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Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 50/50 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35
Status: Fine, Nude

(Seras also gains 288 corruption, meaning if the sheet is correct, she goes over 300 corruption and gains her third mutation with 114 corruption left over. Her mutation will also have manifested itself overnight.)

Looking around, Seras would not find any of her belongings in the cave. Other than the main entrance, there didn't seem to be any other way out really. So she'd begin her search then for something to possibly aid her escape. Other than a brilliant idea of her own devices, what she had in the cave was sharp stalagmites your everyday bowling ball sized boulder, and there was even an odd plant growing in the corner. It looked odd in appearance, but it was still green in color. It carried a slightly interesting smell however.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

As the situation developed the girls movements grew in speed, a certain desperation becoming clear in her steps... There was literally nothing here than the most basic stones, boulders and stalagmites! Well, almost nothing. There was some sort of plant here, it was a stretch, but worth to look it over.

Approaching, the girl all too clearly felt a certain scent about it. Though not quite sure what it was yet, but a idea had already started to brew.

Inspect the plant, if deemed safe attempt touching it
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 50/50 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35
Status: Fine, Nude

Seras inspects the plant, and finds that by smelling it, she'd begin to feel relaxed. Her mind would be dulled a bit from the smell. She'd eventually realize that she was laying face down and ass-up on the ground, and given the sensation on her cheek, she'd been laying there for a few minutes. This plant seemed to make one rather sleepy. The plant also looked to contain sacks which seemed to emanate the scent. Said sacks looked full of fluids.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

If just a whiff to her made her succumb to it, what would such a smell do to a canines heightened senses? Seras smirked as her plan began to take shape. There were only two den guards... it was worth a shot, memorising where the sacks were Seras took a deep breath and looked away reaching forward to unclip atleast 4 or 5 of the sacks depending on their sizes. Enough to fill her palms, but not enough so she couldn't carry them in hand.

The sacs in hand, the girl wasted no time lingering in place. Chances are the scent would have sharpened around the area she stood, meaning standing still and letting it creep up may end with her waking up ass raised and paws around her waist.

Procceeding with her plan, Seras would approach each wolf individually, her hands palms soaked by the juices and kept behind her. Only to reveal them, when near the wolf and the canine would lean towards her to give an affection rub of his nose against her skin. It would be then, the girl would 'pet' his snout making sure to soak it in the sleep inducing nectar.

It would be best to do it out of sight of the other wolf and to both of them. The next stage of the plan proceeding only if this worked and the pups would take an involunteery nap.

Coat hands in said fluids and avoid catching whiff of the plant at all cost! Be it by moving to keep the scent from moving up and keeping her hands behind her, not infront!
Give pets of sleepyness to wolf guards
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 50/50 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35
Status: Bound, Sealed, Nude

Seras plan worked in every way she intended it. The plant's juices spilled over her hands as she tried to take them, and the result was a bunch of sleepy wolves. However, she likely didn't think of anything afterwards. Perhaps she could have used the sharp stalactites to become soaked instead of herself, or used the boulder to squish the plant and cause it's scent to fill the cave while she held her breath before escaping. The end result was a scent she couldn't escape because her hands were soaked in it. Contained, the scent was quite something, but it's thick and syrupy material now coated her, forcing her to breathe it in unless she sprinted to use the wind to escape it.

Even if she sprinted, she was sadly limited to her stamina. The end result was the same. She would succumb to the plant, and pass out.


When next she'd awake, Seras would find herself in a more dire predicament. Her arms were bound behind her back, and her ankles were bound together as well by leather straps locked around a metal chain. "The world is a strange place indeed!" announced a woman's voice. Should Sena turn to look, she'd see a trio of dark elves surrounding her, with one and holding her chains. "We just happened to stop by and check on our pets, and they've found yet another specimen of profit! A fine looking sex slave as well, though it seems off hand that such is all your worth extends to~" One of the dark elves said, before the others laughed in turn.

One of the elves reached down, and grabbed Seras by her cheeks while grinning down at her. "We're going to make a pretty coin off of your pussy~" the elf promised, before standing, and aggressively bringing Seras' body over one of the wolves. The beast would begin to carry Seras' bound form before the elves left the cave, allowing Seras to say whatever she wished.

