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I heard rumors that you guys are making more games in the future and adding an boss to bioasshard. Man I hope that is real!
There is a frequent, and easily reproduceable "stuck" for me, which occurs when you press "F" to interact with a locked door too quickly.

Also, there appears to be a weird issue with looping audio when you're in the struggle animation.
Hey, i just tested the newest update and boy it ruuns soooo much better and smoother!!!
See, i told you all!
That ship hadn't sailed yet
Long live potato master race

(The original stage is the one that runs the worst though, completely unplayable. The one where you start in a sewer-like and there is water in the floor. I'm guessing its that water thats causing it. All the other stages run fine)
Any updates or news? Long time since the last update and its kinda dead in this thread...
Many updates on the patreon are work in UI, so a topic who people dont understand. So for the moment they are preparing some Boss fight and improvement
Any updates or news? Long time since the last update and its kinda dead in this thread...

New here, huh?
It actually hasn't been that long since the last update, given we only get game updates about every 6 months.
And as stated, an update to the UI isn't much to talk about, so unless there are new stages, enemies, items/weapons, mechanics or H anims/scenes, there probably won't be much or any chatter about this game. My advice is to play the last update of this game once every 2-3 months to remember that it exists, then forget about it until the next update. At the rate this game is going, it'll either be abandonware, or come out in 2025 as a finished product.
Nice game, just some recommendation. It would be great to allow the protagonist to strip herself naked and able to masturbate.
Any updates or news? Long time since the last update and its kinda dead in this thread...

There are still regular updates on their Patreon. You may support them if you want to know what's going on. Personally, I don't understand locking progress updates (not game updates) behind paywalls.
There are still regular updates on their Patreon. You may support them if you want to know what's going on. Personally, I don't understand locking progress updates (not game updates) behind paywalls.

Yeah, I think we previously mentioned that to him and he didn't care.

Like, don't you want people to get excited about features so they want to support you, instead of being in the dark and wondering if they want to pay for a blackbox.
I just realized I forgot this thread was a thing, so here are some of the most recent updates from the devs :

Hello everyone!
This gonna be a short but important report:
I’m still in the middle between step 3 and step 4 “Improve and modularize the code & Expand the code and go for the first Boss” Because, yeah, I’m doing stuff corresponding to both steps. I still need animations for the crawling state and this is the main task making me stay in step 3 yet xD.
As for Step 4 stuff, I’ve been expanding the code for enemies.
Now onto the important thing, we’ve been trying ourselves modeling the Boss, but so far not so good, we’re not getting happy with the results. So, because of this (and because we want to make it as best as possible), we decided we’re going to commission this job externally. So, for everyone that’s wanting to help beyond giving support, this is the time, because:
We’re looking for a 3D Modeler + Rigger + Animator (especially a creatures expert :p)
So, if you know someone that meets those requirements, please, let us know. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.
Please make sure to take care and stay safe <3 See ya in the next report.

Hello everyone!

Time for another status update.

Yeah, I’m tired too of short reports with not much to say, but that’s all I can get out when focusing on repetitive tasks, that the only thing they do is to consume a lot of time lol.
Good news though: Finally finished with the crawling state for the enemies (yay!). And now I’m working on adapting more mechanics to work with the Boss.

At first, I thought this one wouldn’t need any re-work, but proved me wrong. I’m talking about the grappling and Sexttack “system”. There’s not much re-work in terms of code that I have to do for it though, it’s more like fixing some joint orientations on the animations themselves. This is indeed, an easy task, but, they’re a lot of animations and the repetitive work just kills me. It is like this:

Import the animation on the DCC → fix the joints (various operations) → bake the fix to the entire animation → export → import back to UE4 → copy back the AnimNotifies and the Anim Curves → Change the uses of the animation in code for the new one → Repeat xD.

So yeah, I think I mentioned this previously but if not, I didn’t expect it to require so many reworks just to add a Boss, but I’m glad we decided to add it now, because it’s helping me to get everything better done, connected and optimized.
And this will wrap this up for this status update.

Please make sure to take care and stay safe <3
See ya in the next report.


Hello everyone!
Time for another status update. Hopefully, soon, a real Dev Report will come, but in the meantime, I’ll keep updating you with the repetitive tasks progress xD.
Good News: The fixing of Animation Orientations for the grappling and Sexttack I mentioned in the previous report, is now done, and I’m now on to the coding rework part. Just a few more bits of refactoring and this part will also be done.
In just a couple weeks, I’ve been struggling with different approaches to rework this system. Back in the day, I implemented it the way I thought would fit better. It was kind of cheating, because it was a duplicated mesh of the enemy attached to the character to make sure everything was correctly positioned (but this also caused the bug with the enemy on IDLE pose following Julia everywhere until you got grabbed again or changed level).
But with the kind of boss, the 1st Boss is, this system’s “useness” is no more. So, this is why I’ve been forced to rework it. Now it’s a lot more modular, better configurable (for me) and should work with every type of enemy.
I really need to get to spicier things to work on soon, because it’s too hard to keep on the repetitive stuff under a heat wave (around 40ºC all the time) xD.
And this will wrap this up for this status update.
Please make sure to take care and stay safe <3
See ya in the next report.

