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Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Mason blinked. "Uh... I won't gain any energy that way, but it'd be nice anyway." he chuckled, before waving his hand at Seras. "Look, you don't have to force yourself. I'll just borrow some from Madison."

Madison chuckled. "Mason~ Don't try to hide how unsatisfied you are at her offer~" she said. "She obviously finds you disgusting, so you should be a little more grateful that she'd touch you at all."

Mason sighed. "Why am I the victim lately?" he wondered aloud, before folding his hands behind his head and walking out of the camp. "Maybe I'll find a pretty fae out in the forest."

Madison reached out. "Masooon! Don't gooo! What about the food?" she asked, that being her only concern.

"Cook it yourself!" Mason replied.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Madison!" Seras shouted fairly outraged at the womans accusations, but a little too late as Mason had already left "Why would you say something like that?!" the girl looked to the succubus in a fairly angry manner, before rushing after Mason. Looked like she left quite the first impression on the two, the culture change not going so well for the fair Crolian. OR~ the two were just manipulating her, but they didn't seem the kind... not atleast in evil way.

"Mason. Wait!" hopefully she caught up with the demon soon enough "Mason, don't listen to her." gods the spots she was put in by these two... "I just wanted to repay the kindness you two showed me and Leo. Not offend you." incidentally seemed the best way to do was throught fairly perverse actions...
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Madison looked surprised as Seras' reaction, even more so when she went chasing after Mason. Catching up with the demon, he looked back at her, a similar expression of surprise, before he chuckled, patting Seras on the back. "Hey, don't sweat it, no offense taken." he said. "I just... Prefer a little more passion, you know? You sounded like you just wanted to hurry up and get it over with, so even though what Madison said was pretty harsh, still felt like it was true." he stated, before waving Seras off again.

"Don't sweat it. You don't gotta repay me like that, unless you really want to... You know... Do it." he said, seeming to take caution more for Seras' sake. "Cides, seems like you got something going with Leo over there. One of those closed relationships I guess. I won't ruin that." he stated, before opting to wave at Seras and continue his search for a passionate partner.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras was in no particular rush to leave the demon alone "It's just in Crolia we view sex a little different." she blushed lightly, but as the demon turned around to continue on his trail, she'd interupt him "So she gets energy just by jerking Leo off and you won't if I suck you off? How's that fair?"

The girl glanced back towards the camp "No I don't think we have anything, I'd be surprised if he wouldn't be plowing Madison by the time I get back. He's very exciteable and she's very eager - a perfect match... I do love his company though" she snickered lightly, well she couldn't have them all "But... who are you going to find out here in the wilderness?" the heroine paused lightly thinking of what the heck could the demon plow around here... a deer? a squirel? a poor bear? Neither of these sounded like something he'd deserve to slog through.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Well, we basically get energy from us stimulating 'you' and not the other way 'round." he stated. "So... I'd need to make you cum. Regardless, as to who I'd find... I was hoping for maybe a witch or an alraune who I can convince that I'm not a bad demon. They're fairly open to sex, so all I'd have to do is... Get on my knees and beg, I guess." he laughed weakly, sounding at wit's end. Life seemed rough for a demon man who had to get laid to live.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras giggled lightly at the gesture, oh this one was not a demon she thought they were... "Mason, let me to teach you few things about Crolian girls. First, if you want to excite us. Begging and whinning for sex does not work..." the girl slowly undid her laces, making her top slowly open more and more, revealing her shoulders "And second, show some enthusiasm and spirit, if you wait for us to throw ourselves at you. It just won't happen..."

"Just so we're clear, I'm not doing out of sympathy or pity." with one final stroke the girls dress slipped off her body "I'm doing this because I keep my promises, we're friend..." she slowly approached the demon and rested her hands on him "And I'm more than a little curious." she'd kiss Mason, but if he did not asnwer the kiss... well hope he enjoys that deer or random witch.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Mason's eyes nearly bulged out of his head as her dress fell. "Holy badongas..." he said, before adjusting himself a bit, addressing the fact that he was already getting hard. "Wow, I-I mean, that's pretty hot-what I actually mean to say, is that... I still consider you a classy lady-" he said, before being cut off as she offered a kiss, which he accepted, putting his hands to her sides to accept the kiss, holding their lips still for a moment, before kissing deeper, showing skill of the tongue as his arms wrapped around her back, trying to squirm his tongue into her mouth. If she accepted it, then he'd open his eyes, staring into her own, before his red eyes would flash slightly, before a heat of lust would wash over Seras. "That was-" he said, cut off as he spoke in between kisses and their moving of tongues. "-just something to make the sex better."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

She was just doing this as favor for friend, just so he wouldn't starve... Seras opened her mouth eagerly accepting the mans tongue, making their kiss all the more dirty. Just so... so... by now who was she kidding, the two demon perversions started to rub off on her. Besides demons being soul devourers of the void were not the only stories she heard about them...

