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RPG RPG Maker [うさぎめしや / usabox] MaiDenSnow Eve / MaiDenSnow Eve ~さる前夜祭~ (RE115762, RJ115762)

Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

If you haven't finished the game and accessed the final dungeon on extreme mode yet, then the page is a waste of time.

If you have, .

Weird. I'm currently on normal mode. Does that mean I shouldn't be getting the "Brute" (google translates it to "hoard") bonuses for uterus?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

From this: Extremeモードの状態やダンジョンは問わず、陵辱された際に一定の確率で入手可能。

Players can get the uterus descriptions provided they meet the following criteria:


It's very risky since losing consciousness when this happens means a game-over with all items on hand lost.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I finally got my rapier to 4 slots. It took a 3-red rapier I found. Combined it with a 4-slot (3 red) knuckle duster to turn it into a 3-red falcon staker. Then combined it with the 2 slot falcon staker (from the rapier) and then transformed it back into the rapier.

Pretty complicated and expensive...

Thanks everybody above for your guidance and support. (so cliche)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Found 1R/2T Spi3 Long Horn. I increase the slot and turn it into 1R/3T Spi3 Gunner's Bloom.
Suggestion for my Spi3 Gunner's Bloom?

Does monsters very very rarely drop inscription?
I play on extreme and found nothing. After 12 floors that is. My Roland still noob.

Also, I saved the girl three times but my stash and donation box only increased from the first two.
I know I should give them to the priest because I tried giving the sacrifice to doctor and got nothing.


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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Found 1R/2T Spi3 Long Horn. I increase the slot and turn it into 1R/3T Spi3 Gunner's Bloom.
Suggestion for my Spi3 Gunner's Bloom?

Does monsters very very rarely drop inscription?
I play on extreme and found nothing. After 12 floors that is. My Roland still noob.

Also, I saved the girl three times but my stash and donation box only increased from the first two.
I know I should give them to the priest because I tried giving the sacrifice to doctor and got nothing.

Do something about the defence penalty or be careful if you're wielding the gun and monsters get into melee range. Otherwise equip the rifle as you see fit, it shoots a lot so try to take advantage of the high bullet use.

You'd be very lucky to see inscriptions drop before level 15, my first one way back was after level 25.

The doctor is fine to give sacrificial offerings to, note that odd numbered girls increase both stash and storage box while even numbered girls only increase the storage box. Maximum for stash is 50 and storage box is 200.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I know the following is probably impossible, but....

I found a spi3 shortsword recently, and I was wondering if it's even possible to somehow get that onto a gun?

I'm feeling that it's probably impossible since merging weapons together to get another weapon usually ignores all essences on the weapon being consumed. As well as the original weapon must stay in the same weapon class as it's previous form. (i.e. guns != swords).
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I found a spi3 shortsword recently, and I was wondering if it's even possible to somehow get that onto a gun?

Yep, impossible. Otherwise it would be too easy to get perfect weapon/clothes.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Yep, impossible. Otherwise it would be too easy to get perfect weapon/clothes.

In that case, I have a sp2,fire3 revoler cannon which I can create a 2red valguard's lancer from by combining it with my +15 1R-thunder3 gothic bustier. Should I do it or should I be trying for a spi3 for valguard's lancer?

I know I can get all the lvl3 elemental essence eventually if I pwn enough bosses.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Don't waste time with red items of only level 2 stat boost level. If you're intending to use the weapon long-term, the resistance to debuffs from level 3 makes it worth the extra effort to find the right weapon with the right status buff.

It seems DragonPaladin's magic build is getting a lot of love from the new players out there.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Found 1R/2T Spi3 Long Horn. I increase the slot and turn it into 1R/3T Spi3 Gunner's Bloom.
Suggestion for my Spi3 Gunner's Bloom?
One of the essence MUST be Invoker's essence. (Or prayer if you don't have an Invoker's yet) because it's an addition 20% dependency on magic for that gun.
The other one will be the elemental essence of your choice, whatever that happens to be. Use mythirl bullets if possible, failing that, use plasma bullets for maximum damage. (Stack them when you have extras in guns that you put into the storage box)

It seems DragonPaladin's magic build is getting a lot of love from the new players out there.
Probably because I recently posted it, and the numbers are impressive.

