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Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"Come back anytime!" The merchant said after taking ten denarii from Seras, before he suddenly vanished on the spot.

That's when the wagon came rolling up to greet her. "Shall we be off, milady?" Mason asked with a grin.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras looked over what they had accumulated in their brief stay and smiled to Mason "We shall, dear sir." Mason reached down and hoisted her back up and with a light tug of the reins the group was off! Time to see what trouble this Chester demon had placed Seras into...

"Alright gang. Let's save 'white hood'!" the heroine grinned happily and took her place next to Leopold, keeping any all conversation with twins. Looked like she made quite a few allies in her short time in Badaria.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Mason and Madison seemed just as eager to set off as Seras as they went about their way. While the wagon rolled along, Leo brought up the topic of why they were assisting them. "The first reason is obvious I suppose." Mason said. "We're thankful for the energy. Second... Mostly, we just travel around without aim nor objective asides from using trade to make a living. We're happy for the adventure, even if it's dangerous." he said.

Leo seemed content with that, while Madison had her own question. "Do you like sex?" she asked Seras directly, and did well enough to make both Leo and Mason lean in with eyes sparkling with interest in her response.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The heroine smiled warmly at Masons answers, before noting Madison leaning in with a particulary concentrated face. The girls eyes widened at the upcoming question, what could it be? About their quest? About her combat skills? Ab--- "Do you like sex?" Never change Badaria.

Seras blinked lightly at the question "W-what?" Madison kept her lean "Do you. Like. Sex?" she didn't have to spell it out! The girl blushed lightly, though by now she shouldn't be surprised. They have sex-powered oxes pulling their wagon for pity sake!

The girl looked around, noting the men lean and sighed lightly "Ofcourse I do." she crossed her hands playfully, much to the men likely silent cheers "But that doesn't mean I go around offering a ride to everyone." she nodded firmly.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Silent cheers they gave, but both looked somewhat dejected following the latter half of what she said. "If you were a succubus, I wonder how you would survive?" Madison giggled. "Just in case you turn... Maybe you could help me with the oxes some time~" she cooed. "You know, as training~"

"N-nonsense!" Leo announced. "If she ever needed training, all she needs is me!" he declared.

"Hey!" Mason interrupted him. "You don't have the skill I have! She could learn a lot more from me!" he argued.

"Who needs skill when you have power!?" Leo argued back, seeming caught up in the competition, arguing against Mason's skill by using the size of his penis.

Madison hummed in the meanwhile. "Between skill and size, the oxes have both~" she cooed, revealing herself to be an 'animal trainer' of a unique sort. With that announcement, both men look dejected again.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras pouted playfully, was every female looked at like this? Sure she loved sex... there's little not to enjoy about it, but she was no slut! Much less one to... NO!

The heroine blushed brightly at Madisons preposition "N-No~ thanks, they're all yours." she smiled uneasily with a bright blush on her face. With livestock?! Oxes no less! No!

Still the matter of the cockfighters needed to be adressed aswell "Well a skilled partner can easily make up in the difference in size... and sometimes a perfectly normal cock is more than enough a girl needs to dream of the encounter for a long time after." she winked at Mason and turned to Leo "But the feeling of being a powerful mates grasp, his superior and huge cock sliding in you, it's the most primal and exceptional pleasure a female can experience." Seras winked at Leo and glanced down to his rod below briefly.

"Neither is superior, they're just different styles. So enough cock-fighting." she looked back to the whole group and smiled "...and just to answer your question. I adore both styles, but..." she leaned against her gruff "I'm with Leo."

That should put the end of that! She didn't adress Madisons comment verbally, but just looked to her in a 'Oh you perv' fashion and laughed merrily, not to mock or the like, but just a gesture of joy at the variety of her friends.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Their exchange ended with Mason looking defeated and Leo with moral at an all time high. Madison laughed and comforted her brother, while at the same time, insulting his lack of appeal that caused him to lose out against a gruff.

After a while of everyone being silent, they came back to the town, only to find it empty. Their disguises were not effective due to the lack of eyes to fool within the town that seemed to have all of it's inhabitants vanish. "That's odd..." Madison said with interest. "Everyone's gone."

That's when a woman dressed like a common girl, wearing a simple green dress and white apron, came out seeming rushed and panicked. "You have to hide! Come this way!" she whispered just loud enough to be heard.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras looked between her company "Alight lead on..." she glanced over to Leo, hopefully the hidding location will able to hide the giant.