If she said nothing, Seras would find that she was being brought back to civilization, of a sort. The buildings were constructed from bamboo and leaves, and it's inhabitants were mainly dark elves, with a mixture of other races. Though this wasn't a very large village. Easily hidden, there were likely fifty individuals at most within. The town's layout was a series of smaller dwellings around a single large bamboo hut, which seemed like the area of interest within the dwelling. Seras would be brought inside, to find that it was a slave pen. Humans, orcs, elves, su-ku-ta, and a few other odd appearances were to be seen contained within cages and bound with every means possible. Mostly women were captured, and a few men, each with a sign with a price written on a wooden sign in front of it, with a list of odd 'qualities' that might be of interest to those looking to buy. The highest priced slave was perhaps unsurprisingly the sole angel that was caged. A thousand denarii, quite a hefty price.

Seras would be brought to have her price assessed, provided she had nothing to say to her captors.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The poor girl couldn't get a break, from the den of horny wolves to a den of perverts and slavers... more than likely the girls initial questions of who these women were fel on deaf ears as she was carried away to what likely was a market of sorts.

Though her fate was more than a tad unfortunate, the girl kept her eyes peeled looking around the area, just asssesing how badly the situation went this time "W-where are?" she glanced to her captors. Though if they answered or how they answered was completely out of her control.

For the time being Seras was at the mercy of the slavers. A distant thought of her friends running through her head... hopefully this time, she won't become just another unnoticed victim.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 50/50 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35
Status: Bound, Sealed, Nude

"We're in a little slave trade hub." one of the elves answered. "We're going to sell you here~" she stated.

Brought into the large hut, Seras was taken around the wood and leather counter over which business was done, and to the back, into a mildly large room, decorated with the fur of wild beasts, and a single throne along the wall. A well sculpted dark elf sat on the throne, in the middle of a conversation with a human dressed in royal clothing with short blond hair. When Seras and her captors walked in, both turned to them, and Seras immediately recognized him.

Wittle, the man who started all of this. The man who started Seras down this path, who made her one of his unnoticed victims. The nobleman's face brimmed brightly with a wide grin, seeming rather ecstatic to see Seras again. "Seras! Fancy our meeting here! It's a small world, isn't it?" he laughed. "I see you're doing better off than when I left you. Did that satyr fuck you and then forsake you? At least you got some better tits out of it, eh?" he mocked her.

"You know this slave?" the calm and collected Amazoness asked from her throne, looking at Seras with a somewhat bored smile.

Wittle nodded. "Aye, I do! She's some bitch I had removed from my town, little too much of a rebellious mind you see, ill suited for an organized civilization to serve me." he chuckled, much to the amusement of the dark elf.

"Handy that, then you might be able to give me a proper assessment of this slave's price." the elf suggested.

Wittle chuckled maliciously, before slowly walking closer to Seras. Her captors took her, and forced Seras to stand on her knees, looking up at Wittle as if he were her superior. Looking her lewd body up and down, he chuckled. "One denarii. That's how much this useless bitch is worth." he laughed, taunting her, while the other elves gave slight chuckles as well.

"Given she was captured by wolves, a single wolf if I was told correctly, then I wouldn't assume that price would be so unrealistic, but I still need to charge a little more than that, you see... I'd say disobedience as well as incompetence prices her at about twenty denarii. At the very least, she has a fuck hole." the elf shrugged.

Filled with amusement, Wittle stepped forth, and slowly unzipped his pants. When the elves gave concern, he waved them off. "You'll get paid..." he assured them, before he made a gesture, and one of the elves stabbed something thin into Seras' neck, injecting an aphrodisiac into her blood, causing her body to heat with lust before Wittle inserted his length into her mouth. Seras was unable to bite, due to the injection, much likely to Wittle's plan. "You must 'really' recognize me now...!" Wittle announced, regardless if Seras showed her foreknowledge of him. "You remember tasting this dick, don't you?" he chuckled, dragging her head back and forth, forcing her to endure this shame a second time. "It would have been so convenient if you weren't a useless bitch, too. I'd use you in my little offering~" he announced.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

It just kept getting worse. Of all the people, of all the place... why did HE have to be here. Seras recognised the man the moment she heard his voice, the moment she even saw his figure... Wittle.

