. My hard drive died and lost practically everything (my game engine, the source code, the finished art assets). Good news is I have a new one so now I can use GM Studio instead which will speed up dev time a bit since I can also get help from others on the forum. Since I'm dead broke, I'm doing the art in black and white to speed up making the art while hiding my lack of color theory skills . I still don't know when a demo will be out so it's still a "whenever".
What little art I did after getting everything back in order;

This is a reference! I did not make this! Art belongs to DotSlave!
Art below is mine:

Referenced DotSlave's post for trying a new method pixel method


Left side is traced, Right side is not
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

You know you've truly succeeded as a game developer when aspiring newcomers point to your game and say, "I want to make something like that".
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

I give up. Not I give up as in "This is too hard", or "This is taking too long" or not even "I'm too lazy to do this." I give up because shit keeps coming up or shit keeps breaking. I haven't been able to work on anything in ages and when I finally do get the chance... My tablet fucking breaks. Oh but maybe I can still use Game Maker and make a kurovadis clone with small sprites and other... graphics card dies. O-OK, well at least I still have... Hard drive gets destroyed. So I give up.
for now
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (On Hiatus)

That's a streak of fucking awful luck if I've ever seen one. I'm sorry for your loss.
Re: Unnamed Parasite in City Clone (IN SPACE!!!)

I give up. Not I give up as in "This is too hard", or "This is taking too long" or not even "I'm too lazy to do this." I give up because shit keeps coming up or shit keeps breaking. I haven't been able to work on anything in ages and when I finally do get the chance... My tablet fucking breaks. Oh but maybe I can still use Game Maker and make a kurovadis clone with small sprites and other... graphics card dies. O-OK, well at least I still have... Hard drive gets destroyed. So I give up.
for now

Its a sign...to obtain a new SSD, a new surface pro 3, and a GTX1000. Great success can only be achieved through REAL MAN gears!
It's a shame this project got abandoned in the end. Or is there any hope of return?
BTW, I've started learning unity and c# to create a remake of PiC on unity, so I have a question: should I create a different thread about remake after I create something or should I ask PM to open the thread of original game?
If you don't have a proof of concept of some sort, I would recommend against making a new thread.

Thread moved to the Discussion section.