Well all that planning for naught... but what the hell happened around here? The group would quickly follow the woman and look over at what caused this carefully, avoiding conflict as best as they could.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The group came out of the wagon, and hurried after the woman as they followed her into the basement of her home. In there were huddled all the women of the town together, seeming distraught with panic. The basement doors were shut behind them, before the woman nervously went about fussing over the newcomers. "It's not safe! This wretched town!" she saw Seras and the others as a reason to complain. "It's all that damn mayor's fault! Evil woman! If you see that white haired witch, I hope you can knock her teeth clean out! Bringing demons here and bringing the worst out of this town's men!" she said. On the note of demons, Mason and Madison made sure to keep their skin white, and the hoods of their robes low enough to hide their eyes.

"Some poor fellow in a white outfit was taken by the mayor. Who knows what she'll do to him..." the woman said, seeming to pity the man who matched the description of the one they were after.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The heroines eyes widened at the mention of her target, turned to her company to make sure they noted the words aswell! Was he still in town? Maybe he was sold to this very towns mayor! Would save them chasing slavers "What do you mean?" Seras sat down lightly on one of the barrel "Please tell us what happened."

'Bringin' out the worst of the towns men'... this placed was bad enough, how much worse could it have gone? Were demons responsible for the female humiliation in the first place? Whatever the case Seras needed to hear the story of what happened and where was the Mayors manor.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"The mayor is a devil worshiper! She deals with those damned demons and so she takes a woman out of the very streets and we never see her again!" she announced. "She came out with some nonsense, anyone who tries to flee or is disobedient will get taken immediately, so she got the whole town's men able to violate us on their whim and we get taken if we say no." she announced. "All the men for that matter who objected were taken as well."

She was about to say more, before there came a knock at the basement door. There was no time to answer before the doors were ripped open. From the stairs walked only one person whom every single one of the girls in the basement shied away from in fear. This one woman seemed to be the mayor herself, and walked with such authority that it could be none other. "Your hiding places never improve." she announced with a chuckle. "Do I have any volunteers?" she inquired, reaching out to the huddled up group of women, who all backpedaled from the mayor in fear.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras eyes grew wide as the girl explained the town situation! So that's what was happening around town! And as the saying went the poor girl spoke of the devil, and she appeared.

So this was it, watch someone be taken, risk herself or start a fight with unknown forces at play... "Leave them alone!" Seras stepped forward bravely, throwing her white cloak aisde to reveal her red dress and her determined strong eyes! It was only one tyranical woman! Besides Seras was hardly a girl to allow others to come to harm or worse! She had 2 powerful mages and Leo's might at her back!
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 40/40 EP: 30/30 PP: 30/30
Status: Bound

The Mayor casts Binding on Seras
Seras' Resistance: 15+1=16 vs. 60

Seras is bound.

Mason and Madison spew fire at the Mayor
(Mason) To-hit: 40+10=50 vs. 60
(Madison) To-hit: 40+15=55 vs. 60

Both demons' magics are dodged.

Leo sneak attacks the Mayor
Stealth: 36 vs. 34
Damage: 46

"Oh?" the mayor rose an eyebrow at Seras. "I see a volunteer," she announced, before the woman's hand was suddenly on Seras' shoulder. In that instant, her body became bound suddenly with dark tentacles covered in a black miasma that surged from the mayor's hand. Like that, the mayor seemed content. "I don't recall your face. What an honorable hero you are, to protect these girls. I'll be sure to tell 'him' of the credit he should give to you when I present you before him." she said with a giggle.

Meanwhile, they showed slight hesitance, before they came out. Mason and Madison extended their hands out and let loose fire. The mayor suddenly moved with inhuman grace, and avoided the fire. Before the mayor could gloat, and the two demons could look demoralized, Leo jumped out, and struck the Mayor in the back with his weapon. The blow would have knocked out or at least leveled a normal human being, but the mayor revealed herself to be much more than that. "Oh? Another attempt at resistance~ How wonderful!" she giggled, before Madison and Mason backed up, and Leo growled, frustrated at how the Demon shrugged off such a heavy hit. "I'll murder you two," she looked to Mason and Leo, "-and throw you to the dogs." she said to Madison.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The woman effortlessly moved through the company dodging the magical attacks that should've easily won them the fight. Seras eyes light up with joy as she saw Leo crash his attack down onto the woman with great force!... but no avail. A chilling realisation just how outmatched they were ran across the heroines body! She'll kill her two friends and take them away!

"I'm one of Chesters toys!" the girl quickly cried out hopefully atleast one word stopping the woman from slaughtering her company "I'm one of his prized toys and we just arrived here. The two demons are to deliver me unharmed for a favor from him."

It was the only demon of note she knew and hopefully a name that sounded familiar to the mayor "I don't know their names, but I know they're his favorite couriers."