The girl quickly turned away trying not to show her face, but unfortuntely it was far too late as he recognised her. After all that's happening after all her numerous failures and loses, Seras just remained silent at his mocks wincing lightly at the sharper points he made.

Though before, the deal for her service was made the girl utter something to him, just loud enough for him to hear, but silent enough not to make it a shout "I'll kill you, I promise. I'll kill you one day." unfortunately she didn't even know his name, the girl never cared to learn it.

It was then the injection happened, disabling the girls resistances. She tried, she tried so hard to snap her mouth shut. Even if it meant she'd be killed on the spot it would be all too worth it to cripple the bastard! Unfortunately she did not have a call in the matter as her lips refused to shut. Servicing the man once more as he bobbed her head back and forth, her eyes full of hatred looking up to him, tears from the aphrodisiacs effect forming at the sides of her eyes.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

HP: 50/50 EP: 35/35 PP: 35/35
Status: Bound, Sealed, Nude

The man laughed at her announcement, waiting to respond until his length was comfortably in her mouth. "Is that so? Ha! You're well on your way, to be sure! Maybe you'll have made plenty progress on the fifth occasion you're on your knees and sucking on my cock? Though maybe..." He gripped her hair roughly, forcing her to deepthroat his length. "Maybe by then, you'll be too in love with the taste of my cock~"

Wittle continued to move her back and forth, forcing her to suck him off vigorously, before he blew his load. The first load in her mouth, and the last few on her face. "What a sexy face~ Looking so angry while covered in my cum. The cutest part is possibly how you think you're going to do something about it!" He mocked her, before gripping her hair roughly, enough to cause her pain, while her horny fluids dripped between her legs, forcing her against her will to receive any punishment she was given with a lustful disposition. "Just try to kill me, you slut. You think you're the only bitch I made disappear? We'll see if you dare to show your head to me a third time. I will rape you until you're nothing but a babbling fool! And then throw you to the dogs!" he swore, before adjusting his pants to make himself decent once more.

"You've dirtied our product." The slave master announced.

"It's fine. I can direct you to an associate of mine. He doesn't care for qualities, all he desires are fuck holes like her." Wittle gestured at Seras.

The nobleman paid what he owed for using the product, Seras, before leaving the room, giving her a dirty look as he went. Seras was still left horny by the drug, and after being so frustrated, Seras would be hard pressed not to accept any cock to satisfy her needs. But she was merely left like that. Taken by her collar like a dog, and put into a wooden cage like the rest. In the slave room, a sign was put in front of her cage. It read, "Twenty Denarii."

Buyers came and went. Many glanced at Seras, but immediately regarded her as trash when they saw her price. None wanted her, and most came looking for a slave who could at least accomplish something, or a slave who could fight. Seras was described as having none of these qualities. But then, another buyer came in. He was dressed like Wittle, and he was well rounded, the perfect example of corrupt wealth and nobility. "Why hellooo! I came looking for a fine piece of meat my associate told me about! Though you're quite fine as well~" the man flirted perversely with the attractive dark elf across the counter. He was directed to Seras, who was constantly ensured to be drugged so that she would respond more positively to potential buyers. The round man's lips curled into a smile at the sight of her. "Oooh! What a fine specimen! Such hips! Supple breasts! And a hilariously low price at that! I will take her!" he announced immediately. Reaching the counter, he saw the angel as well. He looked at her price, before grinning again. "I shall have that angel as well! What a find! I shall be having fun tonight!" the man cheered.

Seras and the angel were loaded, still inside their cages, into transport wagons outside. Fires came from another wagon, and at the sight of which, the round man growled at the sight and the following sound of a restless horse. "Quiet the beast!" he demanded. "How much must we restrain it!? Honestly!" he grunted, before getting into his own private wagon. Based on what she had seen, it seemed Seras as well as the horse she was meant to kill were captured. At the very least, she was close to her original objective.