The girl smirked lightly as she felt the demon take control of the kiss, well maybe he wasn't just a beggar... A weak gleam of red and everything changed. The girls body went into a lustful craze as a flush of warmth overwhelmed her. The girls breath became unstead, her loins tingled with desire, the simplest touch of her demonic lover touch sending shivers across her sensitive skin. She couldn't hide the clear signs of arousal nor did she even try anymore, her folds dampened visibily and nipples erected fully almost painfully begging for attention. In her lust Seras pushed her body against the demon eagerly accepting whatever treatment he would give her... gods what were these clothes still doing here. Not even breaking the kiss Seras rapidly unworked the buckles from his shirt to reveal his surprisingly sculptured body.

"Ho~" she bit down on her lower lip, running one hand greedily across his muscles and one down his pants, instantly feeling just how erect she was. The girl gently stroked the cock, while keeping their kiss going, their tongues dancing in ways Seras didn't even know was possible. Just his mere caress already had the girl bothered, she gently started rub her thighs against his, her body pressed tightly. Till she actually pushed away?

The girl smiled with naughty grin, no matter how wet she already was she wanted to see it. Seras quickly got to her knees and with great pulled down Masons pants.
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Mason became infinitely more confident once Seras was under his little love spell. His hands explored wherever they liked, often getting a handful of her bottom, other times playing with her breasts and teasing her nipples.

When she pulled away to admire his shapely attractive body, Mason chuckled at her appreciation. "I work out~" he cooed, seeming rather proud of his body. When her attention moved down to his crotch, he had no words to give, merely chuckles and moans in response even as his pants fell, revealing a set of genitals befitting a demon such as himself. Just like Madison and her large tits, Mason had a pair of cock and balls that put all of those men she experienced before to shame.

On her knees like that, Mason pet his hand along her head, smoothing his fingers along her hair before gripping the back of her head, and a fist full of her hair, before gently encouraging her to suck him off. And with the magic she was put under, Seras would feel as if it was her happy obligation to oblige him.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Hmm~? What kind of work-out awards you with this?" Seras playfully ran her finger along the shaft, he was no Leo, but this will do... this will do plenty. The girl giggled lightly before leaning forward past the tip and to the demons base.

Seras slowly ran her tongue along shaft, stopping just short of the tip, flicking it lightly only at opportune times. The heroines eyes twinkled with mischief as she ran her tongue up and down his shaft, so this was what a demon lover was like... the girls licks continued going further and further along the cock, before she almost unwillingly stopped by the tip to fix her hair, and lower herself on the cock.

Seras bobbed her head eagerly up and down the shaft, all too keen to find out how deep she could take the cock. Only on occasion getting off her prize to stroke it and grin at the demon, before he almost forced her to get back to work.

Mason kept her going deeper and deeper as his breath intensified, while Seras hand slid down her beautiful body, her folds almost leaking fluids as she eagerly slipped two fingers inside, masturbating with wild abandon as she sucked the demon off. Silent moans echoing out across his shaft, as the girl grew greedier and needier, taking more and more inside her.

The moment Mason even lightly let her go if it's wasn't to blow his load, the girl would quickly get off the cock and cry out "Fuck me, Mason~" her eyes lost in lust, begging as she continued her wild masturbation which was just not enough.
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"I've been climbing trees since I was a kid! Lemme tell ya, nothing can beat me in a jungle!" Mason boasted following her question.

As the session began and Seras began licking him, Mason's cock twitched over her tongue, and continued to throb in her mouth as he moaned, letting her suck him off. Mason hunched over as he was pleasured by her mouth, before leaning back, seeming to make himself comfortable with the phallic massage that was being provided. Given the rate of things, Seras felt she'd get tired before she'd make Mason cum in her mouth, so off her mouth went, her folds soaking wet as she begged to be fucked. Mason obliged her with a chuckle, bending over and scooping Seras up into his arms, encouraging her to embrace him as he held her up by her ass, adjusting his hips before Seras felt his tip brush along her folds and promptly, albeit slowly, slip into her pink cunny hole.

