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Veselin Asylum

Re: Veselin Asylum

It's ok Liana, no one wants to be in here long. Don't worry about anything right now. Felicity told her, working her a little harder now, fingers thrusting up into her folds as she started to roll her hips, her other hand reaching behind her to get something.

Removing her fingers, she pushed the head of a toy up against Liana's folds, immediately starting to slowly push it into her, the cock covered in thick ridges that ground along her inner walls as it slid up inside her cunny. Giving it a little half twist, it inflated at the base slightly, stretching her a little but it was enough to keep it from simply sliding out of her, and she used her hand to roll and grind it inside her, clipping a leash to it's base and holding both.

Come with me, we'll get you feeling better in no time. She said, starting to walk, leading the caught Liana along by her collar and her cunt, the pleasure of the toy slowly rising through her hips.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"I just... w-want to be able to see my family when I finally get out of this place. Seventy two years m-means they'll all probably be long since gone before I get out," Liana whimpered, but kept grinding her hips into Felicity's hand.

When she felt the toy pushing into her, Liana's legs buckled and she fell forward a bit, letting out a soft moan of pleasure. When the nurse clipped a leash to the vibrator after inflating it at the base, Liana moaned again and walked along as best she could, nearly falling over into the walls every now and then as she walked, and her hips twitching from side to side when the vibration stimulated her just right.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Ahhh! So That's the problem! Don't worry hun, don't you worry about anything. Felicity's got you now she said, humming cheerfully as she led Liana along through several corridors. Despite being distracted, Liana's luck turned out alright this time as she remembered the route. From her room, it was Left Straight Left Right Left.

Yes, you will need to take notes on directions in certain wards, Key Locations will be noted for you in spoilers When you find them.

They stepped into Felicity's office, which had an identical door to the cells, but the interior wasn't padded. It had the same medical chair Liana had seen the first occupant writhing in, and Felicity had her lay down in it, tying the leash off to a hook at the back of the chair and then padlocked her down to it, using the small steel rings in her jacket's shoulders, to matching eyelets on the chair itself, forcing her to lay back.

It was the first time since she'd been taken, where she got to be off her feet and actually laying down, and her body appreciated it while Felicity unclipped the leash to her toy.

You want that toy in or out dear? You need a little medication, and a little therapy and we'll have you calm and focused on your treatment in no time. she said simply. Of the people she had met, the nurse didn't seem unusually cruel to her, or even against her. Simply trying to help.

She was fiddling around behind the chair while Liana thought about the question of whether to keep the toy in her folds or ask to have it removed.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Following Felicity through the corridors to her office, Liana memorized the route, whining a bit as she was led along, and wondering if Felicity would be nice to her. After getting to her office, Liana was forced to sit in a medical like chair, and she laid back, her leash tied to a hook, while the leash on her toy was taken off. It was nice, to be off her aching feet for a change, and not just dangling in the air, she had to admit.

"I... I don't know. I just want whatever gives me the shortest amount of time in this place. Being told you're to stay in this place for seventy two years is quite a shock you know," Liana said, sighing softly and laying her head back on the medical chair, "W-Which would you suggest, miss Felicity? Do you think I should keep it in, or get it out? I'm fine with whatever helps me to relax the most to be honest," she then asked softly, looking around to try and see the nurse.
Re: Veselin Asylum

The only way out is to be cured! And this is an Immersion therapy center so the entire purpose is to expose you until your desensitized to your unnatural sexual desires. As for the length. We can't argue with Sasha, we're all already dead! The nurse said, stepping back around with a Syringe in her hand, dripping with something thick and blue.

Sasha cannot be convinced, our staff can never be corrupted or bribed. Pleas or Tears or Emotions will not factor into your treatment. but it's ok hun, if you want out you simply need to be cured! She said, rubbing an alcohol pad on liana's thigh before giving her whatever was in the needle.

Immediately Liana's mind felt sluggish and her mouth wanted to move all on it's own, spilling out answers to whatever Felicity asked her without any inhibitions.

The First Step, is Accepting you have a problem, and belong here. Being bound turns you on doesn't it Liana. Being Helpless. Felicity asked, looking into Liana's eyes closely, and now, with her reality slowed down, she could finally see what she had initially missed in Sarren's eyes. Circuitry. No one could question the AI because Everything here was the AI if it wasn't a patient. It's why Patients had been sent to collect her.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana listened and sighed again as Felicity spoke, and stepped back around with a syringe. "I don't understand why we all have to be desensitized to everything though. I mean, what's the point in having sex if you can't have any kinkiness from time to time to spice things up and enjoy life," Liana said to Felicity, eyeing that syringe warily, and tensing a bit as she saw the nurse coming back around with it.