The trip to the nobleman's estate would be a long one, according to the men taking her. The location meant Seras would be disconnected from her friends. She'd be on her own with the rest of them likely struggling to find her. During the trip, the angel would struggle with her strong bindings, and attempt to get closer to Seras in her own cage. "We have to work together..." the angel grunted. "I fear I will fall if they make me a victim of that man. You must help me escape. It is hopeless right now, with all the guards. The fat man seeks to pick only one of us, but he must pick both of us! Together, we can escape." the angel promised.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The humiliating encounter, her numerous failures, the utter darkness she felt surround her, beating any speck of light the girl so struggled to grasp... Seras remained silent in her cage just thinking over all the things that went wrong for her. She was always a hindrance, always the one that needed to be saved... always the one defeated, even after she tried so hard to change. Her heart cracked on the verge of being broken, she was slowly taken further and further away from her only friends. She was a failure, perhaps this is what she deserved... the only thing she was good for. Just some disgusting meat to be fucked, abused and later killed off or thrown away to some beasts.

The girls heart sank deeper and deeper into dispair as she bumpy ride continued, she didn't even notice the angel girl shuffle closer... nor the irony of being trapped alongside the beast she was to hunt down.

Though as her heart was enveloped in the dark reality of what a meaningless unnoticed victim she was. She did hear the angel girls call...

"What?" she turned to the angel girl curiously. 'Escape'.... "I'm not sure you should ask me anything... I'm just...." the girl teared up crawling up in the corner of her cage. She was useless, she was stupid... what hope was there? HA to escape... for what end? Revenge? Just how naive was she all this time. A true champion of light guided and taught her, only for her to be defeated and raped by a single wolf barely an hour of being left alone. Useless.

Seras would remain silent for brief moment, before her heart calmed. The girls eyes looking up to the angel girl. One more try... Maybe just once more, if only to just save the angel girl. Who cares if she dies at the very least she had done this one thing right!

The girl controled her breath and suddenly shuffled closer towards the cage the angel was held in "I hear you." she gave her a light fragile smile "What do you mean he will pick only one of us?"
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Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"I managed to overhear him." The angel replied. "He said that the proper containment measures are not ready. If one of us is held in captivity while the other is with him, it will be that much harder for both of us to escape. We must be together!" the angel insisted, before reaching her hand through the bars to grasp Seras' own. "I know you must feel scared and helpless, but you must have faith. It may be an indignity to oblige this disgusting man for even a moment, but we must if need be! The end result must be with both of us together alone with him. That will be our best chance to escape."
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras listened to the angel, but for some time kept her gaze away. So that was the reason... "Aye." she looked to the girl and nodded, for the time being the darkness pushed aside. The unfortunate girls hand grasped the angels firmly, before she spoke "A man like that... The only way he'd risk taking of us would be if me." Seras gulped lightly and glanced to the angels eyes "We'd have to give him a show he'd not want to interupt." she blushed faintly.

"Are... I mean as in... you know. You're okay with that, right?" she smiled very faintly and clearly sheepsihly. Clearly the man wasn't smart and as he mentioned he had a fair adoration of Seras... maybe the girls could use his lusty urges against him! "Do you know how long before we stop?" The show had be done just right, with the peak be it played out or well... real, shown just as the man entered to see them.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

The angel blushed when she realized what Seras was talking about, or at least believed she knew, before looking at her straight. "I'm fine with it. I do not know when we stop... Though given he's carrying that beast, it can't be long..." The angel said shyly, before pressing herself up to the bars. "If we go slowly..." she suggested, so that they'd be more likely to be caught in the act.

The angel put her lips out to kiss, timid but determined, while extending her arms beyond the bars to gently touch Seras's breasts. She'd dance her tongue around Seras's own, and would continue their gentle embrace of lips for some time. Gingerly, while moaning at any little thing Seras did, she'd put her finger's to Seras' folds, rubbing her slowly. "I... I-I feel as if I'm getting more into it than I perhaps should be..." she admitted, indeed getting rather excited.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Amazingly, not only was the angel fine with the idea, she was the one that initiated! Seras blushed strongly as the mythical creature shuffled closer, the angels own exceptional face adorned with a cute blush "Y-yeah..." the girl almost gulped as she returned the notion and moved closer getting on knees against the bars and doing a mirrored knee stand.

