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RPG RPG Maker [うさぎめしや / usabox] MaiDenSnow Eve / MaiDenSnow Eve ~さる前夜祭~ (RE115762, RJ115762)

Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

[...]As for saves, I have no idea how to manually save into other slots. For regular saves though, they can only be done while you're at a safe point. The auto-saves are updated whenever a turn progresses in battle, so they're useful if you need to quit the game immediately or your game crashes.

At the start, when you select a new game, do up/down and you'll see the number change.

As for current saves, you can't try your luck and revert back.
It's like NetHack, you only get one shot at doing it.
But unlike NetHack, there's no perma-death.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

At the start, when you select a new game, do up/down and you'll see the number change.

As for current saves, you can't try your luck and revert back.
It's like NetHack, you only get one shot at doing it.
But unlike NetHack, there's no perma-death.

u are wrong sooo WRONG :D
saves does can be done if u know how.
OfficerTJHooker's , as for saves go to ur files and see the numbers and copy which 1 u need to do as a backup file
save 1 to 4 are auto saves
5 to 8 are those safe at ur safe point.
for those who love to play this game like myself(cos its like my childhood game chocobo dungeon),
hardcore mode is OP/BS need LOTS of TIME TO GRID for item even 1v1 with a dog/sheep(not the black-dog or the red sheep) also can kills u.
ALSO i just restart my files to play on normal, for easy boss clear files go back to my post and get it which i dun have those godly item. need time to grid back those item.(AT least 4 or 5 days of non stop playing):(
For item issue ALWAYS and MUST get 5* holy water(a skill) this item is god which can use as throw and ech ur weapons and duration of weapons longer by 50%. MORE over it can bind those RAPIES and remove enhance stats on them, remove bad stats on-self/and heals.
Lastly just my own option to help u guys( item solt 26/25 ) which can be done. 25/25 all items the 26 is holy water.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Hard to explain it, I can only differentiate them by the end product/weapon.

Okay, got it. A normal fusion results in a weapon that has the same or more slots than its components, but is around the same in terms of strength level. While an advanced fusion will have a reduced amount of slots, but gives you a more advanced weapon.

What I want to ask is what you said before: "Advanced fusion results in a weapon that has a lower max slot in item index. Only way to craft (possibly obtain) max-slotted items as far as I know". If advanced fusion always gives you a weapon that has less slots, how would you be able to get a weapon with max slots? (4 I'm assuming).
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

how would you be able to get a weapon with max slots? (4 I'm assuming).

That's my problem as well, I can only assume that it drops in highest difficulty dungeon.

For item issue ALWAYS and MUST get 5* holy water(a skill) this item is god which can use as throw and ech ur weapons and duration of weapons longer by 50%. MORE over it can bind those RAPIES and remove enhance stats on them, remove bad stats on-self/and heals.
I usually end up out of mana & out of holy water at the worse time.

Enchant gives you holy/plasma (or dark) which boost the damage of your normal (that doesn't have holy/plasma) weapon especially early game, by fair (possibly 2x it) amount.
The heal is awesome as well, as I don't carry status removing items. Guilty of abusing holy water in that department.
Throwing holy water imo is a waste, redemption/gun is usually a better alternative.
In terms of bind, that's redemption, which doesn't require holy water. Use and abuse on that department. (Range of 3. It does 25% of max hp (or 50% against demo/undead) damage on a 5x5 square when hit. Increase the chance of an essence dropping but prevents anything else from dropping)
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Is it a safe assumption to assume this game is still "incomplete"?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

quick question of the patch. are yous suppose to dl all or just the latest?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I don't know if you can get by with only the latest, but it works if you have them all, so that's what I'd suggest. If you have the retail version, it's been updated as of 10/22/2013, which I believe merely includes the patches that were released. Still crash when starting a new game in English though ;-;

(Though, if you discover the patches work/are needed in the 10/22 version, please let me know!)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

New Fusion - Slot Expansion
Knuckle Duster [1 Slot] + Knuckle Duster [2 Slot (with red essence)] = Knuckle Duster 2 Slot

Same type can be fused together if one is a blank, and the other one red essences for more slot.
3 Slot Longsword + 3 Slot Longsword [3 Slot (with red essence)] does not create a 4 slot. (Doesn't even fuse)
Apparently, you can only expand it up to secondary weapon's highest slot. (And only +1 at that)
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Oh hey I have no idea where this Tight Skirt came from but this is A-OK with me. Can't wait to get more costumes.