Then, Liana felt the prick of the syringe as she was about to say something else, after Felicity had spoken again, and her words died before they exited her mouth. "I... h-have a p-problem," Liana said aloud. "NO I FUCKING DON'T HAVE A GODDAMN PROBLEM!!!" Liana said in her mind to herself, unable to stop the first words coming out. "B-Being bound... m-makes me so hot a-and horny," Liana then said aloud, her mouth moving again without her desire for it to do so. "W-Well it's kinky and kinda fun, but... NOT IN THIS CRAZY FUCKING PLACE. THIS PLACE DOESN'T DESERVE TO EXIST, IT'S CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT, JUST FOR ENJOYING ONES SELF!!!" Liana then screamed in her mind, as she stared into the nurse's eyes, and finally spotted it... something that told her what she should have figured from the get go, that this wasn't a nurse, and that doctor, no, all the doctors and nurses, weren't that at all. They were the AI that ran this place, and she was its bitch at the moment.

Now she knew, trust nobody in this place that wasn't a prisoner in this place, and likely don't trust most if any of them. She didn't even think she could, or should trust Monica and Trisha anymore either, if she ever ran into them again. Right now though, she could only watch, in both anticipation, and slight panic, at what this nurse was about to do to her now that she was drugged out of her mind, almost literally since she had virtually no control over what she was saying, which was slightly arousing to say the least.
Re: Veselin Asylum

It was a dark fantasy certainly, but it still slickened her folds easily and made her nipples pulse with the need to be touched, tweaked, pinched, twisted. Her clit ached for something to touch it. You want to be Cured. Felicity said, the drug burrowing through her mind, starting to kill her mental resistance. You want me to fuck you. You're in here, because you Need to be held down, imprisoned, dominated, and then fucked until you're screaming in pleasure. she continued, speaking steadily while the toy she'd never asked to be removed continued to hum in her cunt, twisting slowly against her inner walls, her body clenching around it hungrily.

She was moving her ankles, she felt straps wrapping around them, and her thighs. And then the nurse was turning something, a wheel on her chair. She watched as she repeated what she was told as her legs were forced to spread, and then raise, exposing her lower holes completely for easy exploitation.

The nurse was moving to stand between her spread legs. You want monsters and beasts to fuck you. You want to cum on a woman's cock. You need tentacles to rape every hole you have and breed you... You dream about being trapped in a hive, used as an incubator. she said, still working on her mind while she peeled away her skirt and tossed away her hat. hanging between her legs was a hard, throbbing, 12 inch cock, and her slender fingers wrapped around the base of the toy inside her.

I'm going to rape you now. And that turns you on. I'm going to do whatever I want, and that makes you want to cum doesn't it. You belong here Liana. she said, staring into her eyes, before pulling the toy out of her folds, slick with her nectar, and moving it lower, starting to push it into her tight ass, working it slowly while her enormous length ground over her clit as the nurse shifted her hips.

You don't really want children, you just want to cum. And thought it'd eventually happen. But all you want right now is this isn't it Slut. she said, raising her cock with her hand, before slapping it down onto her clit, sending a violent burst of sensation through her sensitive body. Admit you belong here, and then Beg me to fuck you Slut. she said, issuing a full command as she raised and dropped her cock across Liana's folds again.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"I... w-want to be c-cured. To... have babies. I... I've always a-actually wanted to have them. W-Was just scared that I... w-wouldn't be a good mother to them," Liana mumbled aloud to the nurse. "I'm not fucking sick, I don't need to be "cured" of anything!" Liana cried out in her head.

Feeling her legs spreading instinctively as the nurse kept speaking. "I... w-want you to fuck me s-silly," Liana moaned aloud to Felicity. "I... c-can't deny that I'm horny, but this AI is fucked up," she then thought to herself.

"Yes I d-do. Please... f-fuck my slutty pussy," Liana cooed to Felicity, her words agreeing with pretty much everything that she was told. "Please m-miss Felicity, rape me, my pussy's so wet, a-and horny," she went on to say, her eyes fluttering a bit.