This was not the place, nor the place, nor did she have the mood or knew who this girl was... but if they wanted to lure the bastard, this had to be done. Seras gulped audibly and smiled at the puckered lips, before leaning in a giving the angel a kiss. Even if she was kept for so long, the girls exceptional scent swiftly enveloped Seras upon the kiss, her full soft lips embraced fully against the unfortunate girls own.

To even greater surprise the girl, swiftly began to use her tongue. Her body leaning against the cage as she clearly getting into the moment, perhaps a bit too much. Seras generous bust already against the steel aswell, the girls pressed their bodies closer for a more comfortable kiss, in turn presing their cups together. The cold steel swiftly enveloped on their side by their generous bust.

Dizzy and lightheaded from the divine embrace, soon enough Seras seemed to get in same rhythm as the angel girl. Their embrace deepening as their tongues moved out for their dance. Both girls letting out soft moan as they blushed brightly.

Seras moved her hands against the bars and grasped them tenderly as the kiss continued, all the darkness from before spurring her to cling to a tender moment of enjoyment. Her body all too happily accepting the angels advances, especially on her breasts. The angels silken touch soon brushed against her breast, tensing up Seras body and making her already shivering eyes shut. The angel girl gently tensed her grip, to give the DD cup and firm squeeze before moving to begin to massage it.

As for Seras grip on the bars, the girls hands swiftly grew weaker and weaker. Beginning to slide down along the cold steel, her head utterly dizzy as they continued their luscious kiss. Their cups pressed together even with the bars in the way. Soon enough Seras felt the embrace just barely break, the angel girl moving back barely an inch to almost whisper in a husky tone. Her hand sliding Seras own peerless body, across her smooth midriff and down still to her cunny.

Her folds already fairly damp, Seras could offer a sheepish smile as any lie would be betrayed by her body "Y-yeah... me too." blushing cutely she moved her hands off the bars and into the angels cell. Brushing her touch across the angels sides and gently pulling her body closer fully. Seras previous knee-stand position now a full lean against the bars. Her legs spread to allow a closer approach... aswell as offer the angel a clear approach.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Pulled closer, the angel gave a shy meep in response, but didn't fight it. Instead, she went with it, putting her arms so that she embraced Seras too while they kissed each other. After their initial lust, it was hard to act on that lust with the bars in their way, so the angel was content to kiss and touch Seras, while the need to go further built within them both. They'd become so indulged in what they were doing, their breasts pushing against one another through the bars, that their plan worked better than expected. Both would be surprised as the wagon came to a halt, and the doors swung open. The lord and his knight stood there, while the lord licked his lips in delight at the scene. The knight didn't even get to ask his question before the lord waved his hands. "Take the both of them, to my quarters! Make haste!" he announced, before their cages were taken out of the wagon, and carried as if they were animals, towards a rather wealthy looking estate.

It was a building painted white, with lights granting clear visibility inside via bright candles. It looked innocent enough on the outside, but as they were led inside, they'd find a layout matching the grand nature, but the only servants of the estate were female maids, and each wore only the apron, and were nude other than that. "Welcome, master," the maids all greeted their 'wealthy' lord in unison. Some looked like poor village girls, in fact, Seras actually recognized a few. Meek, and subdued, she saw a short, brown haired girl named Penelope among the bowing maids. Seras and the rest of the townsfolk were led to believe that she had gone off to start her own business, with the aid of the... Mayor. Though it was easily clear that such as all a lie, and poor Penelope was sold into slavery. To add insult to injury, the wretched lord went by many maids, groping them and tasting them with his tongue, even sticking his tongue into Penelope's mouth, while reaching a hand around to toy with her anal rim using his fingers. She did little more than wince, before falling into his embrace. She looked well trained to do as her lord commanded, though it was clear she was suffering.