Also, is it just me, or is it really difficult for her to get raped while not on all fours? I just can't get the best view of her in that position, especially when her clothes are still intact.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

New Fusion - Slot Expansion
Knuckle Duster [1 Slot] + Knuckle Duster [2 Slot (with red essence)] = Knuckle Duster 2 Slot

Same type can be fused together if one is a blank, and the other one red essences for more slot.
3 Slot Longsword + 3 Slot Longsword [3 Slot (with red essence)] does not create a 4 slot. (Doesn't even fuse)
Apparently, you can only expand it up to secondary weapon's highest slot. (And only +1 at that)

Have you tried with a rapier or a limbfire?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Nope, but I did try a maid fuku.
Maid fuku [1 Slot] + Maid fuku [2 Slot with Red Essence] = Maid fuku [2 Slot]
I also had a Maid fuku 2 slots, but that doesn't register as a fusion. So unless I have a Maid Fuku [3 Slot with Red Essence] its not possible.

I once thought revolver cannon & scatter ammo was awesome. (due to high dmg aoe and push back) I know better now.

Vanguard's Lancer's offhand weapon Force Detonator has a AOE passive attack.
Scatter ammo & Force Detonator = Each shotgun bullet will have its own AOE. (5x AOE in total)

So I tested it out in a Monster Festival, used a confuse scroll, and then let lose. 2/3 the room was filled with light explosion due to Force Detonator's AOE passive. Everything melted. (Yes, with the period)
Only problem with Vanguard's Lancer/Force Detonator is that it is a 2 slot max item with (20% skill & 20% magic) Which means I only had 1 slot on that vanguard's lancer. So I put blizzard essence (Drop from final boss) onto it and problem solved.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Nope, but I did try a maid fuku.
Maid fuku [1 Slot] + Maid fuku [2 Slot with Red Essence] = Maid fuku [2 Slot]
I also had a Maid fuku 2 slots, but that doesn't register as a fusion. So unless I have a Maid Fuku [3 Slot with Red Essence] its not possible.

I once thought revolver cannon & scatter ammo was awesome. (due to high dmg aoe and push back) I know better now.

Vanguard's Lancer's offhand weapon Force Detonator has a AOE passive attack.
Scatter ammo & Force Detonator = Each shotgun bullet will have its own AOE. (5x AOE in total)

So I tested it out in a Monster Festival, used a confuse scroll, and then let lose. 2/3 the room was filled with light explosion due to Force Detonator's AOE passive. Everything melted. (Yes, with the period)
Only problem with Vanguard's Lancer/Force Detonator is that it is a 2 slot max item with (20% skill & 20% magic) Which means I only had 1 slot on that vanguard's lancer. So I put blizzard essence (Drop from final boss) onto it and problem solved.
3-slot sailor uniform with red essence does exist, so try to adapt that to the formulae you've already discovered and see if a 4-slot sailor uniform turns up. Despite their poor durability, they're the only outfits that have that many slots which opens up many interesting possibilities since they're tailored for dual-wield characters.

I wasn't impressed with the vanguard lancer (that's the one that looks like a pair of pointy claws right?) when I had a copy so I ditched it. I prefer having multi-slot limbfires with a gunner's broom as a secondary firearm. Being too reliant on one type of ammunition isn't always a good thing so using long-distance weapons to keep monsters at a safe distance means less damage to my outfits at melee range.