As the toy was pulled out of her, and saw Felicity reveal that cock between her legs, Liana gulped and looked hungrily at it, her pussy twitching at the thought of that thing splitting her open. When the toy was then pushed into her ass, she tensed up slightly, before grinding her hips up as much as she could, to make that dick slide inside of her if she could. "P-Please, f-fuck me. I... I'm so horny, a-and n-need to be fucked silly," Liana said aloud, squirming around and trying to urge that cock inside of her. "F-Fucking AI, I'm horny as fuck, and I want to cum. But this is just dirty, using these drugs on me," Liana then thought to herself, as aloud she was begging to be fucked silly.
Re: Veselin Asylum

You see? You can't deny it now. Look at the way your body is reacting. I can see it all, analyze it all. There was no aphrodisiac in the drug, this is all your body and mind responding to your tastes. Tastes we will fix for you. I will make you better, We will make you better. She said, still just grinding along her clit, making her shudder while her legs tugged at the stirrups they were locked in as her hips arched and rolled, trying to reach that cock.

Admit it, Hear yourself say it. Ask me to Help you Liana. And I'll give this to you. Felicity finally said, the powerlessness of her situation, the niche taste of this nurse, her bodies rampaging lust and need. All of it working against her along with the drug. everything sinking in now that if she didn't want Sasha to have her way, Escape was her only option. She couldn't let this break her, indeed, she likely had to embrace it long enough to see freedom on her own terms while she struggled uselessly in the chair, Felicity leaning over to pinch her nipples, tugging them harshly.

Beg me to help, and rape you Liana. And I will. she moaned inches from her, looking into her eyes pleadingly. There was real concern there, though it was Violently misguided in Liana's eyes.
Re: Veselin Asylum

"O-Of course m-my body c-can't deny how horny it is. A-Anyone would be I imagine, mistress. A-And I was already so horny b-before I even met you," Liana mewled aloud, while in her mind she was trying to strangle her drugged half. "No shit I'm horny you dolt! That doesn't mean I want to do it in here, with this crazy bitch!" Liana shouted in her mind.

"P-Please, mistress, give it to me, f-fuck me silly," Liana begged aloud, squirming about and trying to get that cock inside of her as much as she could.

Liana knew that she had to escape this place now, because if she didn't, then she would live in here, for 72 long years, wasting her life away, and when she came out, she wouldn't even be Liana anymore, she'd be a husk of her former self, something that wouldn't want to have sex with anything anymore most likely, and to never get any pleasure or joy in life. No, she wasn't going out like that, to give in, and let this sadistic AI have its way, she was going to escape this place, and live her life free from it, and destroy this fucked up AI, so that nobody else ever had to worry about it again, and be forced to endure torture like this, and lose what made them... actual people.

For now though, Liana knew that she'd be unable to do anything without first getting free from this nurse, and getting some relief, and this drug out of her system. How long it would last, she didn't know, but she knew that she didn't like it one bit. "I... w-want to cum so bad, please... give it to me," Liana begged the nurse, thrashing about a bit to try and get her cunt filled.
Re: Veselin Asylum

While Liana had her mental epiphany and resolve decided on, her body and mouth made Their decisions and she found herself immediately spilling out the magic words, Felicity groaning at that and immediately pulling back to drive into her, that monster length spreading her wide around it and grinding into her cervix as she cried out in pleasure. That's Right! I'm Going to Save you from yourself! She cried, drawing back to start hammering at Liana, taking her like an animal while she was bound up and completely unable to stop her, her hands lunging forward to grip her breasts tightly, her fingers digging deep as she held on and pounded Liana into the examination chair.

The fact that she had NO say in this at all only turned her on more and it had nothing to do with the drug. Despite hating this it had also sunk in that this had turned her on in a way nothing else did, and her body responded, trying to milk this woman's length for anything it could get, wanting to cum, wanting to scream out her pleasure. Felicity delighted in making her writhe in her chair as she railed her, taking her harder then anyone before ever had in her life with a cock that pushed her to her absolute limits. She came hard, whether she wanted to or not, her body flat out admitting it loved and wanted this, her juices literally gushing around the thick length plowing her hard into the back of her chair, the sound of the locks snapping hard against the steel ringing into the room when her back arched, the stirrups her legs were locked in shaking with the strength of her restrained thrashing in that white hot moment.