The angel didn't seem to notice Seras. Only she knew of the poor villagers fates. Yet more unnoticed victims.

Seras and the angel were carried up the stairs, and into a master bedroom at the very center of the mansion. There... Their cages were opened, and the guards who carried them stood by the door, guarding it, while watching the pair, seeming to act as the lord's failsafe, in case his slaves try a sudden escape. "Now..." he licked his lips. "Continue from where you left off, ladies~" he chuckled, taking a seat casually, and leaving the angel and human to continue stimulating each other on his floor. The angel looked to Seras firmly, she looked ready to do whatever it took to find a weakness, and escape. Her eyes quickly set on a window in the master bedroom. It'd lead straight to escape... Though they'd be leaving the other victims behind.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras watched on to the 'maids', the realisation how they all become this freaks toys all too clear. Her hand clenching into fists for a brief moment as she winces at the kiss. Not keen to look on at the man indulge in his collection.

The moment they entered the bedroom, Seras knew this would be it. The only chance the two girls would have if they were to escape. As their cages were lugged inside Seras eyes quickly glanced over the room and the guards. Taking extra care to note what the guard were armed with and what 'ornate' weapons the lord possibly had on his wall.

Seras returned the firm gaze to the angel girl aswell, letting her know their plan was still to proceed... they'd just need to wait for the right chance. Though Seras and likely the angels eyes wandered to the window, it was little relief. Perhaps if the angel could fly she'd be able to escape, but even then she'd likely be gunned down by a sentry.

If they were given the chance they needed to buy enough time for a opening to appear. To do that... the show had to go on.

Seras slowly crawled closer to the angel girl, her ass arched out and swaying alluringly to give the lord a show. Only upon approach she'd lock her lips with the angel her and lace her fingertips with the angels once more breaking the kiss to fakely nibble on her neck... while actually silently whispering to her "Don't stop moaning. Did you see the guards?" she'd lean out with puckered lips only to lean back in eagerly kissing the angel girl and ever so gently breaking the embrace for the angel girl to let slip some "lustful whispers" of her own.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras was keeping her eyes on the prize, mainly her own escape, while witnessing where some of the town's women had gone. Men had gone off too, though with far less ceremony as some just outright disappeared with minor explanations as to where. Though all that was for another time as Seras took to putting on a much more fake performance. Her back was to the lord, so she didn't need to do much, but even despite knowing the situation, it seemed the angel was a poor actor. There was a clear difference between now and then, when they first began exciting each other, mostly bothered by the fact that the angel seemed more interested in doing it for real, though only with Seras. The lord didn't enter the equation much for obvious reasons. "... This isn't the time," the angel whispered back, before giving a legitimate kiss to her neck, sucking on Seras' sensitive flesh and stimulating her greatly.

After that first kiss, the angel let Seras feel her warm and soft tongue touch against her neck. She teasingly licked up along Seras' neck until she flicked the tip over her earlobe, no doubt drawing a real moan from the girl. "That's right... Less whispering girls, and more playing~!" the lord cooed, apparently very focused on what was happening, as he caught at least one of their whispers. The angel's hands went to grip Seras' fine shaped rump, before massaging them to show just how attractive her back end was. "F-forgive her, master." The angel said meekly. "She is not used to being a slave, not like I." the angel claimed, before leaning back, making Seras bend over while the angel pulled her hands back slightly while gripping Seras' ass cheeks, showing off Seras' pussy and asshole to the wealthy lord. Already sweating as well from the previous excitement, Seras' body was shining attractively. The many mirrors in the room for vanity allowed Seras to see just how sexy she looked being presented like that, especially with an angel showcasing her pink and moist petals surrounded by attractive thick flesh. All eyes were on Seras in that moment, and all seemed to agree without words, that she was very beautiful. Even the lord, always the fat grinning man, had to gape in awe at Seras' attractive beauty.

