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Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

I have a strong sweet tooth too. If there's scrumy snacks around, and I can eat it, I often will eat it. Christmas chocolates? Gone before new year. Buy some mints to eat at work? Oops, I've eaten them all before I get out the car. Fridge breaks down, two litres of cornish icecream? Like hell I'm going to let that go to waste. Luckily I'm one of those guys who's never had to worry about weight in my life. Two years ago, I was technically under weight. And it's only that most of my jobs lately have been highly physical that ended that. If I exercise, I actually gain weight. There's simply nothing to lose. (so maybe that's a virtue there too.)

Another vice would be how inept I am at keeping in touch with friends. All my best friends understand me enough to know that they have to poke me before I follow. I never arrange or start anything, only ever tagging along or coming if invited. With lesser friends or co workers, I can seem utterly distant and uninterested in anything they say. It's more often I don't know what to say back, or don't realise I should be.

I also obsess over past mistakes and get paranoid about doing things wrong. Back in school, I always knew the answers, but never said. Simply because I doubted myself.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Vices... well I'm far from a perfect woman (hence my title, que canned laughter)

I smoke, cigars and cigarettes, a bad habit I got from the military
I swear profusely. I think I'm the only kid in my high school that had another kid from their high school come up to them and say. "Could you please stop saying fuck?"
I enjoy sex a little too much. I've calmed down a lot since dating Sly, but I almost regret some of the romps I had when younger. (I say almost, because I regret nothing I did cause it made me the person I am today).
I had a problem with alcohol for a bit.
Had some emotional problems a little over two years ago that I fixed... perhaps making me a little too jaded in retrospect.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head...
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Well let's see:

1. Everything Sinful listed I had, must be the military.
2. I drink black coffee nonstop.
3. I'm a neat freak, I don't care if it's actually clean but it has to be orderly.
4. I know I'm better than everyone, I don't mean I'm confident I mean I tend to look down on people. You might never have noticed if you've chatted with me but trust me I do.
5. Insomnia, I don't sleep much no matter how tired I am because I always need to be doing something but once I start something I can't stop.

That's it for now, though I could probably think of more.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

1. Everything Sinful listed I had, must be the military.

4. I know I'm better than everyone, I don't mean I'm confident I mean I tend to look down on people. You might never have noticed if you've chatted with me but trust me I do.

Actually most of my theatre buddies shared number one with ya. As for number four? Never noticed it. Even now, I'm not seeing that one. Guess you hide it well.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

See, that's a good way to put it.
I used to just say "I don't think I'm superior to anyone, I just think everyone's inferior to me"
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

My vise? Liquor, particularly Scotch and Whiskey. Since I am poor I don't drink that much, so I also drink cheap wine, as I am sure some of you whom I talk to on AOL IM can attest too ^_^
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

"Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker."

Name the author, anyone?
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

MMM, scotch do you prefer Highlands or Islay. I tend to like the Highlands stuff better, but there's some damn good Islays out there.

Hope: I try not to let it come out often, if I did I would never speak. It comes out most with my family. Drives my little brother and fiancee nuts.

Edit: Ogden Nash
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Vices... well I'm far from a perfect woman (hence my title, que canned laughter)

I smoke, cigars and cigarettes, a bad habit I got from the military
I swear profusely. I think I'm the only kid in my high school that had another kid from their high school come up to them and say. "Could you please stop saying fuck?"
I enjoy sex a little too much. I've calmed down a lot since dating Sly, but I almost regret some of the romps I had when younger. (I say almost, because I regret nothing I did cause it made me the person I am today).
I had a problem with alcohol for a bit.
Had some emotional problems a little over two years ago that I fixed... perhaps making me a little too jaded in retrospect.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head...

*imagines sinful coming home and beating her wife*
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

MMM, scotch do you prefer Highlands or Islay. I tend to like the Highlands stuff better, but there's some damn good Islays out there.

Hope: I try not to let it come out often, if I did I would never speak. It comes out most with my family. Drives my little brother and fiancee nuts.

Edit: Ogden Nash

Actually I always thought it was Willy Wonka in the movie starring Gene Wilder, but he was probably quoting Nash. I learn something new every day. xD
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

I said Nash because you said who authored it not who said it.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

And I stand fully corrected. :-D
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Alcohol, smoking, a sweet tooth, and the fact that is most anoying to the people around me being that i sing along with the music when im drunk :p
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Alcohol, smoking, a sweet tooth, and the fact that is most anoying to the people around me being that i sing along with the music when im drunk :p

Liquor + Rock Band + My horrid singing = annoyed roomate ^_^

Dmronny: I don't know where it comes from, but I like Glen Livvet (sp?) the best (of the single malt scotches).
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

College is less forgiving of the "don't do anything and then just stay up until 3AM studying the night before exams" plan than high school was. :eek:

It is?

Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)


Chocolate, and eating.

I love chocolate. I really love chocolate. I REALLY, REALLY love chocolate. I would sell my little brother's soul for chocolate (mine is already taken :p).

And as for eating.... it's not so much gluttony, as it is I can't stand to see good food go to waste. I control my eating quite well, but if I get food set in front of me at a restaurant, I feel as though I have to finish it all, even if I have to take it home. Letting it get thrown away seems like such a waste.

Did I mention I love chocolate? :D
I'm asking for Pocky for Christmas :p
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

It is?

Well it is for me, but I guess I'm also a lot more motivated to do my best. I'd like to go for my Masters in Education next and that means doing well now.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Well, if you are going to write an exam from home you can just flip through your schoolbooks at random and find something to write about. :D Its trickier if you have an exam at the actual universitygrounds. Atleast thats how it works in Sweden.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

I must confess a serious addiction to Guitar Hero.
Re: Vices, anyone? (besides tentacles)

Gatorbait said:
Dmronny: I don't know where it comes from, but I like Glen Livvet (sp?) the best (of the single malt scotches).

The Glenlivet is a Speyside, which is what most of the more common brands are. My favorites are Glenmorangie (Highland), and Laphroaig (Islay). Laphroaig is the strongest falvored scotch I've ever had so a lot of people don't like it, but I highly recommend it.