That's right, there's nothing you wanted more then this! For me to Fuck you hard like I owned you while you thrash helplessly unable to stop me! Felicity cried in bliss, hammering away at her at a fever pace, reaching up to tear open her own blouse, breasts swaying and jumping with every thrust while Liana's did the same just from the force of her driving stabs into her folds, hips slapping together hard as Felicity took full and complete advantage of her incredibly helpless position.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Liana let out a squeal of pleasure as the huge cock on the nurse split her open, thumping against her cervix as she writhed in ecstasy. While she didn't want to be used like this, Liana couldn't deny that it felt nice, and was helping to sate that desire in her loins, to be fucked. Her pussy clenched around the intruding length and squeezed it mercilessly, urging it to fill her up if it could. It didn't take her long to explode with climax, her juices squirting out around the big thick cock pounding into her repeatedly. "O-Oh fuck it... f-feels so good. P-Plow me, please, make me cum again, h-harder," Liana moaned aloud, though this time, her mind wasn't saying anything different really, and was agreeing for the moment with her drugged half of her mind.

When her breasts were pinched and tugged on, Liana squealed out and wanted to much to wrap her legs around Felicity and pull her in, and to make her cum inside of her to quench this burning desire in her loins, her pussy spasming around the huge cock buried inside of her.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Felicity fucked her hard, doing as she begged, from one orgasm through another. 5 in total before Liana felt her throb, and then literally Bathe her womb in hot, sticky, cum, the thick release filling her core and spilling out around Felicity as she pounded her and spasmed through her own screaming climax, panting heavily as she leaned forward, tweaking and toying with her nipples.

Then the nurse stepped away and left liana to try and guess what was coming next, because she certainly wasn't released. She was fiddling again behind her, and soon enough she hung a sign on her chest on a short chain. It read I'm New here and I need your help. Here are some toys to play with if you catch me. The more I struggle, the more I want it. It read clearly, before she hung several toys there, including a ring gag, a leash, a blindfold, and then attached a pair of bulletvibes to her nipples, the vibrators themselves being small open rings that wrapped firmly around her stiff peaks, humming furiously. Atomic batteries. They can last for decades! Felicity said happily, while her thick cum continued to drip slowly out of Liana's folds. But then liana didn't have to guess anymore as the nurse set up a very familiar machine in front of her spread legs, a thick, ridged dildo mounted on a pole, nestled right up against her still twitching folds.

She had a muzzle gag in her hands as well, moving towards her head as she turned on the machine and it slid forward into her trembling cunt very slowly, not stopping until it just barely kissed her cervix, before slowly sliding back out.
Re: Veselin Asylum

After her first climax, Liana begged for a second, her body rocking with each thump of the nurse's body against her own, until she finally did cum a second time. After the second orgasm rocked her body and mind, Liana begged for a third, and moaned lewdly to try and get it. On and on it went, her pussy clenching and spasming almost constantly from orgasms rocking her world, until she'd had her fifth one, and finally Felicity came too, her cock pumping Liana's womb full of her hot cum, and leaving Liana a trembling, twitching mess.

Liana lay there panting like crazy, imagining that Felicity would leave her be for now to rest and recover a bit, for the sake of her health, since she was new to this place, but sadly it wasn't to be, and the nurse had soon placed a sign on her chest, which Liana could barely make out what it said, and wasn't too happy about it, though there was little she could do. She then saw the assortment of toys being placed around for just anyone to use, and imagined that her plan to try and find a way to escape, wasn't going to happen, since she wasn't being let go, and this really took its toll on her morale, and made her heart sink a good bit, especially when the dildo pole was fixed up and pointed at her.

Eyeing the muzzle, Liana didn't want it placed on her face again, and tried to bite back her moans, as the dildo pole pushed into her, but she simply couldn't hold them back. "F-Fuck!" Liana moaned aloud.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Felicity moved mercilessly as Liana's ability bite back her lustful sounds failed her and F-Fuck! quickly turned into F-FuHMMMMPHH! as the penis gag slid into her open mouth and Felicity wrapped the harness around her face and tightened it firmly, sealing off her voice as the vibrator in her ass, and the very slowly thrusting pole in her sensitive folds started a slow burn in her body.

It was important she Not be caught by the doctors or nurses during her free periods, or it was obvious she'd lose the entire day to whatever "treatment" they could think up.