Chuenlee on easy tried doing a level-50 ish cave exploration number before he got bored. I suppose if you get that far on normal without getting violated something good HAS to drop what with the amount of territory explored and monsters killed.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

3 Slot isn't good enough, since you need a 4 slot (red) to expand a 3 slot to a 4 slot.

I wasn't impressed with the vanguard lancer
Vanguard's Lancer is 20% magic & 20% skill, so you usually suffer a penalty when your skill specialist. (My PC's got 79 magic > skill) What's special about it is that its default damage penetrates and offhand attack explodes.
With scatter ammo, it fans out and hits everything in front of you. It's also holy/plasma by default and doesn't suffer a penalty regardless of ammo used.
Regardless, for single enemy Crossfire P8 is a much better weapon with its >100% accuracy passive when holy watered. Then again, your limb-fire's probably loaded with status alignment so I understand. (Status-alignment just doesn't drop for me, and I prefer raw damage)

less damage to my outfits at melee range
More damage to outfit is preferred. My weapons are Lv11 across (Crossfire's +14) and my armor's around Lv10 across (Collar's Lv6, Clothing is Lv17)
Due to the upgrades, my attack with a granite blade+12 is 150 damage per swing now.

level-50 ish cave exploration number
Gwa, my inventory will be full way before that. (Its usually full by floor 10)
I am switching to highest difficulty after finishing upgrading equips, you need serious gears to farm in that difficulty.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

what u mean. do u mean there is more than 20 floors. like i say i restart and move to normal wow its not walk in the park like on easy but more better than hard. Items and ect are harder to find. now i griding for item as for the polt should i go to the undergound catacrops or to the hollow tree frist. I dun like to mess up the polt
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Dragon, where are you getting these values for weapon attack damage? Like 20% magic/20% skill for the vanguard blade?

Also, I'm having trouble finding the right weapons to fuse together. So far I can only make two of the same type go together. How can you tell which weapons can fuse into others? (If you have a list of recipes, that'd be great). Otherwise, is there some kind of trick to figuring out combinations?

Oh, and I've noticed that my essences don't seem to work on my underwear (specifically the chastity belt). Any insight on that?
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Dragon, where are you getting these values for weapon attack damage? Like 20% magic/20% skill for the vanguard blade?
Shift-Z (or whatever equivalent. Its a combination of (speed up when held) button and (confirm to use item) button. It will be next to the type. For example:
Sword (Kanji equivalent) 150% Strength
Gun (Kanji equivalent) 40% Skill
Unfortunately, you do need to read kanji.

Also, I'm having trouble finding the right weapons to fuse together. So far I can only make two of the same type go together. How can you tell which weapons can fuse into others? (If you have a list of recipes, that'd be great). Otherwise, is there some kind of trick to figuring out combinations?
Weapon fusion is really weird, all I can say is to get many high-slotted red essence, carry them at the same time and go to the drawf and see what pops up. (Normal fusion is pretty easy, Advanced fusion need a recipe/possibly require high slots)
There's only 2 recipe that I found so far.
Longsword + Granite (Red) = Brawler Blade
Limb-Fire + Longsword (Red) = Sky-Shooter

Oh, and I've noticed that my essences don't seem to work on my underwear (specifically the chastity belt). Any insight on that?
Finished testing: Chastity Belt and other costume's sockets only comes into play when used as a outfit. It has a different set of stats when used as underwear and sockets are ignored.

Note: HP/MP regeneration affects not just natural regeneration but also item/spell affect. 14% hp regen reduction is actually quite a bit, reducing my 189 heal to only 150ishh

Magi-equip essence Lv1 gives 10% magic added to the damage. If I get a Magi-equip essence Lv3 on a weapon along with clock-engine accessory, I will have a (30% magic + 15% magic) *79 = 46.5 damage boost. That's more damage than any strength essence can ever give D:
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

3 Slot isn't good enough, since you need a 4 slot (red) to expand a 3 slot to a 4 slot.

Vanguard's Lancer is 20% magic & 20% skill, so you usually suffer a penalty when your skill specialist. (My PC's got 79 magic > skill) What's special about it is that its default damage penetrates and offhand attack explodes.
With scatter ammo, it fans out and hits everything in front of you. It's also holy/plasma by default and doesn't suffer a penalty regardless of ammo used.
Regardless, for single enemy Crossfire P8 is a much better weapon with its >100% accuracy passive when holy watered. Then again, your limb-fire's probably loaded with status alignment so I understand. (Status-alignment just doesn't drop for me, and I prefer raw damage)

More damage to outfit is preferred. My weapons are Lv11 across (Crossfire's +14) and my armor's around Lv10 across (Collar's Lv6, Clothing is Lv17)
Due to the upgrades, my attack with a granite blade+12 is 150 damage per swing now.