Finally, after a long time (again), here is a new Screenshot Saturday ^
It may seen like you already seen this, but don't get confused, this is something new xD (it's not the average grab...)
Enjoy it.

I usually post updates on the f95 thread, but I'll try not to forget about here :sneaky:
Yeah, it's frustrating because it's quite a good game and there aren't many games of this quality and genre, surprisingly, in the H-scene that are completed or still being worked on. Bioasshard has been in the works for like, 4-5 years or something and from the progress, it seems like it'll take many more to complete it. Despite the quality, it always seems like there's problems with each update (which literally takes at least 6-8 months to complete), and it doesn't help that updates are hidden behind a paywall nor that there's some sort of rework being done constantly that slows new content (the first time, it was graphical, the second was to animations, the current one is code).

I suppose it's fine for a 2 person team or around that size, but man, with the amount of Patreon support they're getting, I wonder why they don't just hire more specialists to speed the game up. And yes, the obvious answer is that if they can delay the game, they can also make more money based on the Patreon model of funding (a la MatM). From the latest update, it seems they're contracting externally, so hopefully that works out. My advice on waiting is simply to forget this game exists. I've even removed my notifications on F95 and here for their threads simply because, after a year or so of the last update, there's usually a new one that brings about a lot of hype, so I'll hear about it when it happens. There are other games to play and work to do in the meantime.
I suppose it's fine for a 2 person team or around that size, but man, with the amount of Patreon support they're getting, I wonder why they don't just hire more specialists to speed the game up.

It's not just that they are a 2 person team, they are a 2 person team that is working on multiple other projects at the same time. And this game is more or less just Meguido's project and only worked on by him. That's mostly why updates are so slow.
And they weren't getting enough support to hire extra help until fairly recently, iirc. At least that's what they said, I never looked at their numbers myself.
Yes, I completely forgot to mention that. They're working on concurrent projects, like that FF comic. I'm not sure if it's because their patrons want it, or they just enjoy other projects more, but it seems like Bioasshard garners far more interest in the online communities and forums.

As for support, yeah they just added an external contractor, iirc. But I would've expected them to have enough funds to secure more team members given they've got like, 500+ patrons and many of them have been supporting them financially for the past half-decade.
Here's the latest dev report for those interested, mostly technical stuff:

Hello everyone!
I’m about to die due to this damn heat, but first I want to bring you a new update on the progress done… xD
So, first and foremost, the programming part for the Sexttacks and Grapples is already done. Took me some time because I had to also get my hands dirty with some camera related stuff too.
Also added a variable speed for the Sexttacks, so they’re now a bit more “dynamic”.
Fixed some bugs here and there, derived from the implementation of the crawling state for enemies.
Also added a HUGE block of code in form of a most than necessary function (for me xD) that allows me to configure the entire behavior and appearance of an enemy with the press of a button, instead of having to scroll through every separate option to have an enemy ready. This will speed things up from now on whenever I have to place new enemies.
Also spent a couple days trying to implement a plugin for distance matching technique. This technique helps avoid feet sliding for characters -in this case the enemies-. I’ve been able to implement it for the average Infected on their base animations (walk, run) but looks like the Cerberus is a different story, and his mesh gets totally distorted when applying the new anim nodes, so once again the poor puppy is left behind :/.
And the rest of the time after that, I spent it porting everything I did for the enemy base to the other enemies (remember there’s 3 average Infected, the Cerberus and the Big Guy and in terms of animations -and the called AnimBlueprint- this has to be worked separately unlike the base code -fortunately XD-, but the good part is that the 3 average Infected share a lot of their structure, so the port is quite fast).
So, right now, I’m finishing a few bits of that porting, fixing a few caveats produced from just “copy&pasting” between different classes and then, yeah, finally the spicier stuff I was asking for, the total focus on the Boss XD.
Things are coming along quite nicely (considering some things I’ll comment about in the future, after we make the release of this version we’re working on) except for the long time it is taking for which I apologize.
This is it for now.
Please make sure to take care and stay safe <3
See ya in the next report.
Another dev report for those interested, almost forgot to post it there :

Hello everyone!
Here once again. This time with a very short but with good news report.
The time has finally come for me to work totally focused on the Boss.
So far, we made a blocking for the battle area, and started working on the tedious stuff like the meshes, the rigging, the creation of proper UVs…
Even if they do like a lot of tasks (indeed they are xD) this shouldn’t take too long. It will take longer the part of animations for the average behavior but specially for the grapples and Sexttacks, but I’ll let you know when I get into that.
So, what’s next? Once the rigging and creation of UVs is done, next will be to paint textures, making basic animations and testing it out in UE4 (while Mr.Versus progresses in the battle area) and make the AI for it. Then it’ll be a back-and-forth process of testing, fixing and refining the AI while making the grapple and Sexttack animations.
This, being the first Boss, is quite a special one, since it is… how to call it… a “multi-part Boss”? So, it’ll require extra effort to get it done.
I have mixed feelings on this. For one side I’d like to show you how it’s progressing but on the other hand I don’t want to spoil the thing, so it’s a surprise when it’s finally done ’… I don’t know, what do you think? (I have to say though, that right now it’s something pretty ugly to see, since there’s no shaders/materials/textures on it yet).
This gonna be it for now.
Please make sure to take care and stay safe <3
See ya in the next report.