"I was merely whispering to her, to calm her, you see." The angel cooed. She began to gently rub her cheek against Seras' own lovingly, while one of her hands smoothed itself gently over Seras' ass to show just how much fun it was to play with Seras' jiggly rump. Then, Seras would feel the angel's hand slip over, and with two fingers, begin toying with her pussy. Gently rubbing in circles, teasing her pussy with her motions, while putting on quite a show for those watching. "She enjoys sex, just like everyone else, master... So won't you please be gentle with her? She's quite frightened..." she made an honest request. To which, the mayor gave a wide and understanding smile, before taking a few steps closer to the scene, very casual in his pace. "Why, of course I'll be gentle! You poor creature! Did you think I would damage you?" he asked her, treating her like an object, before Seras would feel his hand gently run down from the back of her neck, petting her down along the curve of her back until he stroked her rump for a moment. "Perish the thought! I treat all of my belongings very well~ You'll see!" he promised, before leaning forward, his action drawing Seras' eyes to look at him...

There, she saw glowing red eyes. Eyes that stared into her heart and mind. Her heart began to beat faster, being gazed at by this man excited her. It all lasted for a split second, before he blinked, and his eyes looked human again. "Perhaps you'll even come to love me~" he suggested, and given the expression on his face, that possibility seemed to be one he was seeking. The angel seemed oblivious though, as she eagerly replied. "O-of course she'll come to love you, oh master!" the angel giggled nervously. The lord only nodded, before leaning back. "Ah, but love takes time, my dear." the lord informed the angel. "I'll need to know so much about this girl before I court her properly!" he announced. "First... I'd like to know how she tastes..." he chuckled. "Taste her for me, and describe it clearly." he ordered the angel, who looked meek for a good moment, offering an apologizing glance before making Seras stand on her knees while the angel held her by her ass, putting her angelic lips to Seras' folds. Soon after, Seras felt the gentle slither of the angel's slick and smooth tongue sliding along her folds, teasing her clit and then the rest of her petals, moaning a bit at first as she truly tasted Seras.

"... Well?" the lord inquired after a moment, following the angel slowly licking Seras a few times. "How does she taste?" he asked. The angle hesitated a moment, giving her clit a kiss before giving the most firm reply she ever gave the fat lord so far. "She's delicious~" she'd say with a happy tone, before diving back in to taste the girl more, kissing and sucking and licking Seras' nethers, getting as into it now as she was back when they were in cages. "What about you?" the lord inquired to Seras with a wide grin. "How do you feel about a divine angel pleasuring you with her tongue?"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras looked quizingly at the angels words, how was this not the time? Perhaps she was right, the two guards were placed nearby and both of them had no means to acquire weapons... but if this continued. Sharp goosebumps ran across the girls body just thinking of becoming one of the 'lords' toys.

Thought the thought would only last ever so briefly, as clear confusion at what was going on instead took it's place. Each motion, each kiss - everything the angel girl 'acted' felt distinctly genuine. In front of this man.... and after everything that happened, Seras of all things did not feel lust or passion. Nor sought such relief, even if it was with the gorgeous angel. Her cold reactions once more saved by the angels initiative as 'fear' or 'bashfulness'.

She didn't want this, she didn't want it one bit. Not before this man, not under his command. For how exceptional she may have appeared now, especially contrasting to humiliation and degradation she suffered not hours ago... the girl was broken inside. Only a sliver of herself still remained and that sliver only whispered her to just follow the angel girls motions and let her body do the rest.

This decision thankfully made before the lord approached her, her eyes already changed from her hateful defiance to far more earnest look, more a king to exactly what the lord would want. A girl who'd only nod her head and follow.

Only now would Seras truly feel the angels touch, only now would her body stir and tremble at the touches she received, at the lusty gazes admiring seemingly every bit of her exceptional body. Her moans would echo with much more genuine lust, absolutely bringing the scene even more alive. The frightened beauty 'was starting to truly get into it' much to the viewers joy... perhaps even to the angel girls.

Even still every word the lord said would echo hate at the back of Seras mind, each of his touch repulsing her. Only when she absolutely had to would she acknowledge the lord, focusing on the angels touch and body. Her sweet scent and earnest eyes.