Gwa, my inventory will be full way before that. (Its usually full by floor 10)
I am switching to highest difficulty after finishing upgrading equips, you need serious gears to farm in that difficulty.

I normally have scatter-shot attached to my gunner's broom. Combined with the knock-back essence for the 1-slot and the broom's innate holy damage means sufficient crowd control as and when necessary.

With your updated version, how did you go about visiting the safe areas in order to ensure that all of the bosses turned up (you mentioned last time that the minotaur and graveyard boss seem to be mutually exclusive...)

I note that upgrade scroll won't take equipment past +10 so dwarf upgrades are the way to go. How do you check to see if equipment is eligible for a + upgrade from the status screen?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I normally have scatter-shot attached to my gunner's broom. Combined with the knock-back essence for the 1-slot and the broom's innate holy damage means sufficient crowd control as and when necessary.
I had a gunner bloom with scatter before as well then switched to revolver cannon. But it has several problems: 2.65 hits with low damage uses scatter ammo too fast. No natural KB like revolver. No plasma, ideally for multi-enemy you want both holy and plasma. Hence I had a +7 Holy/Plasma revolver and it worked great until the +12 Vanguard's Lancer.

With your updated version, how did you go about visiting the safe areas in order to ensure that all of the bosses turned up (you mentioned last time that the minotaur and graveyard boss seem to be mutually exclusive...)
Incorrect, minotaur and hollow tree are mutually exclusive. In one walkthrough you can only kill 5 boss out of 6. (Graveyard is final boss which only appears only after you trigger sanctum or hollow tree, might also need to kill all 4 other bosses)

I note that upgrade scroll won't take equipment past +10 so dwarf upgrades are the way to go. How do you check to see if equipment is eligible for a + upgrade from the status screen?
Upgrade scroll does work past +10, it just have a high chance of failing. IMO, the best way to upgrade economically.

Draft Upgrade: Lv4-7 (Gears should start at Lv4 or higher, outside of cost, maintenance requirement is near the same for upgrades. only upgrade max slot-1 weapons and clothing, and only upgrade slotted collar)
Scroll it: Lv8-11
Draft Upgrade: Rest Lv12-15 You shouldn't upgrade at this area until all your gears (ignoring headdress, collar, garter) are past Lv10. A single upgrade at this point costs around than 3k etc
Draft Upgrade: Lv16+ Post end-game only, preferably in highest difficulty so level is converted to cash. 4k per upgrade makes me wince (it takes selling 8 weapons of good quality to get that much)

How do you check to see if equipment is eligible for a + upgrade from the status screen?
It doesn't show. The rule of thumb is, if its red, repaired to full, its got enough. (Or more than enough)

PC Lv matters, lv1 has 70 hp. Lv18 has 160+ hp and like 9 mp more ._.
Stats on the other hand is from equips.
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Is there any way to improve equipment durability?
I carry spares, but my main equipment usually end up broken by the time I'm 5 floors in.
A single encounter with an Incubator would break all my equipment with it's Power Breath

I'd like to know how you all deal with La Danse Macabre as well. It's evasion is ridiculous for a regular mob and the constant backstepping, poisoning and blinding is a pain
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Is there any way to improve equipment durability?
I carry spares, but my main equipment usually end up broken by the time I'm 5 floors in
Repair scrolls. (And only repair or full repair scrolls)

I'd like to know how you all deal with La Danse Macabre as well. It's evasion is ridiculous for a regular mob and the constant backstepping, poisoning and blinding is a pain.
Redemption (that magic has 100% to hit and remove 50% hp along with paralysis) and then skill with a single handed weapon or attack with a high accuracy gun.
Dual-wield melee misses 90% of the time even on my end-game PC. So I would avoid dual wield meleeing that mob. (my dual wield accuracy's over 150% = =)