Holding her there for a moment, Mason would open his mouth, before taking Seras' mouth with his own lips, kissing her tenderly while contrarily thrusting his hips into her with rapidly increasing speed, force, and skill. At the same time, she'd feel an odd sensation that could only be Mason draining her energy. The sensation itself was enough to make her cum immediately beyond her control as Mason pumped her fast, making her cum that much harder while he spread her ass cheeks, fucking her with groaning passion. "You taste like candy~" Mason announced suddenly, licking his tongue along her neck playfully as he continued to drill his cock into her pussy, leaving her unable to even reply due to how good of a fuck she was getting.

Mason leaned her back and lowered his head to begin licking and sucking on her breasts while continuously pumping her. He trailed one arm up to hold her up by her back almost romantically while moving his hips back and forth, smoothing his wealthy red length in and out of her, fucking her into a second orgasm as Mason congratulated himself on his ability as a demon to make a female voice swoon over his skill. "I'm gonna cum...!" he finally said, groaning as he laid Seras down, letting her ass go in favor of holding her legs behind her knees, directing her ass and pussy up into the air to await his cock's insertion from above. Like a jackhammer he plowed down into her, groaning as he used gravity to aid the force of his thrusts, his balls smacking against her ass each time he hilted inside of her.

Seras learned the dark pleasures of sex with a demon truly when Mason finally slammed his cock into her for the last time, moaning aloud as he made her cum for the third time, and began to fill her pussy with his cum. There was already little room in her honey pot for his seed, so Seras was treated to watching her own pussy erupting with thick demon seed around where her pink lips wrapped around his cock.

It wasn't pregnancy, but some part of the corrupted Mason was left behind in Seras, she could feel. Seras felt herself becoming more like him and Madison, the act of sex she just engaged in feeling like an activity she could enjoy once more, even as soon as the next day, provided she didn't use her rational thought to squelch the lewd desires.

Satisfied, Mason pulled his length out, and picked up Seras like a princess, her body now feeling unable to move from all the energy Mason sucked out of her, while the demon himself smiled at her. "See, princess? You still got a soul in you!" he said encouragingly. "And, uh..." he blushed, putting his forehead to her own as he smiled and looked into her eyes. "Thank you."

(Seras gains 1 corruption from Mason)
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras laughed merrily as Mason swooped her up. The girl playfully placed her hands on his shoulder and wrapped her legs around his waist, crossing them tightly and pressing his body closer. The heroine casted a glance down, her lip bit down in anticipation, she was about to dart to a kiss when suddenly she felt the tip slowly spread her folds "Nyaaahaa~~" The girl let her nails sink into the demons shoulders as she felt shaft the grind against her cunny lips.

Seras breathed deeply as Mason, gave her a brief pause before their eyes met and spurring both of them to lock into a kiss. The girl felt the cock stir and slowly grind it's way out and back, slowly at first, but increasing the pace rapidly. Seras grip on the demon grew stronger as her body tensed up form the pleasure, a distinct aura appearing around the girl. Till one of the rapid thrust quickly sent her over the edge!

Something clicked inside the girl as she felt the aura begin to move and funnel around their sexes and their locked lips. Perhaps he should’ve been scared, but right now with her lust burning as bright as it were it just added to the sensation as the girl reached her first orgasm, clamping up on the cock and breaking the kiss with a passionate cry.

Even Mason reacted to the girls sudden tightness, continuing to pump at the even tighter cunny, strengthening his grip on the girls ass to even spread her up and push down even harder.

It wasn't just a temporal sensual high, from there on Seras felt her aura slowly being drained at the very precise and careful manner. Seras closed her eyes and leaned against the demons chest, her bountiful C's grinding against him as Mason gently caressed her neck "You taste like candy~" in almost childish glee the demon whispered to the brunette.

Still there was something he couldn't just ignore, Mason leaned Seras back and lowered his head to begin licking and sucking on her breasts, the girls lil' buds begged for attention for far too long. The demon held his lover almost lovingly, his thrusts clearly echoing out across the girls body and much to his joy making any extra licks or teases to her breasts give a sharp cry or moan. Well she was most certainly enjoying herself, Mason looked up to Seras her eyes sparkling brightly with tiny tears of joy at their sides. She never looked so beautiful... so indulged in the tease it almost cost him.

