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Unnamed side project - walking walking

Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking

www dot kyrieru.com/2013/10/hills-meet-guy-with-blood.html

Has an update on what's been going on with him. Wish him your best.

... Stupid 15 posts before URLs rule ...
Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking

The thing with random objects getting imbued with eldritch power kinda reminds me of the webcomic Paranatural. In that, defeated spiritual entities could enter a vessel to save themselves. It became a magical Tool, or if they entered a person the person got powers directly. Then they'd slowly build up power again until the spirit was strong enough to break free.

Really excellent webcomic, the dialogue ramped up to totally amazing after they finished introducing all the basic stuff.

EDIT: Regarding the blood thing, it's great to hear that you're feeling better, Kyrieru! Give those hills hell! :)
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Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking

... Stupid 15 posts before URLs rule ...

Just post the link without the "www." part. People don't mind copy+pasting it into their browsers.

The thing with random objects getting imbued with eldritch power kinda reminds me of the webcomic Paranatural. In that, defeated spiritual entities could enter a vessel to save themselves. It became a magical Tool, or if they entered a person the person got powers directly. Then they'd slowly build up power again until the spirit was strong enough to break free.

That sounds pretty cool; I'll have to check it out.

And @Kyrieru, what exactly did you have? It sounds terrible!
Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking

@Kyrieru: Been awhile since I've logged and checked the blog, surprised as hell to find you doing a new game and blood transfusion! Hope you're all good and well now.

And @Kyrieru, what exactly did you have? It sounds terrible!
He said something about awfully low blood count. I hope it ain't anemia.
Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking

Maybe his subconscious was trying to tell him something with all the cute red-haired heroines? :)

Come to think of it, this could be something of a writing opportunity. Kyrieru, you're trying to use some dialogue in your next two games, right? If you have a vampire boss fight, think back to this point, the emotions associated with your draining energy and sudden recovery. You'll probably be able to write from the vampire's viewpoint more authentically, which could make a prebattle trash-talking session have more impact. If your bad guys are 3-dimensional enough that the player feels a little sympathy for them, that's pretty cool.
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Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking

Maybe his subconscious was trying to tell him something with all the cute red-haired heroines? :)

Come to think of it, this could be something of a writing opportunity. Kyrieru, you're trying to use some dialogue in your next two games, right? If you have a vampire boss fight, think back to this point, the emotions associated with your draining energy and sudden recovery. You'll probably be able to write from the vampire's viewpoint more authentically, which could make a prebattle trash-talking session have more impact. If your bad guys are 3-dimensional enough that the player feels a little sympathy for them, that's pretty cool.



EDIT: Someone negative rep'd me for this post... I can't imagine how this could be perceived as anything but a joke. I don't even know what rep does, but it's still pretty mind blowing.

I feel like the internet is ushering in an age of social ineptitude, where people are simultaneously incapable of identifying facetiousness if it doesn't immediately appeal to their own sense of humor, and unaware of the notion that communication is not as simple as how it exists within your own perspective.
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Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking

I feel like the internet is ushering in an age of social ineptitude, where people are simultaneously incapable of identifying facetiousness if it doesn't immediately appeal to their own sense of humor, and unaware of the notion that communication is not as simple as how it exists within your own perspective.

As well as it's very hard to "hear" sarcasm on the internet. Facetiousness aside, someone's inflection and tone can't be seen through text. Sorry, friend.
In short, Anemia is bad. Blood transfusion is good.
Victory for Kyrieru. +1
Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking

I didn't negrep you, but if I would have, it has nothing to do with ineptitude, just the fact your post wasn't funny... in the least.
Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking

I didn't negrep you, but if I would have, it has nothing to do with ineptitude, just the fact your post wasn't funny... in the least.

Yeah, but you are an adult, and understand that "I don't like this color" isn't interchangeable with "this color is stupid". Well, almost an adult. You did still throw "in the least" in there at the end, which was purposeless.

Honestly, I think it's fucked up that we have continually regressed in terms of social expectations, to the point where understanding the above concept is extraordinary as opposed to ordinary. It's like... a fundamental tenant of critical reasoning.

I haven't used an old school forum like this in years, so I really don't know the etiquette for, "well I want to clarify my intentions but I don't want to add another off-topic post to an already bloated page". Anyway, I apologize for continuing off-topic. The subject just really burns me, and I wanted to get that off my chest.
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Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking

Definitely love this kuro sprite. Better proportions
Re: Unnamed side project - walking walking