Harley and Monceber, you want to take some time to post your builds? I will get everything organized and then go bug lazy cat to put it on the first page. People should see what options are available, and all 3 of us pretty extreme in terms of build.

Go with the below format (we will skip inscription for now):
Description (general)
Focus (stats wise)
Equipment (suggested gears)
Skills (suggested skills)
Note (anything works here)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Harley and Monceber, you want to take some time to post your builds? I will get everything organized and then go bug lazy cat to put it on the first page. People should see what options are available, and all 3 of us pretty extreme in terms of build.

Great idea, actually. I'll do that when I'm back at home.

There's another thing I've been meaning to do, but I didn't have any motivation/reason to do this, so I was neglecting it (read as 'being lazy'). But now in the context of the build I think I might give it a try.

I've gone with a premise that 1-10 - 1, 2-10 -2, and so on. The picture should actually include weapon as well, but I don't have such picture at hand right now, so I've used the one I've found in the thread. And yeah, numbers are approximate as well for the same reason.
If you like this idea, I can do same for your builds, just need screenshot and stats. Or I can just share Paint.NET template.

P.S. And yeah, I'm aware that I suck at cutting out the standing figure :(


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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Some builds are pretty luck dependent. Invoking the gambler's fallacy says that eventually, you're bound to get the result you're looking for since the probability of it not happening, from your starting point approaches 0%.

Also, can someone link me to the map of locations please? I can't find it via search. So if you can, that'd be great.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Some builds are pretty luck dependent. Invoking the gambler's fallacy says that eventually, you're bound to get the result you're looking for since the probability of it not happening, from your starting point approaches 0%.

Also, can someone link me to the map of locations please? I can't find it via search. So if you can, that'd be great.

Bar the min-max approach of focusing on attack and magic damage, ALL builds are luck-dependent in the deep dungeons. Even the glass cannon approach needs some kind of luck of a sort since defence and sexual resistance are so poor that even a random orb trap can finish off the character in a room of enemies.

There's always the write-up for dungeons if the search function for this thread can't handle pictures. I can't help users with the English interface since the map is handled with the original Japanese in mind.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I've gone with a premise that 1-10 - 1, 2-10 -2, and so on. The picture should actually include weapon as well, but I don't have such picture at hand right now, so I've used the one I've found in the thread. And yeah, numbers are approximate as well for the same reason.
Please be prepared to add a blue colored range as well for player who swap between magic/melee and and magic/ranged like me. Since I tend to add Atk3/Dex3 essence on my gears.



I will try to edit out my own first so you two have a reference though.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

What am I supposed to be doing with the document again?

If it's a build, I can list the equipment I'm using along with the essences installed. Apart from that, is there anything else I should provide for reference?
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

I hate being that guy... but does anyone have a save I can use? When I try a new game the game stops at some red text with a rabbit running on a clock.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

When you get the Screen with the Little Rabbit Running on a clock do the Following (as copied from the Readme.html)...

"when you first start, input in the order of up, left, up, down and right."

Hope this helps anyone who is likeme and doesn't (usually) read the Readme files...

Second post of the thread :)
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve


Wait until tomorrow when I get my build up, then you will know what you need to do for your own.
Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

' 3' So, after some grinding between cave entrance/dwarf, finally got myself a Clock-Engine.

Question is, should I use Nightstalker (0 slot) or Athame Blade (2 Mag, 1 red essence)...

p.s. Still confuse as hell on how to do slot expansion, have 2 red essence Long Sword and 1 red Granite before but Alchemy screen do nothing :v

p.s.s. right now my chest holds 25 slots, when will I be able to expand that?
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Re: MaiDenSnow Eve

Description isn't clear, so it depends on whether you can make better use of the default Nightstalker's ice shards attack compared to the impact damage from the Athame Knife when the PC is buffed. Note that the Nightstalker shard damage is ice damage while the Athame Knife impact damage when buffed is holy which only 2 monsters have resistance to.

No surprise the alchemy screen doesn't say anything when the Granite blade you have likely has two slots or more. You might want to re-read some of the posts a few pages back on how slot expansion works, others have figured it out on their own but I put in my own explanation which no one bothered to read.

Want to expand the chest? Progress to the final dungeon and start saving the sacrificial offerings otherwise you'll have to put up with 25 slots in the chest and 100 in the donation box for the time being.