"KYAAAH!!" Masons eyes shot wide as suddenly the girl once more came, her sensation echoing out across his own body cracking the demons iron endurance "I'm gonna cum..." quickly gathering himself up Mason did the unthinkable... he stopped?!

"T-then why did you stop?!" Seras eyed the demon with great big innocent eyes, though Mason had a different idea for the finale. He winked slyly at her inspiring great confidence in whatever he had planned. The demon laid the girl down and gently moved her legs behind her knees. Seras eyed the reposition with great curiosity not questioning the supreme lover. Mason took a gentle step back and raised his finger.

Seras curiously puckered her lips and looked over the position, was she supposed to do... this? Tensing up her luscious leg shot the girls lower body up and spread her wide. Seras covered her mouth at the absolutely perverted position, she was completely and utterly exposed, offering her pussy to the demon unlike ever before... an offer Mason capitalized in a big way.

Like a jackhammer he plowed down into her, groaning as he used gravity to aid the force of his thrusts, his balls smacking against her ass each time he hilted inside of her. Their mutual cries off sex echoing loudly across the forest till one final thrust later Mason cried out in triumphant, his spunk erupting form the girls already filled pussy.

Seras panted hotly, her body covered in sweat and hair a complete mess. By the gods, she now knew why Mason expected females to throw themselves at him. The demon taught her what sex should be like and unknowingly to her changed slightly.

Soon enough Mason would pick up his lover "See, princess? You still got a soul in you!" he snickered warmly and looked to her encouragingly "And uh... Thanks" Seras smiled at him lightly "Anything for a friend." she'll tease him on this later... gods she couldn't even feel her lover body right now. It was wonderful.

Seras gains Soft Skin
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Mason led Seras to a nearby stream, where he took the liberty of using a wet rag to clean off the limp girl off all the sweat and filth she acquired during their session. Over sensitive areas, like her neck, breasts, ribs, and even her butt (though that area isn't exactly sensitive), he'd place a smooch on her flesh after freshly cleaning her. Once she was cleaned, he helped her get dressed, before carrying her back to the camp where they'd find Madison mounted on top of a prone Leopold facing away from him, and towards Seras and Mason as they approached.

Madison's belly was impossibly fat, inflated by what Seras would discover to be all of Leopold's cum. "M-Mason~" the demon sister cried out his name. "I accidentally let him make me pregnant~" she giggled, rubbing her belly.

Mason chuckled, shaking his head. "You're careless, Madison." he said.

"You didn't impregnate 'her'?" Madison inquired.

"Of course not, I had my off switch on." he said, as if he were so responsible, before laying Seras down onto her bed, quietly asking her if it was okay for them to spoon together in the same bedroll.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras rested against Mason as he carried her to the spring, taking great care of cleaning her body and giving each area a gentle kiss. Though he'd receive a light bonk on the head from the rapidly recovering heroine for sticking around the more sensitive areas that extra bit longer. Seemed a single kiss on her breasts or ass was not quite sufficient.

Soon enough though the girl was as clean, heck even cleaner than ever before and thankfully her dress survived the fairly intense session the two shared "I've had you all wrong Mason." she smiled warmly at the demon, leaving one of her top laces unattended just to show off a much better cleavage shot "Remember what I said about girls not throwin themselves at you?" she snickered warmly "They don't know what they're missing." she'd kiss the demon only to be scooped up by his hand "Hey~" she giggled warmly "You know I can walk right?" whatever Mason answered chances were he still choose to carry the girl to the camp, he hasn't been this well fed for quite a bit!

The camp though seemed to story of it's own. Upon reaching it Seras eyes went wide, what happened here?! Seras was soon dropped off gently and quickly ran up to Madison "Madison! W-what happened to you?!" the heroine covered her mouth at the sight only for the succubus to laugh her concerns off merrily.

Honestly, leaving a succubus and Leopold alone in the camp... she expected quite the mess, but not the mess being all up in Madison! As the twins had their chat, Seras would quickly run up to Leopold and gently run her hand across the Gruffs face smiling warmly to him "Leo~" poor fella was beat!