Seras would not argue at the change of position, allowing the angel to position her. The girls own hands sliding up her exceptional body up along her midriff to slide beneath her fairly substantial cups, coiling her fingers around them and pushing them up a sharp moan escaping her at the first touch at her petals. Her eyes half-lidded Seras bit down on her lover lip, her knees gently trembling as the angels earnest lust only accentuated the sensual high "Aaaah~~" the girls whole body shivered, she herself only focusing on the angel and the lords voice only an echo somewhere far away, heard, but the owner ignored.

"I-It's D-Divine~" she cried out with a huge smile, her fingers pressing against her sensitive flesh guiding two of them to her already erect nippies to pinch and twirl them.
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

"That's good~" the man cooed, watching the scene play out a moment longer, before it seemed his patience wore thin. The sound of the large doors shutting could be heard, before Seras would find herself, the angel, and the nobleman alone in the room. "M-master?" the angel stuttered nervously, before his grin began his reply to the angel. "We're alone now, and you've done well to get her nice and ready~" he praised the angel, who hesitated for a moment. The angel looked quite worried, very worried. Though not so much over the thought of sex. Looking to Seras, the look on her face said it wasn't time to jump him. They'd be too helpless and it wasn't clear whether they'd be shot down by a sentry, as per Seras' fears. The angel looked to badly wish they could talk, but they had no such luxury as the man made his approach, nudging the angel aside and climbing onto the bed and gripping Seras' knees, spreading her open as he revealed his oddly huge member, comparable to Leo and his impressive satyr cock.

The angel seemed extra alerted by that, and acted on her fear. "M-master! No!" the angel cried out, causing him to stop in mid motion. The angel didn't hesitate, even moving forward without fear, though it was clear on her face that what she was doing was self-sacrifice. "You weren't going to give it to me first? I... I-I want it!" she begged, before grabbing his length and forcing him to give an impressed moan as she took his large tip into her mouth, stretching her lips out as just the tip was all she could fit. Not stopping there, she ran her tongue down along the bottom of his length, before suckling on his balls. He looked to be enjoying himself greatly, although he looked to wish to save the angel for last. The angel was doing well to sway him, and would no doubt be made to service him with her pussy unless Seras took the ordeal onto herself.

Depending on whether Seras left the task to the angel or not, the man would suddenly wish to perform the act somewhere else. "I'd like to proceed... In my special room~" he'd coo. "Come this way, and please your master~"
Re: Unnoticed Victims (Ubberific) GM'd by MAF

Seras took note of the angels seeming desperate reaction, something in her plan went a miss. The least Seras could do is try to stick to the original idea - they had to be together.

The sensation of the creeps touch made the girls skin crawl, even more so the moment he spread her and showed his erect cock. Seras eyes couldn't help, but wander over the huge tool in hand. Her heart skipping a beat at thought of him proceeding onwards. She loathed every single inch of it, but her body couldn't help but tense up and send sparks of excitement at the thoughts of what if...

Either way Seras was still very much in control of her body and quickly took note of the angels actions. This way only the angel girl would be taken! Her heart sank, but she knew she had to do it. Swallowing her pride, Seras would get off her back and on her knees next to the angel blowing the cock.

"No~ I want it master!" the moment the angel girl began to slide her tongue the side of the cock, Seras would quickly lean forward and needily lick under his crown and wrapping her luscious lips around the tip much in mirror fashion to the angel girl. Though she'd even make some motions to try and go deeper, her tongue fimrly pressed against his undercock before she too failed to fit it and would slide along the other side of the cock.

The whole act was keen to make the girl gag, but she had to swallow her pride. Seras would gently cup the lord balls and place a gentle finger on the very tip arching the cock up, each girl licking up and down the cocks shaft from either side lustily "M~ Why is Master so delicious~" she'd lean forward and kiss the cock before continueing her licks, a powerful mental wince echoing across her head.

Though meanwhile Seras was keen to try and meet the angels gaze, even if the situation allowed it mirror her lips right to the very tip and kiss right her right infront of the tip, the mans pre joining both girl lips with a thick strand, each pair of lips glinting alluringly as the gils exchanged glances and continued to treat the cock. Hopefully he'd allow both to follow "Honor us, master. Please~" the plan better work...