Patients she wasn't sure yet. It probably varied. Several thoughts rolled through her head unbidden. 1st and foremost was Despair. and then she realized that it would do her no good if she was serious about escaping. She had to be certain she could weather this place until she was free. 2nd was anger and annoyance. As 10 minutes churned by slowly and the nurse left her there in the room alone, just like the 1st girl she'd seen, she realized this would Never get her off. If anything it only made her more desperate to cum. 3rd was Curiosity as a patient she hadn't seen yet, a man with short but shaggy brown hair, and green eyes spied in on her. His jacket was open, so this place had designated him as a predatory in this ward, but he stood there instead of hunting, transfixed by her as she writhed. He waved at her to get her attention, and then pointed at her ears, and then his own. Both sets were long and tapered, and he gave her a thumbs up as if to say "Yay! I'm not the only one with pointy ears! Yer Cute" And then blew on the glass, creating a fog and wrote "C-Block. L L R S S L from Here" as quickly as he could. She didn't know why, but not only did she understand, but memorized it quickly. At the very least, even if he was unhelpful in her escape attempts, and he might be, or he might be Unintentionally helpful, even if only in giving her a landmark in this place to find from her current position, it also told her some other things. Notably that C block was a Predator block, and it's rough area in her mind. Even if she went to find him, and found him useless for anything other then something of a kinky date who Let her cum even if he took advantage, that she would learn clearly where a block and area to avoid was.

Sadly her attempts to avoid struggling vanished after 2 hours of being edged like this, and desperation to cum overrode self control, Liana thrashing and struggling powerfully in her chair while the machines remained machines. There was nothing she could do. She found her mind drifting through her fantasies steadily, and not a single one would be classified as vanilla. She would just have to wait.
Re: Veselin Asylum

As the muzzle was stuffed into her mouth and killed any attempt of talking back to Felicity, Liana could only moan around the gag as the pleasure from the dildo poured into her. "Yeah, note to self... always keep an eye out around yourself, or lose the entire day if a doctor or nurse catches you," Liana thought to herself.

As time passed, Liana regained her resolve somewhat, knowing that she had to stay strong of will as well as mind, to withstand this place. Then the edging really started getting on her nerves, and she was squirming around like crazy, trying to get off, so she could burn this lust out of her system. She spotted another "patient" in there staring at her through the glass, she was worried that he would break in and rape her, but then she heard him speak as she felt tears welling up in her eyes from the edging, knowing that she would never cum with this. When he gave her directions to his cell, Liana gave him the barest of nods to let him know she acknowledged him.

After that, he left her to be edged further, and seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into an hour, and soon enough, the edging had continued for 2 whole hours, and left Liana a crying, writhing, and trembling mess. She was so goddamn horny right now that she would do just about anything to get an orgasm, and she didn't know who, or what, might come in to give it to her, but she hoped they'd be gentle, and wouldn't be mean or anything. "F-Fuck, just something make me cum, please. I'm going insane here," Liana thought to herself.
Re: Veselin Asylum

No one came to her rescue for another hour, and then Felicity came back in, and unlocked her from the chair, turning the machine off, and unclipping the leash. but leaving the sign and toys in place on her front.

Giving her ass a sharp crack, she left her there in the room with the door open and clicked away on her heels, whistling cheerfully, but she leaned back. An hour before Tentacle Time for you. Ta! she said, waving and abandoning Liana leaving her with a choice. In her rampagingly horny state where she'd do anything to cum, but had no power to do so herself, did she find her new friend, or head back to her cell. Or just... sit there and dry hump the floor in desperation.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Sitting in her chair for an entire hour more, Liana squirmed and whimpered around her gag, wanting freedom to get her climax, but to no avail. Then, felicity came back in and turned the stupid dildo off, unlocked her leash and her body, from the chair, and then was left with a firm spank on the ass, as Felicity told her tentacle time was in an hour. She idly wondered how far she could get from there, in that amount of time, and knew that she needed to explore some more, before she made any major attempts of escape. She was also so damn horny that she could barely think straight too, which didn't help matters any.

"F-Fuck, better to not get caught again. Maybe I can find someone, or something to get me off, that'll let me go after it gets what it wants. No fuck, that's stupid, nothing in this place would be that simple, or easy," Liana thought to herself as she stumbled to the door and peeked out, panting softly as she tried to shake those toys off of her, if she could.
Re: Veselin Asylum

The hallway seemed empty at least in her area. Most people had probably found places to hide or friends to play with in one form or another. Trying to shake off the sign and toys, she had no way to undo the simple springclips holding them in place, so anything that caught her would be encouraged and have a free arsenal of crap to use.
Re: Veselin Asylum

Finding no way to undo the clips holding the assortment of toys in place, as well as the sign, Liana grumbled under her breath about it, and decided to try and just look around to try and find a place to hide for the moment. "Hopefully I can find somewhere to just catch my breath for a few minutes," Liana thought to herself, creeping along, and glancing behind her every few moments to make sure nothing snuck up on her again like Felicity had before, though if she found nowhere to really hide, she'd make her way towards her fellow pointy eared patient.