If Leo was too out of it, she'd approach the twin "So what will happen now?" she looked to Madison, a little worried "Will you... I mean---... little Leos?"

It was getting late and sleeping would no doubt be brought up... along with Masons offer "Well..." Seras blushed visibly, lightly covering her mouth as her glance ran around the demons body "I was thinking I could sleep with Leo, but if he's..." the girl was still attached to her original companion above all else... but sleeping with Mason, maybe they could sneak away early in the morning for a little fun in private. The very thought made Seras a little giddy. Seemed this decision depended on what was Leopold situation right now.
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Mason looked all confident at her words of women losing out by not getting to know Mason on that intimate level. "I carry you still because I enjoy doing it." he said, before she was brought back to camp.

Leo, as Seras came up to him to check on him, was absolutely drained. His eyes were half open as he looked to Seras. "Never... Came so much... In my life..." Leopold said to Seras.

Madison removed herself eventually, and Seras got to witness a flood of Leopold's cum gush out from her folds, which seemed to quickly tighten up as if she didn't just have Leo's impossible length inside of her. She left a huge puddle of gruff cum on the ground as the succubus stood up, and wiped herself clean before sliding her simple black leather panties back on. "I'll give birth to little gruff babies!" she said with cheer, giving Seras a "V"
sign using her fingers.

Madison and Mason cooked up some food for the two with them, giving Seras and Leopold lots to eat and drink, tending to them dotingly, before it came time for sleep. Madison rose as if to claim Leopold, before it seemed Seras had both Mason and Leo sitting on either side of her. "Oh, are you fine with sharing, Leo?" Mason asked.

Leo hugged Seras from his side. "Why not?" Leo asked, before both men seemed content to share Seras, while Madison seemed to look left out, making the same pouty face that Mason did earlier that day.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras snickered warmly at Leos comment of his grandest of grand orgasms and kissed him warmly on the cheek, looks like both of them had quite the night. The competition for Leo had disappeared as the girl got to know the demons better, free sex and open relationships seemed to reign free around these two. Right now, Seras wouldn't have it any other way... not to mention she'd feel a little guilty robbing Leo a turn on Madison. It had to be the fuck of his life.

The sight of Madison dislodging herself was both a mixture of excitement... and actually fear. Was this how'd a night with Leopold would end, Madison will just shake it off, but could Seras do the same without being ruined. At the very least the succubus was taking the sudden pregnacy pretty well, but she most certainly didn't seem the kind to particulary look after any young ones.

Still it was probably not her first time such an 'accident' happened, the heroine had something far more enjoyable to think about: the sheer attenton Seras was receiving from the two males. She should feel guilty for leaving Madison out... and well in way she did, but~~ aw heck "Madison, you won't mind if I take both the boys for the night?" she smiled lightly at her traveling friend.
IF Madison insists on taking Leo/Leo vollunteers:

Seras leaned forward and kissed her gruff on the lips tenderly "It's alright Leo, I'll see you in the morning" she smiled warmly at him keeping a almost loving hand on his face as he left for the succubus. Mason it was then, and Seras had no qualms to show off her affection to a lover of his skill, leaning forward to him aswell, she'd kiss him in a far more different light than Leo allowing his tongue to slip in and answering just as passionately.

"I assume I can trust you not ruining my dress" she broke the kiss and smirked, even if she seemed fairly active she was still fairly tired from the previous drain... sleeping naked with Mason spooning her seemed far too big of a gamble, possible more due to her own initiative more than his. Even so as the two lied down she'd pull Mason as close as possible, feeling his cock rest against her ass with perverse glee. If Mason wanted to, he had much more free reign around the girls body than was considered decent... by a large margin.

If Madison wants to sleep over with her brother/Mason vollunteers:

"I'll see you in the morning then" Seras turned to Mason her eyes lightly lidded, before turning back to Leopold and eagerly answering his hug by resting her head on his chest.

For the night she'd strip naked and instead of the bed would sleep right on top of Leopold, lovingly resting her head. Though if he wasn't as spacious she'd still rest most of her upper body on him. Chances were Madison was fairly thorough and even if Leopold did show his arousal Seras would only smile at him and not be bothered by it at all, even running a gentle handle across it in appraisal if Leo felt uncomfortable.