"T-the gruff is just stupid muscle, he didn't know any better! B-but he's loyal to a fault.. I don't know.." some tears rolled across the girls eyes as she cried out once more, hopefully not to be shut by her companions spilled blood. She'd turn to the demons to enhance her desperate lie and Leo to quickly fall to his knees or avoid revenge in whatever way possible.
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"If you know Chester, I'm sure there's no lie in that." said the Mayor, smiling at Seras. "But as for everything else you've told me, I don't believe a single word. If it was Chester's grand idea of a prank to have these two favorites attack me, then the old boy has lost his touch with humor. No, these two are just no name demons." she announced, before sending out bindings to capture Madison as well. Mason and Leo looked absolutely frustrated at how powerless they were, especially Leo, who was ready to jump at the Mayor once more, before Mason suddenly gripped Leo and forced his head down into a mock bow while Mason himself bowed to the Mayor apologetically. "I-I'm so sorry! This woman made a contract with us to protect her! Is there any way we can honor our contract under your mercy!?" Mason said desperately.

The mayor smiled. "Yes, you can follow my orders. Bind that gruff and take him along. I can find a use for him." she announced, and Mason leaned over to Leo. The two whispered with one another, before Leo seemed surprisingly content. He let himself be bound, before the Mayor smiled at the rest of the girls in the basement. "I've gotten two this time, so as a bonus for you, the next harvest will come twice as late. How lucky you all are~" she giggled, before stepping up and out of the basement, pulling Madison and Seras along while Mason went with Leo, following the Mayor.

Suddenly, Seras felt as if something slipped into her mind, before she heard Mason's voice in her head. "Don't worry, I have a plan." was all he said. Madison followed along quietly as well. Whether she heard Mason or not was unknown, but she didn't seem to have any appearance of helplessness as they were all led to the end of the road that led into the town, which ended at a large two story mansion. The mayor walked at a quick pace, taking them inside, while they walked through the seemingly empty building. The building had various expensive furniture, paintings, couches, and the like, and the carpet along a marble floor seemed quite expensive. The sight was easy on the eyes until she reached a pair of double doors. Upon opening them, they led to a staircase that went underground, which had walls of depressing dark gray stone. The mayor took them along quietly if they didn't make a fuss, but everyone would remain silent, unless Seras said something.

If she said nothing, then they'd be led to a prison cell block, where the mayor intended likely to keep them for future use.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

It...worked? Seras kept her gaze down, if only not to reveal her own surprise. Hearing the mayors order the girl covered her mouth, still looking down a huge smile on her face. They were still caught and lead to meet a questionable fate, but they were alive! Even after flatout attacking a creature of such power!

Still Seras knew just how important it was to keep appearance and hid her surprising relief. Though a stray thought crossed her mind if using the demons name may cost in the future...

Yet another two-story manor that housed what seemed to be her enemy. The girl just had the worst luck when it came to encounter the rich and powerful. She'd go along silently, though kept close to Madison if only to feel a little safer.

"I-if I may..." the group turned to Seras likely wanting the girl to keep shut "May I ask your name, miss?..." she looked to the mayor bashfully "My name is Seras." she'd give a weak and fragile smile to her captive, who knows perhaps removing a number and giving herself a name may earn some grace...

Still as they went in Seras would look over any guards or sentries around, Mason had a plan and an eye for detail may be the difference between a swift escape or an even worse fate of being caught in the act. Still besides her offer to change names Seras would remain silent and follow to wherever she was led.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"You may call me Mistress and nothing else." the mayor said simply. "And your name henceforth shall no longer be Seras. You are meat." she announced with a dark chuckle.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Well it was a bad as the girl hoped it wouldn't be... the heroine lowered her head and followed her captives to her cage. With her companions still alive and well, hopefully they'll get out of this mess in time.

On the 'bright' side, Seras was lead directly where she believed the white hood man was held aswell. Though it did little to comfort her as she slowly descended down the gloomy dungeon like area...
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Led into her cage with the others, Seras was paired with Mason, and Madison with Leo. "You should be able to keep yourselves fed like this," the mistress said, before locking them within their respective cages next to each other. "Now if you'll excuse me... I have a date with the new handsome man in town~" she giggled lewdly, before turning on her heel and walking out of the prison.

The moment the jail cell door was slammed shut and locked, a double layer of security to ensure they do not escape, a pair of feet lowered from the ceiling, before the white hooded man Seras saw fell from above. Wordlessly he came up to their cells, and used odd tools on the locks. In a few seconds each, he snapped both locks and freed them. "I thought I told you to leave." The hooded man scolded Seras.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Well... this was akward. Seras eyes light up with joy seeing the man she sought, but they 'she found' him was of all things unflatering. The heroine smiled sheepishly "Would you believe me if I'd say I came back save you?" she scratched her head innocently, a cold drop of sweat trailing down.

"T-thank you for freeing us, but I was told you were captured by slavers." the girl looked to her group "We all came to rescue you." as mentioned before... akward. At the very least the girl had very good hearted intentions!