If Madison didn't mind spending the night alone/both are fine where they are:

Seras giggled warmly and looked to the succubus in a almost thankful fashion, well she wasn't any hard feelings towards the boys gesture... kinda "Alright I'll see you in the morning" Oh~ what dirty thoughts crossed her mind as she allowed both men hold her equally for the time before they hit the bunks.

Seras would strip naked for the night, both of the boys seemed fairly content with todays activities so perhaps they'll be able to keep themselves semi-decent. Seras would lie down facing Leo and resting her head on his hand, her own palms on the hairy giant. Meanwhile Mason pulled himself closer to the girl and almost lovingly spooning her, though perhaps Seras pressing her body a little too much against his.

Either way This would be the most pleasant sleep she had in years. Her big great giant infront and expert lover right behind her, both of their scents lulling the girls to a safe and serene nights rest.
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Madison pouted and threw her hands up. "I-I don't care!" she replied, before grumpily throwing herself into her own bedroll.

Meanwhile, the two men with Seras were happy with the result, snuggling against Seras as the girl removed her clothes. Mason happily spooned behind her while Leopold enjoyed the attention in front as both men gladly fell asleep like that.

The next morning, they would all gradually wake up to Madison moodily making breakfast. She looked rather lonely, which was a condition cured when her brother paid her some attention. Meanwhile, Leo was massaging Seras' shoulders to try and gently coax her out of sleep in the best way possible.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras would awake to two strong hands massaging her shoulders, Leopold was as always the perfect and kind gentleman. The girl would gently place her hand on his, stopping the motion before resting her head against the big strong palm "Morning Leo~" she coo'ed lovingly.

Looked like the twins were already reunited, one a bit more sour than the other. Well the boys made their choice, Seras couldn't help it... to be fair the girl did her best to hide the sheer pride in her face.

Nevertheless that was in the past, today was a new day and if it was anything like the last one... the nights rest would serve her well "Morning~!" she waved to the two still holding onto one of Leos hands "Come on, I'm starving" she looked up to the Gruffs face and nudged him to go to the campfire as she herself quickly got dressed, fully tieing up her dress.

Not even mentioning her session with Mason, the heroine didn't have a bite to eat for quite some time now! She was famished!
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Food was provided, mostly to Seras and Leo, while the twins mostly talked together and laughed. If asked, they'd explain that all they really needed to feed on was energy, so the food was entirely for their travel companions. Seras was given all she could eat, before the two demons packed everything back up into their wagon, and once they were ready, they'd set off again.

The wagon would roll along, everyone sitting together and exchanging small talk. Madison and Mason would try to feel for their companions likes and dislikes, the food they liked, favorite color, keeping the topics positive. Eventually they'd ride along and the oxes they were riding would become restless, slowing the wagon's progress. "Oh man," Madison whined. "They're acting up again." she said, as if there was a lot of work to be done. Madison hopped out of the wagon as Mason put a hand on Seras' shoulder.

"Seras, uh... Madison has to do something with the oxes," he said. "You and Leo wanna go take a walk or something?" he asked.

Meanwhile, Madison was unhooking an ox from where it was held, the beast pushing itself against Madison almost insistently. "So impatient..." Madison cooed, the air about her interaction with the ox almost a sexual one.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras would share with the twin eagerly, her favourite colors being silky black and crimson red, the colors that dominated her dress even right now. She'd tell them about her love of spicy, sour or dry foods, even telling a quite a few tales of her own failed attempts to introduce 'spicyness to her friends'. The bathrooms are likely still haunted by the symphotines of that day.

Even her actually hidden hate of cruelty and abuse of power would come up, though the girl tried to steer away from this discussion, though not able to hide it from anyone fairly perceptive.

Everything was going great with laughs and stories shared between the two parties, until... the Oxes...

Seras covered her mouth in fright. She couldn't be... she can't possibly mean to... the heroine glanced to Mason then to Madison, both were absolutely non-chalant about this, heck Madison was getting fairly giddy for whats to c-come "A-aye." she smiled lightly to Mason before taking Leo by his hand and leading both of them for a short walk through the forest. Slightly disturbed at whats to happen on the road... then again this was a different culture. She couldn't honestly judge... though the question WHY would have to be asked.

The girl made a B-line from the wagon, taking note of whatever they passed, but not really slowing down till she was sure at the very least if she heard anything it would be fairly faint. Though shaken, the girl was not particulary disgusted, she was confused more than anything else.